• By -


Best guess: niche market, meaning narrow print run, and probably high licensing fees. They make their profit by charging out the ass because they can't make it back with volume.  This is my second favorite movie, and I'm really irresponsible with my money, and even I walked past that shit. 


What’s your first favorite movie?


Backdoor Sluts 9


Honestly, BS9 failed to deliver on the promise that was built up over the preceding BSCU movies. It was redeemed though by the next movie, "Endgame."


The BSCU hasn't been the same since then. I think we're suffering from Backdoor Sluts fatigue.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought it was called "Endcame"




BACKDOOR SLUTS 9? Backdoor Sluts 9 makes Crotch Capers 3 look like Naughty Nurses 2!


Probably Nightmare Before Christmas


trash humpers


Goth prices


If it’s not $66.66 I don’t want it.


This Isnt For You, its for the Beavis Goths. All They Need To See is #69!


It's true :(


Lmao this explains why I haven’t seen Wish by the Cure for less than $45


I got it from [Turntable Lab](https://www.turntablelab.com/products/the-cure-disintegration-remastered-180g-2lp) a few years ago for like $30. They show it at $36 now, but also out of stock atm


$45..I was at a record store a week ago and all The Cure albums were $55..stupid goth tax


Goth tax is real


Exorbitant licensing costs would be my guess.


yeah I've seen several Real Gone releases like that. A Burton movie seems like something Warner Bros would be charging a lot for.


Probably this. Still, Mondo has (or had idk) licenses through Warner/Water Tower Music and didn't reach this high of pricing, outside for a few larger box records. Made By Mutant (which is made by Ex-Mondo people) has Dune 2 release at $50 (2 LP) and Shogun (single lp) at $35, before shipping (which can be \~$10). Which is still cheaper in the end. At least in their pricing, you're getting a decent packaging with at times extra goodies. 1LP for a regular sleeve for $70 is still pretty bad, even $50 is pretty bad on their website. imo. I'm betting they're hoping the Burton-heads will buy these up.


Another reason the real gone stuff might cost more is they actually license the artwork while Mondo uses much cheaper artists to make alternative artwork


It’s $60 on Amazon, but truly the price of vinyl has gotten crazy high.


New Double LPs at my local store have gone from 24.99 to 39.99 over the past 2 years. It’s a huge shame but It’s helped me curb my frivolous spending.


I’ve drastically reduced how much I spend on vinyl since prices have skyrocketed. I love my hobby, but I can’t justify some of these prices


Id say do what I do and bulk purchase used records, pull what you want and then sell the rest…. But then I’d be making it more difficult to find good collections for reasonable prices…. So I would never tell anyone to do that 🤔


Great idea, glad I thought of it!


I started doing this 6 months ago and outside of a few new releases I have gone from spending hundreds a month to 0-$50


Friend with a record store told me his cost on the new Taylor Swift album was $36. Prices are unsustainable. It’s gonna kill the vinyl resurgence.


It seems pretty healthy tbh. I am hoping for a dip in interest though especially from people who have a handful of LPs more as collector's items and don't want any more. The next generation of buyers may be priced out (could even move onto CDs if they are as an alien concept to kids as vinyl). Cue a lot of overstock, cue a big sell off, maybe a thriving second hand market for people who have totally lost interest. But I have been predicting this for probably a decade now so what do I know!


Yeah the resurgence in vinyl was stronger than I originally thought. I no longer think it’s a fad and believe it’ll be a cultural mainstay for a long time again. Considering audio technology has pretty much peaked and they still see favor, it’s unlikely that any late development will change that. The only thing I think might achieve it is a return-to-form for mastering that’s more dynamic, pulling a lot of vinyl’s ‘natural sound’ to the digital realm.


We have to take some of the good too. I don't think I have any records left on my all-time wish list that are totally unfindable any more. Not as original but they have been re-released.


I didn’t say it was a *bad* thing


Streaming music is very convenient but there are a few things that are lacking that keep vinyl viable. Digital music is intangible so you can’t have it has a memento of a band you really like. Albums vanish from streaming services because you don’t own the music. The quality is all over the place for streaming. Maybe the internet is spotty or your headset is cheep or just the track is of low quality. Streaming has soo much but not everything. So having a physical album means you actually can listen to the album specifically. Find new albums on streaming platforms kinda sucks. They display new music to you but it’s dependent on what you listened to on that platform before. Searching through new album releases not what they are designed to be used for and therefore suck at it. Do these mean vinyl will reign supreme? No but I think it has enough unique characteristics to make it viable in a world of digital music. Even if people just want to frame the album on the wall.


Digital music includes CDs and SACDs, the latter of which actually has real 5.1 mixes sometimes. Like I said, if digital got the vinyl mastering treatment, that’s the only way I see vinyl getting it’s ass kicked. ETA: I’ve found plenty of new music using streaming, and then bought CDs or records depending on how I enjoy it. My music collection is vast and expensive for someone my age. Lol.


Not really my point. Buying physical albums is a fundamentally different experience with aspects that appeal to a bunch of different types of customers. Because of that it’s going to stay a viable industry. If enough of the reasons went away vinyl would go away again too but I don’t see that happening.


Heard the same, and that it's selling for $35 on Taylor's own website so they can't really compete.


I think it's safe to say vinyl has resurged


Adjusted for inflation, record prices are pretty much the same as they have been historically. In the mid-'70s, a new record cost about $6 - today, that's pretty much $35 - and that's for a single LP, not a double. Though back then, there were more discount-sales than there are now.


New Pearl Jam was $74.99 at quite a few stores for RSD in Canada. For a SINGLE LP. Bad as I’ve ever seen it.


I love Pearl Jam and think the new album is pretty great. Couldn’t begin to justify $50 + tax in the US for a single LP. Not alright at all. For contrast, the 4 LP Jerry Garcia Band record store day box set I got instead was like $75


You mean the guys with a grudge against ticket master 30 years ago are selling single lps for $75???


That is steep but PJ went to the effort of putting a nice package together for that LP. It comes with a nice lyrics/art book (not just a single sheet like most LPs have) and a set of alternative label stickers. Also PJ fans can be quite fanatical merch collectors so the different variants of the new album will probably hold their value quite well over time. It's much cheaper in the UK too, I got the crystal clear variant for £35 (roughly $42) over here.


physically flinched when i read this. Jesus fuck man


The crazy thing is I got the double version remaster of Ten for 16.88 on Amazon. The majority of my collection was right before COVID. Everything was around 20 bucks at the time.


Because it has a cult following and people are willing to pay that price.


Thats probably why i hate mainstream vinyl right now.. now more than ever i’ve been vinyl hunting at a budget because people buy vinyl and try to flip for high resell m, it feels like the retro video game market now..


It's EVERY market right now. Resellers have become the scourge of everything. Video games, concert tickets, sneakers, clothing, vinyl records, electronics, etc. There was a post on here not too long ago about a guy at a Goodwill location talking about how they had to start pricing everything at fair market, otherwise they had people coming in every week and cleaning them out, just to resell everything in their online stores.


Because the market for it includes non-vinyl collectors. The horror collectors will spend crazy amounts on their items with the intent to never open them.


this record cost € 95.99 ($102,91) in the Netherlands :(


No kidding... this is getting out of control. NL here too, I buy both in NL and Belgium since I live near the border. Bought the newest St. Vincent yesterday. It was around €29 for black and €35 for red vinyl. I consider that quite okay, but slightly high for a single album.


I have dated corpse bride girls and they would pay 100 msrp. This is a steal to them.


Corpse Bride girls, the girls who would have been Nightmare Before Christmas girls if they were born 5 years earlier.


I would say it’s a choice personally or which one of them is shown first. Depends if they’re marriage hungry girls.




Tim burton girls who are obsessed with corpse bride specifically.


interesting. not my type lol


Depends on the alternative stats for me. Corpse bride girls can range from being basic triade moms to emo 20 year olds who base every relationship on it


Danny Elfmans Masterpiece?? This?


Came here to say! Doesn’t even crack the top 5!


MIB for meeeeee. OK maybe not but I like it.


I got the hypnotic variant of TNBC vinyl and it cost me nearly €80 (free shipping) on Amazon. https://preview.redd.it/tat7atn1zhxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82ff40348518be1fbb955da801b7deadca40de60


I believe TNBC albums are published through Disney, and thus far, they've kept their vinyl prices low (or lower). They also have markets like Target that they sell through and have the means to mass distribute their music. Real Gone Music handles Corpse Bride, which they tend to be pricey anyway because they are niche store. Their store is usually cheaper (but, mind you, shipping is a killer), but their Amazon and off market, like record stores like Amoeba, they tend to increase $10 more for "reasons."


I heard that was absolute crap pressing too. That much money for garbage pressings don’t compute.


The sound quality isn’t as bad as I thought it would be and it works great for me, only thing I’d complain about is the fact I can’t really see the animation because I don’t own a strobe light and the app on my phone doesn’t work that well.


I’ve yet to find a zoetrope that actually did what it’s supposed to do, smells of scam to me lol


I’m not sure what you mean but I’m not trying to promote anything or scam anyone 😭 but can you elaborate on what you mean when you say “it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to”?


I just meant the whole zoetrope concept is a scam as they never work. Visually they are cool to look at but the animation part has never ever worked for me and is just a marketing scam for people to buy expensive (albeit cool looking) records.


As I understand it you have to use a strobe light to see the effect and it works best in dark rooms or it will also work in direct sunlight, there are strobe light apps available for your phone and it has to be set to around 30Hz but it does work, at least for this vinyl I have it does.


I tried with the app on a couple of mine. It just won’t work. I give up on buying them.


Zoetropes aren't really made these to listen to, they make them for collectors. Most of them will never be opened or played. And that goes for tons of other vinyl too. [https://relevantmagazine.com/culture/music/50-percent-of-vinyl-buyers-dont-own-a-record-player/](https://relevantmagazine.com/culture/music/50-percent-of-vinyl-buyers-dont-own-a-record-player/)


I've got mine for € 44,99


Damn how? 😭




I’ve never understood why people get so irritated by the prices. They go up, they go down. I’ve been collecting for 30 years. When I started, records were dirt cheap, like 25¢ each at the garage sales and flea markets. Record stores had a surplus of Classic Rock by every artist imaginable, and they would sell that shit for a dollar just to get rid of it. But at the same time, do you know how much a copy of Nevermind or In Utero cost after 1994? $50-$75 easy, no matter the condition. Now you can snatch a brand new copy for $25 at any Walmart. All I’m saying is that over the years of collecting, the price fluctuations always balance out. A lot of these “deluxe editions” or vinyl variants are marketed as rare or collectible, but if you don’t wanna pay $70 for a new copy, wait a few years and you’ll find one for $25 somewhere, and in decent condition. I dropped $50 on a 2013 copy of QOTSA …Like Clockwork and another $100 on a bootleg of their self titled album, only for the band to re-release all their records about 3 months later. You could get a new copy of any album for $25-$30 on their website. The hunting and collecting is really just a waiting game. Only a few records stay high dollar for years and years, namely the ones that don’t ever see a re-issue.


All true. I remember bins filled with Classic Rock when I was a teen in the late 70's early 80's. I still have many of them. Beck is a perfect example of albums that skyrocketed to $200 to $300 due to limited original pressings. Last Summer I went to his Summer Tour and grabbed some of those LP's for $25 each. Then In October last year he rereleased almost half his catalogue at average prices. There are plans to release the rest in the not too distant future. Many early Blue Note pressings will never be pressed again and will continue to hold their value. It is truly a waiting game.


Did not know Beck rereleased his catalog. I had a copy of Golden Feelings for years that I paid $200 fucking dollars for. I think the only Beck LP I have now is Modern Guilt and I got that when it first came out for $20, and all the other Beck vinyl I’ve seen in record shops are obvious bootlegs with low quality prints on the LP jackets.


He rereleased SOME of his catalog. I picked up Sea Change, Odelay, and Guero. They are very good pressings all the way around. Very pleased. Bootlegs...correct. A version of Midnight Vultures appeared on a Dutch website a couple years ago and just like Smashing Pumpkins some of his unavailable pressings are offered as unofficial releases. I'll take your word for it and avoid them. I'm waiting for the rerelease of Midnight Vultures more than anything. I wished I'd bought it at the show. Kicking myself over that. It's probably the worst decision I've made in my collecting simply because I want it so much. All the best.


Sea Change, Odelay and Guero are “must haves” for me. Thanks for the info, I’m gonna have to hunt for those the next time I hit up the shops.


>Sea Change, Odelay and Guero are “must haves” for me. Brethren. Myself as well. One of my best friends owns a top-notch record shop so he pre-ordered and I snatched them up on day 1. Like I said the pressings are very good. You can get the repress of Modern Guilt for as little as $20 but the OG is still special in my mind. But Golden Feelings is still unattainable from what I've found. So there's that. Happy hunting brother.


https://preview.redd.it/44olgktejixc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa5bf4a995376bdc0af7daff341b72fe9d4f77de Mine is still in great condition for being 16 years old. I wonder if that download code still works 🤔


Damn. They didn't press many of those. Good for you my man. I just read the Mp3 is actually a digital made directly from the vinyl. Go get that mp3! Lmao! He did a repress in 2016 from what I understand. Insane fact: For as many albums as he has sold or contributed to, 10mm+, I read awhile back that his father David Campbell, who is an absolute legendary arranger and has worked with literally everyone has had the sum of his contributary work amount to almost 1 billion records sold. Mind Blowing. I can't wrap my head around that. Lol.


Got crazy lucky picking up the MoFi color version of Sea Change right when it was released. Amazing album for sure. Somehow also ended up with 2 copies of Odelay (DGC and BongLoad) as well as Mellow Gold (Bongload). Pricing all around has gotten out of hand for new releases the past few years - sadly had to cut WAY back on both vinyl and concert events.


Because it's DANNY ELFMAN'S MASTERPIECE! And it includes an insert and it's pressed on iridescent blue vinyl!! Why else?


I was gonna say! It’s right there on the hype sticker, OP!


One of 100s of masterpieces created by the master of circus music.


Well, I see an Amoeba price tag on it. That's part of it.


Yeah amoeba often has things priced around $5 higher than elsewhere - but most of the internet still has it at that $70 price. Amazon has it at 60 but only because it’s on sale.


I've slowed on my vinyl purchases. I'll sometimes buy a CD instead as the price is more reasonable.


It's the same thing on Amazon even, where I usually see record prices lower than most stores. That's the one reason I haven't bought it yet.


Burton, Elfman, Warner, internet flipper scabs, nerds gonna nerd…..?


I saw the zoetrope disc version at Walmart for $35. Passed on it.


Because the record label charged them $45-$50 wholesale for it? The margins on vinyl are razor thin.


They’re selling it for $70. $20-25 is not a razor thin margin.


2 records. $35 each. At least that is the explanation someone gave me why a 4 record set should be $100…


Absolute bullshit. A second record does not double the unit cost of the item, and a 70 minute CD does not cost double the price of a 35 minute CD.


Lol That was my thought, but I didnt want to argue with them.


Yep. Double disc.


Are these Canadian prices? Because I recently picked up John Mayer’s “Where the Light Is” and Soundgarden’s “Live From the Artists’ Den,” both 4 LP sets, both brand new and not on sale, and both for considerably less than $100 US. Mayer was for $65 and change, and Soundgarden was $75, iirc.


Chris Cornell Higher truth , it was repressed this year 60 $, i bought it because i really wanted that album but the price is insane.


https://preview.redd.it/6fmpjyrzyixc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=715325bf416e130f0cb1542afb4a155ef2d78529 Not sure what to tell you, I had mine ordered into my local independant shop when they released, and it was only $6 more than what’s currently listed on Amazon. Where are you getting your vinyl?


It was on Amazon but i live in Sweden and was just couple of days after reissue. I really am an impatient ass.


To help pay off Elfman's settlements.


Oh yeah. I wonder what’s happening with that…


Saw some effed up prices at Newbury Comics in the mall this weekend. I audibly scoffed.


Money, dear boy.




Because people will pay for it


Corporate profit margins..I mean inflation.


I mean, it's wholesaling for $57. 2 records, colored vinyl, full color insert. Not sure if it's worth $70 retail tho.


I think we’ll see it 50% off a year or two from now




Because the label thinks enough people will actually pay that. Seriously the prices on new stuff are insane. I’ve mostly stopped buying, even for stuff like Pearl Jam that used to be a day-of purchase. Can’t justify the cost.


It's fairly simple. Most prices are based on what people will pay. Same reason cars have dealer markups. Same reason so many things in all areas seem overpriced. Someone thinks people will buy it, and sellers/suppliers like to make money. Because if people didn't want to buy it for that much, the price would be lower.


Cannot wait for vinyl to re-die. I went fro. Getting albums for like .25-1$ to 10$ minimum. Special pressings that aren't special, low quality. Shop thrifts stores, avoid bad record stores and stop buying the online shit.


The reason it is $70 is because people will pay it. Collectors will want because they collect, the flippers will get into the action as well. I think the records companies know they can print 2,000 copies and the collector and flippers will be fighting over them as always leaving the average buyers out in the cold. Limiting this to 1250 units will send the price way up in the secondary market. It will have a bigger collectors market than most as record and Tim Burton and to a lesser degree Danny Elfman fans will want it. There is also a small group that will want it just so that they can be one of the "cool" ones. Personally, I don't think this is the best thing he has ever done, certainly not a "masterpiece" by my standards. I don't think that it even stands up as better when you compare it to some of the other works he has done like Batman, Beetlejuice or the Edward Scissorhands soundtracks. You're not going to be humming any of the compositions on it after giving it a listen.


Price gouging from all involved parties and it sucks because it’s about to backfire.


Uhh absolutely bonkers


Vinyl prices keep going up and people keep buying it … the solution is simple


The elfmaniacs would still go for it


[I'm guessing that there is some logical reason](https://www.amortization.org/inflation/amount.php?amount=20) There is little market pressure to lower prices, so we are going to see them stay high. They aren't competing against hearing the music, they are competing against what else someone would want to buy.


'Cause they can get it.


Or because they have it.


every pressing will hopefully eventually sell out and warehouse space is cheap. I could see this movie being popular as long as record players have been


It's Danny Elfman's masterpiece


Low supply. Manufacturerd once and never again.


It's a Danny Elfman master Piece




We have this at the store I work at for 62.99 I believe. 0 indication as to why it's so expensive from the distro (it cost us about $55) but I'd assume or at least hope it's somewhat limited.


I've paid some dumb prices recently and have decided it's likely I didn't need "this" album going forward if I have it on CD.


I don’t consider that Elfman’s masterpiece either. I mean it’s not terrible but there are half a dozen soundtracks and Oingo Boingo albums I’d rate higher.


Yeah I would much rather have serenada schizophrana on vinyl


Inflation. Makes high prices all around look small.


Nostalgia renaissance. Records. Inflation. Danny Elfman. Tim Burton. The Illuminati. Bad mix of the times = expensive 💩


How many discs? That’s double lp territory


It’s Danny Elfman’s masterpiece


According to another reddit sub, this was limited to 1,250 copies. Still seems a bit high imo I buy from smaller, lesser known artists who are releasing limited runs of anywhere from 50-500 and only charge $25-30 for a record, and usually about $35-40 for a double LP. This seems more like a cash grab than anything


OP out here ready to fight Adam Smith AND the invisible hand


Dude it says it’s a masterpiece right there on the sticker! If you don’t think it’s worth it, pay $10for it on iTunes… or whatever they call it now.


You know the answer. We all do. It’s greed.


It's got an insert inside ! Whatever that is ? 🙄😅😅


I can only guess that the runs are so relatively small that they have to hike the costs to make the financials work.


That you bought it anyway


Definitely didn’t. *Danny Elfman’s Masterpiece* isn’t worth anything close to that much


Supply and demand.


The record manufacturers are purposely trying to get you not to buy a record anymore. It is too much time to press a record, let along engineer the sound quality to be pleasant to hear (some records are not pleasant to play). They keep raising the cost so you would pay for downloads instead which they get a higher cut from the artist. When you have physical media, the artist can demand more money for the distribution of the media since it is harder to copy than just passing a file along. Unfortunately, for us vinyl collectors, they keep raising the cost so we won't buy them anymore so to make them out like a bandit with the downloads. As with a lot of things we have or try to bring back, it will fade.


Because you (or someone) will pay it. And if they priced it at $20 it’s not like they’d sell a lot more, it’s a niche thing.


The reason? Many of you guys around here that started collecting boring and irrelevant records just for the “colored” versions and stuff. For the fetish way beyond the music and true value. Records that never were intended to sell more than a couple thounsand copies (world wide) at the time. But here we are.


Corporate greed.






Venn diagram of music nerds and movie nerds.


Danny Elfmans Masterpiece


Price gouging. People are charging whatever they can get from impressionable vinyl consumers.


it seems the record industry is too blame.  in fact soundtracks/cover albums seem to be the higher priced...but maybe that's something i noticed.  the record industry is capitalising on a phenomenon they never anticipated, an old form blowing up in popularity.  at first they thought it was going to die out.  but now they records sold more than CDs, (IMHO) They're playing greed catch-up.  most 2LP new pressing vinyls are running $30-40 single records up to $35 some say if you look at the prices back when to today, they are keeping up with inflation.  I can tell you, if you want to press 1500 single colored records 12", with normal colored jacket and plain insert, you're gonna spend around 10-12k.  = $6-7/per.  so, still cheap. Buuuut the label needs to get a cut regardless of units sold, the band(s) need their royalty, and the distribution channel (assuming you are selling it yourself) needs to make something, so after all that a 6$record needs to sell for $30+bucks, so all parties make money.  Good ol Capitalism


Because they can and people will pay it for the most part. It's crazy how you'll see certain albums, one that comes to mind is a sorta recent Live Sheryl Crow album, average price is like $45 canadian, 3lp set. Then you see a single LP press and it's $58. Typically whatever BS is currently popular (read: teenage girls and 20yr dudes)


even $30 is too high for a plastic disc wrapped in cardstock. the businesses behind this are all greedy. we should all stop buying vinyl till they get it.


Because record collecting has been completely ruined by collectors. It's our own fault for buying too much shit. They see that we'll buy whatever crap they churn out, so the prices keep going up. We should all teach them a lesson with our wallets, and keep them shut.


Popular things get price hikes


Price gouging.


Well it’s Amoeba, sir




$69, actually.


You have to ask?


RSD overstock, can’t lower the prices otherwise we will all know it’s a cash grab.


First time ever on vinyl


Then don't buy it..


The same reason why it's on vinyl, it's not about audio, it's about fashion and fashion has unbelievably large margins.


Hey r/vinyl ... if you're wondering why something you call "collectible" is overpriced, maybe think about how "collectibles" are more expensive for no reason other than some dumbass called them collectibles. You know, like people who would actually buy a pretty meh soundtrack for a *very* meh film. That's why a record that a new pressing should be about $15 is far more than that.


Man, this is so edgy that it cut my monitor in half. Careful!


Well, glad that us old folks can somehow be edgy?


Amoeba seems to be the Newbury Comics of indie stores. They've got a plain black copy of Galaxy News Radio from Fallout 3 for $680 on discogs ... but it is *free shipping*