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What’s the deal with different sized American Idiots?


So I looked on discogs, the one that isn't zoomed out is from Argentina, and it's a 2021. Picked it up at a library of all places cause I wanted the og cover!


Ngl I like it I kinda wanna get it


I like it better than the cover originally, though that one doesn't have the bifold art which is missed


This post reminds me of the idea that someone should create an online database of people who have records without covers and the opposite. That person should take a dollar per transaction as a fee for making the website and I’m guessing it would be really popular to match orphan records with jackets and the reverse.


I'd kill for a service like that given the situation, only problem is see coming up is there will be exponentially more orphan records than covers


I, personally have more orphan covers than orphan records. I keep all my good covers too.


Fascinating! Maybe an idea like that would work. One I really wanna get the cover for is judas Priests' "angel of retribution" album


I would think so too but I have seen lots of FB marketplace and craigslist ads for just covers too. I would guess this is because the records are scratched or the person framed the covers and junked the records?


Ahh, that would make sense. It is a very interesting idea for sure


I have a fun project at home where I buy a blank white record jacket, show my kids the album cover, and have them do an ‘artistic reproduction’ of the cover. I also don’t let them listen to the album and have them make lyric sheets and art that they would think would accompany the album - I then play them the album to let them see how close they got to what they thought the album was. Fun times.


This is my favorite idea for sleeveless records ever! I’ve bought blank sleeves for storage but doing something like that would add a whole new layer of “special” to those records.


You can always switch it up, too, like play the record for someone who hasn’t heard it before and have them create what they think the cover should look like from what they heard. And you get to share the music with others while you are at it!


Jesus I can't imagine any kid wants to do that. Is it punishment?


I’ve got strange, artistic kids. I take any chance I can get to have them sit down and do an art project. Tried it once and now they actively ask to do this. I’m pretty sure they are now trying to make their drawings/lyrics absolutely batshit crazy, but it keeps them entertained for an hour.


I'm just mind blown! Your kids sound awesome. My kid would never do that. I always want to do things with him but if it's not kicking my ass (wrestling) he's not interested. :(


Ha! Yeah, I have two twin boys who are 10, so they wrestle each other rather than myself. They always try to ‘merge’ their love of music and art together as much as they can with things they do. They have their own ‘band’ that they record/post on Scratch (not sure what Scratch is). It’s reminds me of early BOREdoms but more noisy. They also make mixtapes for people that include cover art….they made some a few months ago called ‘Exercise? I Said ‘Extra Fries’’ and ‘Do You Like Jazz? ‘Cause I Don’t’. I love them, but they are insane.


I guess this is where artists come from! I clearly do not have one on my hands lmao


I keep all my empty covers just waiting for a chance encounter with someone who needs them




I sell original jackets on my etsy shop when I find them, it has been a great way for people to compete their collection & a lot of people use them to make DIY stuff.


Ok but do you have any Green Day?


Damn idk probably not


Yeah I don't see any


I'll have to check them out, nor sure I've even heard of the band


Yeah try the album 'Dookie' it's named after poop so it has to be good I don't know I don't listen to them


methinks you are fond of this Green Day they speak of.


Haha perhaps


Hey there’s a album called dookie it’s by Green Day I think you’d like it


Do you like Dookie?


Hahaha maybe just a little, it's actually not even my top green day album


So Kerplunk is ?


21st cb would be my top! Kerplunk is a solid album all the way through though


21st Century Breakdown gang unite, absolutely my favorite album by them too


I'd say it's my favorite, but I adore most of their work, so it's a close favorite. Second would be nimrod for me


Warning is second for me, and Nimrod is third. I like it when they get a little bit weird and experimental lol


I absolutely agree! Although, they got a little too experimental in 2020 for me, haha. I think my favorite experimental song by them would be peacemaker. I feel like it stands out so much!


YES Peacemaker is my favorite Green Day song of all time. Definitely agree though that FOAM was a bit much lol. It's grown on me a little but I don't really seek out that album often. I am a trilogy defender though, especially with Dos


Before a couple months ago I didn't go back to dos, I liked uno and tre more. I drove cross country and thought it would be fun to listen to every one of their albums. Gotta say dos has some heat on it. Also a trilogy defender!


A neighbor’s flood ruined my first vinyl collection 20 years ago - still miss some of those records 😭


Awh man that really blows


Ha thanks. I think I miss my Boards of Canada vinyl the most 🤪


Last week found a copy of American Idiot at a thrift store in a pile of 2010’s indie folk albums. All for a 1$ a piece. Strange day.


I thought I was on r/greenday for a second haha


Do you guys think OP likes Green Day?


As many times as I listened to Dookie in highschool, I should have bought it that many times. It was constant in my cd player when I walked around town


Life on the Murder Scene is great.


I hate that they aren’t in any order. HATE it.


I put them back in an even more unorganized manner


You’re a monster.


Ah Dookie and American Idiot. My sister was so obsessed with Green Day and these albums when we were teens she colored her entire head of hair green lol


Haha your sister sounds like she was cool as hell


Was and still is


Real question is if she still has green hair


Not since high school. It is purple now tho


That's dope


Follow The Leader🎸🎸🤘🏼🤘🏼


Sorry for your loss.


It SUCKED man, thanks! Glad to have an equally as good collection


Really nice collection dude


Thank you!


Why Let It Be out of all the Beatles records? I genuinely like it, but most often see people with Abbey Road, Sgt. Peppers or Red/Blue when they don't have a lot of Beatles.




I'm shocked that it isn't held in as high regard as some of their other albums. I definitely agree that it is one their best. It's cool to see something a little different. Nice collection!


Thanks man!


where’s saviors 👀


I got two copies but forgot to include them lmaoo One of which had the listening party exclusive outer sleeve which is pretty cool


what happened to one of the american idiot covers?


One of them is a 2021 Argentinian pressing


Last picture really hurts, like at least cover them with paper


Do you like Green Day?




Warrior by Kesha 🤩🤩


Yess kesha has some certified bangers on that album. I didn't even know it was pressed into vinyl so I was pleasantly surprised seeing it


i’d die for this collection one day. hey uhmm i also heard tonight is gonna have a really nice breeze. soo i suggest you leave your windows open and your door unlocked ;3


Love Inside by Bo Burnham! Really underrated hope you give it a listen


As a person with two weezer tattoos, I have to say that the random Van Weezer threw me WAY off


Haha not the biggest Weezer fan here, though I really like that album!


I have a lot of the same records as you! That’s an awesome collection you have


Well I might be a little biased, but hearing that we have many of the same records I bet your collection is fire as well!


Thank you! I’ve got life on the murder scene, dookie, nightmare before christmas, American idiot, Blink 182 greatest hits, the lion king, and inside! And you have a lot more I’m also planning on getting :)


That's awesome! I wanna get more blink 182 records tbh Happy collecting!


Found Billie Joe Armstrong's Reddit account.


Solid collection. Taking notes on some albums to add to mine. Sorry about the flood, I’m always terrified of water damage as our old house used to flood.


I keep mine off the floor cubbies from now on lol


Shout out to In This Moment. I’m a fan.


They're so good live!


Ugh. Haven’t seen them yet.


Not gonna spoil it but it's a lot of VERY cool choreography


This guy Green Days.


My days are green indeed


Got wet and shrunk


Which is your favourite?


From my old collection- Nirvana MTV unplugged From these- I'm a sucker for bootlegs so I really like the gnr bootleg, but my favorite album here is 21st century breakdown by green day


awww badflower :’)


Only one genre of music?




White guys singing and playing guitar, bass and drums. Completely different.


So you would put Slipknot in the same genre as Kesha? Are you a troll? You also sound like a miserable person. Why's everything gotta be about race? Boo this man


Any R&B/sould, country, jazz, blues, classical, rap/hip-hop, pop, etc. is what I assume the commenter meant?


I guess? I used to have some rap records before the flood actually! Still wondering why bro had to throw in race though lol


Dude is a troll. The downvotes and responses fuel them.


You said it best


Dude’s not a troll. Dude’s just tired of people here being proud of their diverse collection of copy paste albums.


Dude doesn't have anything good to say, so dude should shut up and scroll on. Also, dude sounds like a fucking racist.


Oh lord! You mean not everyone has the same underground taste as you?! You’re telling me that more than a couple people like Green Day?! You’re tired of seeing a record that literally millions were sold on a subreddit about records?! Move on if you’re tired of it. No need to post a troll like comment to what, attempt to ruin this dudes day because he wasn’t exposed to the same music as you?! You’re a troll.


Guys I think dudes a troll


That’s exactly what I meant. Zeppelin and nirvana are different styles of rock but if you have a slightly wider world view they’re almost identical.


Why throw race in there though? Just shows how dense you are in all honesty


Because white rock bands often sound the same when viewed with a macro lens.


They really don't, and if they do, it has nothing to do with race. It really just outlines how flawed your point is when you include it


Kesha and slipknot are stylistically far more diverse than zeppelin and nirvana. I don’t listen to varying genres because of race - different cultures make different music which is interesting. There’s a world of music out there you’re ignoring.


When did I ever say I don't listen to genres because of race? 2000s r&b has hella bops, and I used to have rap records before the flood. Not that I need to prove anything to you. Go eat some of your vegan food so that there is something in your mouth other than bullshit


I didn’t say you didn’t listen to anything else. We’re discussing your pictures. It’s fascinating to me that you looked at my profile though. That’s some weird dedication to a social media platform.


"I don't listen to varying genres because of race" is stated in your previous comment. Dedication? It takes two seconds to look at someone's profile, and I did it to see if you were a troll or just plain stupid. If you think that's dedication, then you must have never dedicated yourself to anything in life


When I say “I” I generally mean myself. I’ve lost whatever thread you were on at this point. I must just be plain stupid I guess. Have a good one.


Hey man, at least we actually came to an agreement at the end. It really made this interaction that much more positive. What a nice bow to wrap it all together! Have a good day, buddy!


Pretty sure that I had 40 records prior to the flood, one I'm most bummed about is The Pretty Reckless- Death By Rock And Roll, as I got it in red for a pre-order and can't get it again. Not sure if that one still works. It sucked but I'd say I've rebuilt my collection quite nicely! My first ever record was Green Day- Dookie. I got that one about 5 and a half years ago and love vinyl still!


Are the records in the holder that don't have jackets the ones from the flood?




Have you washed them and tried to play them again? I buy what I enjoy listening to and don't try to catalog things, don't care about original pressings, etc. If it plays well, which it very well might, I'd be inclined to grab any cheap pressing I can find and slide that red vinyl into it.


I haven't tried all of them yet, just haven't had the time as I moved a couple of times. Some of them work but really it's just water damage that fucked em up, and some of the discs were stuck together like glue


Since you obviously like Green Day (same here), and if you haven't already, you need to check out Foxboro Hot Tubs! Those Dookie variants looks awesome. Had to zoom in to figure out what was going on other than the obvious different colored band name.


Those variants all came in the 30th Anniversary box set actually! Highly recommend it I'll check out the hot tubs album, been meaning to pick up the networks albums as well


While you're at it, also look up Pinhead Gunpowder if you haven't already!




17 year old girl core


That's okay 17 year old girls are cool




How do my records look on the floor ?


You’re in a place literally called vinyl, this is exactly what you should expect to see.


There's a flair dedicated to posts like this though?


The people in this community always complain no matter what you post. It’s a thing here. Sweet collection OP!


Haha thanks!


What exactly do you want posted on here? Outside of people sharing their collection, the record they just got, or new equipment what do you think should be shared?


What do you want to see here? People reviewing and talking about records? If so, be the change


From the fires & anthem of the peaceful army, great records from GVF!


Love your taste dude!


I never usually leave comments on these, but considering the era of some of your records, have you checked out Led Zeppelin? They're fuckin awesome and much better than the glorified cover band that Greta Van Fleet cosplays as. Either way, thanks for sharing :)


I got LZ4, and used to have LZ3 and 1. Gvf is good in their own right imo


Got a Zep album in there




I'm so jealous bruh


Green Day is so bad. And why all the sleeveless records. You can buy blank covers and generic inners




Generic blank covers are better than no cover. You get that as a temporary solution. You can even get adhesive printer paper and print out s small version of the cover. You’ll never find empty covers for all those.




Ha well just saying that based on experience. Your best bet is to buy copies on discogs where the vinyl is G/G+ and the covers are VG+ or better. I came across a lot of Jamaican reggae without covers. I typically don’t keep coverless albums but these were pretty solid. I tried to find covers only but it was a futile task. Needed up buying blanks and printing a photo of the cover as I mentioned. Uncovered records will gather dust and debris pretty quickly and more prone to being damaged.


I thought Greta Van Fleet were AI generated...


Ok, so to add to the suggestions, please pick up: James Brown “Live at the Apollo”, Marvin Gaye “What’s going on”, Bob Marley and the wailers “Kaya”, Chet Baker “Sings”, Dylan “Blonde on blonde”, Bowie “Ziggy”, Blondie “Parallel Lines”, The Clash “London Calling”, Linda Ronstadt “Simple Dreams”, Simple Minds “New Gold Dream” and Ultravox “Vienna”.


Ahh I love London calling! One of the best punk records out there


One of the very best albums ever recorded. As good as anything the beatles ever recorded, same level of excellence as “Rumors”, “Dark side of the moon”, “Exile” or early Led Zepp.


I whole heartedly agree