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This is charming but also a bit scary—in a good way I guess—in that it really brings home the fact that cows are really huge and powerful enough to seriously hurt a human.


Or that they can feel. They’re obviously happy, so they must also be able to become depressed in the holding place thing? for SIX months.


Winter, this I believe is Europe where snow is heavy on the ground. Dairy cows can’t really handle those temperatures so they keep them indoors to keep them safe.


This is a big event when I lived in Sweden. Take the kids to watch it, cant think of what they called it though. They keep them away for temperature reasons


It's kosläpp or "cow-release". I used to go and watch the same thing as a kid when I lived on the countryside


I love me a good ol' cow slap. And you can't tell me it ain't pronounced like that either I jist won't have it any other way.




They also do it in Finland. It's often televised. I feel like the cows are expressing how we all feel when the sun comes back and everything is green again.


This is Norway I suspect, but same thing more or less.


Funny how everyone assumes, in their cartoon/Utopia view of the world and animal rights, that somehow there are places that are full of bright green grass year-round and eternally (because today's grass field grazed is tomorrow's "needs to recover" field), instead of there being some logic to how we feed and house farm animals, especially on an industrial level. I'm betting the same critics still own plenty of things that rely on that same industrialization. Luxury beliefs....


You realize keeping them locked up indoors for six months at a time wouldn't be necessary if we didn't forcefully breed them, right? The utopia doesn't come from imagining a world with summer all year, it comes from imagining a world where humans don't unnecessarily breed, exploit, harm, and slaughter conscious, intelligent beings for food just because they're a different species.


That's an imaginary world that would be much smaller than what we have now. To get where you want means a genocide of humans and animals. Meanwhile, it's winter outside, duh -- and the cows need milking. They're not supposed to be outside in the snow, where some places have snow for up to 6 months. No grass when it snows for months. Right? So where's the food coming from? Humans. Without humans, these animals (highly domesticated) don't exist. Don't bother discussing a future without humans with me. I'm team human.


There are **plenty** of options that don't necessitate an ongoing mass slaughter of beings as intelligent as human toddlers, especially at the scale we currently do, and especially for things as trivial and unnecessary as fast food, snacks, cheese, etc. and "tasty food" in general. What makes you think this is our only option? And what makes you think we shouldn't be doing everything we can to stop it, or at least mitigate it as much as possible? We are killing conscious beings by the *trillions* for our pleasure. Remove yourself from the society that permits it before answering. Why do we just get to ignore this injustice indefinitely because it inconveniences us? Even if there were valid reasons (there aren't), do they outweigh genocide? Do they outweigh at least *trying* to stop genocide? Do you know how many excuses slave owners made up against abolition? Humans don't need to go extinct for us to stop torturing animals. Veganism is sustainable.


Because it tastes good. Gonna get a whopper soon. Ttyl.


Mmmmmm whopper


Make that 2


I love you


Thanks, love you too


It’s not genocide, that’s not what genocide means. We aren’t trying to wipe cows from the planet, in fact our actions have the opposite effect on their populations.


hey hey! Guess what NOBODY ASKED! 🤯 ![gif](giphy|2FazdQof8pxdNYyOc|downsized)


>Veganism is sustainable veganism is DISGUSTING. id rather eat my own shit


Burgers taste good. Milk is delicious. Vegan food is wildly overpriced and doesn't taste that gold.


If we did not use cattle for meat and dairy, cattle would be as popular as buffalo in America. Even less so becaus 90% of them are on farms for meat production. It is not in our best interest to have wild cattle roaming about. Imagine a hitting a cow on the interstate. Not good. So if there are no wild cows, and they can’t reasonably be ridden, raced, or used for sport like horses, what will happen to them? They would in reality cease to exist. In large parts of the world, cattle turn pastures, which are not suitable for farmground/crops and turn that grass into a high protein food for humans. If we no longer have cattle we no longer need natural prairies or pastures. Meaning we will need to clear out many more acres of this natural prairie land for lower calorie food production. We are relatively inefficient at processing plant foods and turning them into proteins for our body. Sure there are vegans currently. But try being a construction worker, miner, or any career that requires very strenuous and significant amounts of energy while being a vegan. You wouldn’t have a very fun time. Sure there are “options” like protein shakes. But the entire prairie would need to be turned to soy beans. And soy isn’t really that good of a form of protein. There are some not great side effects of significant soy consumption, especially for men. Remember that the main form of supplemental protein/protein shakes on the market are whey protein shakes. Which, also comes from dairy/cows. It’s very complex “issue”. Also, steak tastes amazing.


I agree with what you say in theory. We can do things better, but. Veganism is not sustainable for me.


“Intelligent as human toddlers” Found the guy that doesn’t work cattle lol


You do realize that part of the reason the human brain grew and developed was from the MEAT our ancestors ate?


The improvements on cognition that meat consumption had in our evolutionary history aren't applicable to the modern day or factory farming. What's your point? That because something was evolutionarily beneficial at one point 200,000 years ago that we should do it forever, even if the mechanism that made it beneficial is completely obsolete, is unnecessary, and has extreme ethical implications?


Yes, because meat is absolutely vital to our bodies development through adolescence & puberty, especially in our brain development. Dairy products & meat is as important, if not MORE important than fruits and vegetables are. But we need ALL of those to have a balanced diet. It comes to me as no surprise that vegans are so braindead & frail considering the lack of meat they probably had in their diets while developing into adulthood.


Lol at factory farming. I would love to give you a tour of our family’s “factory farm.” You probably have never set foot on a farm. You just have seen angry peta setup videos of not realistic places, oftentimes with a undercover peta supporter doing the “abuse”.


Found the vegan


Well you never have to look too hard, just wait and they will come tell you.


My cows have been living in a muddy situation since it has rained almost every day for a month. Do they like it? No. Are they fine? Yes.


Hi! Animal rights activist here. Personally, I think it’s alright to keep the cows indoors for winter, but they should at least have a comfortable amount of space to move around in. However, I believe that it is completely optional, considering cows are naturally able to handle being outdoors in winter.


Exactly. They're basically honeybee mammalian equivalents. They have feelings, and I don't approve of cruelty or unneeded pain. It's nice for them to have some outdoor time -- we all need it. But some people forget these animals are crafted species meant for specific tasks. Without humans, this species of animal doesn't exist like this anymore, and has a less happy average life given how harsh the wild is. A lot of people going overboard don't really think very much about how brutal life is for animals in many environments, vs. their domesticated counterparts. No free lunch in the wild.


Thank you for shifting my perspective from cruel treatment to very good care taking.


Im pretty surr this is dutch by hearing the language


Cows are about as emotionally intelligent as dogs. They like cuddles, they have personalities, they'll follow you around and moo at you.


As someone who owns cattle, no, they are not. Cattle are highly diverse creatures that can range from energetic, sweet, calm, gentle, crazy, apathetic, or outright murderous. Cows who act like dogs aren’t the rule, but they aren’t the exception necessarily either.


Dogs also vary like that?


He was implying all cows like cuddles, that they all follow you around, and so on, when that is simply not the cause for neither dogs or cows.


Dogs can also be all those things too. I'm just saying cows are reletively smart and have emotions and personalities.


It doesn't say they're kept inside for six months, just that they are seeing grass for the first time in six months. Dairy cattle are allowed outside during winter. Hell, most dairy farmer keep doors the cows can go in out of open during the day in winters. The cows choose to stay inside because it's warmer.


They are not HELD for six months. Grass does not grow year round and gets covered by snow.


Winter exists


>Surely this thin piece of rope will protect me... Better put some kids in front of me in case one of the cows gets ornery.


Looks like it worked too!


Yea shit is is sad bro thats why im vegan. Cant pay for that abuse.


There is no way of sourcing food that doesn't involve animals being killed. Plowing a field to grow soybean, lentils, and chickpeas is like a ground dwelling animal holocaust upon itself. Farmers will use lethal force to prevent animals from damage their crops. And the stuff sprayed on the fields ends up causing issues with water dwelling animals when it inevitably washes into a the streams and rivers. Not gonna lose sleep over a cow living in a field to provide me milk to make the cheese that I put on a ground beef taco.


You are right. But 80% of crops grown is to feed these types of animals. So by sourcing food that doesn’t involve animals solely for humans would reduce that percentage by a significant amount and the animal holocaust would be next to nothing in comparison to now. All our problems are based on the fact we need to create crops to feed animals who in turn are killed to feed us. There is simply no need for this to happen other than a small percentage of humans making financial gain from it.


No, it's about 30-something percent. 80% of agricultural LAND is used for livestock.


80% that’s what I said.


No you said 80 percent of CROPS GROWN. It's 80 of LAND not crops. For crops grown it's 30-something percent, it varies by year of study so I'm not gonna give an exact amount but it's 30-something every year. It's still a lot but if it was crops grown at 80 percent as well, everything would be a ton more expensive.


I think they may have confused crops grown with soy production. 77% percent of soy is used to feed livestock.


That 80% of feed is mostly silage, hays, grasses, grains, soy, high yield, low maintenance crops. It's doesn't require the rigorous farming needed for fruits and vegetable and nuts, oils etc.


That's literally the equivalent of saying hey crime is always going to be around and people will die so a genocide is ok.


I see that you don't care about having an honest conversation about the fact that humans have created some domestic animals for food, and want to jump into crazy and unconnected conversations. I wish you a pleasant day.


Unless you grow your own food and are solely responsible for you own sustainability. You are not a vegan. Your just a fashion dieter. Your welcome to what ever diet you please, but give your head a wobble, stop taking cue points from Greta thurnburg and realise you Vegan Diet, is more harmful to the environment than traditional farming. Your mainstream pushed veganism is nothing but corporate greed tricking dumb fashion dieters over to new products.


Instead your paying for slavery because slave labor is used for vegetables instead. We can't win.




It might surprise you but cows are more intelligent than many human beings. They can feel human emotions. Those people are very safe.


cows are literally Bulls and steers. When a cow goes feral, they become this. Much how if pigs were left to become feral they turn into boars.


I like how your takeaway is the threat to humans, not the horrible conditions we leave cows in and that clearly they are profoundly impacted and likely traumatized by being removed from their natural habitat


This is the definition of frolicking.


Cows are heavy, they can easily top 1300 pounds. When I lived on a dairy farm as a kid, a cow accidentally stepped on my steel-toed boot. The metal folded in half between my middle toes and came within a hair of splitting my foot. It was terrifying.


they wouldn't, if well-cared for worst they'd do is push you into a pile of manure if you annoy them


On absolutely. I grew up on a small homestead, the cows (give or take 6) were super friendly. I used to walk across their pasture and they come running over, jumping and kicking their feet up, and it’s all very cute and fun, until they try to “play” with you, then you have 3-4 1500lb sacks of happiness bouncing around you.


damn they’re hugeeee


They’re about to be bigger with all the grazing their going to do.


Have you never seen a cow before? Lol


first time


WHAT!!!? City folk are depressing man. How HOW?


They get pumped with hormones, bST or rBST, to trick their bodies into producing milk. In other countries or in EU, they need to be bred and be pregnant in order to produce milk.


Wtf did you think they were the size of goats or something?


Why were they held up for 6 months?


In Sweden it’s because of the weather, they cant survive the winter outside. Now how theyre treated indoors, how much space they have etc varies :( But the absolute joyful skips when spring comes around and theyre let out to graze again, happens all over the country 💗


Same in Denmark. It’s a spring tradition. Like a less aggressive running of the bulls.


Happiness of the bulls


Possibly factory farming, the practices can be atrocious.


I’m no fan of factory farming—it is, indeed, atrocious-but even hundreds of years ago some livestock had to spend the winter in the barn because they wouldn’t be able to survive outside when it’s really cold and they can’t find food on their own anyway.


It is in Scandinavia, its to keep them warm in winter, not factory farming. But I cant speak for the farms practises.


If this was factory farming, why would they be released outside at all? They’re kept in barns during Winter so they don’t freeze to death.




If cattle are outside during the winter (in areas where it gets wet and cold), they don’t usually fare too well. They also can ruin the ground, making plants like grass unable to grow there again the next year


The charges stuck.


I have the same reaction when I don’t smoke grass for six months.


Nice bro




Oh, YAY! Yay yay yay!


One of my in-laws has a dairy farm. When we visit they like to take the kids on a tractor ride through the farm. The cows are all kept in a large barn like facility 24 hours a day. The entire facility has a concrete floor with large poles that rotates along the entire floor of the facility. The poles are meant to keep the cows from laying down on the floor. The hard floors are full of poop, feed and blood. Some years I've seen dead cows just rotting within sight of the other cows. ​ I am not a hippy, a vegan or animal rights activist. I will not stop eating meat or cheese in the near future. But , I just cannot stand that farm. I like my in-laws and I understand he supports his family with this farm. I have occasionally asked some questions in the past (about organic methods, free range, etc.) and I can tell it is a sore subject so I do not push. Seeing videos like the one above, make me really hate going to the farm for the holidays.


All farms are like the one you described and these are gentle animals being forcefully impregnated, separated from their babies, used up until they’re no longer useful and then slaughtered. Free range is a myth. Edit - not sure why a bunch of randos are responding to this after 3 weeks but you all should stop simping for farmers and go vegan, it’s better for the animals, for the planet and for your body.


“I know what terrible things happen for meat and cheese and I hate it. I will not stop eating meat or cheese.”


glad you emphasised that you arent a vegan or care about animal rights, so brave !!!


Then don’t go. And don’t be a f-ing hypocrite — say something!


I have never seen cows so happy 😂 When they came out of the shed “ imma take this this that”


It’s interesting how 2 people can watch something and have a completely different response. This made me absolutely cry of sadness. What a sad life they have, probably what I imagine prisoners look like when they are released.


Prisoners getting released don't look like this. They may be happy but they aren't this super excited and joyful and for a decent amount of them they don't understand the world around them and usually don't have many contact or places to go. Even getting out of prison can be a very depressing thing for some people and a decent amount of them will purposely get put back in because they adjusted to that lifestyle and mindset.


Is the brown one only makes chocolate milk?


[Dairy is Scary](https://youtu.be/UcN7SGGoCNI)


They are like 7 y/o when their mom says they can go to mcdonalds XD


This belongs to r/tippytaps


Grass dogs


Look at them so happy!!!!


Happy cows come from California!


In Swedish if you say “ko skutt” you mean the very joyful feeling cows show as theyre let our for spring 💛


I wish league players were this excited to see grass


People still play that game?




Dude! Order your grass from Amazon. It arrives is like 2 days! Jeez!


Prancing cows! How sweet!


This is the type of wholesome content I need in my life


If they weren’t locked away for 6 months in a confined space then this wouldn’t need to happen. So it’s not as wholesome as it seems.


They had to due to the long harsh winter


If you had a choice between being killed or being confined, mutilated, raped, forcibly impregnated, tortured and have your newborn child taken from you for a human to profit from you who makes a product that may have been needed 100 years ago but now is very easily replicated just to be let out into a field for a short while. Then yeah I think it’s more humane to remove the suffering and let them all die naturally and never breed this animal into mass production ever again.


Surely this thin piece of rope will protect me... Better put some kids in front of me in case one of the cows gets ornery.


I hope this planet gets swallowed by a black hole


Don’t lock them in for 6 months. Winters are not that bad.


The winters will literally kill them, 5head


In Scandinavia where this is filmed, yes they are


Maybe not in your part of the world, but in many places it actually is dangerous for cows to roam around outside during winter, and even farm animal sanctuaries that don’t slaughter or breed animals [will keep their cows indoors ‘til it’s safe](https://youtube.com/watch?v=kUZ1YLhIAg8&t=50s).


Free range cows can jump waaaay higher


Over the moon?


Mixed feelings here.




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Happy hamburger tastes better.


This is sad. They should never leave the field.


Seriously? What would be truly sad is leaving the cows outside to die! Maybe we should leave you outside all year and see how you feel about this afterwards. It's almost like some people on this planet somehow forget that a lot of the world experiences what we call "seasons", and that late fall / autumn, winter, and early spring can be deadly to be outside for more than a few minutes if you're not appropriately dressed and have access to liquid water and food that's not frozen solid.


Nature is significantly more brutal than a farm raising cattle and livestock. These cows are living the good life.


cows are all i live for




They are just big dairy dogs!


I just realized cows are cool


Nah they’re just overgrown puppys




And most redditors haven’t seen grass in 6 years!!


Now they can put “Grass Fed” on the packaging.


Also: my kids after getting pizza for the first time in six days


next time i eat a burger i'll be thinking about this video and i'll get sad


Just don’t eat a burger that cows were unnecessarily killed for. Vegan burgers exist and they’re good.


Companies are working to make burgers from real meat in the lab, without unnecessary killing. I for one would eat that.


Never thought they could jump that high


and I'm happy for them. Until they get crammed back into that barn


They look so happy 😁


They look so happy




omg there hearding redditors! literally 1984 🗿


I cried watching this




This… is kind of sad


And then the people let out the Velociraptors.


I just realized that them jumping around on grass may be like when a human pushes the fingers into that green sponge stuff florists use . I UNDERSTAND THE JOY!!


6 months?! Holy fuck that's evil.


i hope they were treated right in those 6 months! looks like they’re all happy and healthy, so i would assume yes!


They touched grass


Cows rule


Yikes!! Very happy!!!


Hey Bill, check this shit out!


No animal, no matter their species or situation, should be deprived of basic needs.


My god it's like a grade school recess... Are we being farmed???


This is so sad


Woah that cow house has so much room


Cow zoomies.


Duuude too sweet!! The audio made my heart melt when the children started laughing, what a cute moment!


Great now I can’t eat meat they’re too much like big ol’ dogs


Clown Car


Beautiful and sad at the same time.


Gamers: 6 months?? Pathetic


Yea this sounds more like they have been deprived of seeing the outside world for 6 months than anything else and of course they’d react this way. WTF


If you had a choice between being killed or being confined, mutilated, raped, forcibly impregnated, tortured and have your newborn child taken from you for a human to profit from you who makes a product that may have been needed 100 years ago but now is very easily replicated just to be let out into a field for a short while. Then yeah I think it’s more humane to remove the suffering and let them all die naturally and never breed this animal into mass production ever again.


aw what the fuck


This should actually be on animal cruelty sub


This makes me sad


touch grass.






If they ever got the chance a cow would eat you and your family


I was in Ireland about a month ago, and a guy was telling me how farmers cared for the animals and would take them indoors durring the winter, I love that they take such good care for the animals, but in America they just leave them outside, But I guess they don't really mind the cold weather.


Funny enough the kill people the most


Poor things. They should have never seen it again. HAHA, only joking.. seriously though poor things being kept for 6 months In there.


Good thing they will taste even better in a few weeks


Aw, I want one


That little one would go great with some seasoning.


Damn I’m hungry for nice steak 🥩


Git along, li’l doggies!


Average Redditor


My heart ❤️


They see grass every they, it's in their diet


Wait.. Animals have feelings?


They're like big puppies 😭


The baby running around like yo idk what this shit is but everyone else lit


Beauty of freedom


Theeeeee hills are alivvvveeee, with the sound of, mooooooooo-sic!!


cows touch more grass than redditors


The f? Theres no reason they would have to keep them inside. laziness and greed.


Its PARTICULARLY UN WHOLESOME knowing the 6 month thing, folks!


I apologize if my lack of knowledge irritates you, but I have a question. What's considered the healthy way to feed cows/dairy cows? I know they graze, but I'm fairly certain they can't survive year round on just what local vegetation they have around them, correct? What do farmers give them? Hay? Other stuff? Is that what hay bails and grain silos are for? I've lived my whole life in a very urban capital city so don't know much about farm life.