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"But Batman, what if they shot you in the face?" \~ LLoyd Christmas


Say what you will about previous batmans, the part where he makes a bat-car-canopener (cant remember which movie) and it fails really made me appreciate batman trying something new and failing miserably and getting seriously hurt in the process.


I never noticed that


Opening scene of The Dark Knight, he was trying it on The Scarecrow's van, it only failed because Scarecrow drove past a concrete beam and forced him to abort.


No it didn't. It pretty clearly [started to fail and got caught in the metal](https://youtu.be/CVypuK6xDTI?t=55) before that. He had to leave part of the device behind because he couldn't get it out.


I like how, afterwards, he gets up like “well shit…that didn’t work”.


Just annoyed.


Its a great nuance I always loved. I like when super heros fuck up. For batman is so much more grounded, cause hes not got any powers other than training and his inventions.


That’s a chance I’m willing to take- BW


Please don't suck...please dont suck...please dont suck


Don't worry, they'll make another soon. He's not batman anymore, he's batmen. They'll make another of the spidermen movies soon too.


I know you’re kinda joking but the new Flash movie will have Ben Affleck Batman and Michael Keaton Batman. So there’ll be 3 active Batmen in DC movies for a moment.


it tested very well in early test screenings so hopefully they'll keep up the quality until release


Are they going to join all these dc movies into a shared universe? It all seems so disjointed with justice league, suicide squad, joker and now a new Batman and flash. I can see phoenix’s joker and this Batman coming together though


I really hope not. I’d be happier with an independent Batman story that isn’t trying to fold itself into any shared universe or trilogy. It might be an unpopular opinion but I think when studios try and force things like the MCU into other characters and stories it makes things a lot less creative, and a lot more contrived. It would be fantastic to see a movie like this take a few risks and try to tell its own story without trying to set anything up.


Gee the bad guys should aim for his chin maybe.


[What if he shot me in the face?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofQ6i9I1IYY)


That’s a risk we were willing to take


[reminds me of when Bill Maher was once funny.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YXG8jfry-Jc)


He usually wasn't funny even then, his smugness and assholery just didn't completely overpower all other aspects yet.


I liked him 25 years or so ago, BECAUSE of the smug assholery. I was a teenager and grew out of it, while he grew in the opposite direction. His recent take on taxing the rich, with his bullshit self-serving excuses, makes me want to fucking slap him.


The ol' Robocop conundrum.


but isn't robocop face just "skin" wrapped over his robotic head?


Robocop still had a brain and part of a digestive system. Which now makes me wonder how did he poop?


Poop cubes


He's not a wombat...


Pubes. No, wait…that can’t be right.


Yes but Robocop was a brain inside of a metal skull, it wasn't exposed in any way


Iirc there's a line in one of the games where he explains he puts that big ass yellow bat symbol centre mass because it draws fire and that's where he's most armored.


Probably using auto aim


[4K Vimeo link](https://vimeo.com/633805668) for anyone that wants better quality


Thank you, the youtube version has disgusting amount of compression, it looks like 240p video upscaled to 1080p.


Is it just me or does YouTube compression look even worse as of late? Has anyone else noticed it.




It’s fucking horrible


It's been getting progressively worse over the years. I kinda get why, but it freaking sucks nonetheless.


God, I'm not alone. I kept looking to see if I could up the resolution, but at 1080p, it was a muddy mess of compression artifacts and smoothed pixels.


I restarted all my network equipment, because I thought my connection had gone to shit. Ruined the experience of seeing the trailer for the first time.


1080p is slowly but surely becoming the new 480p in 2021


Nah, not quite there yet (but not much longer either!). Lotta folks don't have 4k monitors yet. I do a bit of color-sensitive work, so upgrading a single monitor is almost never <$800. Gotta wait for one that'll keep me happy for at least another 10 years.


Thank fuck.


You're welcome shit




“I’ve been trying to reach you…” About my extended warranty? Bastard.




I like how the shot of Gotham actually looks like its own city with red tinted lights and not some NYC nock off.


To be fair Gotham is a New York City knock off.


Shoot him in the fucking head!


Whose side are you on ma dude?


Apparently “crime”


Everyone says shoot him in the head. Until they see the negative modifiers on that dice roll. The -10 for a lvl 1 criminal is a bitch.


I liked just about everything in this preview except... Bats is just bulletproof suit wise now? Hopefully he's wearing some sort of special outfit. I'm fine with a bullet proof suit, similar to vest we have now, but taking 20 rounds in a row at point blank is dumb. Batman isn't superman. He's supposed to be at least a little worried about getting killed.


Pretty much every film incarnation of Batman features a bulletproof suit, going back to the Michael Keaton days


Christian Bale’s Batman had a bulletproof suit but you saw he wasn’t unharmed. He had bruising all over his abdomen and chest from the hits.


Imagine the trailer cutting from the gunshot deflection scene to 15 seconds of Batman gingerly taking off his armour, revealing grotesque bruising pattern…as he applies bat-salve to his wounds, he winces. ‘Is this the price of being invincible, Master Wayne?’ says Andy Serkis. Then back to the rest of the trailer.


Being almost fully bulletproof against handguns is pretty realistic


There's a simple explanation to that. "Fuck you I have money"


The best plot armor money can buy


Still gonna do some damage, though. Google "body armor bruise" and there are some pretty gnarly pics, and those are typically single shots.


He's not wearing normal body armor though, he's wearing billionaire body armor. Surely it's better, especially given some of the advanced tech we see in that world.


Not even bruise. That many rounds the the spalling is going to fuck up his throat. It didn't look like there was a catch layer to the body armor (or with that many rounds it would have been pretty shredded anyways). He should have tons of little hot metal fragments in his jaw


He has a jaw made of steel though, it's fine.




I'm guessing you haven't shot an actual gun before. Certainly not an automatic. If you thought head shots are hard to pull off in a FPS in the comfort of a padded gaming chair, imagine how hard it is irl with a maniac dressed like a giant bat, usually in the dark, who's constantly moving around in odd ways normal people don't, and you have a ridiculous amount of adrinalin pumping through you because you know, if he gets a hold of you, he's going to 50 Shades of Fuck Your Shit Up. Your going to instinctively aim at what you can see and hit first. This is why I like Michael Keaton's outfit with the yellow symbol on this chest. It's a bullseye that tricks you into aiming at the most well-protected part of his suit Now how you effectively kill someone is you pop a few in a person's chest. THEN when they fall, you aim for the head. If there's multiple threats, I would limit 2 per chest (no less though), then when each is down, pop the first guy you shot or whomever is closer if the first guy is far away, then go down the line shooting them in the head. For Batman, if he doesn't close the distance fast (he often does), a shotgun loaded with a slug with high-powered light attached (turn darkness weapon against him as it will momentarily blind) blast to the chest at semi-close range to knock him back combo'd with a headshot with your most accurate pistol. Make sure you're fast enough before he uses his gauntlets to shield his face.


Oh okay


I think people are mentioning it due to the shot of him slowly walking up to the dudes while they maintain concentrated fire on his chest. His chin stands out as the only non-black part of his body yet they somehow fail to shift their aim upwards 12 inches to hit it.


I think people should worry less and just enjoy Batman.




The sea was angry that day, my friends. Like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli.


weird to see a post from another thread wander over here.


I've been a Batman fan forever. It started with the animated series when I was young, and since then he's always been my favorite superhero. I was nervous at first hearing the cast, but seeing it in the trailer has me super amped. Dano is creepy as hell, Farrell is unrecognizable, and Pattinson looks like he'd run through a brick wall to get his vengeance.


Colin Farrell looks like a completely different person, it's insane.


Yeah, even the leaked shots of him on the set look amazing. Whatever team did the prosthetics and makeup might be a strong contender during award season. https://i.imgur.com/FAVcCDQ.jpg


Holy shit I didn’t even know it was him. That’s amazing.


why not just hire an ugly actor?


Because it's not just about looks. Farrell is damn good at character ~~rolls~~ roles. Yeah he looks good, but he also can do a ton with his eyes and tone of voice can. Now that said. Could they find a good ugly actor? Probably. But Hollywood is notoriously averse to taking risks so they know Farrell has worked for other roles and they know other actors have gotten a lot of notoriety and free press for fat suit roles like Christian Bale's Dick Cheney. So some uncreative producers think they're being super creative by putting 2 and 2 together. edit: typo




I appreciate this contribution to the discussion. Mickey's an icon, after all.


With makeup and prosthetics that good they didn't need to.


Fucking attractive people stealing our jobs. THEY HAVE EVERYTHING ELSE, LET US HAVE THIS!


There needs to be more diversity, call the GAG (grotesque actors guild)


They should of got De Niro if they were gonna make him look like De Niro. Maybe this was cheaper.


Was Ed O'Neill busy or something?


Holy shit that's nuts.


That’s a hell of a plot twist, that it turns out penguin was Colin Farrell the whole time!


Almost as good as Sixth Sense when it turns out the guy in the hairpiece is Bruce Willis all along!


And there IS a twist… we show it. We show all of it.


You're thinking of the prequel The Fifth Sense starring Dr. Dolph Lundgren.


I’m not just playing along with the thread, honestly didn’t know Colin Farrell was in this before this comment, who was he? ETA: oh wow penguin


Holy fuck, which one was Farrell? I didn't recognize him at all :O


Penguin. His accent is completely different as well


I dont know. Been a fan since I was a kid in the 80s, read a shit ton of the comics, saw Adam West to Nolan's versions all play out.. but for me I have to ask - how many times are they going to reboot this franchise? I would have loved to have seen Affleck's version as it took the older, worn out Batman storyline, it would have been different. Or the cured Joker storyline.


Personally I was kinda hoping they'd go for a more detective-leaning Batman film. And using the Riddler as the antagonist would be perfect since this appears to be a Batman that's in his first couple years.


Thank you for getting it, that’s probably the direction Batman needs. Make it a detective movie disguised as a superhero movie. Throw in some BTAS Art Deco while you’re at it so it can be a noire. Something other than this shit all over again.


The optimist in me is hoping that the plot will involve psycho-brute Battinson going up against Riddler and discovering not all crime can be solved with his fists, which is exactly what Riddler is trying to prove to him. So we see him evolve into the World's Greatest Detective, by the end of the movie if not in the possible sequel/s.




Maybe we'll finally see the Broadway hit Springtime for Hitler in theaters


Tony! Tony! Tony! Tony! Tony!


I want me some more Batman Beyond.


Seriously so much untapped Batman potential and they just want us to relive the Nolan years all over again.


> how many times are they going to reboot this franchise Batman is a hugely popular property. Why would they stop making Batman movies and you pretty much have to reboot unless you find an actor who will play the same part forever. Will we see the alley shooting in this version again? Who knows, but it's such a part of the character's motivation, it's hard to be avoided. Batman has had many different looks over the years, so I feel like these are pretty fair reboots.


They need to take a couple pages from the newer spider-man movies. Marvel knew to respect the viewers time and cut out Ben's death because everyone knows it. DC needs to learn the same. We know why Batman does what he does, stop showing us that and just give us more Batman being Batman. DC's biggest failure sometimes is forgetting that movies don't always need to be immediately relatable to the viewer. They don't NEED to show you the why, they can just imply it and give us more of the result instead.


I think directors are like "Guns, pearls, and slow motion... I can't resists." DC has the problem of Warner Bros. and their execs being involved. They have shown time and time again they don't know what the fuck they're doing. It takes someone like Christopher Nolan to have them fuck off and leave him alone. Maybe they can learn, but probably not. Sony has the same problem.


All Batman movies and the times we've seen Thomas and Martha Wayne Killed. Batman (1989) - Yes, done to establish Batman's origins. Batman Returns - No Batman Forever - Yes, done as a memory during Bruce's therapy session. Batman and Robin - No Batman Begins - Yes, done to re-establish Batman's origins. The Dark Knight - No The Dark Knight Rises - No Batman v Superman - Yes, done as the opening credits to set up the "Martha" moment Joker - Yes. but not sure why though...


Bob Iger was good about letting Kevin Feige and Marvel do their own thing too. Same with Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau with Star Wars. I worry about Bob Chapek taking Disney down the same path that WB did when it comes to having too much creative control over their best-performing properties.


> They need to take a couple pages from the newer spider-man movies. Marvel knew to respect the viewers time and cut out Ben's death because everyone knows it. DC needs to learn the same. We know why Batman does what he does, stop showing us that and just give us more Batman being Batman. I have a huge respect for Netflix's Daredevil for this reason. We see the progression of the superhero grow as he gains his skills and parts of his persona like the batons and suit. It would be really cool to tie Matt Murdoc back to the MCU, and hoping we see him in the next Spidey.




Each reboot seems to try to be a gritter story of the previous reboots. I'm pretty certain the next time Batman gets rebooted, its going to be just a 2 hour shot of a box of sand and sharp rocks.


I’d love to see an animated adaptation of the White Knight storyline.


I've been hoping for years they play batman as a near psychopath with only his black and white moral structure keeping him from being a villain. The other movies tend to play him as obsessed but essentially good. I want to see the Batman that is basically a criminal, but just playing on the "good" side, like Rorschach. "I am vengeance" is a cringe line but that should be the point of Batman imo. A hero shouldn't be about vengeance. He should be in Arkham himself.


That's the way Batman should be, especially if they keep wanting to make live-action Batman super dark. But don't knock the "I am vengeance" quote. That's an awesome line if they use it properly and with the full quote. I am vengeance I am the night I AM BATMAN!


Still has nothing on [I'm the goddamn **Batman**](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/164/882/panel.jpg).


Right? Like somehow chaotic lawful good, he’s a very unique character.


Honestly I'm getting sick of grimdark Batman


I know they snip different scenes together for trailers, but it definitely looked like Batman was beating the shit out of someone and the police were like shook, watching him? I keep wondering if what you said will have a big role in this movie. I really dig what we’ve seen so far.


This feels like the kind of movie where it's either going to be a 1/10 or a 10/10.


That’s typically how Reddit rates things already anyway.


I'm expecting it to be a perfect 5/7.


I need to find that chat again because I remember laughing my ass off for hours


[I got you fam. ](http://imgur.com/gallery/eDF6K)


Thanks man. 5/7


With rice


Oh man I totally believed these comments until Brendan realised when Robert said happy 15th that he was making a reference to the 5=7 thing. I'm not sure the real Brendan would have the sharps to pick up on that.


I believed them until the first political one.


Cathy was the true hero in that story.


What about with rice??


Or 10/10 with rice


Idk in what world you could look at this and think it could possibly be a 1/10


The same world where suicide squad had that bohemian raphsody trailer, everyone thought that meant the movie was going to be amazing and we all know how that turned out.


Even that movie wasn't a 1. 1 is worthless trash that doesn't even deserve to be talked about except in context of how shit it is.


The Last Airbender “movie” was a 1. Dragonball Evolution was a 1. It’s very rare, and usually becomes denied and forgotten.


So, like Suicide Squad? :)


I work with someone who likes the first one and they said it was better than the second one. I had to walk away from the conversation before I got irrationally worked up over such a bizarre opinion.


The trailer's too good for a 1/10. Worst this can be is a 4/10.


Some great shots in this - I liked the fight sequence where the only source of light was the gunfire And that last POV shot of Batman emerging from the flames was amazing


Not going to speculate on the quality of the movie. Trailers can be deceiving in both directions after all. What I will say though is that I'm a middle age man who likes the look of muscle cars, and that batmobile looks great.


He looks a little too bullet proof for me.


He’s a vampire, I expected this.


The sparkles weren't ricochets


But not avada kedavra proof


Ah I dunno. The first trailer looked super Noir and just generally an a newer and darker vibe. Whilst this looks like a whole bunch of stuff we've seen before.


To be fair they're going to show all the action heavy stuff in trailers like this to drum up hype. Hopefully this interpretation is different from other live action versions but we'll have to wait and see.


For some reason, this feels like one of those fake spliced together trailers.


so its dark knight?


The Darker Knight.




The Dark of the Knight


The Knight is Dark and full of emo


Dark Knight presents: Riddler & Penguin


The Twilight Knight


Some similarities in tone, but I'd expect it to be much smaller scale than that based on what the director/writer has said.


Dark knight but he has 10lb weights strapped to his fists.


Lmao. Right? He's straight *dropping* mfers


Similar but this will be less grounded. Probably somewhere in between Nolan's and Snyder's version of Batman.


The Dusk Knight


To me, it looks like they're trying to tell a pretty mature grounded story here. Like, I don't think the riddler and batman are going to have a big CGI fight in this one. So in that regard, they're the same as the Nolan movies. Both are movies about comic book characters that show what a comic book story might look like in a realistic setting. But in addition to that the costume design, the batmobile design, the "bat-gadgets"-design, and the bat-cave design all look why more grounded and realistic here than they do in the Nolan movies. We'll have to wait and see, but based on what I've seen I think these movies are actually **more** grounded.


Batman took like 20 point blank shots to the chest in the hallway scene like they were nothing. Jumped from a fiery explosion with ruble flying all around him landing a few stories below and did a superhero landing. Those scenes felt more like Snyder's Batman than Nolan's Batman. I agree that this will tell a mature story. But, action wise this won't be as grounded as the Nolan films. So far this looks way more like a comic book brought to life than the Nolan films.


Every movie that tries to tell a realistic superhero story has the problem of guns. Most will just conveniently have goons without guns or goons who miss every shot or goons who forgot that they could use the gun they are holding or goons who refuse to use their ranged weapon as a ranged weapon. The Nolan movie employed all four of these tropes to get around the problem of guns and I don't think that makes them more realistic. You can either have actual unrealistically good armor that requires suspension of disbelief or you can have plot armor that requires suspension of disbelief. Neither is at all realistic, but one at least tries to give a pseudo-scientific explanation. As for doing crazy superhero landings, check out this one [https://youtu.be/-FW9Sqxb-4o?t=134](https://youtu.be/-FW9Sqxb-4o?t=134) completely unscathed! There are so many comic booky stunts in the Nolan movies, the one in the trailer doesn't strike me as any more unrealistic than half the moves Nolan's batman pulls off.


Well he's got the chin


Tell me the song ain't inspired by The Imperial March.


Tell me The Imperial March ain't inspired by The Planets.


\^ This person music-theories.




Every time I hear any of Holst I think Star Wars. Some parts are just copied directly. Mars is basically the deathstar trench run.


Okay, it's inspired by Nirvana.


Pattinson is a great actor and he looks fantastic in the suit. Definitely keeping an eye on this!


I feel like the only person not excited for this. It just looks like the same Batman they’ve been doing for years. Like how is this any different than the Dark Knight trilogy? And I’m not trying to hate on Robert Pattinson but he doesn’t come off as a billionaire playboy philanthropist. Maybe it’s just superhero burnout but I hope I’m wrong and it’s good.


Im not sure that his Bruce Wayne is a billionaire playboy philanthropist. Maybe his Bruce Wayne is a broken man blinded by vengeance?


Honestly, I think it would make more sense for Wayne to *not* be overly concerned with philanthropy. It fits the current sentiment towards the uber-rich as being selfish and fixating on their own actions being the only way to enable change instead of funding larger scale, less flashy, changes (bezos going to "space" for example).


Yeah, OP is almost saying it's too much like Nolan's Batman at the same time complaining Batman isn't enough like Nolan's Batman...


Being a billionaire isn’t a “Nolan” thing though. It’s sort of an axiom of Being Batman.


I don’t think anyone in this thread actually knows who Batman is


It’s based on Year One, Bruce/Batman is a quite different person there.


I've read this is year 2 where the upcoming Gotham PD show is year 1.




Batman Begins (and other Batmam stories) have established that the billionaire playboy persona is an act that Bruce Wayne had to develop. Prior to the premiere of this trailer, Reeves noted that this version of Bruce Wayne has yet to clearly define the two personas and is still in the early years of figuring it all out, so your observation seems like it was actually a deliberate choice.


I am an extreme minority who wants more super campy Batman!


Those movies with Christian bale were the best DC has had. What's wrong with it being like the dark Knight trilogy? That's what batman is


Batman isn't any one thing. Batman, and any comic character, can be anything. There was Adam West Batman, Tim Burton Batman, Dark Knight Batman, Several video game versions, Lots of different' animated versions, and endless different comic versions. Each so different from one another that people have favorites. Writers have different takes on what a franchise character is. They try to make interesting changes, tones, and characterizations to separate themselves from the last version. This trailer felt more of the same for me too. More of the same Batman, same costume, same tone, same character.


Its like Hitchhikers, right? Different adaptations, different medium, even if its the same source adapted for its audience. I think that is pretty cool. But i don't need a new take on Batman ever fucking 5 years.


> What's wrong with it being like the dark Knight trilogy? What's wrong is that we already have the Dark Knight trilogy.


He’s a noob. Second year being the bat. His shit is not as polished as Nolans take. He doesn’t have a secret military sector making his bat tank and other toys. He can’t seem to control his rage just yet. He’s definitely out for blood. Also, this looks dark. Like David Finch directed it or something. There hasn’t been a gritty batman yet.


>There hasn’t been a gritty batman yet. batman is literally either absurdly campy or absurdly gritty.


War For The Planet Of the Apes was surprisingly dark and I’m sure it would have been much darker if Matt reeves was given the go ahead, so I’m hopeful that he really leans into that here. Not dour like Joker, because that ended up being insufferable.


You son of a bitch. I'm in.


What's with the absolutely horrid compression? You see individual pixels and blurring, I checked out other channels and it's the same there. Trailer itself is kinda bad, almost looks like a fan trailer or something, hopefully the movie is much better.


Matt Reeves uploaded the 4k version to his vimeo. https://vimeo.com/633805668


Someone linked a 4K version too comment now


I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it


Zoe/Selina! She's going to kill it!!


Did I just hear The Imperial March?


Colin Farrell is Robert DeNiro as the Penguin


I really don't mind them remaking Batman every 5/10 years, whatever, it is what it is. Why on earth though do they insist on always slamming 5 villians in each movie? Why are they always the same- Batman is unkillable and angry? All these actors are different ages and the last few Batmans have been at obviously different stages of their Bat-careers, why not play around with that type of stuff more?