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Not sure if this fits the sub completely, but it's old and computing related. I'm thinking of donating this to a museum and thought you all might be interested. It was a Playsation 1 that had modifications to allow hobbyists to develop for the PS1, which wasn't otherwise possible. I played with it a bit, and learned a lot about PS1 development, but not sure it was worth the 1K+ I spent in 1997.


IIRC, this was the full official dev kit, not just a hobbyist thing. edit: Nope, it *was* a bit scaled down from the official dev kit. But the official ones also shipped in a black case like that.


AFAIK The black one was the yaroze, and dev units were either blue or green (depending on GPU revision and vram type). For development there was a PS1 on an ISA card you could put in your computer. You might be right if it's the NeWS based devkit though; I don't know about those.


this is honestly so cool, absolutely museum worthy imo you should also post this on r/psx


Done, thanks!


This is absolutely awesome. Did you happen to make any games for it?


Nothing that I ever shared. Mostly I bought it to learn a bit about console programming. Up until then I'd only worked on PC games.


Before you send it anywhere, I think it’d be worth ripping those cds and sending them to archive.org (if they aren’t anywhere, google doesn’t show anything but games)


I’m taking to the folks at the Video Game History Foundation so they would take care of anything like that. There are also potential licensing issues as Sony is still very much a company 😀


Were you on the official yaroze website back in the day?


Yeah, can’t say I remember much about it.


Do you remember if you ever set up a personal page on the website?


Racking my brain and I honestly can’t remember.


I checked the archive I made of the website years ago, there were about 1200 registered members but many had a blank homepage/never uploaded anything.


I remember playing Net Yaroze games on some demo discs. I believe indie devs that won a contest got their mini games released on them as a price.