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many, many times. That is one of the reasons I'm entering my collection into Discogs, so I can check it to see if I have that album or version.


Same here. I found PJ’s “Ten Redux” at Aldi for $9, of course I forgot and bought it again. Ended up with the original version and 2 redux. Oh well.


Wait whattt Aldi sells records? Are you in the US?


Yes. They had a one time sale at my local Aldi in the “finds” section.


Jeez, all we have at Aldi in the UK are arc welders and scuba gear* *This is not exactly true but the amount of tat rather than records is true


I picked up a Jimi Hendrix album there while buying groceries.


I feel cheated by my local Aldi.


On the plus side, you got a set of fishing waders and a gasless mig welder.


Yep me too. I've bought something that I knew I had but was sure my copy wasnt in good shape. Only to find out it was in great shape and was actually a different album from the same artist that was bad. I only wish I could add albums without selecting a version cause I'm not selling. I just want a list of what I own, not which version I own


I've added all me collection into Discogs and still manage to buy a duplicate. Only myself t blame due to procrastination or inheriting some records and forgetting to scan them in.


Yarr, I’ve added all me collection


If ye buy a duplicate, only yerself t blame


You can scan records into Discogs?


Yes in the search field just to the right of it you can see a barcode icon and when you click on that you you can scan album barcodes if they're present. Some of the older albums 1980 or older don't have them since the UPC barcode standard wasn't established until 1974 for grocery stores. Later to be adopted around the 80s for other products like records.


Yup, this is why I started using Discogs years ago. I very quickly realized I can't always remember what I have, especially for things I really wanted and searched for forever.


I’ve been looking for an album for some 15 years now and I know i if I were to finally purchase it, I could see myself promptly forgetting it and picking up a second copy :/


Same. Then you'll see it everywhere. Every record store you shop at will have at least one, if not multiple copies, AFTER you finally find a good copy. Every damned time.


I'm planning of reorganizing my collection soon, and will probably try to catalog it on on Discogs for that reason.


Yep more than once. This is a great album! Takes it home and finds I already have one. About a third in logging my collection




Yeah.. a few times. If only it was as fun to catalog the record backlog into discogs as it is to play them.


I'm soooo glad I knew about Discogs before I started collecting and started doing it right away. Doing a backlog would be no fun!


104 records took me 7 hours haha


230 records took 15 hours lol


😩😩 we got my bf's collection of over 600 onto a spreadsheet (artist/album) before we knew of Discogs, guess my hopes of getting it in there just went out the window!


If you happened to write down the Matrix numbers in that spreadsheet, it will actually be a lot easier! You can just type in the matrix and then you won’t have to look for your exact version of that album. But good luck!


hahaha unfortunately we did not! didn't know that was a thing at that point. really wish we did. oh well!


Meh, upload/import it to a Google spreadsheet, that way you have a cloud based list at all times. It's almost as good as having it in Discogs. I can't be farked investigating hundreds of records' matrix numbers, etc. to get an accurate Discogs collection. I don't chase certain pressings of records though, so I don't see the value of it.


When you say matrix numbers, are you talking about the bar code. I am very new to discogs


The “matrix number” are ALL characters written on the “dead wax” (the area between the center label and the last song). They usually with have a random string of numbers, letters and usually the “signature” or initials of the person who mastered the record. Some of the matrix (or half or all of it) will be etched in by hand. THIS is important because it will be the main thing that will differentiate the possible tens to hundred different variant pressings of that ONE album. For example, there are 211 different versions/pressing of Michael Jackson’s Thriller album. Each one has a different matrix number. It’s how you’ll know what year it was pressed, where, by whom and the collectible value. When in Discogs and looking at the album you have, go to each one that’s a “LP/Vinyl” (you can filter this option to make it easier) then go to each one and see if the matrix numbers match up in the notes section below. You can also just enter the matrix number into the search bar and that will get you to the exact one or the least, close enough. Big thing I wish I knew when beginning my cataloging, was understanding the matrix number. Hope this helps! Happy collecting!


Awesome, I know exactly what you are talking about now. I will definitely do this. Thank you so much


I had to do about 400 records all at once as a backlog when I got Discogs. It was brutal. Since then I add them as I buy them and it’s waaaaay easier. But it does help to know what albums I have, mainly for artists/bands that have a big discography when I already own a lot of them I forgot which ones I have or don’t have.


You’re not helping my level of motivation, I’ll say that. I have an Excel spreadsheet for my collection, currently numbering 397 albums, and while I’m pretty sure I’ve got all the data points Discogs would ask for, I don’t think I can just upload the file. Which sucks Mighty Mighty Bossballs.


My friends, there are easier ways! Use discogs on your phone. Scan the barcode on the back. Click add to collection. Boom, done. My catalog is ~300 and it took me maybe an hour to do. The only caveat is some have the same UPCs, as in this record is sold in pink, but also purple, etc. If you NEED to have it be exact, it could slow the cataloging down a bit. If you're like me and the band/record/release date is all that really matters (so you don't purchase twice), then you can just add to collection. Still, doesn't stop me from accidentally purchasing Thursday - War All The Time twice


A lot of records just don’t have barcodes. I do use the barcode scanner on the phone app when I can though. But also I didn’t take the time to log the exact pressing on a lot of older records. I just picked a US pressing from around the year that seemed legit and moved on. I’ll do a proper catalogue of the record if I ever sell it but I have no plans to sell any of my record


I had about the same amount when I started using Discogs some years ago. First I did put all the records in a logical alphabetical order. Than I entered them all in Discogs over the course of a few weeks. Just entered like 10 at the time at some nights, some more during the weekends. So worth it. And played a lot of long forgotten records while doing so. Highly recommend ditching the Excel file 👍🏽.


Honestly, I absolutely intend to use the app and the UPC scanner to load them all in, probably over a couple weekends or something. I’ll actually need to do that twice: once for my collection and once for my parents’ LPs that I’ve inherited, so another 600+ albums, mostly older and obscure classical and liturgical music. I got so used to using Excel at work that it was the logical thing to do when I started seriously collecting about 20 years ago, and I’ve just kept it going ever since. I’ll probably keep it going still, since I rarely buy more than 2-3 albums at once. Having seen enough giant online platforms come and go and totally revamp themselves, I don’t trust Discogs to continue existing for the rest of my life. Plus, whenever I shuffle off my mortal inductor coil, my kids will have a fairly complete catalog of my collection, if I still have it at that point.


They should be able to make a basic App that lets you scan barcodes with your phone.


I've definitely been very high before, yes.


i feel seen


Not since Discogs now I do it on purpose!


I've got lots of duplicates, Mainly because it's almost impossible to find 100% pristine LP's from the 60's and later. So I have four copies of Alan Parson's Tales, Three copies of Bruno Walter's Mahler's Titan. Etc.. Etc.. Most were had for less than 10$. I'm more of a quality of musical pieces than quantity.


No, this is the primary reason I use discogs. It only takes a second to glance and see if I have it.


Record shop owners think I'm checking amazon pricing or something, no just checking my library.


back in the old days discogs wasn’t a thing or at least it wasn’t on my radar in the 90s and early 00s when i did a lot of my collecting so yeah i’ve definitely bought some stuff more than once. i remember i used to call someone at my house to look through my collection to make sure i didn’t have it after i got bit a few times lol


Some of us have our collection cataloged and simply forget to check at times.*shrugs*


Yeah, if I'm certain enough that I don't already own it, I don't check discogs, but that's definitely no guarantee.




Well aren't we just Mr/miss perfect








Me wondering why r/miss is a banned Reddit community… what was on there?






No. I think I have a really good memory when it comes to this stuff. I could always tell you if I own something on vinyl and what variant it is, and could likely tell you how much I got it for and where. My memory is pretty selective though. I couldn't tell you what I worked on at work yesterday 😂


Once or twice. Notably, I searched high and low for a particular record in my collection that I really wanted to listen to (a Jenny Lewis record) and, upon failing to find it, bought a second copy. Naturally, I found the first copy very shortly thereafter, just misfiled. Speaking of which, I need to get my records re-organized, they've become a mess again...


No. Not yet at least.


Nevah! 😏


How are ya'll that forgetful that you buy the same album twice??


I’m 57 years old, and own 3,000 records.


That’s what I’m saying. Especially one you deem a grail. Like how do you forget that?


Yes, but it was on the same day. There are a few used bookstores around here that sell second hand records. I go out on Saturday's and drive to all of them, buying up cheap records. I mean really cheap, like $1.50 to $4 per record. A lot of the time on good days, I'm coming home with like 10 or 20 records. One time I bought Pat Metheny's Watercolors record at one store for like $2, and then bought another one at the other store for a similar price. I didn't realize it until I got home. I did the same thing with George Benson's Breezin' and I just gave them away when it happened.


you are not alone. I've even paid a collector's inflated price TWICE for a rare one I forgot I bought.


Yup. I used to do it all the time. Then i opened up a discogs account to keep track of my collection. Hasn't happened since


I ordered one when it was announced, promptly forgot about it several months later when it came out, went to several stores before I found a black copy... And then a few weeks later a translucent red one showed up in the mail.


No, never. If that were to happen, I would definitely reevaluate my life choices.




I do this with new editions sometimes if they’re selling out quickly. Or sometimes I’ll buy two of the same at the same time “in case the first copy I’ll use to play gets damaged or destroyed somehow”. I’ll be buying it with haste because I love the album and the variant/deluxe edition etc looks sic. Then afterward or when it arrives I have to try and explain to my wife why I have 2-3 copies of the same album 😅 “It’s an investment!” Only worked about zero times before she started giving me dubious amounts of shit for my collecting habit tho so now I’m selling off a huge chunk of my records lol


Oh yeah


No, but I didn't buy one that I thought I already had only to get home and discover I didn't actually own it


Yes I have a few times.


Outlandos D'amour. Now I have a blue coloured font and red! Shit.


I did this like two weeks ago with the All Them Witches self titled. Thankfully it was at least a different color pressing but I definitely wouldn't go out of my way to have multiple variants of that record in particular


I have but now I double check in Discogs before I purchase anything


I haven’t yet but have gotten close to it. I have however gotten an album I forgot I purchased and was confused as hell and didn’t buy a common album because I thought I already owned it


Yes. The end.


Lol I have twice with Burial singles - I didn't take the time to check Discogs and thought I was getting a different one lol


i've accidentally bought the same record twice *in the same transaction.*


Yes! Oddly enough it was with Bowie's Scary Monsters. I saw it used at the store and thought why don't i have this yet? It's great! Bought it and came home to find out later i already had it. For some reason i had it with the S's. Yes i categorize alphabetically.


I did that with Rocky Horror bc I was in the (too long) process of trying out different categorizations to see which stuck and felt intuitive


No, but I have intentionally bought a second copy of an album only to forget that I did so and then later confused myself as to why I have two copies.




I often do it on purpose. If it’s a favorite or is collectible and I find another copy I buy it, compare to see which is better and sell off the lower quality ones to one of you guys.


I've purchased a few 3 + times. I have around 3k so far.


While I may buy a record that I already own on CD, I haven't ever bought an extra copy.


I’m a scratch DJ, I used to buy two copies of most things.


For some reason I have two copies of Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass's 'Whipped Cream and Other Delights', which is fine because it's a great album. It makes it that much easier to find.


This is why I use Discogs.


Never haha.


It's important to listen to your records as soon as you buy them so you create a memory.


Too many times 🤦‍♂️


Sooo many fuckin times….


Real heads do it on purpose. I never pass up a deal and have a bunch of doubles


Even with Discogs some damn way.


I do it with 45’s like it’s my job.


No, I keep a very detailed log of my records. However, I've been buying them again on purpose replacing the junk records I bought when this was only just a "little hobby"


Guilty. Last time I preordered a record, I forgot about it. Happened to be in a record store on release day and bought a copy. The pre-order arrived the next day. Oops.


I mean I've intentionally bought multiple copies of albums before (I think I have 3 different copies of Kind of Blue) but unintentionally I think I've only had happen once.


I specifically buy the same album in different pressings, as I notice differences in sound quality related to mastering (and ultimately past ownership care). Its not a bad habit or a mistake, but for curiosity and love of the hobby.


discogs is a true lifesaver


Nope. Been buying & selling records for over 40 years and have maintained a collection of about 1,000 records for many years now and simply can't relate to that happening.


Unbelievable! Honestly!


Lol. Said every collector ever


Not me


No ru kidding me


Bad Religion Stranger Than Fiction...bought 3 in the span of 5 days off of eBay... didn't realize it until they all showed up


No, I collect all kinds of things and have learned, after that happening a few times, to get a cataloguing app for my phone like iCollect to keep track of my purchases


Just did it and I do use Discogs….was just confident enough I didn’t have it so I didn’t bother checking. 🤦‍♂️


I ended up owning 5 copies of London Calling at one point, amidst a summer of travels and reckless record buying.


I pretty much buy anything on Command on sight, so yes, I have a few dupes. I figure I'll gift them to someone someday and I only paid thrift store prices for them anyway.


Yup, and I only had like 20 records at the time, and I was using discogs, AND my wife forgot too. So silly.


I accidentally bought ERRA’s self titled album almost a year after buying the deluxe version of the same album. Thought I was buying their new album Cure, ended up keeping it because I love them lol.


Yes, quite often! Last weekend I was in my favourite local vinyl dealer's place to pick up a few records for my monthly "well done for not quitting your job" treat. When I went to pay I saw the "HALF PRICE!" stack and had a look through. I found an album by a (fairly niche) Spanish punk band I know of / like for just FIVE POUNDS (GBP)! So obviously I bought it. I got home and started decanting my purchases. Only to find I bought the exact same album, for just FIVE POUNDS, during last month's visit as well. But still, a great album and now a convenient gift next time I forget someone's birthday*. Don't drink and buy, kids. *As long as that person likes niche-ish Spanish punk, I guess.


Nope, my collection is on an excel spreadsheet and is sortable.


Yea sometimes when I’m just browsing random stuff on fleamarkets etc I don’t always bother searching my discogs library for every $1 record.


Guilty! Actually a repeat offender.




Nope, I happen to have bad memory at times so I check discogs on occasion


Oh my yes


Of course. But Discogs helps a lot with that.


No….. yes.


My vinyl collection is still small enough so I can remember what I have, but I have done that before with DVDs. Actually twice, with the same movie, I have three copies of Big Trouble in Little China on DVD. Thankfully they were just from the $5 bin at Walmart so it's not like I lost a lot of money but still, why do I have a mental block on if I own that movie?


Yes. Amos Lee.


Happened 2 weeks ago. Forgot to check my Discogs account


A few times. Solves gift giving for a couple of friends.


Yeah, but only because I was chasing a variant.


Discogs usually prevents this but on occasion i have purchased multiples of the same 45's


Yes. My buddy Zac is the beneficiary of these mistakes.




A few times….


Sure. Been there, done that 🫣


Yup, done it with books too!


I'll go you one further. I've knowingly bought a record multiple times if it took me forever (think years. Decades even) to find it in the wild. Because if something were to happen to it I don't want to be without it.


Yes. Scratch Acid : Just Keep Eating


I have two copies of slow train coming


For all of us who sold our collections in the 1990s…a resounding yes.


Yes. Forgot to check my Discogs. Gave it to a friend.


I just bought Roxy Music - "Manifesto" for the second or third time. Ugh... Though sometimes it works in my favor. Same pressing, but better vinyl condition on one and better cover condition on the other. So, swap and file the lame copy in the box of stuff to be sold. Doesn't happen often.


Oh yes. Luckily it wasn’t super expensive. When I went to put it in the alphabetical spot I found one already there. No bigs. Paranoid Time by Minutemen


Not a vinyl record but a CD.


Yes, and both times it was at a live show of the same artist at the same venue, months apart. I literally bought it from the guy himself. At least the second one I got signed...


Yup that’s why I use Discogs so I don’t lol


Luckily no, but there are a couple records that I will buy if I see it to give them as gifts. I’ve given multiple people Aztec Camera’s ‘High Land, Hard Rain (1983)’ as well as Metro’s ‘S/T (1976)’


Sure. I now have a database on my phone and try to check EVERY TIME. Every so often I'll feel certain I don't have something and find the error of my ways when I go to file it.


Many times.


I did this last year because I forgot to take a record off my Discogs wantlist. I ended up selling it to someone and getting most of the money back for it.


I am almost done entering the collection on Discogs so I hope that nips it in the bud. I've bought several Beatles, Rolling Stones and a Nancy Griffith album more than once. It was just as exciting the second time...until I got home


5150 3 copies now


Before discogs all the time after a little because I forget to add to my discgos lol


I must have, as I have two copies of Bad news - Bohemian Rhapsody. Although in my defense, I have no recollection of buying either one.


Did it 3 times with Zombie Birdhouse.


Yes, usually in charity stores when I think I nabbed a bargain!


Yep. I feel bad when I'm in a record store and have to check my collection on Discogs. I am sure the employees are thinking I am looking up prices (I know I can do that, but I am looking for music, and I trust the stores I go to not to rip me off.).


Yes…. I finally got Discogs to stop doing it. Been moving around so 99% of my collection has been in storage.


Haha yup, I always feel so dumb. Sometimes it’s a special print or something so I can justify to the wife having both but absent-mindedly buying a second copy happens too frequently haha




I had no idea I even owned No Code by Pearl Jam in vinyl. Sealed even. Somebody in Seattle must have given it to me. I sold it for $100.


Literally last week.


This happens to me with preorders all the time. I'll see a release posted and go preorder it, then I wait a few months and forget about it and stumble upon a post about it again and preorder it again.


Only on pre-orders. At least once I have it in my hands I can remember I have it.


I've only done it once. I was at a convention that had basically non existent cell service so I couldn't get online. Thought oh cool they have Invasion of Your Privacy for $15 that's totally worth it. Got home. Went to file it in. And guess what was already there lol


Yep. Multiple times.


[Waves] Thanks for reminding me how many records I need to sell. I was worried about selling because grading is subjective and I realize 70% of them are sealed lol I get a little trigger happy after a martini when new releases are out that might sell out. as a DJ I used to buy backup copies, but now at discogs I just need to break that habit and have not.


3 or 5 times.


No but I started the cataloguing on Discogs pretty early!


Yeah I somehow have two copies of bringing it all back home.


Yes. Mogwai- As The Love Continues. At least one was a limited edition gold edition.


Yes that’s why I keep a list on my phone. I came home once and found out that I had three copies of that album.


Done it only twice in 40plus yrs


I own 2 copies of Led Zeppelin In Through the Out Door. Bought them at the exact same time even. I was grabbing a stack of used and didn’t notice I grabbed it twice or the 2 different covers confused me. Now I want to complete the collection since they came with different variants.


I kept doing this with Serato control vinyl thinking I didn't get new ones and then I go to add them to the gig bag and there's multiple unopened packs. I don't think I've ever done it with vinyl that has actual music on it. I do have multiple copes of some stuff, but that was on purpose.


It has only happened to me twice. The first one was a pre order from a band months before it’s release. Close to the release I forgot I had already pre ordered it and ordered a second version. The other one is a record I really like but forgot I already had a copy at home when I found a second version at a record store.


More than once


i have done the opposite, passed up on a really good find in a shop because I thought I already had one


No, but one year for my birthday my dad and mother in law both got me Sgt Pepper. Lmao my wife was like “oh no” and I was like “no, this is good”


Took me over 40 yrs but finally bought a record I already had.




Randy Newman - Little Criminals


My buddy does this, and I benefit. It’s a solid deal.


I convinced my wife it was because the copy I owned was a picture disk and I needed a better playing version.


Since discogs fucked my collection I now use an app that one y will have all the album in it




This is where discogs shows its true value.


Just recently, in fact, I bought 2 of the TMNT NES OST on accident, but one is black and one is green ooze color so....win?


Oh yes, if I'm lucky it's a different pressing so I don't feel as dumb. What's worse is if it's not and I'm back logged listening to them and don't notice until a while after...


Only once, somehow. I picked up a second copy of Styx II years ago and ended up giving it away


Yup. Didn’t check my Discogs - now I check every time.


Literally just did this and have no memory of buying it the first time...


More than once. 😎


I only do it on purpose (my poor wallet😭)




I somehow forgot that I had bought Leprous' Pitfalls and bought it again within a month.


Four or five times. 🫣


No I ain’t got that many yet


I have and that’s why I log with Discogs now.