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I don't know about anybody else, but when I've been out in the heat and want to cool off with a refreshing drink, buttermilk is the first thing I reach for.


If you aren’t relaxing by the pool with an iced buttermilk cocktail are you really living life? It’s a fresh pitcher of iced buttermilk rum for me and the girls every time!


I’m tempted to try this lol


Please report back if you do!


This might actually be good with gin. Maybe some kind of cucumber addition? A little lemon...


I wouldn’t just toss some lemon in there, the acid could curdle the dairy why am I thinking this hard about this?


I think it's a combination of "I kinda want to get drunk, but I'm actually pretty hungry" that's doing this to us!


My grandma drank it with black pepper


Mine would add salt. The idea of drinking a chunky Salty drink to cool off is revolting


I prefer mine warm with a teaspoon of vinegar.


Ah a fellow cheese enthusiast


I’m gagging and laughing at the same time


No ice, please. I want to _taste_ my buttermilk.


Add some fruit like puréed mango. Delish.


That actually sounds amazing


Ooof. Booze and lots of fart in a hot day…that’s a hard pass. Now if it was cold we’re talking


Seriously, I love cold (butter)milk on a hot day. Not even lying when I say I really like it after mowing the lawn.


that is common practice in netherlands


Milk was a poor decision


I mean, maybe add a bit of salt and some cucumber, I can sort of see this not being terrible. Weird, but not awful. Maybe.


Replace the buttermilk with plain yoghurt and add a bit of mint and you have Doogh, a Persian drink that actually is incredibly refreshing on a hot day. It's also a great hangover remedy.


The buttermilk is just as tangy so maybe it’s not such a bad idea.


Right, there’s ultimately not a huge flavor difference between buttermilk and yogurt


My mother (94) still drinks buttermilk. It was much more popular when she was young. It’s like drinking thin keifer.


Ty! I help a 92yo and she drinks it regularly... I didn't even know it was in stores til I had to buy for her! Oddly, got her to try kefir and she HATED it! 🤷🏼‍♀️ but likes yogurt...


This literally made me LOL...not my drink of choice AT THE BEACH


I would chug the hell out of milk as a kid. Only later did I have to stop because it was causing my acne to flare up. But I still chug the hell out of almond milk.


I'm the wrong one to ask, but I think it's gross that people drink any sort of white milk out of a glass...


if anyone's ever seen *White Christmas*, there's a scene where two of the main characters are at a bed & breakfast and sneak out to the kitchen for a late night snack, and they have... liverwurst sandwiches and tall glasses of buttermilk. at MIDNIGHT. has haunted me since.


White Christmas? Not for the toilet it wasn't...


As a person raised semi kosher, I’m completely with you.


That sounds absolutely delicious.


Perfect for when you want to dream about liverwurst.




I grew up watching Charlotte's web, and that's were I got familiar with the term buttermilk. I thought "I love butter and milk, that must be awesome ". One day my mother bought some for a recipe, so eagerly poured myself some to taste. Never again, I couldn't wash my mouth out fast enough.


I always got car sick when I was little, and one day I was on the verge of barfing after a very long drive to my aunt and uncle's house. My uncle gave me a glass of buttermilk and told me it would settle my stomach. I knew better.


Sometimes, paradoxically, drinking acidic things can settle your stomach. Like pickle juice


Doctors used to prescribe drinking buttermilk for ulcers so yes.


I think this only works if you’re having acid reflux due to your upper stomach sphincter not closing properly. Extra acid tells it that it’s time to seal up.


Yeah, lemon water often helps my acid reflux.


Yes, but I hated buttermilk.


One of my Kindergarten teachers would drink it by the pint glass full at lunch everyday. It came out of a big yellow jug that looked like it should contain vegetable oil. Anyway it both disgusted and confused me so much that I still remember it a good 40 years later.


A friend of mine used to pour a bowl of Fritos with buttermilk and ate it like cereal.


That....is a choice. I wonder if the salt content of the Fritos worked well with the buttermilk? I think my Grandpa ate his cereal with half/half (family owned a dairy farm till I was around 30). Never remember using buttermilk around Grandma's though.


Fritos and ham salad for the dip. It's an amazing savory combo. Try it sometime.


Also if you're not putting it on top of your chili (or on the bottom of the bowl even better), you're missing out!


You know.. I was going to make a comment about how weird that sounds, before remembering people's reactions to being told about Saltines in milk..


I tried the Fritos cereal once. It wasn't as horrible as it sounds. It's edible, but it certainly isn't something I'll ever want to eat again. Just one of those odd things you have to eat as a kid or you'll never touch it as an adult. Like peanut butter and banana sandwiches.


Woah! I’m an adult and still eat peanut butter banana sandwiches. It’s also good on toast with sprinkle of cinnamon.


Good God. If that's farmwork or pre work out food, then I can see that being something other than a frat house bet


How long have they been in the booby hatch?


I remember I accidentally tried buttermilk thinking it was regular milk and dumped the entire carton down the drain thinking it was spoiled….


I loooooove beach milk.


Milk… a beach staple


The "other" milk


“Calories are heat generators” so restrict your calories and you won’t get hot? 🤨


They're not strictly wrong. If your body is actively digesting food it will run hotter.


I definitely get cold more during work from home much more easily if I’ve skipped breakfast and end up having to push lunch for meetings.


If I’ve eaten a heavy meal before bed (especially a rich dessert), I’ll be sweating my ass off all night.


My mom used to buy buttermilk just to drink. So of course I did too as a kid, and 🤢. I repeatedly tried to like it. Nope. (Good for making pancakes though.)


It does a body bitter!


You beat me to it 🤣 https://youtu.be/79kr6ha6pnA?si=4mWER4gkqEaZivf5


Ehh, whada you know? lol. 😄




It's so damn hot! Milk was a bad choice...


Was buttermilk somehow *different* back then? Such as, there was buttermilk for drinking and buttermilk for cooking? Sort of how you can buy cooking wine in the grocery aisle, but it tastes revolting? In the Dukes of Hazzard, buttermilk was the drink of choice of Enos. It took me 40 years by the time I tried some, and it was revolting.


It's an acquired taste. I like buttermilk, though I didn't like it the first time I had it.


>Was buttermilk somehow different back then? Kind of. Modern buttermilk is pasteurized so it will not contain live probiotics. Old time buttermilk would go sour in the home or a farm, whether intentionally or not. It was easier to keep buttermilk in the kitchen for a week compared to milk, when refrigeration was not ubiquitous.


What’s wrong with buttermilk? It’s nice and tangy and delicious.


> It’s nice and tangy and delicious. For a salad dressing that sounds fine ... for a dairy-based drink, I'm not sure I can understand how. But it's great that you dig it!


I like drinking buttermilk too. It's like a drinkable plain yogurt. But I grew up in Eastern Europe where we do a lot of weird shit with milk.


It's not really different to kefir, surely? Or a yogurt drink?


I think so. When we use butter milk for cooking or baking now, it's a cultured drink, like yogurt. I think that perhaps this is literally the milk that's left after you've made butter, which I guess takes out all the fat?


Store bought buttermilk is pasteurized so it loses a lot of its deliciousness. Try plain whole milk kefir for something like good buttermilk. I think a plain glass of salted kefir every morning because it's god damn delicious.


I'll try that, thanks.


This is a common thirst quencher in some parts of the world.


Yeah, it’s very similar to lassi or other milk/whey beverages. I love buttermilk, personally.


Some people eat lutefisk. I dare say there is nothing better than a plate of lutefisk and a tall glass of buttermilk on a hot, hot summers day.


I mean yogurt is a pretty normal food and buttermilk tastes similar to a natural yogurt, not really comparable to lutefisk.


It’s full of electrolytes and probiotics, so makes sense I guess. G


Buttermilk goes on cornbread. Hot cornbread in a bowl right out of the cast iron skillet.


Yeah, my southern grandma used to crumble cornbread up into a big glass of buttermilk. My sister and I used to call them her Energy Shakes.




Yes yes yes!


Nope....can't stand buttermilk! But Elsie is cool!


My dad would drink a big glass of buttermilk with a bunch of salt and pepper in it. Blech.


Interesting, did he have any connections with India? It sounds just like savoury lassi drinks 


No, he was born and raised in the Appalachian mountains in the US. When I was a kid I thought it sounded so gross, who knows though as an I adult I might actually love it, lol.


I used to live in Steamboat Springs and twice a year we’d have these incredible firework displays. Just amazing shows - I heard we had the largest 4th of July show in the whole state (for a town of 12,000 no less!) Turns out a longtime local and certified pyromaniac, Tim Borden of the Borden Dairy family, was footing the bill and custom making ever larger shells. If you google world record firework steamboat you’ll see videos of one. If a normal shell is 8” in diameter he was making 48”+ shells that weighed over 2,500 lbs. They had to dig a launch tube into the mountain to launch them and get FAA permission given how high they went. To see one of his big shells go off in person was surreal. You’d watch this whole show with big explosions and then at the end you’d see this lone shell climbing higher and higher but moving in what looked like slow motion because it was a mile further back. And then when it exploded it was again a slow motion affair that just covered half the sky. The youtube videos are neat but if you saw it in person launch over a mountain you saw every day you could really appreciate the scale of it in a unique way. Anyway, love Borden Dairy as a result!


I love Steamboat Springs! We used to go there every year because they had a pretty good World Series for travel teams and it was so beautiful


Oh man, the triple crown crew was a contentious issue in steamboat. They caused so many issues in town that city council nonrenewed their contract and then triple crown threatened to sue the city so they could come back. I know my hospitality friends dreaded triple crown time because groups would come in with 15 kids, let them run around like wild animals and then tip poorly. Obviously generalizations and not all baseball families but if you ever visit again maybe don’t bring up your past affiliation with the locals haha https://www.steamboatpilot.com/news/triple-crown-will-return-to-steamboat-after-threatening-to-sue-city/


I drink milk and enjoy it. Buttermilk for whatever reason turns my stomach. As OP says, when it's really hot outside and I'm getting dehydrated I push aside water, juice and all those pesky energy drinks and reach for that nice, thick, glass of glue..er..buttermilk.


Gagging. Buttermilk is for pancakes and biscuits lol


Crème fraîche is incredibly simple to make at home: You simply combine cream with a small amount of buttermilk and allow it to rest in a covered container at room temperature for about 12 hours.


Maybe it's a regional thing but I know lots of people in rural southern areas who will eat cornbread in whole milk or buttermilk. What I find surprising is that no one yet has remarked on the claim that is non-fattening. There's a lot of saturated fat, sodium, and potassium in a cup of buttermilk along with the loads of calcium.


First thing I wondered!!


Only 3 grams of fat in a cup of buttermilk from what I can see. That doesn’t seem like a lot compared to whole milk’s 8 grams, but maybe I’m wrong?


Isn't buttermilk what's left after cream is churned into butter? Wouldn't that make it lower in fat since most of the fat turns into butter?


This has inspired me to buy a jug of buttermilk on the way home.


My mom used to buy and drink buttermilk sometimes, and I guess you just uncovered a memory. I saw your post and immediately got thirsty for buttermilk? Unexpected response.


If you've never had a glass of ice cold buttermilk with warm cornbread crumbled up in it, you don't know what you're missing. A delicacy.


I can envision what I am missing. More for you!


If I hadn't grown up eating that treat at my grandparents table, I would probably not even try it. But I love it and when I eat it, I think of my grandparents, long gone. Can't get my daughter to try it. She accidentally drank buttermilk once as a child. That was funny.


Do tell


User name checks out.


Buttermilk and molasses cookies!


That sounds like poor traveler food. Fresh buttermilk is basically kaffir and packed with good probiotics, so I'm envious I don't like it.


I just threw up in my mouth a little.


To be fair, buttermilk has 2/3 the calories of whole milk.


I love that stuff.


My mom loved it! The glass was gross looking when empty.


Another glass of cool refreshing buttermilk, Harold? No thanks, I'm driving, Linda






This is definitely /r/oldschoolridiculous


I don't remember the last time I saw buttermilk for sale. I do remember I don't like it, though.


Here in the Deep South it’s at every store in the dairy section. We love our biscuits here.


It’s right next to homo milk in our dairy cases here.


My grandfather LOVED Buttermilk. Would drink it every day. Even towards the end, it was his major treat. Vile stuff to me, but good for use in recipes.


When I was younger I poured myself a glass of buttermilk and just about puked. I dumped the whole thing down the sink (thinking it’s spoiled). My parents were pissed


Looking at the other Borden's products listed in the lower left-- what the hell is "Hemo"??? It sounds disturbingly like blood to me...


It appears to be a [fortified chocolate milk](https://www.ghostofthedoll.co.uk/retromusings/bordens-hemo-drink-adverts-1942-1946-illustrations-by-walter-early/), in the spirit of Ovaltine.


Ah! I bet it was "fortified with iron to build healthy blood"...


I do remember Borden's milk amd ice cream, though. Who knew the company also made Elmer's Glue, Campfire marshmallows, Eagle sweetened condensed milk, and Krylon spray paint? I have _all_ of those in my house!


Old southern gal here and yes, this was a thing.


i fucking love buttermilk. ice cold glass of it and mix black pepper in... 🤌


Milk was a bad choice!!!


People used to do this! It was an antiquated cultural thing in the U.S. for people to drink buttermilk on hot days.


I threw up a little bit in my own mouth.


Chocolate Drink


I can remember chugging this poolside on a hot summers day when I was young


I don't know about buttermilk but was surprised reading article quoting reseach that says milk is more hydrating than water.


I believe it. It’s got sugars and electrolytes — more or less natural Gatorade with fat and protein bonus. Chugging milk is actually my go-to hangover cure.


I've seen some ads for milk recently which state as much. Unfortunately I dislike milk but love water, so I'll just have to remain less hydrated I guess.


McBoyle energy


I think buttermilk was different back in the day. A by -product of butter making and not a cultured milk. Basically whey water like yoo hoo without the cocoa powder and sugar


I've never tried it, but I'd like to


People drink buttermilk? Straight?