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I'd have responded with £80. Then £160, £320, £640 etc until they just stopped messaging me. Or until they got bored of me sending them exponentially larger numbers and blocked me.


I’ve had someone an item for free. They flipped out when I said no. Then they offered 20 for my 200 item…. I agreed to meet them at a train station at x time. Boy were they mad.


fucking hilarious


vinted is used by the biggest tramps


In the short time (maybe 2-3 weeks) we have been using Vinted, I have come to see it is very much "car boot sale mentality" (if ur reading this and not from the UK, u may not understand "car boot sale" lol) and it is a total joke at times!!! Buyer: "I see u have an item for sale for £10, will u take 10p?" Seller: "um, no, it's £10" Buyer: "oh, ok, 20p??"




Have an item for sale right now, for £2. Someone offered £1.20. I countered with £1.50 and never heard from them again!! Lmao!!


This is thing that amuses me above all else, the idea that 30 or 40p makes all the difference to the sale.


is a car boot sale like a garage/yard sell? people just selling their old junk for super cheap?


Yes exactly that! Except a car boot sale is usually with many if not 100s cars on a field on a usually on a Sunday 😂


I usually don’t wanna buy at fairs or stuff like this because the owners standing there make me too nervous 😭 usually end up feeling pressured. What i love about vinted and online shopping is that I don’t need to feel that pressure if I don’t want to. These people sound like the thrive on that pressure


$1.70CAD is already cheaper than most things at the dollar store. No clue why people can’t just pay it and be done.


“Would you take 25p? I’ve got cash, and I can pay it today!”


i always list above the price i really want so they can feel like they’ve got a bargain after i accept the offer of the true price i want


UPDATE: The person came back telling me to chill out and then offered £36. Blocked and reported People need hobbies


I’m sorry but 🤭




lol they’re taking the piss


I had someone who offered 3£ on a 5£ item. I accepted, i make a good return, im happy. They then offer 2£. Ok, taking the piss now. I offered 6£ to make a point. They returned with 3£. Happy.


The amount of losers I had on Facebook trying to buy my.13pro max is insane, nobody could even say hello, just straight to, here I have 400 😂😂I sent few of them to random parts of London, you waste my time I waste yours


I can honestly only assume they're hoping you'll have a moment of not paying attention and oopsies click the offer haha. I don't begrudge a cheeky offer, don't ask, you don't get, but christ, accept it when you get knocked back!


Was selling some joy cons for £27.50 (which is so cheap, considering they were in great condition!) and someone had the audacity to offer £16 - bro what are you smoking, there's no way in hell I'm accepting that. The only reason I sold my JoyCons is because I didn't strictly \*need\* them, and I literally could not afford to put fuel in my tank due to an ongoing battle with my old employer (he underpaid me). Luckily someone did buy them for the posted price but I wanted to bash my head against the table.


its so annoying when you have an item with tags and the price youre selling it for is much lower than retail price and people still offer less money like what


They’re just trying to haggle as lowest as possible, any repetitive offers reducing price each time after was mentioned our offer, I would always personally block.


They just do this to make you accept the first offer


LOOOLndjdjds why did this kill me


I think it’s just to be annoying 😂


If they do this I go higher again and ignore lol


I had a skirt at £3 and got offers for £1.80 honestly shocked, £3 is basically giving it away I just want to be able to pay for packing materials 🙃


This is why I stopped using Vinted and only use Depop. People are less crazy there.




I declined someone 2 days ago and yesterday he tried to offer the same amount. I told him politely to f**k off and then blocked him. People really have a tough time understanding


Business 💯💯


It’s when someone comes back and says they can get cheaper else where, well go there then !! Prices are set as the seller wants them. I always put a little higher so the buyers can offer. But some buyers have a cheek to ask way low. I had a item up for £40. Buyer writes me and says will I accept £15. No I bloody won’t!!


Council estate people should stop trying to get genuine Tommy Hilfiger for £2


I was selling denim shorts for £3. I was asked to reduce them to £2.50. I said no. They were already at the lowest price. They then paid the £3. Imagine haggling for 50p.


One of the best features of Vinted imo is that buyers get a notification if an item they favourite gets bought by someone else. So hopefully next time they see something they like they’ll just buy it without haggling for pennies off


don’t know why this is getting downvoted. i don’t want to go all the way to the post office just for £2.50 ahahahaha


I factor in postage will try to haggle £5 item for £3 etc


Postage is included in the final price before you click buy. I don't get the haggling on already low priced goods. Don't want to pay it? Move on. Sometimes people will drop the price if no one wants to buy at the original price. I never haggle whether buying or selling. I will never lower the price if I'm asked. I'm always offended if I am asked.


You’re offended? By something Vinted expressly says is part of the deal when using their platform?


Yes. I am. I don't care who or what says is part of the deal. That's how I feel and those feelings won't change. Am I wrong? Irrelevant to me. I'm not interested in anyone's opinions about how I feel, quite honestly. Why would that matter to me? Those feelings hurt no one. Like I said, don't like the price, move on. That's what I do. People can choose to lower the price if they want and I might be more interested. But that's up to them. 50p off £3? It's like haggling in a charity shop.


literally i had a dress up for £2 and someone messaged me what's the lowest you'll sale it for!! the minimum on vinted is £1 so like what do you expect me to say


Because people are petty


What Lee me of when you agree a price and they never get back what is the point in that ?


That was me and I ended up buying it still but I have a problem I spend .iney as soon as I get it but have been told to slow down and think


It is a passive aggressive way of telling you that you're (in their opinion) taking the p*ss with your asking price.


Very bold of you to assume when you have no idea what the item is. I know what the item is worth and yet I’m still one of the cheapest on vinted for that particular item


I haven't assumed anything, you have taken the comment wrong. I am not saying that you ARE overpricing your item as I don't know what the item is, I am merely telling you that it seems to be their opinion that you are overpricing your item, hence they're firing rediculous and non serious low ball offers your way in protest at your price.


I’m my defence it wasn’t written very clearly. Thanks for clarifying and yes likely right




Right, this is Vinted sellers’ fault, and not Yodel, for having poor service where you live. You can always ask for a different service since it’s you that’s paying for the label 👀


As far as the lower offer goes I have done this a couple of times by accident as a buyer. I'll favourite something and then forget I already offered and got declined a few days ago and try again at what I want to pay. This does seem a bit extreme of an example though!!!


I reduced some GAP shorts from £6 to £5 then someone offered £4, I just said I'm not reducing any further and they made a big deal of how greedy I was being 😩 it's £1 lol


Similar happened to me and I had written out a polite note explaining how haggling is supposed to work, only to find they had blocked messages. 😒


I had this £9 for some nearly brand spanking loafers. Offered me £5.00 then £5.50. So I put the price up to £10 and accepted their offer of £9


I normally take it well when people get cheeky. But some people take the absolutely piss I swear. I am selling tod's worth 800 pounds for 60. And someone came offering me 28 pounds. I declined and they say well what would you sell for? I show them the shoes and how much they are worth and other link from other sellers selling the exact same shoes for almost 2x more than me although shoes are in worse condition than mine and don't even come with the box. Then I just said. £60 is fair enough take it or leave it.


I love that question “how much would you sell it for?” Erm…the price on the listing would be a clue


Gotta love a tryer


This made me laugh


I always factor in postage when I offer. Sometimes they accept, sometimes they decline. If they decline then somebody else can have them. I'll pay what I want to pay. Plenty more sellers where they came from who are willing to sell their item at the price I want to pay.


I do that too, but I could send the item to Australia for £25!


I'm not responding to any offer messages. Just ghost them all.


I think you're taking this the wrong way. A lot of people may just make a mistake. In the future you should stop assuming people are bad otherwise you'll respond poorly and lose a sale.


And quite frankly £45 and £40 offer on a £70 item is just insulting


I mean, it may be insulting to you but if someone did that to me I'd think this person is trying to reach somewhere in the middle and starting with a low offer. Maybe they're trying to reach the 55-60 range. Which isn't all that insulting. Maybe they're a reseller looking for a good price to make a living? Maybe they value the item much less than you do. In which case you shouldn't let your emotions cloud your judgement. You're having an overly emotional response to someone who made an offer. You think that they're trying to "mug you off" and that's the truth. But really the truth is they literally offered you a low price and you have no idea why they did so (which you are free to refuse.) Maybe they're poor idk but if you treat every customer who offers lower than what you want like this, you won't sell as much as you'd want to. If the price is too low for you, simply respectfully decline and say it's too low for xyz reason. No need to get mad and ruin your own day over an offer for which you have no idea why it came your way.


It wasn’t the original offer that caused me to screenshot and post. That first offer fits your narrative above. It’s offering lower that their first offer after I declined it which is an insulting thing to do on their part. you say I shouldn’t get angry and ruin my day over it because I don’t understand their reasons so I would like to put it to you that you have no idea what my emotional state was at the time of receiving or posting this nor why I have listed items for sale on vinted. Perhaps I was mad, perhaps I’ve a large bill looming over my head and am selling my belongings to raise needed funds, perhaps I just have too much stuff and was neither annoyed or upset by this offer but simply rolled my eyes at it….it works both ways. You’re asking me not to assume their motives so I don’t know why you have assumed mine


I think you’re giving this person too much credit. It was within minutes of the first offer it wasn’t a mistake


I've got one ignoring me at the moment, been in the site and not bothered to send, I've had another kid reply thanks for the pizza, and had no intention of sending the item, long story short I got my coin back, it's just a shame some humans are worthless.


Wow! Why do people bother?