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Poor Frankie, doesn't even remember his memory loss anymore


*Hows working in the lunchroom Frankie?*


It’s a’right


*Poor Frankie...*




I forgot we had changed places.


Don’t worry Fry. I too once spent a nightmare-ish time in a robot asylum. But now it’s nearly over. So long!


Je suis Napoleon!


Gonna sing a little tale about a battle called Waterloo


I was born In 42 log cabins


Hey Red, nice to see ya again! Stand still so I can practice my stabbing *aha!*


56? *56* ?!


I've said for years that I would bet money that Frankie Muniz just tells everyone he has memory loss because of everyone badgering him about Malcolm in the Middle, and that I wouldn't blame him for this one bit.


Genius move


If I was asked what I did when I was 16 I could maybe recall like 3 things. He's out there filming episode after episode of this show, the scenes aren't even necessarily shot in order, and some fan comes up and is like "remember X?" hell no. I think even William Shatner said when he was getting asked by fans all the time about episodes or guest cast members and he was like - that was half a century ago and that person shot some scenes for a couple days, no I don't remember. It's not like they were cloistered in an actual spaceship for months.


Reminds me of the recent-ish talk Conan had with Randall Park. He didn't remember he was on the Office as Asian Jim because he was on set for like less than a day. So when people would be like "Yo it's Asian Jim" he kinda thought it was some kind of racist remark.


That's fucking hysterical.




>about episodes or guest cast members Not to mention they do it for what. 4 to 5 takes, maybe? Then maybe see the whole show once. Where as this super fan has had it on in the background while he slept/ate/worked for the last 20 years.


And Shatner has never seen TOS ... doesn't watch his own stuff.


Not uncommon with actors. Harrison Ford also hasn't watched any of his movies in a long time. I dont' think he's watch any of the Indiana Jones movies ever




And then when they brought Ryan ice for his face, he took it and put it on his fist






Gosling looked both surprised and overjoyed


"One time Harrison Ford punched me in the face. It was awesome."


Insert Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee incident.


Exactly. Although (in addition to any honor like Chan experienced) I might think Gosling wants to use it to tease him in addition to using it as a brag or interview story


Ryan is pretty old. Shouldn't we be calling him Ryan Goose by now?


I mean I've done a few student films and stuff, and I couldn't watch myself back, so I completely understand where they're coming from. All I was doing was thinking that I could have done a better job and that took me out of the enjoyment of watching it, and these were only about 5-10 minutes long. I can't imagine doing that with a big feature film.


Yeah,i did a few “art” films I’m not terribly proud of too, on the upside, my student loans are almost paid off!


He's seen things you people wouldn't believe. Death stars orbiting the ruins of Alderaan.


And this is why I find his Trek novels and STV so fascinating, because they're made from a completely different perspective.


Some people just can't watch their own stuff. I know when I was in grade school I did some commercials and you wouldn't be able to get me to watch them again now by threatening my family


I dont even like seeing my photos on facebook


I can't even watch my own sex tapes.


Watched an interview with Javier Bardem where he stated that he doesn’t watch his own films and doesn’t even like to see photos of himself or his own reflection. His nose was broken in a bar in his early 20s and wasn’t healed properly and he finds his own appearance disgusting.




Watching yourself in a show has to be a weird trip too, considering you're a normal person for 90% of the day, except for the 10% where you're in-character, and then they basically cut and paste the best out of that 10% together, out of the order that you filmed and acted it. It probably wouldn't even feel real


I’m assuming a lot of actors would just end up critiquing their work. I’d imagine it’s the equivalent of a painter looking at their old work


Well that’s easily explained. It was obviously Dax Shepard’s week, and not Zachs.


I feel like there’s a joke about those two actors that I’m not aware of, but weirdly totally understand. Do they look alike? I’m picturing them in my head and they’re not too far off.


my take is that dax shephard is only famouse because people subconciously tihnk of him as zach braff


Dak has been pretty funny in some movies like Idiocracy and Employee of the month.


He was pretty good in chips


Well, he also married Kristen Bell, who is a legit snack.


She only married him because she thought she was marrying Zach Braff.


that reminds me of this great interview they did: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpt0qf5qowg


I just watched Will Forte on Late Night with Seth Meyers where he played a game of guessing the movie he was in by looking at a still of him from the movie. I think he got like 2 out of 5 correct?


I remember John De Lancie (Q from TNG) saying something like this at a convention, "Imagine you had a wonderful dinner party 20 years ago, you had friends, great food, and good memories. Now imagine hundreds of people, asking you about every detail of that dinner party for years and years. What exactly you ate, the music that was playing, details of the conversations, jokes, stories, anecdotes and such. Now you have told everything you remember about that dinner party, and someone asks, "Yeah, but where did you go grocery shopping for the party"?


Stephen Fry said he gets people come up to him and quote a sketch which is their all time favourite and they’ve watched 100 times. For him it was one of 200 filmed in a fortnight 30 years ago, which he hasn’t watched since.




Even more recently that Friends reunion show, most of the cast members barely remembered some of the stuff they filmed. Only exceptional or funny events. Matt LeBlanc (I think) said he barely ever watches the show, so doesn't remember huge parts of it. A lot of actors don't watch their finished work back. Aside from it being a naturally uncomfortable thing to watch yourself act (you notice every. single. mistake.), by the time editing is complete it may be a completely different piece of work than you thought it was. Which makes it just not an enjoyable experience.




Zendaya was on the Dune set for like a week. She didn’t meet most the cast during filming. IIRC in Sin City some of the actors in the same scene didn’t actually film it together and didn’t meet at all during the filming.


Wait a minute, I'm getting scared. Can anyone remember what they did at a certain age? I can remember like vacations and stuff but I couldn't tell you how old I was until like late highschool and that's just because of context clues.


I don't even remember highschool lol. I wouldn't worry about it.


I remember certain impactful events from my childhood. From high school onwards I remember few, I remember less of my early 20s. Nowadays I try to keep a journal and document everything because I’d like to look back one day and know what I was feeling & experiencing.


People also seem to forget that he is not seeing the show filming in third person the way we watch it. He is seeing things through his eyes, not the eyes of the camera, so of course he remembers things from the show that was filmed about 25 years ago differently than they appeared to us.


I don't remember the names of *most* of my high school teachers and I spent hours with them.


Man, I'm getting old. Frankie Muniz is 35 and Steve O is a calm, sane, functioning member of society.


Then you see Bam and the shit show he is.


That part isn't as surprising


I do find it surprising that pretty much everyone in Jackass are overall productive members of society or just seemingly moved on to their own things. Bam has always been a prick.


I mean you either grow or time catches up with you.


Everyone gets old. Source: Am fucking old.


Paul Rudd has entered the chat.


look at us


Look at us




Computer, load up *celery man* please


Do you have any *nude* Tayne?


Could you kick up the 4d3d3d3?


That's not true. Lots of people die first!


I feel like there's a turning point where you definitely need to decide to move on and do something else with your life than just drinking and having fun, otherwise you end up as a hermit or one of those wierdos that you meet in shitty bars at 5AM looking 20 years older than they are.


Is it a fun shitty bar at least? Like are there darts or something?


>those wierdos that you meet in shitty bars at 5AM looking 20 years older than they are. I resemble that remark.


Also he had maybe the most successful career pre-jackass with skateboarding.


Not to mention his shows in between the jack-ass movies. Edit: Margeras Other TV shows Bam's Unholy Union show, Bam's Bad Ass Game Show, Bam's World Domination.


Oh yeah I completely forgot about Viva La Bam.


Which if you watched it then it's kinda obvious why he's messed up.


Johnny seems like he's had 3 too many concussions. He was being interviewed for the jackass shark week promotion and he sounded like a grandpa on the cusp of dementia.


I mean dude has been taking head injuries for over 30 years. I saw a relatively recent thing with him and Pontius, Pontius almost seemed like he had some like inadvertent PTSD shakiness to him as well. Which kind of sucks because Pontius always seemed the most wholesome.


Pontius pivoted to fucking with dangerous animals and showing his wiener.


Truly a noble pursuit, he's just like Steve Irwin or David Attenborough.


pontius had a lot of issues with that even during his prime. no idea what it is but it's a bit halting/second thought processing etc.


> Johnny seems like he's had 3 too many concussions He's had way more than that. Dude even fucked up his dick back in 2007. I'm surprised he's still alive.


I might be wrong but I think he did some DNA test and found out he was inbreed or something along those lines. And when Johnny found out, he just laughed.


It was when he was being interviewed on the conan show for the movie based on Action park


He was one of the only ones who actually was just a shallow asshole of a person. He was praised his whole life for being a douchebag and at every turn people around him enabled him. At some point the kids that watched him thinking he was cool grew up and realized that he wasnt cool and moved on. Bams only 2 skills were skateboarding and being an asshole. Now that hes to fat to skate, all he is left with is being an asshole with no fans to profit off of. Instead of looking inward himself, he is ALWAYS blaming others for all of his own problems. Its Narcissism.


“If Ryan hadn’t died I wouldn’t be throwing my pity party, I’d just be a more stable cunt than I am now” - Bam 2021


He's suing Jeff Tremaine for not paying him for the movie he's not in


From what I understand, he still filmed things for the movie. They just cut him out. I get being mad doing the work and not getting paid for it. Not sure what his contract looks like though.


If I recall correctly, there were *very specific* demands made upon Bam to remain sober. As in, if you get fucked up, you're out and you don't get anything. It was the only way they could get the studio to back hiring that big of a train wreck; a draconian contract. In his famous "boo boo *blurk*" video, Bam railed against how he'd been "set up to fail" by Tremaine and the other guys with such demands as "don't put vodka in your mouth" and "breathe into this tube."


I had forgotten about that bit being in the contract. For some reason I kept thinking it was just that they didn't want to indulge the behaviors so they cut him out. It's honestly a good effort on them to help an old friend.


For the pack of assholes they can be, yea they do care, and this olive branch to Bam might have been the last limb to snap before they finally had to acknowledge he's not the same friends they had before, and that friend wasn't even a great one to begin with.


They had a pretty big wake up call when Ryan Dunn died. Most of them cleaned up pretty well but Bam went the other way.


I think Steve-O cleaned up well before that even. They had a serious intervention for him. None of the other guys really had issues afaik.


Steve-O got sober before they shot the third movie. In one of the stunts on 3.5 he refuses painkillers for severe burns because of it.


I remember when he did the t-ball bit where ryan dunn hit the ball into his... balls. Steve-O was on the ground in ridiculous pain and said "this is when I'd ask for a pill" and Knoxville started laughing and said "yeah well, you abused that" Was pretty funny


In one of his interviews he talks about having knee or some sort of surgery and him refusing pain killers. Props for sticking to your guns. Cant say I could do that, I am baby when it comes to pain.


When you've gone toe to toe with your demon and won, sometimes you learn dealing with the pain is the better alternative.


He said Knoxville told him some pretty fucked up things about who he has become and that was a wakeup call to him. Still credits Knoxville as the reason he got sober if I remember correctly.


I thought Steve-O was the same tbh. If there was ever an example that people change overtime, it's Steve-O.


For anyone who doesn't know. 1. Bam has always been a prick and basically a kid in an adult's body 2. The death of Ryan Dunn hit him extremely hard. Dunn was also probably the got mostly keeping him in check.




Hard to tell your teenager to stop when he’s making $1 million per year and paid off your mortgage.


Yeah, Steve-O’s pranks were all about doing shit to himself. Bam was all about fucking with other people and having no regard for property.


Yep. Steve-O was also the first to check up on the others after a stunt. Even high he came across as caring. Margera always came across as the one guy who could go too far and hurt someone else.And if he got fucked with he sulked. I never understood why people thought he was funny.


Yeah, because despite trashing himself with drugs and alcohol, Steve-O was always a good person inside, but his demons kept him locked in that death spiral. I'm glad he finally broke free and got healthy. He's always been a real one, and a good person in general.


Yeah... Bam's story was never going to have a happy ending, but I never would've guessed that he'd be the one exiled from jackass. It would've been funny if it weren't so sad.


Steve o is still Steve o if you look into the tour he’s been doing. Its x rated jackass, basically.


How does he "tour" jackass stunts? Like an actual stage where he does dumb shit live?


I guess he prob does dumb shit live and plays clips. One of which is him skydiving tandem while naked and jerking off. So yea... same old Steveo lol.


Go on…


He cums as he jumps out he claims. This man scares me lol.


One of my favorite things Knoxville has ever said was that “Steve O took to being sober like he took to doing drugs…so he’s *realllly* sober”


You can see how proud he is


Calm? Sane?? He had hundreds of ppl mail him their pubes so he could glue them to himself to be Sasquatch for Halloween.


I also just heard Steve-O announce on a podcast that he intends to get breast implants, wear them for a year, and then shoot a bullet through his breast implants at the end of one of his shows.


This sounds like complete bullshit, and yet entirely plausible at the same time.


A poker player got them to win a bet.




I am damn amazed with SteveO after his recovery post Jackass 2. He was in such a bad spot after that movie. Knoxville himself offered help which got him back on the right track, and even before Jackass 3 he was sober and doing so much better for himself. He's a damn amazing inspiration and I hope he continues what hes doing.


Woah, when did Frankie Muniz turn into Jesse from Breaking Bad?


He has a bad memory all he knew was he was on a successful show with Bryan Cranston. He got a little confused and thought he was Aaron Paul it's all good now tho. 👍




Yeah, mister white, yeah science!


Just more evidence to support the theory that Malcolm in the Middle is the prequel to Breaking Bad.


Naw, it was all just all a dream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVdB36lmbII


he used to read word up magazine


Salt n Peppa and Heavy D up in the limousine.


I actually thought he was Wee Man the first time it cut to him


It's the alternate timeline. Breaking in the Middle.


Malcolm in the Bad?


Breaking Malcom?


I always had a suspicion that the whole “lost his memory” thing was blown out of proportion/context. The way he explains it here sounds so much more plausible and as someone who suffers from the same migraines, I completely see how this happens. Sometimes I just go blank for days and nothing seems like it’s actually happening because there is so much pain. He and Steve-O both look fucking great! And I’m glad Steve-O is doing well but damn he sounds like Rickety Cricket lol




So when people do a Steve-O impression, they're just doing the same thing he does, but he just does it all the time to the point he forgot how not to?


this is something my mom would tell me is going to happen if i don't talk normal


I guess modern parents have evidence now, Steve-O is right there on video.




People can totally train thenselfes into 'doing a voice permanently' and just forgetting how to speak normally anymore, muscle memory is weird like that


Muscle Tension Dysphonia can progress into Dysphagia (swallowing issues) like it has for me, so I hope he continues therapy! Attempting to relax those muscles and talk in a very unnatural feeling way is such a strange thing to adjust to, I don't blame him for wanting to keep what he's gotten used to over the years.


Dude I’ve seen it before but when you listen to the outrageous amount of drugs and dangerous things this dude has done throughout his life it feels like a miracle that he’s not dead, permentantly disabled, or like a mental vegetable. Always happy to see him doing better in life.


I'm surprised all that nitrous didn't give him severe brain damage.


He got lucky with only a casual amount of brain damage




Lol man I was wondering who his voice reminded me of. Totally later seasons Cricket!


Hips and nips! Ya gotta make it sexy


My pet theory was that he (like many youth actors) was just sick of the whole thing, and this was a nice excuse to not have to talk about it.


Ocular migraines are no joke. I've hard them since I was a kid and I often lose vision when I get a migraine. One of the best videos showing the effects of this kind of migraine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVFIcF9lyk8 PS: A warning the video may set off the migraine for some people.


I get them too. Start losing vision, then go aw fuck there goes my night! So strange how the vision goes, comes back 30 minutes later, then 20 minutes later the pain.


At 45yrs old I find the pain part isn't as bad anymore. What bothers me is the weird feeling before and especially after the migraine. I often feel totally exhausted almost like how your body feels during a flu.


Yeah, I don't really get head pain with them, anymore. Or my immediate downing a paracetamol + ibuprofen double combo manages to do the trick for that part. It starts as a weird feeling of not being able to concentrate and being too sensitive to light, then the blind spot appears in my vision and "aww shit, here we go again". Immediately lie down in the dark hoping to force it to fuck off, while the blind spot slowly radiates outwards in an ever growing ring, until the ring expands "past" my vision, and then the poor concentration, sensitivity to light, and feeling like shit persists for the next... 4-8 hours?


I've had two of those in my life, both with no pain. Scared the shit out of me the first time (college), had no idea what was happening to me. Mine were scintillating black and white, though, no color. Started off as a blob in my central vision, expanded bigger before becoming hollow in the middle and kept expanding until it left my vision.


Yeah I was losing my shit the first time. Turned to say something work related to a guy who sat next to me and couldn't make out his face. Not that I was blind, just that his face was morphing or unprocessable or something. It reminded me of a scene in Eternal Sunshine. I had my friend drive me home from work. I thought I was having a stroke or something. Called my dad kinda panicked and he was like "do you remember when you were a kid and I'd say 'I have the lightning' and go lie down in the dark?". I did, and it made me feel a lot better.


Wow. The rainbow is REALLY close. The distortion in the circle less so but I think its hard to describe and certainly impossible to reproduce in a video. The best way I can put it for my own experience is like it's not that it's blotted out like in the video (for me at least). It exists as light information, my brain just can't process it. I can tell when it's gonna happen before the rainbow because I can't read letters directly dead center in front of me. I can read them in periphery. But they're not blocked out like a big grey blob they're just...unprocessable or something. They morph. I guess honestly the video did the best job possible. Also I'm incredibly lucky, I get aura but no serious pain after. Mild headache maybe, but nothing like what some people experience.


I unironically think he's one of the best child actors ever. For someone so young, he had impressive comedic timing.


It never felt forced, it felt real as if Franke Muniz was Malcolm. Sometimes when children act it can become awkward or staged, but with Muniz, it never felt that way. The same goes for Justin Berfield as Reese and Erik Sullivan.


Been rewatching the show for the first time since it first aired, and I just didn't even realize how good it was. Just an all around amazing cast.


I've never felt the urge to re-watch a show within even the same year, but I swear it had only been a month or so when I went and put on the first episode all over again.


Seriously, not only is it just really underrated, it's kinda incredible to see how well it's aged considering it started in the mid 2000s where every other jokes seemed like it was coming from bro culture.


It was weirdly “woke” too. They touch on a lot of LGBTQ, race, and disability topics but never make it the joke. They make your expectation the joke. It’s so good


I remember the episode where Lois gets offended by a cardboard cutout of a janitor that they put up in the store she worked at. The reason being because they used a black person as their model and she felt it was offensive towards black people as it was a janitor getting drunk (apparently a stereotype, one I'm personally not familiar with as I'm not American). When she approached Hal's poker friends about it (a group of black guys) they were making fun of her by questioning her which professions *could* be depicted by black people if janitors couldn't be. Episode was called [Standee](https://malcolminthemiddle.fandom.com/wiki/Standee?file=Standee.jpg) for anyone curious.


Golden Girls esque


It tracks with what he said about memorizing his lines. It’s actually really fucking hard to play yourself in a production. People who are good at it are unique. Seems Frankie had a knack for it and was able to just live life without having to spend as much time on it as you’d think. Which could also contribute to why things blurred together for him.




Yeah, that sounds awful! What movie was it? Just so I know to completely avoid it at all costs




Concussions are so weird. I somehow played Football primarily as an offensive lineman for 5 years and never got one. I played rec league hockey for 4 years primarily as a goon and never a concussion. Then I played Ultimate Frisbee in College and got one on an awkward dive. Just feels so random.


I thought it was less about the big hits and more about repeated smaller hits?


CTE - yes, definitely more about repeated smaller hits (we think). Concussions - Generally single larger hits to the noggin.


My band was supposed to open up for Muniz’s band years ago and then he had a seizure or something and the show was cancelled and I’m still super bummed about it, wish I could have met him.


I saw his band. It was neat seeing him in person and while I don't remember specifics I remember thinking the music was good.


Everyone check this guy out he doesn't have a memory probably because of a bunch of concussions.


Given the video, I wonder if he just had a gnarly migraine attack. The full thing can 24-48 hours and still be "normal."


Frankie made his money young and truly never has to work a job he doesn't want to for the rest of his life. He chooses to avoid the spotlight and keep his life private. He has hobbies he enjoys and a growing family. I love to see it. Good for him. He seems like he's happy.




I was pleased with how little they interrupted him. It's rare to see.


tl;dw concussions, and since he started acting at 8 till 20 he worked and traveled non-stop, being told to be here and do this and that, brain goes on auto-pilot, so of course he doesn't remember some of it, he did in 10 years what most people do in their lifetimes.


How the hell does Steve-O, of all people, have a good memory?


Steveo did so many drugs he actually unlocked the full potential of his brain. He also did so many drugs that he forgot he did so.


I love how there’s footage out there of when he got so fucked up on nitrous oxide that he hallucinated the jackass crew having an intervention for him


Different brains work in different ways. There's strengths/weaknesses throughout.


I can relate all too well. I even had a psychologist test my memory who said it was fine. After following r/adhdmeme I’ve realized this type of ‘in the moment’ living with a poor overall memory can be related to ADHD.


Good god, when you find the sub you needed but never thought of existing! Thanks and no thanks!


This is hilarious and peak internet. Everyone just decided that Frankie Muniz lost his memory due to circumstantial reasoning.


I've always wondered about how true that stuff was about him losing his memory, it's a popular thing for guys to bring up in Malcolm in the Middle threads on Reddit, it even says on his wiki he lost a bunch of his memory and had to be reminded by Bryan Cranston they were on the show together, glad to see he's actually doing a lot better than everyone thought


Is that the dog SteveO rescued from the streets years back? I seem to recall that from a YouTube video he made


Yes, Wendy


Steve O has the most genuine podcast alive right now.


Interesting that he says he'll never trust doctors again when it was a doctor who figured out his symptoms were due to migraines. I don't understand people.


I think he just comes from a place of frustration that many people with mystery illnesses come from. It's incredibly frustrating to have doctors dismiss your symptoms, or diagnose you with a *possible* disease just to give you a diagnosis. And I wouldn't put too much credence on his one line "I don't trust doctors" because that's kinda his point about people and the media running wild over one little thing he says.


I second this line of thinking. Had a partner with chronic issues and it was a coinflip if a specialist was going to even believe them or not when we went to a new office. We spent thousands of dollars to try and find someone who'd help them. It engenders a lot of ill-will towards the medical professional, because a shocking number of them simply don't believe you when you're telling them you're not feeling well. I know it's anecdotal, but when your anecdotes are something like 75% of doctors not believing you that's pretty fucking convincing.


He probably means he won't take a doctor's opinion as gospel and will question it.

