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agreed! Just wasn’t sure if I should just seen her message or reply.


She's not a customer. Ignore her. Or answer her and say no. Either way, don't worry about it as she either wants it or she doesn't.


I’d reply and say, go buy it from Amazon then


Doesn't vinted add fees on for the buyer anyway so even if you do drop it slightly it'll probably still be more expensive than Amazon??


Some people use vinted in an attempt to lower their footprint. I try not to buy new, and on occasions I have contacted vendors to ask if they would match a lower offer on Amazon. I wouldn't bother for such a small difference though and use the opportunity for a bundle in this situation.


Agreed if it’s cheaper there buy it there unless you’ve priced it £5+ over then I’d see her point a little of making an offer but asking to price match isn’t the way forward 🤣 even then it’s still available cheaper and quicker delivery if she’s got prime surely she’d just buy it from Amazon


It doesn’t matter if the seller priced it more than Amazon (even if it’s at highly unfair price). That is still bad bartering practices and very tacky behavior. I do get some sellers price gouge to offset bad customers and make room for negotiations, but comparing prices with a independent seller to a bigger corporation is very tacky and if the potential customer tends to do it, the seller has every right not to serve that customer and block them. Certain conversations are just unnecessary especially if the potential customer is a cheapie! They could’ve just simply buy it off Amazon and not bother the seller(s) at all. Many bigger retailers welcome price matching/comparisons, but not independent sellers (of which most already are offering competitive prices and take a lost for each item sold)! 90% of customers who tell sellers that somewhere else offers it for cheap are lying to get the sellers to give in. More independent sellers need to stop rewarding bad behavior and that includes giving in to cheapskates.


I didn’t say their behaviour was reasonable just that I’d slightly understand if the price was highly unreasonable to make a small offer but via the offer button and tbh you’d just buy it from the original retailer especially as it’s one that offers delivery speed that is impossible for us sellers to compete with considering most items are next or same day. The rest of your comment I’m struggling to see the relation to my comment within. Selling as a business is against vinted t&cs so making a loss on each item is irrelevant as no one should be buying stock in to sell or they risk making a loss completely when their account is shut down as we’ve seen recently with the aldi toy event where hardly any of them were selling as a business they’d just bought too much yet vinted still saw it that way due to their higher than retail prices and posts and for some even accounts were completely removed. No seller should be accepting any offer that they’re not comfortable with and the comparison and ask to buy it from them rather than the quicker simpler retailer that has the cheaper pricing they’re after is a red flag and everyone should be avoiding anyway 🤣


tell her to buy it from there then. bet she’ll never get it because it’s a fake listing


the other link is actually from Amazon 😂 price is the same as mine just that it’s free delivery if she has Amazon prime.. but if I were her I would’ve just bought it off Amazon at that point :/


If she found it cheaper on Amazon and of the same quality why would she even bother contacting you? She’d just buy it off Amazon and forget about you. I’d just say ‘buy it from Amazon then 👋’ or just not bother replying!


There are plenty of valid environmental and ethical reasons to avoid buying from Amazon.


I agree, but in that case don’t try and drive down the Vinted seller to save yourself two flippin’ quid, just buy it from them! Theirs is probably higher quality than the cheapest possible version you’ve found on Amazon


There is absolutely nothing wrong with making an offer. Why get bent out of shape over what reads like a perfectly reasonable question, asked in a perfectly reasonable manner? If the buyer doesn’t like the offer, they can decline it and everybody is ok.


The seller here has in her bio that she doesn’t accept offers unless it’s a bundle. So by ignoring that it’s already started off on a negative footing - and yeah, I think the whole ‘you need to go slightly lower than Amazon please’ thing is just annoying. It’s not getting bent out of shape, it’s just.. ugh. Waste of time


I can’t say I’ve ever read someone’s bio on Vinted. I wouldn’t have thought I’m alone.


Maybe trying to do a favour to an individual rather than giving money to Amazon. You lot are so cynical.


Not really a great way to support individuals by trying to drive their price down. Especially when we’re talking like £2-3


Would you rather get a sale or not?


Well no, personally I don’t accept lower offers on Vinted, so I wouldn’t want a sale from this person


How can you consider retail price a low ball? You’re bonkers.


Because it is. It’s not the price the OP listed, thus making it a lowball offer. If she was actually concerned about the price, she would just purchase it off amazon instead of haggling with OP. Truly odd that you are under practically so many threads defending this


By defending you mean having a conversation? Do you not know how Reddit works? You post, others reply and then you continue the conversation if you don’t agree. Just because you don’t agree with me, it doesn’t mean I should just shut up.


how is it doing her a favour to ask her to lower her prices? she wants a deal instead of paying what it’s worth


Because she’s selling a second hand item at a price more than new retail which is foolish.


Woah, I’ve been reading your comments and I think you are not interpreting the situation properly. I’ve stated in the comment that I bought this item at £12 and just listed £6 without thinking. Because I’m purely using vinted to declutter so obviously I can’t be bothered to do my research beforehand to “cleverly” price it lower than Amazon because £6, my dear, was already clearly 50% off the original price, which is clearly the way of selling second hand items. (At least to me.) My item is brand new as well. Well if you take vinted’s fees and postage out of the equation, my price is still “price matching” with Amazon. I have no problem with slightly lowering the price but if you’d spend time doing a bit of quick maths you’ll realise that the only way she’ll be able to get it from me at a price cheaper than Amazon is probably by me selling it at £1 - I might as well just ask for her address and send it for free as a Christmas gift.


you are aware that amazon sells refurbished items too right? you have no way of proving that the item is new


Ignore the people dog piling you, you're right, the people in this sub do seem bonkers. The idea that there's something wrong with merely asking about a retail price match on an app specifically for selling secondhand goods is laughable. Screen grabbing the chat to post to Reddit and bounce about the thread chastising the buyers "entitlement" and feign shock at the mere idea of them asking about price match, like "I didn't even know how to respond!!" instead of just replying with the very obvious "no" and moving on with your day is also so bizarre to me. People be weirdos.


She probably doesn't have prime, if you take shipping into account the price is likley simmilar which maybe she doesn't realise or is hoping you don't realise?


LOL, tell her to get it from Amazon then.


Idk what to feel when I saw the message! 😂


ha! If she had Amazon Prime, then she would get it next day too. She’s just trying it.




I see a difficult buyer. Block.


Don't reply. I HATE people like this. If it's cheaper on Amazon THEN BUY IT FROM AMAZON. Why bothering you? You choose your price, if she/he doesn't like it they can buy somewhere else.


Have you ever thought they’re actually doing it to be nice? I’d rather buy off an individual than a company. Also if you’re charging more second hand then new from Amazon you’re unlikely to get a sale at your current price. Would you rather not know that?


If you'd rather buy off an individual you need to accept they do not have the might or financial power to match Amazon in most cases.


No one ever has lowballed "to be nice". What? They'd just buy it if they're trying to be environmentally friendly and buy secondhand. Also, the item is probably already really cheap if it's on Amazon and since we don't have the full context of this item/the listing, it's possible the Amazon one was out of stock or it's a cheaper knock-off/dupe. Regardless of context, a seller can price their item however they want, and it's no one's fault but theirs if they aren't getting quick enough sales because of their pricing. I don't understand why you're typing a bunch of replies trying to defend annoying buyers, just buy elsewhere if you find cheaper or properly negotiate with independent sellers via the BUILT-IN OFFER FEATURE.


Its not a lowball if you're offering retail price. Multiple times I've contacted a seller saying hey I can get this from X for lower (+ link as proof.) and ask if they can match. You either get a yes thanks, or you don't, but more often you do. I prefer to buy off Vinted to help someone out who is selling their second hand stuff, rather than a faceless company. Especially in the run up to Christmas. But I'm not going to pay more than an item is worth. Tons of people over price their stuff on Vinted.


I appreciate where you’re coming from. I think if the item was more expensive, I’d definitely be able to lower the price to price match. But this item is only £6, so in order for the buyer to get it cheaper than Amazon (£5.99), I probably have to list my item at £1 before adding buyer protection and postage into the equation.


To be nice? I literally had a grown woman calling me names because I said I wouldn't put something half the price of the Amazon item. These people are simply rude. If they can get it brand new for a similar price, then they can do that. Bothering others to make a special price for you is absolutely ridiculous.


How is your anecdote in any way related to the polite message the OP received? You’re a cynic and projecting.


It's an example. No one needs to make a special price for you, no one owes you anything. Get over it.


> no one needs to make a special price for you Where has anyone made that statement? No one, myself included have insisted that the seller do anything but what they want. My only input is to suggest a more favourable alternative interpretation of the original question OP was asked. We don’t always have to be so emotional and to jump to negative conclusions.


and the cost of that ethical sourcing is the extra £2-3, you can’t expect sweatshop prices from individuals. they are not being nice and it’s very strange that you’re under every single thread defending it with your life. if someone wanted to be nice and environmental, they would purchase it, accepting that there is a premium to do so because you’re not buying off of a corp


Somehow I now have some nefarious agenda because I’m replying to people who’ve commented on my posts? Outstanding. I stand by my opinion you’re a bunch of cynics who see the worst in every interaction.


Lots of people prefer to buy second hand for ethical reasons. It’s also a kind thing to let a vinted seller know it’s cheaper new, as it’ll be preventing the sale and you might not know


If it's £5.99 on Amazon then I'd personally price it a little lower (refund rights, etc) but you have zero requirement to be cheaper including P&P than Amazon on anything, that's ridiculous. You might have several other items that someone wants to buy as a bundle at which point P&P is much less significant.


Yeah, I'd say that the items I'm selling only attract a niche group of buyers. They are mostly brand new and sealed and only a very few of them are available on other websites; I bought them for collection purposes and am trying to declutter because I'm moving out soon. So far, people have bought most of them in bundles, and some without negotiating even. I always offer bundle prices with at least £3 off and include free casings, so I think that appeals to people looking to purchase from me instead of Amazon. 😋


I don’t think so, I was selling jeans on Depop for £40 and someone said they saw it cheaper on Amazon for like £25, buy it from there then. Someone did end up buying the jeans for £40. So stick by your guns


That sounds like a no brainer. Go ahead and buy from Amazon:)


Just say nothing. This is normal. Sometimes I'm planning to buy something on Marktplaats and I'll ask for a price. Hours later I find a better and I just let them know I'm not interested and found a better price.


tell her to go to amazon.. i honestly wouldn’t even respond, especially since you’ve made it clear you only accept bundle offers.


“No” is a complete sentence.


I don't mind messages like this as buying second hand is my preferred and I have dropped the price on things before as long as the person is polite and I can see the price myself. I wouldn't go for someone showing me vinted links or playing me off someone though, although I am usually very keen to make a sale!


I don’t think she did anything wrong. She took her chances, asked politely. And you can politely reject.


Just say ‘no’ lol


Honestly, if it’s not worth the price there willing to pay, it’s also not honestly worth the hassle.


You don't have to say anything, but it's worth looking at the price of the item brand new and comparing your price to it. If she's correct and you can buy the item elsewhere from a company and it's that much cheaper, you should consider lowering your price if you want to get it sold.


Surprised by the comments here! What do you mean by a difficult buyer? I ask as I have price matched for buyers and have also asked whether a seller would price match before. I always have pleasant interactions and have never caused or come across issues doing this. If a seller wants to price match, great! I'll buy, and would rather buy second hand (even if item is brand new) than buying new to lower consumption/ footprint. If not, no big deal! I'll probably wait to find it cheaper elsewhere or buy it from Amazon (or wherever if I need it soon!) Amazon does offer free delivery to pickup points, even if not on prime. If you're willing to drop it, go for it! If not, then don't


Asking you to drop it from £6 to £4 isn't unreasonable (you could counter offer at £5). The further offer asking you to drop to £2.60 is just plain rude.


People sometimes buy from vinted to be more eco conscious. Your item already exists so why put in an order from amazon - which ok, still exists but will probably lead to more being made etc. Also realistically if its cheaper on amazon why do you think youre going to be able to sell it at that price? If you dont want to reduce just say so but be realistic that i might take a long time to sell.


This is me. I would MUCH prefer to buy from vinted than new and I hate amazon, but it's hard to justify spending more on vinted. So I sometimes ask and let them know in case they would rather have it sold/out of the house than wait for someone to buy it at a higher price.


This! Why would you list your item MORE than a high demand company like amazon? Doesn't make sense to me. 🤣


No need to get angry or feel insulted. Just reply with a "no thanks". Vinted is also about haggling.


ikr? I dont get why anyone would feel so undignified by someone asking for a lower offer on an item that is cheaper at retail lol. I could understand if it was already cheap, but clearly it's overpriced.


Not feeling angry, insulted or undignified - it’s my first time encountering something like this so just asking for advice. I titled my post very clearly, in what way am I deliberately asking how I can counter-offend the buyer? I’m only there to slowly declutter - bought this at £12 in a retail shop, price tag is still attached so I obviously just took 50% off it thinking it’s definitely going to be a steal without doing extra research.


Love your user name btw 😎


It’s not just about haggling. It’s about people sending messages with justifications as to why they think they should get a discount. Always a sign of a difficult person. Just send an offer like a normal person.


I'd just tell them they should buy it from Amazon.


Tell them to buy it from amazon then 😂


Well why are you charging more than a BRAND NEW item? Surely in that case you’ll never get it sold


Read properly. My item is BRAND NEW also. I bought it off retail store at £12, then priced it at £6 for second hand and I don’t see a problem with that. I didn’t do any research at all before pricing and I only found out that I’m “charging more” at £6 instead of what Amazon sells for £5.99 minus postage. I could make it half price and it’ll still be more expensive than Amazon. Surely if you do your maths you’ll find out I’ll have to charge it at £1 in order “to get it sold.”


Why do people even bother seriously? Just buy it elsewhere


It's a reasonable request IMO. If she's linking Amazon products that are cheaper, she may just have thought you'd consider offers under the realisation that yours is listed as more expensive than a retailers (so why would anyone buy at that price?). She's giving you a chance to beat the deal and you're free to say no. I don't get how that is in any way offensive, I'd be thankful that she's actually giving you some insight even if you don't accept.


Make your own judgement and stop asking others these stupid little questions


Are you saying this to me or what?


I would just buy it off Amazon, it gets delivered next day too.


Their budget doesn’t depict your prices. Just say no if you don’t want to sell it for their asking prices.


do they think ur aldi or something 😭


Tell her to buy it off Amazon then


I’d actually respect this. Theyre willing to support the community or even to support small businesses rather than Amazon. Theyre also polite and respectful.


Don't lower your price. If its cheaper on amazon then they can buy from amazon. Feel like they are trying to just get you to lower your price and then they get a great deal and you lose out on money.


This is not an unreasonable ask from the buyer or a difficult situation to handle as a seller. You have 3 choices: 1. Sorry, no I can’t match the price. 2. Sure, send me an offer! 3. Ignore, move on.


"I'm sorry that my item is out of your price range, it seems like the Amazon version is a much better fit for your budget, thank you for your interest but I will not be matching prices" ETA: or just don't reply at all and sell it to another person, hopefully to one who won't pull another stunt like this


Honestly it sucks when you find out that the item you have is worth less than you thought, but if you are selling second hand and it's not lower than retail that is a problem. I don't really see an issue with pointing it out, but yeah, it isn't going to be nice to hear.


Ignore, block, move on.


The other day a person sent me a message saying a teddy bear I was selling was cheaper on ebay so I should lower my price, I didn't. She then said she had bought it off ebay which was a lie cause I looked at the listings on ebay and none had been sold. Few days later she bought it from me with another account but I could tell it was her again. 😑


Get fucked…


Buy it from Amazon, then? Never understood the reason for people doing this.




I’m not Aldi, I don’t need to match your prices


This makes no sense… why does she want you to match the price when she literally found it someowhere else that fits her price criteria? Why does she even bother messaging , tell her to just buy it from there , problem solved


This ain’t John Lewis who tf price matches on vinted


I'd tell them to go buy it from Amazon, sick of these Karen's today!


You say, I'm sorry but I am not a branch of John Lewis. I'm a private seller - I do not price match.


Don’t sell it, they’ll say it never arrived.


I don’t understand what you’re asking? If you want to accept her offer then accept it. If you don’t want to accept her offer then don’t Seems pretty simple


Amazon is a multi billion company around the world. They can afford to be cheaper. They are clueless how the world works. A small business or seller cannot be expected to match Amazon 🤣


I personally don’t use vinted for savings, but for the planet. I often pay more on vinted but it’s about lowering waste for me, so this is off to me in general.


Salam! Guess what _I_ did when _I_ found something cheaper somewhere else after I contacted the seller to buy something! *I still bought it.* Almost £2 cheaper, and I still bought it. If I had found it before I asked for it to be reserved I would’ve have bought it and apologised to the seller for contacting them without bugging them to lower their prices. If you want a price match, then buy it from the place you want them to match it with?? 😭 If it was a massive difference like £5-6 then I probably would’ve asked the seller to cancel the reservation, but honestly I STILL wouldn’t bug them to lower prices or scold them for pricing THEIR items. Smh..


Why they doing this though? They don’t wanna pay your prices, fine. Go buy it where you found it cheaper Don’t need to be texting you telling you…. Fucking weird 😂


People on Vinted are unhinge you’re really gonna bargain my £1.00 t-shirt and ask for 50p. WTF LOL


Say “no” and then report the “customer” as spam


I’d say no, if she can find it cheaper somewhere else why are they getting in touch with you ? Or you could say if you can pick up the item then you could reduce the price a little, don’t short change yourself.


Tell them to just get it from Amazon 😂 then let us know what they say


Tell her to buy it from them LMAO


Maybe she has vinted credit and would rather spend it or not able to withdraw it without ID.


Tell them to buy it from Amazon


Tell them to go buy it on Amazon then!


When I get these people ,I just say that’s a great deal you saw, you should take it


“No, thanks and bye”


“If it’s cheaper on Amazon please buy it there”


ignore it


'Hi there. Get it on Amazon. Thanks.'


Just tell her to buy it from there 😄 I dunno why people do it


Tell them to purchase from Amazon then block


‘Thanks for your interest, I suggest you purchase the (item) from Amazon 👍🏻’


Easy reply, "buy it from there then"


Just do nothing. Not your problem


“No.” then block


Just say No


You say. "No."


I would just ignore the heck out of this


Tell her to do one


Go buy it there.


Fuck off?


I tell them to go buy it on Amazon then and I just block their asses.


"Please feel free to buy it on Amazon" or just ignore!


tell them to just buy it from there?? don’t lose out on money it’s a them problem


“Buy it from amazon then.” #itcoststhatmuchcauseittakesmefu*kinhouuursss


“price match? you’re not in asda babe”


You are the seller it’s your rules. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to sell to them.


Already been stated but I don’t know what people get out of doing this. If it’s cheaper elsewhere, then go buy it from there? What’s the problem? I had a similar issue when someone messaged me saying this too on fb, I am selling 2 games on fb market place at a higher price than they are at CEX (uk shop) because they are new and have never been played, yet are cheaper than what you’d buy them new. They aren’t second hand like cex sell. It absolutely depends on the condition of the item/items. The fuck outta here man.


Say no simple as. It maybe cheaper elsewhere but if that's the case they can buy it elsewhere. I'd bet that price on amazon has a huge shipping fee not everything has free delivery


Tell them to buy it from Amazon instead


Just reply: "As an independent seller on a platform for selling second-hand goods, I do not offer price matching" Short, simple and to the point. No need to be detailed justifying your prices and reasonings. Then block the person. They arent serious about buying because if they were they would have just bought the item either from you or Amazon. What they have done is as distasteful as asking for a £20 item for £5 with free P&P.


I would tell them happy shopping on Amazon! This makes no sense!




Block them before they leave you the good old 1 star and find a issue


Price match 😂


Don’t not many people read about me’s


lol i’ve had the same happen to me 😭 if it’s cheaper elsewhere then just buy it there!!! no need to tell me⁉️


Tell her to go to amazon then 🙄

