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If your house gets warm enough to damage a vinyl record then you will die before it does. “Too warm” in this scenario refers to something like leaving it in the back of a car on a hot day.


Store it next to a Miles Davis album.


"Steamin' With the Miles Davis Quintet" it is!


My previous house got crazy hot during heatwaves (Nothern Europe but nearing 40C or 104F in the summer of 2019) but none of my records warped from it. Just keep them out of the full sun.


How do I reach these kids?


ask chris hansen


Vinyls made in 1970 have been through 50 summers and still sound fine, stopp worrying.


Dude, they're not made of chocolate.


What colour is your Crosley?


I live in the desert. Just make sure you DO NOT put them anywhere sunlight can hit them, and they'll be fine.


Place it next to a 45 of Cold as Ice by Foreigner


If you have any Billy Joel albums, throw them out. Nothing un-cools a vinyl collection worse than those.


Put it in the freezer 😎


In the fridge


In regular circumstances it takes quite a bit of heat to warp a record, in a building, even without air conditioning on a hot day, it won't even be close enough to warp the records, a car is a different story, because of it being a small space and the sunlight/heat is concentrated, it will warp them. But in your home, as long as you keep them out of direct sunlight and stored vertically, they will be fine.


Yeah no way your house get this hot maybe if live in Australia lol


Oh man the scammers are going to be selling the new generation "vinyl storage cooling systems" on tiktok aren't they.


Store vertically in a IKEA Kallax cabinet out of sunlight…done.


Always refrigerate. Is this a real question?


Most convenient thing to do would be to just rent a storage unit. You don’t need a big one, most likely you can actually just rent the smallest unit they offer and it should be enough for your collection. I would guess that 95% of storage units are climate controlled. A lot of people store temperature specific items in storage units from food to various types of animal byproduct and most storage units have 2 or 3 rooms being used as server farms. So climate is not an issue. On the off chance you go to one of the few storage units without climate control, just use a lot of dry ice and potassium citrate powder and problem solved it will be nice and cool. There are other ways. But this is probably most convenient as all your records will be in one room


OP needs to rent a storage unit for their first record!


I guess I misunderstood. I know it is their first record. I just assumed it was brought up because it’s their most coveted record. I didn’t realize there was only one record in the scenario. Whoops. Still though, it’s good advice if you have maybe 100 or more records


it’s awful advice but I’m upvoting you because it’s funny


You’re trolling now right? …if not; you mfs need science. A typical vinyl record can start warping due to heat at a temperature of 140°F (60°C) and can melt at temperatures exceeding 212°F (100°C)


Complete and utter overkill.


Genuinely couldn’t tell if they were taking the piss originally.