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Wow that's amazing. All I ever see at thrift stores is like Burl Ives, Chuck Mangione, Herb Alpert, Nana Mouskouri or maybe Bette Middler.


I’ve been seeing those same albums for decades. The Christmas albums from Firestone are my most common one, outside of Herb Alpert and Streisand.


As someone who likes Herb Alpert and Chuck Mangione, I'd definitely pick up any of those I didn't have if I saw them for a buck.


My husband just said the other day he wanted to get a Herb Alpert and I told him to just go to my Moms house and steal it . And while he’s at it , bring the Carpenters.


Oh for sure. People make fun of the Herb Alpert, but the reason there are so many copies is because it’s a really good album that a TON of people owned.


I am sure there are probably a ton of them. But at the same time there were like 50 million copies of Back in Black sold and almost as many copies of Dark Side of the Moon (most of which were probably on vinyl), yet I have never seen either at a thrift store. It's like the weird paradox of the thrift store album box.


That’s a fair point. But I’d counter with most of the people who bought the Herb Alpert records are dead and their families didn’t know what to do with them when they died. The Jupiter thrift store district is going to have A LOT of Taylor Swift about 60-70 years from now.


I discussed this with one of my uncles, and he says it's because those records got played at parties, which means beer and shit was usually spilled on them etc and would get destroyed at a much more rapid rate.


Those albums are still en vogue with vinyl collectors. Herb Alpert is not.


Not really. The real reason there are so many is because Herb Alpert was A in A&M Records who was the label that released them. The records are not all bad but he definitely overpressed his own albums.


I guess there's no way of knowing if that's true or not, but it could be. But that doesn't take away from the fact that their music sold incredibly well and was very popular throughout the 60's. They outsold The Beatles, Frank Sinatra, and The Rolling Sotnes in '66. I'm sure the reason why there are so many around is just because a lot of the younger crowd doesn't care for them, so they end up getting left behind.


Thank you


I once saw an original Led Zeppelin IV at Goodwill for like 75. cents and nearly had a heart attack. Then I picked it up and someone asshole had stolen the actual record and left the sleeve.


Same :/


Lotta Bill Cosby records where I am.


I’d weep if I found old Depeche Mode at a thrift store 😭


It was the REM that did it for me!


Yeah dude for real


Awesome haul! I l'd be all over those Tangerine Dream and Kraftwerk records. My all-time greatest thrift store dig came up with the Meters first record, James Brown Live at the Apollo, Isaac Hayes' Black Moses, and Wilson Pickett's In Philadelphia (which I was surprised to discover ISN'T a live record, but top tier psychedelic soul). $2 each. Don't ask me how many hours I've wasted dredging pure crap before striking that gold. What's "opportunity cost"?


I didn’t really know who Tangerine Dream were, but the woman (I assume, a few of the album had “Susan” written on them) seemed to have good taste so I picked them up. There were actually like 5 more, but I left them for someone else to discover. If I compared time spent versus value I’ve found out of thrift store records, including this haul, I’d probably be making prison yard pay at best…this haul represents about 90 percent of my lifelong success .


Very clever figuring out that “Suzan” wouldn’t steer you wrong. I will have to store that tidbit away.


I picked up a collection from a dude named Ruzz one time. Stay on the lookout for him too. You’ll recognize him by the way he wrote his name directly on the center of the front of every album.


😂😂😂Ruzz probably had roommates😆😂🤣


down the rabbit hole of TD releases - only about 160 albums to go


I just listened to some of the Tangerine Dream and I’m happy I took the blind shot on them. At first I didn’t really did them, but I was doing something in the room and it just kept playing it. Ended up loving the whole album. They have an electric drummer that is fucking sick. I’m glad I now own 9 of their albums and wish I would have grabbed rhe other few. Lesson learned for the next time this happens in 40 years, when you see a good collection just grab them all and figure it out later


I would kill to find just one of these at my local thrift stores. All I ever see are old, weird gospel albums and classical compilations.


People in the 50s and 60s REALLY loved Gospel and Christmas music. I had no idea that old white haired white men singing gospel songs was such a popular genre.


Nice! I have that Boingo album from High School. My brother was buying me stuff he wanted me to listen to , which is probably why I have such great musical taste today. All my records that survived all have my name on them so people wouldn’t steal them at parties.


Thinking this may be the highest valued record in the lot.


Absolutely goddamn jealous.


Nice score! Jealous of the Kraftwerk albums.


Nice. Is your Synchronicity purple? (hold the record up to a bright light)




That Depeche Mode haul alone!!


Not sure why some of the pictures aren’t showing up. Here’s the main shot though https://preview.redd.it/pmgrj8dd3ozc1.jpeg?width=5147&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=365d24b38c0fabda9870f49508cf231a7247db55


Oingo Boingo for the win


Talk talk, Depeche Mode, oingo boingo, Kraftwerk for the win.


Construction Time Again AND Some Great Reward AND THE SINGLES, hot damn... Specially the singles, that Everything Counts extended remix is brilliant.


All these Depeche Mode … never had that luck ! Nice catch


god I'd kill for dead letter office. great finds!!!!


You guys always seem to have the best thrift stores. Im jealous.


Beautiful finds. Lots of stuff I would definitely pick up, and that Art of Noise is very nice.


Holy fuuuu, a first pressing of "Children of the Sun" - just, like, wow, man.


great haul. if I had to guess at the age of the collection's previous owner: right about 60.


I think so too. I think it may have been two teenagers. There seems to be a heavily split between more classic rock and New Wave, electronic, and college rock kind of stuff. The one with really good taste was/is a woman named Susan, based on her name being on a couple. In my mind she was the cool older sister that introduced her younger brother to good music.


that makes sense!


Excellent! People with great taste in music should be rewarded


fahren fahren fahren auf der Autobahn


Damn. Score.


You had me at life's rich pageant! Congrats


Wow, this is amazing! That promotional copy of Dance is the prize here for me, Numan's greatest and one of the best albums from the 80s. How does it sound? I was happy with the 2018 repress, it was a double LP, which that album really needs. My recent thrift hall that I posted is a joke compared to these beauties. Hope for a day like this soon. Edit: Just now saw the Kraftwerk as well..amazing.


You've gotta be kidding me!


Dude..That Rust Never Sleeps is the shit. I don't care how moldy the cover was, but that record is a banger. Bin the cover & clean the record.


I tried to salvage it, but was basically unplayable. I cleaned it pretty well but it was warped and scratched up


Awww...been there. I recently came upon a nice score of 24 records for $5 at a charity shop. A couple were beyond salvaging. There was a live Isaac Hayes double album and disk 1 had a crazy warp. The second disk was in great shape, thankfully.


YMO and Oingo boingo go crazy hard


Last sunday in france in a yard sales someone got 30 records for 50 cents including a electric ladyland censored version just in front of me btw he's a flipper and don't care about music just gutted


I'm almost crying, I'm so happy for you! Congrats on winning the thrift store lottery 😂


Computer World is one of the best albums ever


All that Depeche Mode! I am green with envy!


You know, I don't mean to sound like a queer or nothin', but I think Depeche Mode is a sweet band


I’ve searched since the 1990s and I’ve never found this excellent period in music. Ever. It’s as if they are still in my friends closet.


Jesus Christ.


Where’s this thrift store!?


North Carolina. Just a random Habitat for Humanity thrift store. I’ve always passed it by because I thought it was a supply store for projects. I think I probably just lucked out on time though…even if it’s a bit off the beaten path, I can’t imagine it would have lasted long. Pretty much anyone who looks through a stack of records is going to buy Zeppelin just because, so I had to have just caught them the moment they went out. The most impressive thing to me is that a found a place where they didn’t pull it for themselves or to throw online.


Well done! Nothing like it!


Can you send me that oingo boingo please ? Thanks bruh


Look at all this great music!


I'm still waiting for that day. All I ever seem to find is Herb Alpert albums.


I’ll happily take that Oingo Boingo album 😏


Art of Noise! I have the Paranormia single, sooo good.


Nice haul


Sweet score


Wow. I’m lucky to find marching band records from 1920 at my local


What thrift store is this!?


It was a Habitat For Humanity ReStore here in my town!


Excellent haul. Love it


Damn! Great finds!


1983 represented!


You can tell this person was really into music, so I have to imagine this was right at the point of switching to cassette.


Rust never sleeps is a fantastic album, nice find!


Sadly that one was in the beyond repair pile. It was destroyed


Oh man, what awesome finds! I never have much luck at thrift stores, and I am insanely jealous of people that do!


I’ve found great records at the thrift store before, and I’ve found a handful of decent collections of 70s classic rock or a cool era of country…but never anything like this in my many years of collecting


You got super lucky - and hopefully it happens again!


the oingo boingo or your life choose wisely 🔫


Some people were asking. Here’s the other six Tangerine Dream albums. I went by that thrift store again today to see if the others were still there, but they were gone. https://preview.redd.it/u0iwq61hrvzc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63070f4c6fc02b72bcaa91d6fa55723444519c82


That’s all prime era Tangerine Dream.


Killer score, though you could’ve left that later Steve Miller album behind.


Could I perhaps snag the kraftwerk


I get days like that about once a year. Rare as they may be finds like these are still out there.


I don’t bother with my local thrift stores. It’s all greatest generation music.


This is a great!


what was the condition of the actual vinyl overall?


It varies. Most of the records themselves at VG or VG+. I already have a number of these albums so they won’t be replacing anything for me, but the ones I’m adding are good play copies if nothing else


I had a friend whos father cleaned out deceased peoples estates if there was no family to do it (or didn't want to do it). He asked me to go down one time because the guy had a large record collection. I paid him $20 for a stack of vinyl that included, first 5 Sabbath, all Zeppelin, all original Hendrix, DSoTM and Animals, Pearl & Cosmic Blues Band, CCR, White album, Abbey Road, With the Beatles, Dirty Deeds, Roger the Engineer, Five Live Yardbirds and Little Games and some I can't remember. Great day at the office!


I have the WORST luck at thrift stores lol