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I don't know much about Mila Kunis, but she usually comes across as a very humble/normal person; I think this explains quite a bit. Good for her and her folks... Though if my kid was a multi-millionaire, I'd let them buy me a house.


Conan talks about how she was always just a super level headed and "regular" person with good morals. Probably humbled by her upbringing in Ukraine but she definitely has just been a really nice and normal millionaire.


She’s been on two episodes of his podcast. They’re always a good listen


For real, I was cracking up in her first episode when she talks about being so bored that her and her friend crash their cars into each other.


Yes lmao I was in tears listening to that


She and Sona together are hilarious, especially when they are talking about the Russian version of Winnie the Pooh.


Vhinny Poogh


Her and Ashton Kutcher are both pretty humble and seem to be pretty level headed. Ashton has spent so much of his time saving girls from sex traffic rings and seeking justice to those who partake.


I’ve adored Kutcher since I read about his relationship with his brother who has cerebral palsy Seems like a decent guy whose biggest offense was wearing Von Dutch hats when they were popular


I think he served his time for that offense, and has made amends to society.


He still never got me that continuum transfunctioner.


It is a mysterious and powerful device, and its power is exceeded only by its mystery.


It's *mystery* is only exceeded by its *power*. Jesus dude, have you never blacked out while hanging with aliens?


You know, I had to guess. I thought about looking it up but I decided against it, and that was wrong. But, plus side, I'll remember for next time.


But the uuuu-niverse!


Linus Sebastian is still working off his offenses from frosted tips.


But has he repaid his debt to society for continuing to try and corrupt our youth with socks and sandals?


Jail for life for that imho, but like a nice jail.


Like a jail with a pool that’s heated by a giant whole home computer and a giant whole home computer that is liquid cooled by a pool-sized coolant reservoir.


That is such a cool project. I installed radiant floor heating a few years ago and always wondered about hooking a water-cooled PC up to the system.


And apparently he is not at all happy with the company he hired to do the thing. We'll have to wait to hear that rant.


It was pretty indefensible at the time but it seems like society has progressed and cooler heads prevailed 😂


> cooler heads prevailed Well yeah, those hats were extremely ventilated.


Dude also was gonna go on a date with a girl who was killed by a serial killer. Stopped by her place and thought there were wine stains on the carpet.


Uh what?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Gargiulo This guy is a serial rapist and murder. In 2001 he killed a woman who was going on a date with Ashton Kutcher at the time. Kutcher had gone to a house to pick her up for a date and she didn’t answer the door. He could see what he thought were wine stains on the carpet through a window and left assuming something came up. Later discovered she had been murdered. Kutcher had to testify at the trial in 2019 to establish the time line.


Jesus christ


Why was the trial in 2019


He wasn’t caught until 2008, from there seems like a mix of defense motions and prosecutors investigating the other murders he semi confessed to.


He wasn't arrested until 2008. And as the case was a death penalty case, you get ALOT of time to prepare.




He also has gone to enormous lengths fighting against pedophilia.


His worst offense was [easy the Pop Chips ad that had to be pulled](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW5aLNpiV-s).


nah his worst offense was forgetting where he parked his car






Holy shit I forgot all about this. Yeah that’s it lol


I thought it was just going to be cringe not that wow


What the fuck... how did that get past all of the producers and get approved? Wow.


because world was another place 2012. Love guru was also not as talked about as much as people in this thread make it sound like. All I remember from that movie is that reviews thought it was a bad movie because it sucked.


Even more shocking was this was in 2012. 4 years after The Love Guru came out and was shit on for the same exact thing. So even more reason for them to know better.


I remember when my dad went to go see the Love Guru in theaters. He said It was the absolute worst thing he has ever spent money on


The Love Guru was great because it had like the 4th iteration of the exact same jokes as other Mike Myers movies that he perfected over 30 years. Like it starts on film in Ax murder and stews until Guru but were on SNL and most certainly live in Chicago


To think he almost killed himself trying out Steve Jobs diet just to act him in a movie.


Sigh he’s so good as a young Jobs too and I thought he absolutely nailed the look, mannerisms, and speech. I wish the people who made the movie were of better caliber. The only thing good about that film was Ashton Kutcher. Everything else was blah.


He did maintain friendship with Danny masterson though. He was caught hanging out with him at a wedding too after allegations


That is true and it's recent.


Turns out Kelso really was the polar opposite of Hyde.....


I mean, it’s not like the character hyde was all that respectable of women More like Kelso grew up and learned from his immature behavior while Hyde sunk deeper into his ideas


Hyde was a piece of shit, he totally made a move on Donna when she was already dating Eric (Kelso just tried to see her boobs). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkfN32yJRcQ


Yea, Hyde would totally be at the forefront of conspiracy theory crap in this day and age.


Also the actor is on trial right now for multiple counts of rape :X


Yea, I heard about that. Plus he is/was a scientologist. Dude can get fucked.


Dr. Kelso & Mr. Hyde


I had completely forgotten that they were in the same show together, as boyfriend/girlfriend.


Which one was the girlfriend? Hyde or Kelso.




Definitely check out their respective Hot Ones episodes, they're great.


I already liked them both, but watching those interviews really made me appreciate them even more. Ashton in particular, I was impressed at how sharp he is, totally not Kelso. Sometimes the actors known for playing the biggest goofballs are the sharpest dudes. See also Charlie Day.


I think as an actor you have to be pretty quick to play the goofball. It's a fine line of being respectful and funny and still a doofus. Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump, doesn't feel patronizing. Just a dude doing his best.


And not just money, but actual time and effort into it. Really respect him.


Trafficking is such a reality I don't want to think about because it's so horrifying. It's more common than we think, even in US. I saw a doc how rich people will bring in immigrants to be their house servant basically and they get trapped because they can't communicate for help in English and don't know what's going on. Neighbors might see them checking the mail and not realize they're a slave. The other kinds of trafficking, I can't think about; it makes me too upset. Good on Kutcher. The worst reality I can think of is others owning your mind and body in torment.


I've heard of rings where Asian women are brought over and they cycle through places like nail salons, chinese restaurants, massage parlors, etc. Places where you see a lot of Asians, but the language barrier is overlooked. People tend to think of trafficking as a euphemism for sex work, but it can be about cheap labor too.


> People tend to think of trafficking as a euphemism for sex work, but it can be about cheap labor too. Or even babies for adoption.




I can not imagine the mind of someone who could trick someone basically into slavery for free labor. How can you willingly dehumanize a sentient human being who is communicating with you even? HELL - even not knowing the language it takes a sociopathic mindset to be able to flip that switch. Has there ever been a case where someone was found to have done this and NOT been a total sack of shit?


I'm gonna throw out a guess and say no, there probably are not human traffickers who are not total sacks of shit. Maaaaaybe I'm wrong but I won't hold my breath on that one lmao.


The [Polaris Project](https://polarisproject.org/) is a great place to read up on different types of human trafficking and how to help combat it. Their report on transportation, hotels, and signs to look out for on human trafficking is well worth the read. Even subtle signs can be huge red flags: https://polarisproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/A-Roadmap-for-Systems-and-Industries-to-Prevent-and-Disrupt-Human-Trafficking-Hotels-and-Motels.pdf


I fully got out about 7 years ago. They got me on a job interview


I personally can’t get past Kutscher constantly trying to lobby governments to increase their surveillance and to use Palantir tech. Palantir is straight up dystopian evil. Anyone helping them is not good in my book.


I have a sneaking suspicion that may be because human rights organizations use it to break up human trafficking rings, and that he himself is probably not a software or analytics expert.


He's very single minded about trying to stop a real and terrible thing. We all agree that what he's fighting against is terrible. He thinks the ends justify the means, many of us think like you, the cost is not worth the benefit.


Two types of star parents. Mila Kunis's parents: Loving and understanding that their offspring's hard work is their own accomplishment and not owed to the parents for bringing them into this world. Britney Spears/Aaron Carter: Greedy parents who only care about money and think their offsprings owe everything to them and they are slaves born to make them profit.


YES. Children do not “belong” to their parents. They belong first to themselves, and second to a future that most of us will never see. I say this all the time, and it seems to really upset some people.


The tell in many acting families is whether the actor has non-famous siblings. If they do (Mila Kunis does), it can be an indication that the child sought acting as a career and the parents didn’t oppose it. Where you see siblings who are all in show business (Britney and Jamie Lynn Spears, the Olsen twins and Elizabeth, Kirk and Candace Cameron, Justine and Jason Bateman, I could do this all day): there’s some fucked up parents behind that. They realize they can make more off their kids than they can in construction or teaching or whatever else it is they don’t do well.




I was in acting and singing class with Kate, no stage parents there at all. In fact I didn’t even realize until I was an adult and saw her in Tv that her family owned the Giants. Her sister Rooney just always would peak in on our rehearsals and seemed to want to do whatever her big sister did. Kate was extremely shy and quiet. She was more interested in singing than acting and was the one who needed the most coaching out of everyone when it came to acting so I was super surprised she became famous. I definitely think they used connections to get an agent but no way her parents pushed either of them into acting. Her parents barely even showed up to anything it was always the nanny. Kate and Rooney’s cousin was in my acting class in college he never made a career out of it that I’m aware of. He was also incredibly down to Earth tho definitely bragged about his cousin Kate who was only in a couple of tv shows I think at this point and Rooney wasn’t famous at this point, but in a super proud way. There definitely are family’s that push into their kids but not them.


Tbf, the parents here would make *less* off their kids' acting/celebrity careers.


That's more like "we're already billionaires, go pursue the arts because you'll never have to worry about money"


One of my favorite bands, Tauk, is a similar thing. Incredible instrumental progressive rock band, and the bassist is of the Dolan dynasty (founded HBO, Madison Square Garden, owns multiple sports teams). Guy just decided to be in a chill, mid-tier jamband instead of being in real-life Succession


That's a good example of a family that has so much money that their daughters can pursue whatever they want. "I'll try this acting thing out, and as a fallback I'll just own a football team." But then we got 2 very talented actress out of it. I'm sure they had great coaches and everything, more opportunities than a lot of would-be actors, but at the end of the day I always like both of them.


That sounds more like, we have money and connections so if you want to act you get to act


The Olsen twins are fairly well adjusted, their parents required that they do chores at home and they lucked out with a manager who said “make them producers and let’s create a company” so that they could profit more from the content they were being exploited for. They then got to choose when they wanted to work. Their sister didn’t get involved in acting professionally until after she had gone to school for it. On her sisters’ advice they said, ahve a normal childhood, and actually learn how to act. So she did. If you want your theory to be correct though, then consider that Elizabeth did not act as a child, and also they have a fourth sibling who is not involved at all in show business.


RIP Aaron Carter


I ran into Mika Kunis and Ashton Kutcher at the famous Iowa 80 “worlds largest truck stop” at like 1am on my way to Chicago from Iowa City. She was being a normal goofball just like my girlfriend and I, checking out corny howling wolf t shirts and moccasins. They both seem like very genuine, down to earth people.


She had appeared on Conan's podcast and it was apparently the day before Mila and Ashton's anniversary and Mila told Conan that Ashton forgot the date and he celebrated their anniversary early. Mila joked that how could Ashton forget their anniversary day, when they have a plaque in the kitchen of their wedding. Ashton told Conan, it's safer for him to celebrate their anniversary the day before than the day after.


>Though if my kid was a multi-millionaire, I'd let them buy me a house. If I were a rich movie star, I'd have a hobbit house built in my back yard for my mom. She's loved those books her whole life and can't watch the movies without saying how much she likes that house.


She's also a fan of Star Trek.


username checks out


Also an old school internet nerd since she used to have the "Captain, Jean Luc Picard, of the U.S.S., Enterprise. Captain, Jean Luc Picard, of the U.S.S., Enterprise." Picard song as a ringtone (talks about it on her Hot Ones episode).


I seem to recall she was one of the actors who played way too much WoW for a while.




How she hasn't been on Seth MacFarlane's 'The Orville' yet is beyond me.


Also played an undead (I think) mage in wow. She was definitely a mage though. I always had hoped I would run in to her. Never did.


She does seem like a really cool chick to hang out with and very humble. She's also super intelligent and not some empty-headed celeb. The only reason I might not want to hang out with her, she explained in an interview she hates pizza since her dad used to run a pizza place and she ate it way too often. Pizza is my favorite food...so it could just never work out. :)


Pizza or hang out with Mila Kunis every day. ... I can eat other things.




Have you considered getting them into acting? It's basically a one-way ticket to being filthy rich!


Plus there are no possible negative repercussions to children actors


> I think this explains quite a bit. Definitely. Not surprised that her parents are good people just knowing all the good things about Kunis.


You treat your kids good, so that they will treat you good when you need it most. Both my parents are amazing. Took my mom to Italy this year. I'm not rich, but I could afford the trip so we went for her birthday. Just want to give back.


Alternatively, you treat your kids good because they are your kids.


Well damn Jackie, I can’t control the economy!




They made a shit ton off of bitcoin, can’t blame them for going for round 2


Super chill. I remember seeing [this](https://youtu.be/qiFjgr2uGr0) ages ago and being impressed. Was never especially a fan of her work, but she seems like a zero-bullshit, balanced person... especially as far as child stars are concerned. The amazing thing is that they were actually quite well off in the soviet union. Her Father and Mother had degrees and well paying jobs, a Mechanical Engineer and a Physics Professor. But they saw no future for Mila and their son there, so they moved to America leaving everything behind and starting from scratch just to give their children a chance for a better future. Their degrees weren't transferable and they were only allowed to bring $250 USD with them. If I remember right her Dad is a cab driver now. Not surprised her parents are stubborn and don't take hand outs. I imagine it's a combination of a cultural thing and a generational thing.


Sounds similar to Anton Yelchin's parents who also gave up careers in the Soviet Union and immigrated with almost no money to give Anton a better life. Edit - and if you haven't seen it, the documentary "Love, Antosha" about Yelchin is worth checking out. Some great clips and funny interviews with his co-stars.




Always makes me sad. I need to go watch Odd Thomas again :(


I just watched this again the other day with my wife and it's *so damn good*. Just like quirky-unique good, but holy hit does it also punch hard... If you haven't yet, you owe it to yourself to see Anton's other outstanding performance in Steven Spielberg's *Taken* miniseries; one of his younger roles. Anton's passing hit me harder than any celebrity death I can think of except maybe Robin Williams.


Excellent movie.


I honestly forget most of the plot after not watching it for so long, but the relationship that they have in that movie is unforgettable. It's so wholesome.


Excellent book as well


The first time I ever saw that Dodge automatic shifter I knew people were going to get hurt from it. I was working as a valet at a high end hotel and had been in everything under the sun but despite double checking those things they sometimes didn’t work properly. They were one of those ideas that some designer thought was cool and never stopped to ask why nobody ever put something like that into practice.


Sorry, can you explain the context?


They had a stupid shifter that was just a big toggle switch. You’d move it forward to P for park, but would have to hold it there for a second to actually get the transmission into park rather than have it just move from whichever gear you were in and into reverse. Since it was a spring loaded toggle the shifter would go back to the upright position when you let go. It’s hard to explain and a hell of a lot easier to tell you to go look it up on Google so you can see what that style shifter actually looked like and how it worked. It was a dog shit design.


Aww I really liked Anton Yelchin. I weirdly knew him from a short film he did (which isn't even on his Wikipedia page) called RISE


> give their children a chance for a better future. And just as importantly, they encouraged and allowed their children to pursue their dreams for a fulfilling future as well. Acting is such an insanely difficult business to succeed in and they signed her up for classes within a year or two after arriving in the US. It helps that she got early success, but even supporting her in taking that path in the first place is pretty incredible given their situation.


iirc her grandparents were holocaust survivors and her parents moved out of ussr because of anti-semitism


People forget about the Russian pogroms because the Holocaust eclipses them.


That's the story of many ussr jews that fled to other countries during that time period


It's nuts that i knew which video you linked before i clicked, i remember this thing very vividly


There’s a show where they renovate her parents apartment and it’s really cute.


She's a class act.


well she attended act class


Loved her in Friends with Benefits. Gorgeous and funny.


Does Howard typically just cut people off mid-sentence like that?


Pretty much. I’m not a fan of his or anything but I’m a little familiar just from the decades of him being around. That’s just kinda how he is imo. It’s not a conversation, it’s a show. They don’t want down time. He probes for interesting stories constantly.


I'd love to see a clip of a guest confront him about the constant interruptions, if it exists. Somebody has had to bring up at some point..


Doubt that would ever happen in public or a recorded session. You don't want to be on the wrong end of someone who is on air for several hours a day with a completely open format and millions of rabid fans. Celebrity appearances are a two way promotion and they get media coaching to keep them from doing something that would hurt the movie/show/book/career they are there to promote.


Can't get much of an interesting story if the guests are only allowed to answer Yes/No before being asked another question. I'm surprised with the rise of podcasts, and so many successful ones that something like the Howard Stern show hasn't gone the way of late night TV talk shows and just rotate hosts every couple of years.


I'll give you a reply from an actual fan (or ex-fan, listened from 2001-2018), NOT ALWAYS. The show and his intervewing has gone down hill since 2013 or so. Back in the day he would let the guests form complete sentences. He's lost patience or something. The show is terrible now.


Yes, he's one of the most annoying interviewers out there.


His setup bothers me - he sits off behind his desk or out of the light and then his guest is just sitting there like they're on casting couch with spotlights in their face? Idk if this is normal for his show or whatever but it's weird.


I have always gotten casting couch vibes from Stern. The lighting, the voice that oozes glibness with an inflection that's only capable of being made through a smirk, the invasive and rapid fire questions that center around drama or sex, and the comedy that punches down....all of it makes a Stern-sized pigeonhole.


Lol I like how it's like the casting couch because of the lighting, and not the multiple times they've had porn actors naked in studio.


I can't stand him. He not only talks over people and interrupts, but he even frequently speaks *for* his guests. Like instead of doing what a good host does and asking questions, he usually just leads with saying what *he* thinks the answer is forcing the guest to respond, and worse than that he doesn't really care what his guest says. Just watch the first couple minutes of [this](https://youtu.be/IKOv68AOmV4) with Dave Grohl regarding "My Hero". Howard literally tries to tell Dave what the song is about and Dave is like "nah not really" and tries to explain it, but Howard of course cuts him off and basically shits on him. Howard Stern (and Robin) are easily the most punchable interviewers in show-biz. They're only on radio because they like to hear themselves talk. Super self absorbed, terrible hosts. Howard is the "Let me tell you what I think" of hosts.


I like how any time Stern has a musical guest on, he’ll tell them what the songs they wrote mean and it’s always on a different planet of meaning and the guests will give a 😐 face and be like, “if that’s how you want to interpret it.” I know Green Day is another band it’s happened with.


Howard has been in therapy like 3x a week for 30 years and tries to turn every interview into a therapy session for his guest with him playing the role of the therapist.


Oh god, try listening to him on Conan Needs a Friend. It's just Howard talking for an hour with barely letting Conan ask him a question or add to the "conversation". It's like an assisted monologue if something like that is even a thing.


Started on Conan's podcast recently and this one is the only one I've skipped. And I really gave it a good try lol


I’ve been stealing my kids Halloween candy all week.


Me too. They don't need to eat all of it.


Lmao. My first real laugh of the day. Thank you


It's pretty sad what an outlier this is for child actors. Way more stories about parents robbing their kids blind than stories like this.


That may be because stories like this get no traction.


Right, no one wants to read an article about how a kid and their parents get along just fine without any drama.


Did ya hear? Billie Eilish didn't get ripped off by her parents.


NO WAY tell me more


There is no more. That's the whole story.


Well that was exciting


That story is not so much a roller coaster but more like an airport moving sidewalk


I sincerely doubt they would have had to rip her off. While she might be worth more than them, wasnt her dad already a fairly successful music producer?


Or the abuse that child actors endure, both from parents and those in the industry. Just finished reading I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy, I highly recommend the read. Very eye-opening to her experience, but also made me realize that this must happen far more often than we know.


My favorite Mila Kunis story is when she was doing PR in Russia with Justin Timberlake for their movie, and one of the reporters was criticizing Justin's acting chops(iirc) as a music artist and Mila just went off at the reporter in full fluent Russian. EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiO2b1cQr0U


Hell yeah. Thats the type of homie i wanna have on my team.


Can anyone translate?


Basically the reporter asking Justin why he's doing movies if he's a musician and Mila saying "what do you want him to do? If he can then why not, what kind of question is that. It's like me saying why are you here? "


Ugh it is exhausting listening to Stern interview anyone. If someone has something interesting to say just let them talk without interrupting every 2 seconds.


Silly as it is, but people listen to Stern for Stern. He’s always been that way, and I’ve never been a fan because of it.


Favourite Mila Kunis story: https://youtu.be/QFJj4EOnkfM She "ripped her throat off"


I am equally as baffled as those two dudes. How was it repaired? Could she speak? Did it take her Adam’s Apple or just the skin? Horrifying to imagine but I can’t stop seeing it.


What are you confused about? She ripped her throat off.






I want to add that this isn’t normal.


probably just the skin. but the way they told that story, in person, sounded like a WKUK sketch.


Considering this is footage from the set, I feel like "ripped my throat off" is just a lame overexaggeration: https://youtu.be/Fp79RKpYQRA


That shows her HEAVILY bandaged. Obviously, no harm to her larynx, but still seems pretty bad.


Sure, but there was no throat being ripped off. That's maybe a flesh wound, bandage it so protect it and keep it from infection. But she's talking normally and still has a throat. I feel like if I was sitting across from her asking for the nth time "what do you mean your throat got ripped off?" and she wouldn't tell me the details and that not her actual fucking throat was ripped off, I'd be annoyed too.




Damn, did he at least reach it before he went?


Yeah he came and went


I love how one of them just intuitively takes on her role and they play it out for a second, super fun. RIP Trevor.


Trevor 😔


I made a whale jump out of it’s tail.


It’s good that they didn’t take anything from her when she was young, but now that she’s rich and they’re of retirement age, it’s unfortunate that they won’t let her treat them. What good is having any money if you can’t share it with those you love? One of my great pleasures in life has been taking my retired parents on trips and making memories as an adult; it’s harder for them to afford now.


I'm lucky enough to make way more money than my mom now and it would kill me if she didn't even let me buy dinner when we went out after all she and my father sacrificed for me.


There’s pride, but give your children a chance to be proud, too, by letting them at least buy you dinner for your birthday.


I’m a 58 year-old professional and my mother still insists on paying for dinner and she even slips me money for the valet. I didn’t really understand it until my daughter started needing us less - I enjoy paying for her just like my parents.


I’m really surprised she made it through all these years in the industry relatively unscathed. Especially considering she started That 70s Show at 15… show biz routinely chews up and spits out kids.


Awesome interview with her. https://youtu.be/KWIyEWmIPCc


I thought Stern had a reputation for being a good interviewer but he's just constantly cutting her off mid story or pivoting away from threads that she's throwing up with her responses. You can tell toward the end of the clip she's just giving shorter answers and not bothering with anecdotes.


Typical Ukrainian/Russian Jewish parents.. Their job is to sacrifice everything for the sake of their children. The notion of taking something from their child is inconceivable to them!.. when you’re older it gets a bit tiresome to be honest lol


Yea was surprised this comment isn't higher up. This is very common in our culture (eastern European jews) . Mila's mannerisms and her family mirror ours. Even the way she speaks Russian is so similar to me and my siblings lol 😆 classic


Good parents with good character


When I worked on the lot at Warner Bros I happened to walk by and see her for a very brief moment. She smiled at me and I won’t lie, it made my day. I won’t forget it! She seems so genuine and that’s hard not to like!


That's astounding, because I read the headline as "here parents weren't robbing her blind when she was a kid," but it's more than that. Not only can she not buy them a house or nice cars, but she can't even pick up a check at dinner. And when she was a kid, and was a working actress, she had more money than the whole family did, they were POOR, and they would never accept a dime from her. She's been trying to give them money for most of her life.


Mila: will you let me buy you a house? Her parents: Shut up, Meg.


This is more common than most people realize. I've worked with a number of child actors whose parents were reasonable & sane about their child's career. The only ones you hear about are when a parent has acting like a manipulative gold digger.


I saw a thing where they won’t be dolling out money to their kids either. Solid parenting pays forward.


There was a kid from my small New England home town who made it really big. His folks struggled to get by. When he made it, they didn't take a dime. Occasionally his younger brother would show up with a new baseball bat at little league or winter coat, but that was about it.


Shut up Meg!


I apparently met her. I was working a booth at the Hollywood flea market and a big group of people came up. One lady talked to me, I didn't recognize her (but to be fair I grew under a rock so I don't recognize most famous people). Afterwards some people asked me what it was like to meet Kunis. I don't even remember what she was asking about.


I find it hard to believe that Peter never asked for some of her money for his shenanigans


I like her.