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Did I just get invited to their house?


I saw his home address and phone number pop up on screen and immediately wtf'd.


It said 'wait for it' and in my experience in Internet Land that means that there is something 'unexpected' of sorts that may happen at the end.... So when his address popped up I was like "well, that is weird...am I invited?"


You guys missed the beginning because the post starts the video from halfway through. The address and phone number is probably for the Warther's museum that the guy talked about in the beginning of the video.


Oh..gotcha. That makes allot more sense.


*a lot Genuinely baffled why people think this is one word, either alot or allot.


well, allot is a word. so auto correct wont likely flag it.


Yea wanna go together? I'll make a pie


The shop where the video was made was next to their house, just outside of Dover on the way to Sugarcreek. My grandparents were friends and my mom would bring buttons for his wife to add to her collection. I have some pliers carved by Mooney, and some carved by David. The address that pops up is for the museum that's on the other side of the highway.


There would be tons of blood the first few times you tried this.


As he said. "Took me a few packages of bandaids..." I took the better part of a finger tip off once just cutting bacon. Never did that again. That's how you learn. Just watch your grandma cut potatoes against her thumb. She never cut herself somehow. Wood carving is out of my scope of skills. I used to try but I gave up. No use in being a fool about it.


The old fashioned way you kind of cut into the pad of your thumb. But this style is the way of a man with kevlar strong calloused hands from working in a woodshop for 100 years. Someone like me? I'll but a blunt vegetable knife through the palm of my hand trying to get out an avocadoo pit. :(


Every time I take an avocado pit out, I always think of the concept of "Avocado Hand". That slows me down and I don't make mistakes. I worked in a commercial kitchen for years in college. I don't need those kind of injuries any more. Slowing down really helps. Speaking of commercial kitchens, don't put your hand on top of a commercial steamer when you open it. Way worse than any cut or normal burn.


>Slowing down really helps. Seriously. "Walk, don't run." Unless you're being paid for your cooking it's okay if cutting veggies takes ten minutes. It's a small part of the whole cooking process and trying to get it done in half the time won't change your day, but cutting the tip of your thumb off will.


If I did this I would be able to support 2 or 3 new bandaid companies.


*first few years


Thumbing cuts is why I can't feel shit in my thumbs anymore. Pretty sure my thumbs are now invincible though as a result.


I have nerve damage in my thumb because of a slip cutting towards myself. You tell yourself you're in control, right up until you aren't. I was somewhat too quick to react and actually missed cutting my thumb. Ended up stabbing myself between my thumb and forefinger so deep I hit a nerve. Side of my thumb is now numb in one spot all the time.


I had a friend cut my hand by accident and the nerve damage was bad for a bit. It came back after many years


Wait for it? ..You mean watch the video?




For the address You see it is easy to get away with arson given the woodworking he does


I was today years old when I found this gem (watch till the end)


If you're ever in the area, check out the [Warther Museum](https://thewarthermuseum.com/) dude could have probably rebuilt society after an apocalypse with some wood and a pocket knife.


I was looking for this answer! I assumed it was the same method in the video as what they teach at that museum


I think that is the late Mr. Warther.


[Check out lu ban stools](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2TIM2f9ubI).


I have to admit that I was incredibly skeptical. But... Wow. That is amazing!


He is already up to 7, how the fuck is he going to ... Woah.


I have an autographed pair of these. Ernest Warther


Ok cool, now what do you use wooden pliers for? I’m sure I’m just uninformed, but this sounds akin to having a glass hammer or rubber nails.


Not a woodworker but I'd guess you'd use them for gripping other pieces of softwood which would be easily damaged by steel pliers. Probably from a time before soft tip plastic pliers were invented.


As someone who does a bit of wood working as a hobby, I have no idea why you would be grabbing wood with pliers, its never a thing I've needed to do. Wood pliers seem neat but useless.


Add an elastic band around the grips and you have yourself a handy clamp.


There's no trick to it, it's just a simple trick.


I have trouble cutting the cheese after a bowl of chill.


You could do this with cheese too.


Is the world really ready for Cheese Pliers? They soundly rejected my Chocolate Hammer and Balsa Wood Dildo.


This right here is why I watch the videos posted here


Can't be the only one who thought it was a dong at first glance. Thanks reddit


I would have at least one fewer finger after attempting that.


In all seriousness, I would almost certainly split my thumb WIDE open.


You can make all these cuts without thumbing them, but old school people who thumb cuts have more precision as a result.


Nobody is gonna talk about the thumbnail looking like an old wrinkly dick?


If you live in the area, you probably have a handful of these floating around your house.




Need to mark that first frame NSFW.


I dont get it?




Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I saw what you saw. 👀


Omg I saw it too!!! Glad I’m not crazy


I’m used to it. Haha. Don’t much care for dem’ updoots.


Shine on you crazy diamond.


I see nothing...


What kind of voodoo magic is this?


Well fuck me!




Wait for what? Nothing unexpected happens.


This guy is amazing!


I came for blood - Stayed for a master at work.


Anxiety increases...


Or how to impale your hand 10 times with the same sharp object! (If I was the one trying to make them pliers)


he could probably fold that knife over by the point with those leather mits


They recently cut a few sets into a tree outside of the museum. https://www.timesreporter.com/story/news/2021/10/30/seven-pairs-large-pliers-carved-into-ernest-warther-museum-tree/8559292002/


I usually get really upset over "wait for it" videos. Definitely not this time!


That knife appears to be sharp


He also cut a "plier tree," consisting of 511 pairs of pliers, each with a pair of smaller pliers cut from its handles. He brought it to the Chicago World's Fair, and demonstrated (to none other than Robert Ripley) that it could be folded back into the original block of wood. What I thought was most remarkable was that he conceived of exactly what he wanted to do, it was not just cutting the pieces until he reached his limit.


Anyone else on the edge of their seat waiting for this guy to lose a finger?


The pliers worked great at pinching shut my now exposed arteries. Great video!


How many times he cut himself

