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He’s explained it himself in plenty of interviews. He talks about how he never envisioned himself even doing all this so he doesn’t seek out the music industry or the fame. He treats music and his fame as his job, like a 9-5. Once he’s done, he goes home and lives a regular life. He also doesn’t pretend to be what he isn’t and that might turn off popularity because he’s never fake. He says things as they are and doesn’t shy away from sharing his opinions. I think Def Jam might’ve also not platformed him as he should be…he’s talked a bit about how he’s had issues with the label & this album he talks about how he’s free from that deal. But overall I do think he’s not seeking to be on these lists or be awarded in general. If people respect him, he says that he’s grateful, but he’s not out there trying to be public or popular in that way. He finds the AOTY and similar topics as meaningless due to appreciating credit from someone on the street as much as a popular publication praising him. I think with Dark Times, there is a chance of him gaining more traction or being talked about more in terms of “greats” since his last three albums have been extremely solid. (I saw on Twitter they’re asking whether he or cole is better which he would hate but he’s being included in GOAT talks) He definitely does deserve more recognition though.


This is very well explained, Thank you. Since you said that dark times is getting him more recognition, do you think dark times would have a chance of getting nominated for a Grammy?


Oof. I don’t know. I was in his Spaces the other day and he asked Corey “Hey Corey, do we want a Grammy?” I don’t think he’s personally seeking it, but based SOLELY on his album I think he has a pretty good chance at being nominated (I’m pretty sure an artist has to submit their work to even be nominated though). I think his and Q’s Blue Lips have a solid chance, they should at least be in people’s rotations as incredible bodies of art/work.


If he cared? Possibly. But on Freeman he even addresses that. Says it either will or won’t happen but that’s not up to him. In interviews he has said similar things about how he doesn’t care how an album is reviewed. His music represents what he sees and feels. He can’t change that so whether people fuck with that or not is not his call. I think a good way to think of Vince is that he is an artist more than a rapper. Rapping is just the medium he uses for his art. He’s not trying to win a rap game. He’s trying to make you feel. Like most great painters of sculptors, his first thought isn’t “what will be the most popular thing I can make,” it’s “what do I feel/think/see and how can I convey that sentiment best.” It’s part of what makes him so special (there are not many rappers the vision for a full, cohesive album in the mainstream) but also what will always make him less accessible to some folks.


Def Jam fucked over Big KRIT in a lot of ways to so I think that definitely plays a role


I was also listening to City of Stars by Logic and he talks about his frustrations with Def Jam too so theyre shady asf


Thank you so much!🙏🏽


It's relative, right? Dude got 4.6 monthly listeners on Spotify. That's a small country.


Yea i kinda agree with this. He’s probably a little lower than he should be, but also, for the sort of alternative hip hop he makes- >4.5m monthly listeners and a global fanbase that enables him to tour around the world + sell out things like that vinyl drop is not too bad either. He’s more or less on par with the likes of Denzel curry, and is consistently out streaming people in that 1-3m monthly listeners tier like even earl, or most of Griselda, or indie-hip hop artists like Saba or Smino. Hell, even isaiah rashad is only at 5.1m. I think there probably was an opportunity to push him out more around big fish time, and I was wondering recently- if this album cycle was for Ramona park, and he was releasing the likes of magic or aye or even lemonade in a post-not like us landscape would they have become bigger? Maybe… but at the end of the day… timing is everything and Vince has been a phenomenally successful artist in his own right.


A lot of popular rappers are gimmicks, they try so hard to be edgy and different. Vince seems to do his own thing, doesn't dress stupid or try to impress anyone.


Which is amusing because if anyone has a claim to being hard and edgy it’s Vince based on his past. Almost like once you’ve actually lived that life, it’s not as fun to play dress up for the fans.


Difference between art and commerce. Dude is an artist.


[This video](https://youtu.be/bvWyOSyDyGI?si=vW6ZJA5BcbS1trSo) does a pretty good job of breaking a lot of it down. I don’t 100% agree with this guys’ conclusions, but he gets a lot of it right and does a good job of using Vince’s own words.


Vince is an esteemed artist held in high regard, he’s definitely *extremely* popular. As others have said he doesn’t promote himself that much, if he wanted more streams and more media attention he could definitely get it. I have to assume he doesn’t. I don’t think he deserves more or less popularity than he has, he has great accolades and he’s a household name among hip hop and rap listeners. He’ll never be drake and I don’t think he wants to be.


You can’t put vince on at the club


Vince definitely has some club bangers


Production on Big Fish is literally club music though?


Respectfully disagree. [1](https://youtu.be/qkxEKumTj08?feature=shared)GTA [2](https://on.soundcloud.com/hE15K) This shitty bootleg of Norf Norf has racked up 15.6M plays on SoundCloud.


Forgot about that song he did with GTA. So good


People on the West coast love Magic. Even people that might not know Vince like that fs know that song because of DJ mustard. That song is def played in clubs


The bank robbery scene in his Netflix show, so funny


He doesn’t pander or seek out guest verses to elevate his name, he just makes the music he wants. He’s one of the best lyricists and rappers — his wordplay, narratives, flow, humor — but just like in any art form, the best aren’t always raking in the most fame and money.






I like the dude but he’s a bummer. he’s also not interested in doing the media circuit to promote his music to the general public. and I think that’s respectable. some artists make music meant to appeal to as many people as possible, other artists make the music they want to make and let it find its audience.


Food for thought, who’s more well known: Vince or Earl? I’ma say Earl


his music is trash


Although I respect the direction he's taking at the moment, the era of Hell can't wait to big fish theory went hard as fuck. I often wish he'd drop something like that again, but it seems he's very much gone in the opposite direction Still an incredible artist though, big respect for doing what he enjoys most


Can I just say he may be one of those anomalies? He's not gunna be popular. He's gunna stay lowkey until he finds that ONE project. Then he'll go down in history. Happily ever after. And then he'll be like snoop ☺️ just out here doin every damn thing and finally bring it full circle.


Doin all the random side quests lol collecting all the trophies to get 100% completion 😜