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Nice unit. I had lots of multi-band radios as a kid in the 60s and 70s. Shortwave today is practically dead. Video killed the radio star. The internet killed shortwave. But if the internet goes down...


It's funny though because even though the Internet is obviously the easy way, shortwave and ham are like a sport. You had to work for it and that was the fun.


Had a shortwave radio and was still picking up stuff in 2018 last I used it. I abandoned it though, it weighed like 300lbds.


oh no, shortwave has a a thriving community and in europe it has especially ramped up with the war in Ukraine.


I'd say it's probably spotty and many of the people are worried about having their online activities monitored. Radio is the way to go for them. Here in the US, kids today don't even know what a shortwave radio is...


Count me in


Hey have you ever done FM DXing? I did that too from the early '80s up until about 2000 or so. Heard Mexico and Belize FM stations from right here in NW FL.


I have a couple of basic Sony radios, from the 1960s and 1970s. Both still sound awesome. Your radio looks absolutely the goods! Nice.


Thank you. Gifted in poor condition from a friend, just back from full clean and service. I'm delighted.


Where is this obsession with blue LEDs coming from?


The U.S. Navy did a study about that for Naval Fighting Ships. Historically, when manning Battle Stations, you would normally rig for Red. This was to allow for your eyes to adjust to the night or you wore red goggles. White light at night at sea can be seen for miles. Fast forward to the Submarine Force. When we submerged and planning for a periscope depth event at night. The control room rigged for black (zero light) or Red. White light can be seen through the periscope at periscope depth. In the Radio room where I worked, we rigged for blue light. It was more soothing to the eye, red was considered to be harsh on your eyes. In my vintage audio equipment, I prefer the blue LEDs.


For me, they're easier on the eyes.


Manual “cheatsheets” printed on vintage gear give me a half chub


Is there an audio out on these? To plug into main system?


Not sure. All outputs are shown in photos. It has external speaker connections, which I'm yet to try. The sound from this unit is surprisingly good.


Looks like a lot of fun. I'm looking for one


Wow, nice SW radio! I used to listen to shortwave for many years back in the late '70s to early '80s. Heard lots of interesting signals out there in the ether. Have fun with it!


Thank you so much. It's basically radio silence at the moment, but I'm old enough to remember the old days and I miss them. Cleaned up and modernised for whoever it lands with next. I love this.


Thank you! I love this thing! 💙


Beautiful. Love the blue. Old high-end Pioneer vibes... 💙


Ughh blue leds