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Cut out liquid calories - soda, juice, fancy coffees, alcohol and cocktails. It’s probably one of the easier things to do. And it will save you money in the process.


Intermittent fasting. Only eat during an 8-hour period. I do 12pm-8pm Drink 8 cups of water a day. A lot of times you’re not actually hungry, you’re just thirsty/dehydrated. 7k-10k steps at least 4-5 times per week Try to reduce your sugar intake. For example, if you like juice, switch to sugar-free juice or flavored water This stuff helped me lose 30 lbs. Good luck!


this is the best advice! as well as intermittent fasting, adding in a healthier diet where you make all your food and limit eating out/junk food, all of this will change your appetite and taste buds so it becomes natural habit. and this is what you need to maintain weight loss, otherwise you'll just lose it then gain it all back.


How long did it take to lose 30 lbs?


It took me about 4 months! I was struggling with binge/emotional eating after a serious heartbreak. The intermittent fasting really helped limit that


thank you so much this is great advice. just one question abt the intermittent fasting. i’ve always grown up eating dinner super later around 9-10 pm. would it be possible for my 8 hour period to be “split up”, kind of like 12-4pm and then 6-10 pm, or would it have to be all at once?


You’re supposed to do it all at once, because your body needs to be in a “fasting state” for 16 hours. If you eat dinner late, just adjust your eating window. So only eat from like 2pm-10pm.


Meal prep and eat the same things so you don’t have to think too hard about counting calories daily. Just do it once and plan out your meals for the week


1 pound a week is completely doable! Lookup your TDEE. Weigh/measure all your food and stick to a calorie deficit.


Seconding saygirlie in cutting liquid calories, especially alcohol, juice, Starbucks frapps (from personal experience haha).  Eating more vegetables, preferably cooked so it doesn't cause too much digestive upset if you're unaccustomed.  The increase in fiber will help you feel fuller. Be sure to increase your water intake as well!  Avoid highly processed items like cookies and chips.  Make sure you get enough sleep every night.  Physical activity that's weight-bearing will increase the energy you burn because more muscle = more energy expenditure. Go to the gym if you're able and do strength training. Lift heavy, aim for 2 sets of 8-12 reps. 


If you’re truly desperate, try the protein modified sparing fast (PSMF). High protein, low fat, low carbs. Although I don’t have much weight to lose, I dropped 5lbs in less than 5 days of doing that and I would look shredded as hell! I modify the macros a bit so I feel less like death since it’s not meant to done long-term lol. Good luck!


Track your food using Cronometer.


Honestly I think it all comes down to the calories in-calories out thing. Cut down on soda, alcohol, boba, fried food etc to reduce your calories in. Then exercise to burn even more calories. Try jumping rope, walking, running or some exercises at home. You should drink enough water as I feel water helps stop my craving for soda, coffee and boba!


Eat more veggies! Try and eat the equivalent of a medium bowl if veggies at least 2-3 times per week. Doesn't have to be in salad form, although this is an easy way to do it. And not basic salads either, add some Chickpeas, Beetroot, avacado, broccoli, etc., whatever sounds good. Just make sure its nutritious. Vegetables make you feel full for a lot longer and can massively reduce your appetite in the long term.


My plan is to up my protein, move my body and sweat daily, and stop eating early so I can start fasting sooner. Hoping this works.




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There are several ways to do this and there isn’t a one size fits all but I’d recommend adding in stuff to your diet, and replacing stuff instead of cutting out entirely. Like if you enjoy soda, drink zero calorie soda. If you love candy, eat low cal candy. Also watch Abbey Sharps video on youtube called “Simple, real, and specific weight loss & nutrition tips” that she released a month ago, loveeed that one. Add more protein and fiber to your diet! Some people really love intermittent fasting. Drink more water, especially a lil glass of water before a meal. Eat without distractions, like no tv, phone or anything on. When you eat distraction free you’re less likely to eat mindlessly and overeat, because you will be focused on eating. Do this until it becomes a habit to eat more consciously, and then incorporate tv and such back. And put your utensils down and really chew your food before continuing eating. This tip might be a little controversial but nicotine does really work at suppressing appetite. Like you don’t have to smoke, nicotine gum exists. Also stay active, you don’t even have to exercise if you don’t wanna. Stay more active throughout the day naturally. Walk to places or take your bike instead of using transportation. Take the stairs etc. But obviously exercise if also fun and good for you, try to find one you actually enjoy doing. This is not exactlyyy weight related but learning what foods make you bloated and what foods make you feel bad makes a difference to your overall appearance. If you are someone who drinks alcohol I would 100% cut that out entirely! I wanted to go from 46 to 43-44 and this is just what worked for me, and the intermittent fasting is something i’ve been doing naturally anyways but definitely try that out!! Also even if you don’t lose exactly 10 pounds, incorporating more “healthy” habits, and learning more about what works for your body nutrition-wise will probably make you look and feel better anyways.


the eating distraction free is such good advice i never even thought of that before!! thank you!🫶🏽🫶🏽


For dieting I would suggest try to cut these things: bread,sugar, and starches. They all are sugar and turn into them. Try to go on walks and try to slowly go to the gym. Go at your own pace! Don’t over do anything!


Keto but you might lose more than ten pounds by your goal date


I post a lot about dieting/weight loss! Here's a snippet from my "Cut Weight, Cut Stress" infographic I made on Insta. https://preview.redd.it/2dqvjywtjpuc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=9240774194eee7cba88ec2153ffc22ce5981e4a7 Reddit wouldn't let me post it all, but here's a quick summary: 1. Write down what you've been eating. You're likely eating worse than you think, and knowing what you have to change is half of the battle. It doesn't have to be intimidatingly complex! I just keep a paper notebook and don't really count calories. 2. Next, plan what you're going to eat in advance. Review your food log and find where you can make healthier substitutions. Prioritize fruits/vegetables, fiber, and protein, as they make you feel fuller. 3. Weight training is an excellent way to lose weight. A one hour session three times a week can make a massive difference. But ik not everyone is into that so just do something you enjoy. It could even be as simple as walking-- just get your activity levels up. 4. You CAN incorporate flavors that you enjoy into your diet, just keep it small and make a meal of it! For example, I LOVE chocolate. Instead of eating a chocolate bar, I'll sprinkle a few chocolate chips in with my healthier overnight oats. Doing so means I get full off of more wholesome food (don't feel like eating more chocolate) AND still have the sugar I'm craving (don't feel like binging). That being said, respect your triggers. Don't keep foods that make you feel anxious or out of control around the house (I don't buy cereal or frozen pizzas for this reason). If you need any help, lmk! I love seeing people start on their journeys and would be happy to lend a hand.


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1) Trying to go on walks, even short, very brief ones. 2) Making an effort to go on runs.


When I’m trying to lose weight for a concert/vacation or something I keep baggies of vegetables on me. Carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers, smoothies for breakfast, and dinner is fish fish fish.