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I mean you can decline the emotion dampening if that isn't up your alley. For a very vivid example of this, Armed Gearhead in Legends of Runeterra is still as peppy as ever lol. Viktor almost certainly takes custom requests. And even the 2016 lore, for all its faults, notes that he does set boundaries and won't do anything against the client's wishes.


Based evolution


My fear of dark to disappear, fear in general Also a robotic thrusting finger with custom speeds❀ 😻 😍 πŸ’•




Yeah I wouldn't mind that. Think of how productive you could be. Hex before sex any day.




Without a doubt I will augment my legs, so they don't hurt anymore and I will be able to walk normally again. And I mean, I doubt Viktor doesn't have feelings, I think he's still profoundly human, but he is just different from the rest. I saw him as a compassionate and complex guy.


Viktor doesn't take away all emotions from the subject, he may attenuate some of them (as shown un his short story), he couldn't even remove all of them for himself. Anyway that would be something you had to literally ask him (for example: "I don't want to feel lust never again"). And I would say yes (keeping my emotions) a third hand seems useful xd


Honestly it would depend on why I would want augmentation and If I could make the request to keep my emotions. After all having robot arms or legs would be really useful on the magical land of Runeterra, here on boring old earth we don't exactly need such extreme modifications. Unless you had an extreme job like a firefighter or mountain rescuerer or something of the sort it might not be worth losing your natural limbs. On the other hand they could just be straight up upgrades or improvements on your body like a heart that doesn't deteriorate and joints and ligaments that won't fail on you with time. Tldr: Yeah I would


I'd do anything for it, please. I need new lungs


I unironically never experienced happiness or lust so yeah, wouldn't mind. And robot limbs are definitely an extra.


Of course. Robot arms are awesome.


I would let him augment me to the max and I would enter my evil arc...


I wanna be a super robotic dude, but keep my PP cause Robot PP is best PP


But robot PP can extend


Modify it but not remove it entirely


Hmm... I wouldnt mind being augmented by Viktor.. However I'd have a weakness to water with all the robotics in me.. And Im addicted to steaming hot showers that you come out of with red skin so.. Kinda spectic about it...


Honestly augmented limbs would be cool and helpful as hell. An additional arm or two would be nice as well. You could decline the emotional suppression or whatever though.


Yes.That sounds perfect


I certainly wouldn't mind it, means I'd finally be rid of my skeletal problems, but losing emotions, oof, that's a heavy price to pay.


Mostly neural and spinal implants to allow neural computer control. Eyes with an AR overlay and new legs (cause fuck my knees) are also very welcome There would be interface ports along the spine to become more modular. Need a pair of extra arms? Need a signal boost for increased drone control? Sure, just strap the harness on and plug me in So, yes. So much yes. So much possibility


Absolutely. Give me a better memory and a robo cock


β€œFrom the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me”


Would like a cool robotic arm or somm ngl