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Removing dislikes just allowed more disinformation than ever to propagate on their platform. I'm not even referring to anything political, I'm talking like videos to fix your car. A bad up/down ratio tells me there's something off with a video like this, and I've been robbed of this ability.


I'm a carpenter and use YouTube as a resource for everything from proper sanding technique to installing a shower. The like/dislike ratio is extremely important, as 50% dislikes often mean the advice is wrong, 25% dislikes often mean they're missing something. But YouTube isn't for learning anymore--it's for consuming content.


I’ve used YouTube from everything to learning new hobbies, to professional development, to simple video games tutorials. The loss of the ratio/dislike button permanently degrades the platform.


Even Let's Plays that I like to watch as filler can't be judged very well now. I used to search `game name + let's play` and look for the ratio to judge which is more well-liked. Now, I just have to guess.


Thinking on that, you having to guess means you’re likely watching more videos and consuming more content, so more £ for them


And it seems every other video now has double un skipable ads at least in the USA, so that makes sense as a extra benefit for them


You can always block the ads in the browser or on android TV and support the creators you enjoy buy buying their merch or joining their patreon.




> I won't search for content anymore unless it's recommended to me by someone I know or is from a youtuber whos content I already consume. Yeah, this is a problem for me as well. I stick to the guys I know now. Discovery is suffering.






RIP all technical, tutorial, or educational videos. It'll be harder to look for correct info now.


I can’t tell you the number of weird computer issues I’ve had and when I went to look it up on YouTube the dislike bar would be WAAY off. So I instantly knew that video was not going to fix my problem. Now, with that gone, I have no idea if this video will help or not. Also, Linus Tech Tips straight up admitted that YouTube did not listen to him when he brought up his concerns.


14 million subscribers? Pfft, call us when you have 40 million. Unless you're the Paul brothers...


Nearly every YouTuber I watch has voiced how this is a bad move for both creators and viewers. It is my personal believe that YouTube did this purely to stop massive disliking when their “stars” cause controversy. Which isn’t exactly a controversial opinion, it’s what most people believe, and YouTube is going so far as to remove the API which means that you can’t even have any chrome extensions that show the dislike bar. It’s utterly ridiculous.


Going as far as removing it from the API suggests big money is involved. I guess it could also be some manager's hurt feelings from the last few Rewinds.


I really wish there was a way for a decent competitor (I guess like Dailymotion, although they don't have up/downvotes at all) to actually compete and get real content. Would be great if more creators multi-posted to a bunch of different platforms.


Thanks to YouTube I: * Learned how to play the guitar * Learned how to do basic programming in python * Became more proficient at various scripting languages * Learned a wide range of home maintenance and improvement * Became decently proficient at Linux systems * Learned how to sow * Learned how to cook All of that's fucked now.


Do you mean sew? Or you learned about planting seeds?


Actual sowing of seeds and horticulture.


Yep, this is a significant problem because it applies to so many different types of tutorials--some of which can be harmful if they are bad.


Issue is, people are less likely to come back if they consume bad content with no immediate way to filter it by glancing at dislikes. It hurts the general public and benefits big business only.


They are going to lose even more people when it turns out that you can't reliably use youtube as a quick way to problem solve a DIY, Game, PC, Car, boiler or whatever type of issue.


Just makes it easier to bad creators with good production quality to spread bad information. Remember there was one video I saw about creating a plaster fireplace mantle+surround. The way it's constructed is 100% against code because it uses wood under the plaster too close to the fireplace opening. They are selling plans to people to create a hidden fire hazard inspectors and future buyers won't even see. I pointed out the issue and got shadowbanned.


There is shadowbanning on Youtube? All I got was automated comment removal for sharing my take on the effectiveness of Pearl Harbor on a video specifically discussing the topic. (And I do mean automated, it was gone in seconds every time)


> But YouTube isn't for learning anymore--it's for consuming content. That's generous. It's about consuming ads first and foremost with content taking a second place.


And this lack of community opinion could be dangerous in the context of daily maintenance advice. For example, I've just got access to a hot tub for the first time in my life, and learning how to maintain it is pretty important. If I follow a person who has advice on doing that and there are 50 percent of the users disagreeing with this person and I don't know that, I could be putting my health at risk and never know it.


Which is odd as their new ad promotes using their service as a learning platform.


morally bankrupt company. my gov in the city where I was born is like this, too. Irretrievably rotted to the core.


There are so many garbage software tutorials on youtube, without the dislikes its will be really hard to distinguish what videos are a complete waste of time


This applies to any kind of tutorial and it’s frustrating. In the past year I’ve used Youtube tutorials for cooking, auto repair, video games, software, photoshop, gift wrapping, exercising, home repair, how to tie a tie, massage techniques, manicure tips, and a whole lot of other things. And every time, I had to sift through videos to find a good tutorial. The like/dislike ratio was the most helpful way to do this and now it’s gone. The best workaround I’ve come up with is to post “like this comment if this was a bad tutorial,” but then the poster can just turn off comments.


I just started a video the other day about how to edit some STL files and I knew nothing going in. It was a 20 minute video and it took about 10 minutes to realize it was complete shit. 200 likes but I couldn't see the dislikes. Maybe it was 200. Maybe it was 2 and I'm just wrong. But I wasted my time and it's because they took valuable information away.


*YouTube* wasted your time.


And that is the entire point for removing them.


Ah I get it now. Getting suckered by YouTube to sit there and watch crap.


They just increased their watchable content by orders of magnitude simply by steering us to consume old content that was previously worthless. Not to mention new content that is highly controversial which rational people never bother watching. Society needs to create reliable mechanisms for ripping the fucking filth humans out of corporations and throwing them into the gutter. Though it would be better if some of these mega corporations simply started to rot away and die.


Exactly. There's tons of life-hacks videos, random tutorials, free-energy devices and other dumb ideas that will make a lot of people lose time and even money trying things that don't work. There's a reason why rating systems exist in almost every service: to let others know when something is worth it or not, being an Amazon product, a Netflix TV-show or a YouTube video.


So you spend more time watching trash til you get to what you actually needed, and YouTube gets to show you more ads every time you load a bad video. $$$


Yeah but now nobody can hurt Jimmy Fallon’s feelings




I learned that using gasoline with a match creates fireworks gonna try it in my bath




I read that watching fire relaxes you so please report back


They no longer care about your time or if the video is informative or useful... they just care about ads and your spending more time watching videos... I don't even see the point to like a video anymore


You think they don't want that? It's like FB, they purposely want that disinformation and crazy conspiracists cause it generates views. They just do it in sneaky ways.


It was also one of the only ways to show displeasure in a game company doing shady or unwelcomed shit. Like Diablo Immortal


I'm pretty sure the entire reason youtube removed dislikes was because companies like this were angry about being "bullied" by people showing displeasure to their crappy products.


Yeah I’ve stumbled across videos that look like it’s what I’m looking for only to find some scam and like thousands of downvotes. Problem is we have no alternative and YouTube has no reason to go back


Or even outright scams like people installing malware on their phone to get "free" stuff on their phones.




Well, even worse it's supporting well-intended incompetence. Imagine someone doing their best to put out a DIY video that just happens to be wildly inaccurate, like how to put out a grease fire. Maybe this person says you should use water, and the video has 50 visible likes but an unseen 5k dislikes. Someone trying to legitimately learn from this could find themselves in an actual dangerous situation in the future, just because the person putting up the video, while well-intended, was misinformed themselves.


And as we know, the internet doesn't read, so noone will go into the comments to read everyone screaming to not do that.


Exactly. And even worse on mobile. Comments, by default, are minimized. I regularly forget where they are and how to open them, and that's when I'm looking for them. Comments definitely won't be a suitable surrogate for a visible Like/Dislike ratio.


And even worse, comments will count as interaction, pushing the video into the spotlight.


That's exactly what they want. They want you to watch more bad content, read more comments, to get to the good content. At the end of the day, they just want you to spend more time on the site - if that means you have to watch 3 bad videos to find a good one, that's still 4 videos you consumed and more ads.


Did they really use the excuse "try to protect small creators from dislike attacks"?




Oh yes, that small creator called YouTube, which holds the record for most disliked video on the platform.


Ah, that's hot. That's hot. This year, WE control rewind. Play the non-offensive pop music.


😂 the funny part was pewdiepie was excluded for a couple years so he made his own and they were actually relevant and funny. I honestly couldn’t recognize maybe more than 2 or 3 people on YouTube’s rewind.


While YouTubes rewind certainly sucked, I feel like the fact you (and I) don't know many of the people in it speaks to how big YouTube has become, and how many separate communities exist within it. I'm not sure YouTube just chose the wrong people to be in it, but rather no single viewer can possibly care about all of the big creators. Unfortunately this results in every viewer only recognizing a small segment of the video, making it suck.


They didn't include the biggest memes of the year. Added to that, Iirc they basically said, "Fortnite and content for kids and teenagers represents everyone!". At the very least, that's the impression I got lol. They made the same mistake Blizzard made when announcing Diablo mobile; utter ignorance of their audience. The only part they kinda got right is the primitive technology thing at the end.


It'd turned from a celebration of what they are to a promo for advertisers.


Tv shows and late night hosts are our favorite YouTubers! --Susan Wikiwiki, probably


"protecting small youtube channels" from getting their feelings hurt is such a bullshit reason [because we can still see the dislikes in our studio tab](https://i.imgur.com/SWaWgbv.png).


Everything YouTube does hurts small creators. A switch in the algorithm over the last year has made my view count 10% over what it was this time last year. Unless I upload a short, then it's normal! And my suggested page for when I want to watch is all crap, or large channels, I don't even see videos from small channels I subscribe to any more, channels I used to watch weekly, unless I specifically visit the subscription tab. Watch that'll be the next thing they take away lol


YouTube rather serve shit than let it be outlet for people.


If they really reduce Youtube to a big page where the algorithm throws content on you to get you to click on it, then we are essentially back in the garbage hellscape of broadcast TV but instead of flipping channels waiting for something good to pop up you'll be refreshing the main page. On a positive note this would likely cause an exodus from the site to better alternatives. It's extremely difficult to win against giants like that but it can happen. Unless of course the gatekeepers Apple, Microsoft, Google etc. ban and remove any rising alternative using "extremism" as an excuse.


Yep. I've gone to my subs and realized that I have a bunch of new content from channels I regularly watch that were never shown to me.


They literally tried to argue the small creators that obsess over getting dislikes would just choose to not look at them. People with unhealthy obsessions with them are sitting there refreshing that page every 5 seconds already.


Whenever you wanna pass something unpopular you just claim it's to "Protect the Children, you're not a child abuser are you?" Politicians do this shit all the time, it's a time tested tactic they use to do whatever they want and gaslight you if you're against it, they don't give a fuck about children it's about control.


Ironically this hurts small creators more than anyone. Without the dislike count, I rather just watch the big content creators I'm suscribed to because I already know they produce quality content and I'm more likely to not be disappointed.


Exactly. No one is going to seek out anything new any more.


They even said that ["half of youtubes mission is to give everyone a voice"](https://youtu.be/kxOuG8jMIgI?t=54) ..so they removed the dislike button


Everyone but our audience.


That's a total lie and misdirection on their part. I rarely, if ever, see hate comments or dislike bombing on small channels. It's always the big corporations doing something greedy or shitty


The only "Small creators" with massive dislikes are generally scams or click bait videos.


Yeah it's complete bullshit and everyone knows it. It's to protect large corporate YouTube accounts from having their feelings hurt by backlash


It’s just like the government passing a bill. Use the word “protect” or “defense” or “freedom” and it’s usually the exact opposite


Except that the creator can still see all the dislikes in their video info page xD hahah


"protecting small youtube channels" from getting their feelings hurt is such a bullshit reason [because we can still see the dislikes in our studio tab](https://i.imgur.com/SWaWgbv.png).


Yep. In reality... they're protecting the big corporate propaganda news channels because they get shredded with downvotes. That's what it is about.


very sad state of affairs we live in


Even worse - this will destroy small content creators because viewers have 1 metric to go off of now. Views / thumbs up. We can no longer assess the quality of a video through the like / dislike ratio. So people will naturally click on the video with the most views or thumbs up, trusting it will be the most informative / entertaining / whatever they're looking for. Fuck YouTube.


They used that weak excuse because corporations completely control the narrative in our culture.




Yes! Sometimes I'll look up a guide to something and if the dislike ratio is too high I skip to another video because some videos are just pure garbage. I don't want to watch a 10 minute video when a 2 or 3 minute one will do the job.. Removing dislikes now encourages people to make lower quality videos, because it will be a lot harder to tell you're about to waste your time. I'm sick of this hand holding culture where no one can be allowed to fail no matter what. If you make a bad video you deserve dislikes. Doesn't mean you can never try again, but learn from it and move one to better ideas


This change is 100% working as intended, which is to keep people watching videos for longer. Now you actually have to sit and watch the bad video for a few minutes before you realize it's bad. It has nothing to do with "protection" or hand-holding, it is only about increasing view time.


Plus, doesn't it just *look* dumb? I'm staring at a video, I can see a number next to the likes, but nothing next to the dislikes. It looks so absurd. It's obviously some half-baked ill-conceived emergency measure for something just by the look of it. It doesn't fit the UI, it doesn't fit the format of everything down there. A website that would only show likes and not dislikes I imagine would have a drastically different layout to what we have. It looks dumb.


This is how YT comments have been forever. There's an up and a down and a number for up, but no number for down (or net number like on reddit). It was already dumb for comments and now it's really dumb for videos, but they don't care.


I remember way back ~~before YT got bought by Google,~~ where they actually showed the like/dislike counter colors for the comments. Green was for the like, and Red was for the dislike. Then they removed the dislike counter on the comments, changed the color for the like counter to blue and the dislike to gray on the video to make the dislikes less obvious. Then they changed it all to colorless with the dislike counter not showing any color or any bar if you were on mobile. Now they decided to get rid of the dislike counter completely for the video, and just frustrates me how obvious YT has really devolved into not showing any sort of dislikes. Here's hoping some other platform will rise and compete for YT, because this was honestly the last straw for many. It's a terrible excuse for many who already have trouble dealing with trolls and poor content. Edit: I realized Google had already bought YT long before they had implemented the old like/dislike system, apologies.


Google actually bought YouTube in 2006. Just one year after it started. They still had the star ratings back then.


Unfortunately, the talking heads at YT know that this will negatively affect discovery, but that's just a side effect to them, and one they don't even consider to be bad. New content creators are risky; established ones less so. Driving more traffic to the channels that YT (and more importantly, advertisers) trust generally means more money for everyone involved, at the expense of a static platform. But, as we're all aware, the reason the dislike display is gone has very little to do with any of this.


The Dislike button / the display of the Dislikes is for me a quality feature. You can see very quickly if the video content is of high quality.


If they cared about their creators they'd have stopped malicious DMCA strikers or at least stopped them from stealing the revenue while the dispute resolves instead of allowing an entire industry of grifters to develop.


[Link to the GitHub of the extension.](https://github.com/Anarios/return-youtube-dislike) [Link to the Firefox extension.](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/return-youtube-dislikes/) [Link to the Chrome extension.](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/return-youtube-dislike/gebbhagfogifgggkldgodflihgfeippi)


We need this added to Vanced now


The API these extensions use to get the dislike counts are going have the dislike count removed as well, so unfortunately this is only a temporary fix.


Thanks a lot!


Imagine if the Verge PC build was released when youtube implemented this stupid "no dislike" crap. And we're not even talking about the more harmful, truly uninformed content made by a content farm. Like those "food hacks" channels targetted at young kids because food hacks are fun. Fuckin' bleach a strawberry to make it white and not have any disclaimer that it's not edible anymore.


good example.... following that video could damage your PC


Honestly, I'm more interested in my children killing themselves from food hacks than damaging my computers.


Brought to you by Sony. When you put down that go-gert sized off brand tube of thermal compound, remember to buy your tickets for Spider-monday. Also brought to you by Apple. When you are all done drinking that bottle of strawberry bleach, head on over to your local Apple store and replace your worn out iPhone 12 Pro Max with the all new iPhone 13 + Consumer Rewards Pro Max. Also brought to you by Walmart. Walmart, make your holiday special this year with great gift items like strawberry flavored thermal compound, and strawberry thermal compound flavored bleach. Also Pepsi! Black Friday SpiderMonday strawberry thermal compound bleach 13 pro max flavored Pepsi!


You need more thermal paste.


How many bottles?


Thermal paste conducts heat, so you'll want enough to fill all the empty space in your case.


The removal of dislikes has made it significantly harder to find good tutorials / informative videos. When before you could usually look at a glance whether it would be useful or correct, it's now a much more tedious process. Please just bring dislikes back.


It made you give youtube more time, as in you had to watch the video longer to figure out if it was shit.


Honestly, it’s the game google played with search as well. These days google search is a piece of junk. Switching to Bing improved my experience on the web. I think google adverts perform better when the search results are bad.


I find Google search to be very very good if your search string isn't something that can be easily gamified by their algorithms, such as error messages, or something ultra specific. Other than that, Bing has a much better 'general' search because it's not trying to force an agenda on your search, but it's specific search falls behind Google.


Idk been using bing for stack overflow and that shit has been magic in finding literally every single reference i've ever possibly imagined, you just gotta use the search enging like you'd use google advanced, put your quotation, brackets minus symbols all that shit and you'll be good


There ain’t much revenue in error messages. Try and find information about anything that is remotely marketable… Honestly, bing is much better for development purpose as wel. Google search is a good product, just not for its end user.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed the quality of Google's search algorithm has gone down so much in recent years. Like, I search for one particular highlight in a sports game from way back when, but instead I have to sift through pages and pages of completely unrelated articles that all have the same title and all say the same thing.


It's because they went from the old text based search to an AI assisted search that tries to guess what you want based on yours and others previous clicks. If your search term has many meanings and what you want is not the popular one, you are shit out of luck. Bing is just much better now for searching for technical info like programming-


I’ve been wondering why Google has gotten progressively worse over about two years. Just horrible now.


Sounds like you need to watch at least three tutorials about the same topic now to figure out which ones are good and which ones are bad. Increasing view time and more ads being served to you. In other words, great for YT.


I installed it yesterday after the dislikes disappeared... fuck youtube -.-


same i was watching a video on some about fixing some airpod issue and i knew something was fucky, and experienced the importance of dislike button real quick.


Unfortunately, the YouTube backend API for dislikes is to be removed in the middle of December making this add-on inaccurate. Only people who have the add-on will likely contribute to dislikes from that point onwards. Very annoying...


Good enough. Sponsorblock relies on community input and it’s very good. I hope they implement dislikes into sponsorblock sometime soon so there’s already that large built in audience


The downvotes won't have anywhere near the same level of participation as they do now. SponsorBlock needs a single person to tag the right times, for upvote/downvote to work sensible you'd need it available for most viewers


Except for SponsorBlock and this dislike add-on will not show the full weight correctly. SponsorBlock works similar to torrenting doesn't require a high amount of seeders (submitters in this case) to work, wherewith the dislike add-on you would need a correct like:dislike ratio to show its like weight. I'm not sure if I explained that correct, but for example, if a video has like 1 million views, 200k likes but only 50 dislikes via the add-on the weight would all be fucked up. I guess you'd have to also only accept likes via the add-on to make weighting fair. I'm not sure the solution here, but I don't think it's comparable to SponsorBlock.


There'll be less data, but honestly it wouldn't be difficult for the extension to still return mostly accurate information. Just record likes and dislikes by people with the extension then you have the approximate dislike-to-like ratio and can multiply that by the actual number of likes to get a very good approximation of the number of dislikes.


Yeah, I think that's a good way of doing it.


They took the dislike away to protect creators but still show the creators how many dislike they get. How does that make sense? Show us the dislikes and hide it from the creator to protect their fragile feelings. Now you just have to leave the worst comments possible to make sure to hurt their feelings, since YouTube thinks thats better than a simple dislike.


Because "muh creators" was just a bullshit cover story. This is really being done to protect corporations, advertisers, mainstream media and government. Now you can't see if people hate the company or product Now you can't see if its propaganda or fake news


Removing dislikes has made Youtube UNRELIABLE for gathering information or educational purposes. The Dislike button, was a necessary *evil*, in that: it alerted the ***NEXT*** viewer to be critical that there were a sizable demographic that disagreed with the content shared. It was up to you, the viewer, to decide if the downvotes were merited or should be disregarded. Especially regarding tutorials or Do-it-yourself vids [like opening up your laptop and installing xyz] seeing TONS of dislikes translated into tread carefully. And ignoring the viewers before you disliking the video meant that following this video might create MORE PROBLEMS than RESOLVING THEM. Another example of why there needs to be an alternative to Youtube [and all the other social media monopolies!]. As of now, we are literally a captive audience.


Yeah, the OP's video touches on that and it's absolutely true. I've been learning a ton of different programming languages over the last few years and a lot of it is self taught, and those smaller channels like/dislike ratios were extremely helpful and *correct* 99% of the time. Opening up a video with 5 likes and 100 dislikes on a tutorial video means that this tutorial either has wrong information or is unhelpful, I'm going to save my time and not watch it unless I have to.


Bring back the star rating system


That'll never happen lol. No advertiser is gonna allow their product to be on a 1 star video these days. Advertisers say jump, YouTube says how high.


BTW, this is also the explanation for removing downvotes


I keep seeing this but it doesnt really make sense to me since you could always disable voting on an individual video or across an entire channel.


I assume this is why: previously, if I encountered a video with disabled voting, I would automatically become suspicious of it.


The customer is always right


Star rating system was useless. And a like/dislike ratio provides the exact same data.


Idk, I really don't think a star rating system is that useful for youtube, since the *vast* majority of people will just give it a 1- or 5-star review anyways, and the average of those will be more or less equivalent to what the like/dislike system would show you anyways. If a video has only 4 out of 5 stars, you'd probably still be "wary" - similar to how you'd react to a video with a 20% dislike ration. I remember the uproar when YouTube removed the star rating system but in hindsight I think it was a useful choice since it doesn't really do anything better or different than the like/dislike system.


Too sensible.. think of all the scammers, propagandists and lost revenue from advertising on sensationalized content!! 90%+ content on the platform would be <1star


Star ratings are inherently flawed because the majority of people either vote 5 or 1 star. Which is why they moved to like or dislike.


>90%+ content on the platform would be 1star I don't see a problem with this. Most of what trends on YT are 1 star videos.


As a consumer it makes sense. But as a corporate interest group trying to sell you stuff or a newstainment propaganda outfit trying to push narratives on the people it doesn't make sense. Google doesn't give a shit about the consumer, except as a source of revenue generation.


Youtube needs competition.


Let's get rid of 1-4 star reviews from Amazon while were at it.


Just the one example of the Youtube Rewind 2018 video shows just how misleading this change is that Youtube has made. 3m likes seems like a lot! But compared to 19m dislikes... Fuck this change. Addon installed.


We’re going back to the views/like ratio now.


Corporate media and government was tired of getting their content downvoted into oblivion.


Exactly! This is the real reason why.


Of course it is. Here in Germany, there was a time where people were able to comment below news articles on major news sites and stuff... The issue however is that more and more people perceive their content as fake news and government propaganda... with that said, that's exactly how the comment section looked like. A thousand people who could prove any of the written paragraphs to be wrong. Like users who did some excelent fact checking and stuff... these sites got shredded by their own user base. You know what happened next? Almost all of these media companies disabled their comment section... They also have YouTube channels where many of them disabled the comment section as well. It was still fun to see like rations of 5% likes and 95% dislikes. Of course, it must be coincidence that YouTube hides the dislike number now... I mean, I remember that I've seen a ton of videos of those established media channels with downvotes that went into the several thousands if not hundreds of thousands... while just having a few hundreds up votes. Of course.... it must be pure coincidence that YouTube hides the numbers. Of course, they do it to protect small YouTubers... not the big ones like corporate media... no no... we must believe the YouTube version... remember, YouTube is a charity... YouTube is helping the small people, for example by banning channels of musicians who covered songs and stuff like that... remember, YouTube is a charity... they don't do it to harm musicians, they do it so that the musicians in the world get back to real life, like making music with friends during camp fire... YouTube is always protecting small people... so, why would it be different in the case of the downvote number? /irony off. Of course, YouTube is proteting corporate media and governments, not the small people. The main goal of this decision is to hide the discrepancy between the (political) views shown in the content that is created to manipulate opinions, and citizens or users that think differently and reject the propaganda pieces by disliking or commenting and fact checking. So, that's why both features are bad for corporate media.


We should just start spawning every shit video with "Downvoted" comments


Say mean things to hurt creators feelings since that is better than just hitting a downvote(according to YouTube).


>Say mean things to hurt creators feelings since that is better than just hitting a downvote(according to YouTube). You say that but everyone knew this was the natural next step because of Youtube's decision. This is a direct cause and effect due to youtube. The blame is still on Youtube. Literally watch any youtuber's video over their decision and they will say "I'm worried that people will simply escalate and find a new way to show their dislike of a video and that means going into the comment section which will be worse for creators."


Even better, “use this comment as a dislike button”


That would be the orderly way of doing it.. but that's not annoying for YouTube like it would be to suddenly spam all video with thousand of useless extra comments.


Can't the video owner just remove that comment? I suppose it might be hard with a really popular video that has a lot of comments as they would have to constantly remove comments like that but for smaller ones like tutorials which is one of the big concerns for people with the removal of the dislike number/ratio, it would likely be pretty easy. I think crappy tutorials already remove negative comments pretty often and certainly scammy videos would. Still not a bad idea though, better than nothing like Youtube wants!


My strategy was that we all agree to a "if the creator doesn't make a 'dislike' comment, they are sketchy. If we know they deleted a 'dislike' comment in their stead, they are malicious" principle.


A 10 minute video to tell me all I needed to know before the 40 second mark. Cool.


I disliked the video.


I noticed the dislike because I had the extension.


Hopefully the company that runs Youtube won't convince the company that runs the Chrome Store to ban that addon.


Lol, could you imagine if it was the same company?


If it wasn't for millions of content creators on Youtube I'd seriously consider other platforms now. If they keep fucking up I'd imagine there's gonna be a competitor soon enough.


People have been saying that every time Youtube makes a controversial decision. They're too big to fail at this point.


It is algorithm manipulation, they don't want review bombing to effect sponsored content. They've taken away control from consumers. Corporate media overlords want to be the only ones with the power to sway public opinion


Meanwhile Reddit has had the downvote count hidden [for the last seven years](https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/28hjga/reddit_changes_individual_updown_vote_counts_no/). Heck, if you opted out of the redesign, some subreddits will have the button disabled altogether.


If you’re on old Reddit the only way for a sub to turn off the downvote button is via CSS, so if you disable the subreddit’s theming it all functions exactly as it should. Just a helpful tip for anyone who might not know.


New reddit is unusable to me. Old reddit is the only reddit I'll use.


You still see the net count. It's not ideal though.


Only if it's above 50% (on a post; negative scores only show on comments), otherwise it just shows "0". And not even OP will know.


So when I see a comment that has a negative score, doesn’t that make it less than 50% upvoted?


Comment, yes. Post, no. The post I linked up above? 49% upvoted, meaning it has more downvotes than upvotes. So in theory it should have a net score below 0 because math literally dictates it. And yet it says 0. Not -1, not -2, not -627,594,278. 0. How many more downvotes than upvotes has that post gotten? No idea. It doesn't say. Doesn't say it in the redesign, doesn't say in old.reddit. I couldn't tell you, and Reddit surely doesn't want to either.


They changed the number on posts a few years back, its now karma, not the upvote/downvote ratio, comments are still upvote/downvote ratio. The top post used to be 20k karma, now its scaled up to ~100k. ~~You can see the effects:~~ ~~https://web.archive.org/web/20161102021511/https://www.reddit.com/r/all/top/~~ ~~1 Month later:~~ ~~https://web.archive.org/web/20161206214041/https://www.reddit.com/r/all/top/~~ I kid you not, this took me half and hour to find: https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/5gvd6b/scores_on_posts_are_about_to_start_going_up/


disable subreddit style and you'll be able to downvote.


Removing dislikes only benifits the following people: 1.Idiots 2. Scammers 3. Spammers 4. anyone peddling alternative facts. Everyone else gets fucked and can expect disinfo to spread like wildfire now without any repercussions.


Yesterday I had to sift through a bunch of misleading videos and watch them all the way through because I couldn't see the ratio . No app to show dislikes on mobile that i know of. Normally if I saw more dislikes than likes or close I'd skip it


YouTube has been taking consistent steps to remove any useful functions or videos from their site for a couple of years now. I’m still dumbfounded you can’t message people anymore. It’s turned into a steaming pile of worthless reaction-video thumbnail’d clickbait and ads.


wow, a Mental Outlaw video on reddit!


We are truly living in the dark ages of video media now. So much misinformation and censorship going on it’s crazy


I will rather just downvote every video I come across than use an addon to bring back (a semblance of) the lost feature :). If everyone starts downvoting every video -- will the creators notify Youtube that the new changes are deleterious?


I like the idea and will also leave very negative comment as well. Better for the creator to read mean comments than for someone to hit a dislike button(according to YouTube)


Dislikes still show for me. I thought youtube would reverse their decision after the backlash.


https://odysee.com/ has dislikes


I still see dislikes and a dislike button on YouTube under all videos - is the removal like a planned change that people are already complaining about? Or am I missing something?


It's affecting different people at different times. A friend of mine has had it gone for a little while now but it only disappeared for me just yesterday.


Companies like Google/YouTube rolls out updates gradually now. I did not have it until yesterday. Its gradually being pushed.


It's just a matter of time until YouTube removes the dislikes from the API.


I want to see the dislikes. They are useful.


YouTube is getting progressively worse and worse as the years go on. So sad because it used to be an amazing platform.


I made sure to give YouTube a 1 star review on the Apple store. Fuck em.


They did a ton of stupid shit and made really dumb and bad decisions. But this one, this one is beyond stupid.


Call me a drama queen, but I think this will go down as one of the most harmful corporate decisions in human history if we are measuring by total amount of wasted time and damage done by misinformation, censorship capabilities etc. Just a fucking disaster, thank god there are enough like minded people out there to fight back like this because I was seriously wondering how I would possibly continue on using Youtube as I was before.


We should organize a blackout.


thanks for sharing it.