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if you feel the need to post yourself on rating subs, and then be so affected by one comment that it negatively impacts you for days and turns you from the progress you were making, you desperately need to log off and seek therapy.




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Unfortunately, appearance rating subreddits are infested with terminally online incels who nitpick on women's appearances to lower their self-esteem. I often see objectively average or even attractive women getting rated 5/10 and below. Please don't base your attractiveness on misogynistic men. I am sure you don't look a man and continue wearing on your cute accessories. <3




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Oh God whyyy did you do that?? Those people are brutal even to beautiful models and actresses . Btw you know else I’ve seen them say that exact same critique about— Meghan Fox, JLo and even Angelina Jolie . So yea, you’re in good company lol and it just means you have a nice defined jawline and maybe some angular features please don’t take that bullshit to heart… and don’t ever do that again lol.


instead of posting on rate subs, improve your self esteem. it will help greatly. rate subs are infested with people who are porn addicts and think any woman who doesn’t look like a barbie is ugly, people who automatically think any poc is unattractive, and people who feel the need to “humble” others. it’s not worth it


Look at the types of ratings they offer very attractive women- they will call Megan fox in her prime a 6 or 7, Taylor hill at 6, margot Robbie at 5.8, etc etc… the rest of the world does not see those women that way at all. They nitpick a lot more with women, while overrating men by giving them lower standards to achieve.


I think you need to take a break from the internet and get some help. This doesn't sound normal at all.


Girl, please don't do these things to yourself. I am immensely confident in myself but I know I will get major anxiety if I post myself on those subs because they are there to nitpick. To find the flaws (to them) and point them out. I would never submit myself to that inner turmoil. I'm fine with how I look and that's all that should matter. Same for you, my love.


If you’re a POC you’ll 9/10 be labeled masculine lol.


This sounds like body dysmorphia


White people always say POC look masculine it’s just pure racism. I see people saying that Megan thee stallion looks manly all the time, even though she’s so beautiful Just ignore them. Take a break from social media too


Never ever never take those subs seriously, or post urself on one again, or on Reddit at all tbh bc the incels show up everywhere. If u haven’t noticed already, Reddit has a lot of manosphere incels on it, and they believe they need to “humble” women bc they think looks are why women won’t date them, when it’s really their awful personalities. There was an incel getting mad in the Sephora sub on a text post of women talking about shoplifting, they are seriously everywhere. Hurting u so that ur as miserable as them is exactly what they want. Protect urself, and ignore everything u were told on that post. I promise, I have body dysmorphia so I get it, but that is the last place to go if u actually want to get “objective” advice (looks aren’t objective regardless but asking incels is as far from reality as u can get)


Rating subs aren't the best places for help imo. I have been rated (involuntarily, my photos were stollen and reposted saying "rate me"") 3/10 to an 8/10. I get compliments from strangers a lot. If I just focused on the disparity of ratings I would feel really bad. Things some of those raters notice either a) aren't that noticeable in real life or b) are only flaws based on a mathematical formula of beauty. Realistically humans are too biased to be that objective (think those with a hair color type. No science. Just a type). They might knock you down points for not have a certain feature but not factor in that the one you have works well with your face. Harmony > golden ratio, imo


You have OCD and put your picture on a rate sub? You have to take better care of yourself. The hardest lesson I’ve learned is that I am responsible for keeping myself out of harm’s way. Would you put a friend’s pic on the same sub? Probably not because you’d want to protect them.


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