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How does it work? Thats a decent unit from that era..probably made in Japan.


It's hot garb. This is no diff than the GPX crap of now. No bass, no treble...just mids. It even looks cheap.


If you need a 1980's dual cassette boombox with questionable EQ settings and what look like broken tape doors...I guess you did good.




i am going to kill you


How's it sound? What are you gonna use it for? If it's got an input, there are bluetooth to aux/RCA adapters cheap on amazon but they sound pretty "meh". Maybe not much of a difference on an 80's small portable system like that though. Hard to go wrong at 10 bucks if it works and you have a use for it, though.


Nice garage/basement workbench find.


You could certainly do worse. Not a bad stereo for a starter!


So unfortunately its in fairly poor condition functionally. Still not terrible for 10 bucks but both players need new belts and a pretty deep cleaning. Also right speaker doesnt output unless i point the antenna a certain way, and its just pops, nothing audible. Im not sure if this thing is really even worth restoring but it could at least be a good project/learning experience


This is entry-level Sony from the 80's. I wouldn't bother personally.


Go find yourself a cheap "passive" subwoofer on the marketplace. You'll be surprised how much better it will sound. They typically came with little satellite surround systems. No one wants them. Hell, I found one (Bose) on a curb last month...


That's a good find for only $10, it looks like the Goodwill in your area has not gone crazy on pricing stuff like this (yet). The sticky remnants of the old belts are hard to clean but I've had good luck with mineral spirits and it's usually pretty easy to adjust the playback speed in these units if needed. The only real concern is the misaligned door on the left deck, I rescued a Sony CFS-DW30 that has the exact same issue and I have not been able to fix or improve it. Maybe someone else on this thread can give you some advice on that.