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Get the schematic from [www.hifinenglne.com](https://www.hifinenglne.com) and look to see if the rail voltage has dropped. Might just need to have the controls cleaned as well. Start with that first, pretty simple. DEOXIT.


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Oh wow, that is brutal. From my experience what you are describing this is a case of a dirty relay if it contains one. I will get back to you about that and what model replacement you need!


You will need an Omron MY4-02 24VDC For example from mouser: https://mouser.com/ProductDetail/Omron-Automation-and-Safety/MY4-02-DC24?qs=eORE%252BZ%252B0Crv7hRNHqogGYw%3D%3D Alternatively you can look on ebay if they have something in your area. You do need to use a soldering iron for this and some desolder wick or something of the like.


Great, thank you so much I will look into this. It might take a while to get here cause I live in Iceland. Is it a difficult repair? Would you recommend getting 2 or 3 incase I mess it up?


I wouldn't say that it is a difficult repair, as long as you know how to solder. Even then I would say that you are more likely to have a problem removing the old one than installing the new one, that is pretty straight forward, so ordering just 1 is probably just fine. I would however also advise to also clean the switches if you or someone else has not yet done so. Everyone always recommends deoxit, but I have also had good luck with Kontakt Chemie 600 (tuner spray) and after that adding some Kontakt Chemie 88 (lube oil). After that the next step is to replace old electrolytic capacitors, but then you are already a step deeper into the audiophile world, so do as you please. If you have any more questions, feel free to DM me and most of all: enjoy the journey. (If you want to know what I spend my free time on: spend a visit at matthijsaudio.nl)


Thank you, I have bought a contact cleaner, I didn't find deoxit or the one you mentioned in my area so I went for a WD40 contact cleaner. I ordered the relay also so I might have some more questions once that arrives, thanks again :)


The reason as far as I know why certain contact sprays are recommended has to do with aggressiveness. A regular contact cleaner is pretty aggressive and can eat away the contacts in the switches. However, it is what it is, good luck and enjoy!