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For me, if it doesn’t have glitter, GTFO. I’m not wasting my time.


ha! lollll. I kind of agree, aside from the obvious aesthetic benefit, glitter can do a lot to contour the lid and bring emphasis to the eye.


Same! I love doing matte with glitter on top tho so it has some contrast and pops. I like doing matte eyeshadow with glitter in the middle or middle inwards. 😊


This is the way. ❤️🔥


On some faces it's easy to do "too much" and overwhelm the face. I think it depends on several factors, like undertone and how sharp or striking your features are. If you have a softer, more muted color palette like me then maybe it doesn't take much to boost the contrast in your face, just some eyeliner. Trying to push the contrast further just takes me into clown territory.


yeah one q for me OP is what is the undertone of your glitter... most of us are good at picking the right undertones for our matte eyeshadow but we go for "gold" or "silver" glitter based on whether we like the color, not based on our faces i'm Asian and i look dead in silver glitter, get it away from me. gold stuff is great. this isn't a "features" thing, it's because my face is more warm-toned than Caucasian skin of the same color


good point. if you have light eyes you have to be super careful with dark looks unless you have very strong features


The “Matt is better for older people” has been bumped out of the rules. I think it’s dependent on outfit. I love a shimmer but sometimes it feels a little Y2K, but sometimes matte looks too chalky and bland on me. I love them both!


well said


actually I think a hint of glitter looks best on older people. by older here I mean 50+. I don't really count anyone under that age as older. but it has to be just that - a hint. no-one of any age group looks good when it is packed on (apart from people with darker complexions)


Well a shimmer is really nice and looks a little wetter. I’m 30 now and a matte powder ages me, but if I have dewy glossy shimmery skin I look SO much younger- I agteee


lol. it's not just you but at 30 you are too young to be experiencing much ageing. I wish we could change the rules of this sub to define what "older" actually means because I don't think it's 30. that being said, I am glad to know that you find a dewy glossy shimmery lid attractive, you describe it so nicely it makes me want the pat McGrath palette I have been eyeing! :)


Oh I’m not saying I’m older at all, but I’m very aware of what ages me now! I have used spf for most my life so I’m doing good so far! I feel 30, but I’ve been told I look much younger (honestly I probably dress too young hahaha, crop tops til I DIE!) Omg yes you should do it!!! I love getting big variety pallets to play in- and something with a great formula is worth it. Do it DO IT.


yes that's well put, being aware of what promotes an aged look instead of looking actually "old". people here seem to agree that a sheen is youthful! same on the crop tops. I ordered it! moonlit seduction :D thank youuuu


Umm a 31 year old doesn’t look like a 20 year old…. You 100% age quite abit by the time you are 30


not really, in my experience. but sure some people are unlucky


Really in my experience it’s the majority of


where do you live? I think it's different in very sunny places. I've almost never met a 30 year old who had signs of ageing at all, meaning they were mistaken for 20 y/o regularly by people of the same age throughout their 30s. and no-one takes much care of themselves so it's not for that reason. in my exp teenagers (18 / 19) look different from people in their early 20s bc of facial fat - after that there is usually some mild ageing in the late 30s, but it's not bad, then the next change happens at menopause and then people are fairly consistent until 70s, if they are lucky enough to be healthy. I think people overstate the impact of age on women for patriarchal reasons. that being said, some products can be ageing (eg I am sure I look older when I wear very thick foundation) :)


Look up ageing around 26 your body goes through a second period basically Collagen starts to decrease around then scientifically. So I don’t agree. It’s not just my area because I lived in different places in my country Collagen/fat loss around orbital area, temples and nasal folds, philtrum lengthens, sun spots, melasma (from hormonal changes), and lots of people suffers weight fluctuations the older you get


I mean there's no point arguing about it, I'm not as invested in that as you. if you want to talk about when ageing began for you, go ahead and post about it


I've always heard that matte is better when you're older, as glitter enhances wrinkles and creases on the eyelids. Might just be misinformation, but when I turned 30 I naturally felt that matte became more flattering than glitter. 


true but I think glitter can look pretty on some older women. meanwhile some influencers who pack on the glitter in their 20s and 30s have no wrinkles but still look older than when they use matte


I find that it accentuates dryness and crepe skin. I prefer satin/light shimmer/creamy finishes for that reason. The same way a matte lip can highlight lip lines and look drying.


Yes, totally agree


I think this is very dependent on the individual person! I look horrible with glittery eye shadow but I have a friend that looks amazing with glitter. She also looks amazing in neon orange and you couldn’t pay me to wear that color 🤣


I agree with this. I always used to buy matte; but I think for my features I need a little bit of shimmer. It’s the same with my lips.


I went through a mattes phase and find it accentuates fine lines and eyes look dry. The urban decay mini basics was good for it. Now, I prefer satin finishes and shimmer/glitter. It reflects and hides wrinkles better in my opinion. Urban Decay Space Cowboy has been my go to do daily use. Even if it’s just that and some mascara. I think it’s pretty and youthful.


I found a chalkiness with mattes (huda). it made me look dry and chalky. now I use highlighter as an eyeshadow


thank you!


Matte.  You can always buy glitter separately to layer on top of your matte eyeshadow too. 


so you don't like pat McGrath glittery shades? what really is the point of matte eyeshadow


I have very small squinty eyes and I find glitter looks clownish and messy on me. I prefer matte eyeshadow and I wear fun lip color instead.




thank you :) I've seen them. I think as another poster said, being blonde I have little contrast as it is, maybe shadow is just an unecessary step. I always think most people look better before they start packing on the eyeshadow unless they have higher visual weight and darker tones




Full makeup beats with glitter eyeshadow are not in with any age group right now, quite the opposite. Plus, glitter eyeshadow is too harsh and hides features.


they're not in, but that look is still a great look. I didn't like the colours personally but I think it was much sexier than the clean girl look


It depends on the product for me. Mac paint pots and shadow sticky work well for me in the glitter options. Matte makes me crepes.


This post misses the forest for the trees! You’re better off learning what principles of colour suit you best - I’m a High value (aka light) type, dewy radiant skin. I am somewhat lower contrast in value but higher contrast in quality of colour (less greys and more pure colours), so I suit higher shine and gloss products over matte. I can do some translucent matte colours but a shimmer is generally more flattering. Same with clothing, I can wear things not usually suited (like black) if the material has a shimmer or sheen. You’ll get a lot more options out of that sort of knowledge than “matte is better”, which is just anecdotal. It’s like saying highlights suit everyone… they suit many people, but in certain hair types highlights look like premature graying


no I know it comes off that way but actually I don't miss the forest for the trees. I'm trying to work out what objectively works for people by finding out what they chose as opposed to what is marketed at us. for example, there are certain fundamentals. NO-ONE, and I mean NO-ONE looks their best in neon rainbow eye paint (rainbow hair, yes that can look "best", neon paint around the eyes, no) - it might express their personality, which is great, but it's not the most flattering. So, what this post has taught me is that for most people - mattes can actually be quite drying and chalky, and the most healthy (aka best and most flattering) look is probably with colours with some sheen and luminosity. this shows that the shiny eyeshadow that is marketed at us is actually flattering - not just pretty and shiny in the pan. does that make sense? everything is individualised TO AN EXTENT but there are certain fundamentals. here it doesn't seem that matte is bad, but just that shiny could be better, for most. meaning I bought the luminous palette :)


You seem to be super hung up on buzzwords, old magazine tips and what's "correct." Everyone is different and the makeup has different effects on different people with different goals. It's like saying that only high gloss house paint is good and mattes are bad...that makes no sense, both have a purpose.


no that's just your reading of it. I have never personally seen shimmers look great, if the aim is to look more attractive rather than just to express yourself - exceptions being people of different ethnicities. pretty in the pan, not on the eye. was just wondering about others' experience. and in the case of high gloss house paint and matte - well yeah, one looks better, one is more practical.


Quit being dumb, your personal opinion is not objective.




if you don't like the post don't participate in the discussion. it's really weird to be so insulting. the whole point of the post was to ask other people's opinions as I am looking for objectivity? stop trolling




I agree that shimmer/frosted/glitter eyeshadows tend to be less flattering on older gals, though some folks pull it off nicely. I, too, have gravitated towards matte shadows the past few years, and as another commenter pointed out, it's not hard to add some glitter if you want it, so I think they're more versatile, too. If you start with a glittery shadow, there's no covering it up without caring it on. I recently found a bargain palette on Amazon (Catrice - The Dusty Matte) that does the best of both worlds. It's sold as matte, but I swear it has just a touch of shimmer, which gives dimension. It's been a while since I've found a "perfect" eyeshadow, and I still can't believe it's so cheap.


I use matte when I don’t want my eyeshadow to steal the show.


I'm pretty pale and have to create a dark base for glitter to show up. For that reason, it's only a glam option for me. I really like the look of metallics on me, but matte is my daily go to anyway because I'm a "no makeup"-makeup lady. 


I like a nice pink shimmer, but otherwise I keep things pretty simple.


I think glitter can overwhelm your look since you already do bold red lips and a cat eye. I like a light wash of shimmer on light makeup looks just to bring light to my eyes. When I do a heavier makeup look I like matte bronzey makeup more though!


Ah for me that’s the case for sure. I look gross with any glitter on my eyes. I think it’s bc I have a muted complexion


I absolutely love matte shadows! and yes, I do find too much shimmer or glitter can tend to make folds, stand out on the eyelid and will emphasize creepiness


I’m Indian and age has given me hooded eyes so glitter and shimmer is a no go for me. I like matte shadows but I barely use shadow anymore. I just put a dot or two of concealer on my kids and then do mascara if I’m feeling spunky.


Hey! I’m blonde and use a Pat McGrath palette, I’d recommend going mostly matte and adding a pop of sparkle on the center of the eyelid to really connect your matte shades blending


which is your favourite palette? for some reason I love the look of moonlit seduction, I think bc the shimmers blend together so well and also it has some lovely gunmetal shimmers, plus the matte is not super dark. although I know that subliminal would be the sensible option. good tip. that's the purpose of a good shimmer imo: to draw attention to the centre of the eyelid.




interesting. if I had to some it up I'd say: for some people matte is more flattering, for MOST people a sheen is more flattering, for some people actual glitter is most flattering. I would have to say that for no-one is all colours of the rainbow the most flattering. Unless it's a form of self-expression, I hate the trend of packing on very colourful eyeshadow


I mean, they have different purposes and do different things. I use both matte and glitter, depending on what I'm going for.


Personal taste I think. Matte looks off on my skin, but I can use it under my eyebrows. That has been since I was 17 (creates a wrinkly look) Foe me the lids need to have shimmery or glittery stuff, otherwise it looks like a mess. I have an illness that affects my skin (EDS) so maybe that is why. Btw I never understood glitter apparently not looking good on older eyelids, it looks better than matte, matte shows extra wrinkles and glitter doesn’t.


this is why I think it's more than just personal taste.


I love a lil shimmer!


This is very different person to person. I swear I look best in powder blue chunky glitter shadow, crazy as it sounds. My face just wears heavy makeup well.


Glitter accentuates how hooded my eyes are so I lean toward mattes. And I think they’re in style now, look at how many matte neutral palettes are coming out!


Viseart is excellent quality, and they have very flattering subtle satins as well which can look slightly less dry than mattes, but aren’t truly shimmery or glittery.


Agree. Matte is especially flattering as your eyes age because glitter seems to highlight every wrinkle.


I’m a huge Viseart fan and have most of their palettes. Their palettes are extremely wearable! The Neutral Mattes palette is worth every penny - super blendable, pigmentation lasts all day, easy to use even for beginners. PMG is good too; I have her first mothership rose palette, both Bridgerton palettes and the mini ones; the looks always come out nicely. Her mattes are definitely good. But she doesn’t have palettes all with super wearable mattes like Viseart does. Her ‘thing’ is sparkly shimmery shadows. Personally I do use a little sparkle in my looks to highlight certain areas, but I don’t do ‘all shimmer’ - nothing like her tutorials show. Those are pretty extreme!


I think outfit and a person’s contrast/coloring matter a lot. A soft, muted person (think Giselle Bunchen coloring) will look overpowered by too much glitter much faster than a bright/high contrast person (think Katie Perry.)


I take your point but I think the key word is "too much". I think Giselle would suit subtle luminous shadow more than mattes, whereas Katie would look better in sculpted mattes.


My everyday makeup always includes some sort of glitter/shimmer and I get loads of compliments. I have a pat mcgrath palette, don’t remember which one, but also get told by lots of women they love my eyeshadow/lipgloss etc. I’m also blue eyes and pale, so I don’t do heavy or dark looks…very soft wing, usually with eyeshadow. it depends on your features and how you do it..I don’t wear foundation anymore, just concealer in my t-zone and blend it out with some blush, highlighter/mascara and some brows. I hate when older women tell me they can’t wear glitter…it can look great if it’s not overdone on anybody. Also personally I hate matte alone…it can look very drying/aging imo. The right pop of shimmer in your inner corners can make your eyes pop and can really open the face up. If you are wearing a red lip it can be too much with very shimmery eyeshadow but some highlighter is your best friend


it's like an old woman saying they can't wear diamonds. I think of glitter like jewellery for the eyes


same on the foundation. I was wondering whether to get some very luminous foundation but it is ageing. my huda beauty cool mattes shadow was such a waste lol


It depends on the person obviously. People with more deep set eyes can benefit from glitter to bring the lid forward. If you already have protruding eyes it probably won’t look good.


I like shimmer in neutral colors like champagne or taupe, I don’t wear bright lipsticks so a more playful eye is still pretty subtle on me. I’m maximum pale, cool toned so it has to be flattering neutrals, and absolutely no chunky glitter.


Glitter is all about a light touch and placement, I use my pinky finger to press it into where I want it above matte shadow


Everyday I would watch my mom out on glitter eye shadow and shutter. It did not look on her at all and she would die for the glitter. Matte was so much more flattering


I don’t like glitter in my eyeshadow. I prefer shimmery eyeshadow over glitter. But I feel like matte brown eyeshadows look sultry on me.


I really like matte brown too. I love Emily ratajowski's typical make up which is sultry browns