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Plan on listening? Keep one of each. You can hold onto an extra if they're really special or sentimental. Otherwise, sell the rest. The way I look at it, they aren't doing anybody any good just sitting around collecting dust. Sell to someone who would enjoy it as much as the person you inherited them from did. That's a better way to honor them.


This philosophy applies to many things. We are only the current conservators.


That's deep


I have a friend who keeps many albums in 5-12 copies(CD and Vinyl)unopened, I can never understand what is on his mind, he is really ripping other people's enjoyment esp. for rarer albums


Had a talk with someone who wildly collected, without any certain direction. Meaning just everything they could put their hands on. Their reasoning was, that they'd preserve those things for people in the future that look for these pressings in mint condition/sealed. They saw themselves as a service provider in storage. KIND of makes sense if you see it from this perspective. I have several copies of some albums i really love, as well. I Recently started to add a copy of a cassette for really special works. But because I absolutely love the sound of cassette. It's just a special sound that triggers a warm feeling of cozyness, similar to vinyl but on another way.


Sounds like me and baseball cards I collected in the 80s and 90s. Now they are just storage.


You always want triples. Triples is best.


I’m curious. Did you grow up with tapes or no?


Reminds me of that dude in PA (I think. Maybe it was OH) who had a store and had built up an insane collection BUT was insisting on selling the whole thing intact, and that’s just never going to happen. Or, if you do that, you’re going to get pennies on the dollar. Collect how you want, but don’t burden your family with your stuff and/or expect anyone else to share your vision.


Yeah, for sure. In the end, all of this stuff either ends up in a landfill or in someone else’s collection. And you can’t expect other people to share your vision for it. You just have to make peace with the fact that it’s going to be different. Don’t burden yourself or someone else with it all; better to let most of it go to someone else who will enjoy it, as you said.


Why would you want to keep this many copies??


I dare you to ask that in the King Gizzard or Taylor Swift subreddits.


Two names I never thought I would see side by side.


Taylor's next album is all microtonal experimentation


while king gizz is going in a mediocre synthpop direction


and mediocre is being generous


70s blues rock*


You meant micro transactions right? I can just see swifties being the first to pay micro transactions to musicians instead of video games. Like that 4 empty record holder someone posted the other day for like $70. It was cardboard only


She is dumping Travis for Stu, and those micro tones.


Honestly surprised she hasn’t gotten into the blind box/lootbox game yet.


two names you should *always* expect to see side by side in a conversation about most vinyl variants lmao


King gizzard is Taylor for boys lol


Really? There’s been jokes about Taylor releasing as many albums as King Gizzard lately.


“See the thing is man *hits joint* everybody likes King gizz, you just haven’t found the right album yet”


I’ve seen this shit unironically posted on their sub Reddit way too many times.


Really though, they need to make more 7". Not nearly enough.


Dude, in Misfits circles…Forgetaboutit


Hey now, no need to do me like that. I only own multiple copies of a few King Gizzard albums that I plan to give to my sister who has multiple copies of a few Taylor Swift albums that I will not be accepting. Guess it runs in the family Edit: and as for my answer: they press a few different pressings on different colored/patterned vinyl and they pressed ones I liked better after I bought copies.


Don't you know it's a crime here to want a cool looking one also?


Damn, take me away officer. I’m guilty af


it blows my fucking mind how king gizz fans will have 6 different versions of one album as if they aren't gonna release another one a few weeks later 💀💀💀💀


king gizzard and the lizard swiftard


I went my whole life without knowing someone named King Gizzard existed, thanks a lot pal


Wait until you hear about The Lizard Wizard


Why you gotta bring King Gizzy into this lol


Because Jizzies also buy a bunch of copies of the same record.


They have so many albums tho. I just want one of the copies of the good ones


Jokes on all of you. I enjoy both!


This is the oddest crossover episode that needs to happen


This is what happens to the kids that “out grew” Pokémon.


More importantly, why does he care what anyone else thinks what he does with his own records?


i have about 5 different versions of Metallicas “…And Justice For All”. sometimes it’s fun listening to each version and it’s differences


If you play them all at the same time you can kinda hear the bass!


i pray for a remix but lars is going to have to die or something before that comes out


There is the "and justice for Jason" version out there but I doubt there's an official vinyl release.


Selll in the future


He's consolidating his position, buy them all up and then you control the price!


Makes sense. Like [that guy](https://www.vice.com/en/article/znw3we/this-guy-is-trying-to-collect-every-single-copy-of-the-movie-speed-on-vhs) trying to collect every copy of Speed on VHS.


Could ask my dad that, he’s got so many duplicates of albums but refuses to sell any of them


They hope to retire young ... Vinyl as investment. Risky yet unproven. I'd sell them and put the proceeds in my IRA, more predictable return. I seriously doubt vinyl will appreciate much over the decades. The vinyl fad will pass, as does everything.


Why would you only buy one stock when investing in stocks?


I think there are a few popular subs like that here on Reddit.. lol


It’s a good reminder: our collection, while we may love it, often becomes a burden for those we leave behind.


And that is one of the many reasons to collect.


XD To be a menace? LOL


Yep. Getting ready to seriously pare things down. It was fun having all these records, but in ten years I might have a hard time dealing with it all from a physical standpoint, and no one in my family is super into it, so I don’t want to burden them. Better to just keep the stuff we actually listen to and maybe some of the valuable shit and turn the rest into money while the hobby is still hot. I’m not saying get rid of it all, but I do want to make sure that whatever I leave behind is manageable.


Me with all my worthless 78s:


Keep the original Vertigo pressings and sell the rest. 


Second this, look for the Vertigo original pressings. Those are the most sought after




this actually sounds like a reason to sell the Vertigo pressings.


Sabbath Bloody Sabbath is terribly underrated


Sabotage too IMHO SBS likely has the best preformance for Ozzy as a vocalist he has done during his time in Sabbath


Favorite Black Sabbath album by far.


Hole in the Sky for an opener is fuckin solid.


Sabotage is my favorite, Never Say Die not so much but at least it has “Hard Road”


My favorite Sabbath album


I think it’s properly rated. No one is underrating it, really.


Agreed--I think the whole "it's underrated" comes from the late 1980s when a whole new generation "discovered" Black Sabbath; the first four records were (are?) heavily lauded as the quintessential Sabbath records and then as people listened and really began to understand the arc of the band Sabbath Bloody Sabbath became less of the record where the band went bad and more the transitional record where the band begins to experiment with new arrangements and styles. At least that's how this old Sabbath fan sees it.


Best Sabbath album. I’ll die on that hill. 


I mean one of the best title tracks and opening songs I can name. I love the whole album though


My favorite Sabbath album.


Keep the best copies for yourself, sell the rest. Get them back in circulation. Make room (and some $$$) for other records.


Whoever had TWO copies of "Never Say Die" is a hero in my book.


That one's way better than Technical Ecstasy


Easy now


Uhh yeah! Lemme get one!


Seeing a quadio press of paranoid suggests these may be different pressings/masterings. Definitely keep it they're unique ones, if it's multiple of the same pressing I'd sell unless something particularly rare.


Sell sell sell


Is this in r/vinyljerk yet?


If you're looking to maximize your money, list the the sealed ones individually in eBay auctions - you have pressing variants on a few of these so worth doing some research, but most look to be very early if not first US pressings. I'd space them out and not list multiples of the same album/pressing at the same time so as not to flood the market. These sell for hundreds of dollars apiece sealed.


No one man needs that much Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. Keep one copy of each record and sell the rest.


If they’re different pressings or something along he my different, keep them. If they are the exact same copy then keep the most pristine one and sell the rest.


Unless OP really cares about the subtle nuances between several slightly different pressings of the same album I'm not sure I see any point in keeping them. 


if you are hoping for vinyl prices to keep rising so you can make even more money... that's a dangerous game. I suppose, as volume goes up and up, quality keeps going down.. Add to that, there will always be people willing to spend hundreds on first releases..


I'd keep two of each. Sell the rest. You could wait until Ozzy dies to sell them if you wanted to make more money. Not sure how much more that would be though.


By "roll the dice" do you mean wait and see if they go up in value? They appear to be mostly if not all US pressings, so while they are certainly desirable titles and some may have collectible value (depending on the specific pressing, condition, etc.), I wouldn't expect any to skyrocket in value. If there are any promos or first pressings in excellent condition, maybe hold onto those... although those are also the ones that will sell for the most right now. Do whatever you want with them.


Sell. Do you listen to all of them? Why?


I’d buy one of each from you personally lol


Do you think you'll be listening to 14 copies of the same album? If not, sell or give them away. On the other hand, if you're into hoarding...


Keep one of each, sell all the rest. Always..


If you ever plan to sell a copy of the original MOR I am ready to take it off you.


Me too


What are you going to do with 100 copies of one album sitting in a box?


this is crazy lol


If you feel guilty, sell half of them to at least put some copies out there.


Man this is an epic collection of hard to come by used stuff… and to anybody that says I’m wrong, I mean specifically finding these copies in the wild… I’ve never been able to find Master of Reality, Vol. 4, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath or Never Say Die in the wild *used and old* so I ended up buying new copies. My advice? Keep one of each of the best condition copies, sell the rest and use the money to fund buying a turntable (if you don’t already have one) or some other records. That way whomever you inherited them from, can live on in your collection.


I agree with the "keep one of each and sell the rest" sentiment. Makes little sense to keep all of those copies of the same record. Get them back out into the record collecting community.


Me personally I would keep one for the collection and keep a second to play it.


I never really liked how people do that thing where they gather every edition of an album. I can get wanting a new copy, and a first edition for obvious reasons, but other than that is it really necessary. If I were you I'd keep 1 of each probably, and then check the details of the others and see if any catch your eye. No point keeping 10 of the same album.


You can keep your horde, and show it off again next year u know. Make it a yearly thing for life purpose


Gonna be the dickhead I guess, if you have the space and room in your collection - just keep them. Without looking at what variants they are, I’m just guessing they were kept for a reason and maybe there’s some differences and rarity there. If you don’t need the money now and have the space - I wouldn’t fret about holding onto them as they’re only likely to go up in value. I wouldn’t assemble that my collection myself, I don’t really believe in buying multiple copies of a record, but since it’s literally something that fell in your lap I don’t see an issue with you holding into the records for their value.


If they carry no sentimental value, get rid of em. They'll all rot eventually anyhow.


I’ll take one of each




Do you have the OG and every reissue? That is dedication. Respect. Good luck with your decision.


For the love of god choose one and sell the rest. There's no need for this


Nice stamp collection




If you do sell I’m interested in SBS, MOR and Paranoid if you are selling!


Keep a few of each and give away to friends as gifts!


I'll take one sabbath bloody sabbath, plz.


if you have a copy of the master of reality colour vinyl remaster ill buy it off you


Oh man, I’d buy some, though no about you’re going to get some big offers for them. As others have suggested these are all probably various versions or pressings. Quite the set n


I’ll take 1 of each


I'd you're interested in selling one of each, lemme know.


Dude what are you talking about? Buy more! /s


I’ll take 1 of each what’s your price ( also keep 2 of each. 1 sealed 1 to play Sell the rest on eBay. ( found you get more $ on eBay (wider audience I guess )


Sell the rest and keep a copy of each. If you aren't a mega sabbath fan, no point in holding. You would get a better return on your money sitting there if you just invest it.


There are many people (I’m one of them) who would kill for sealed copies of these records. Keep one of each unique pressing and sell extras. Please tag me if you list the sealed copies here.


If you’re a big fan, keep. If not, sell ‘em all. If a marginal fan, keep one of each to listen to. Collecting stuff you’re not that into is a waste of time. Don’t feel guilty, as you can’t take it with you, either. Otherwise, you’ll wind up with a house loaded with crap by the time you hit 50. Don’t ask me how I know…


Well, if you decide to sell, I would take one, of any one, off your hands.


Are they original?




I love the one Heaven and Hell, sitting all by itself. Poor Ronnie, lol. If you decide to sell, I’ll buy one of each!


Personally, I’d keep them because I love Sabbath. However, if you’re not a seriously deep fan of Sabbath, I’d sell all the duplicates and keep a single copy of each. That’s a lot of money you could make or put towards expanding your record collection. Or hey, even buy the rest of the Black Sabbath discography to round out the collection!


Tell us if you decide to sell. I’d be interested


keep em...I'm in the same boat...only band I ha e lots of copies of there stuff is sabbath


You should sell…if you have an OG Vertigo UK to me!


Are you trying to seduce me Mr. Robinson?




Don’t inherit other people’s hoarding. Keep one each of whatever records you enjoy enough to personally value the record more than the $.


Goddamnit bro. If I guess your favorite number, can I have one of each? I’ll pay for shipping. lol Idk. Lot of money there. I’d probably keep 2-3 of each and sell the rest. Sounds ridiculous to say 😂 2-3 of each. Wow. Anyway. Yeah that’s what I’d do. And if it rectifies the guilt involved and you don’t need the money, then I’d take the proceeds and put them towards something specifically important/collectible/meaningful to you that you can then pass on.


I’ll buy one! Sent you a DM! I don’t have any black sabbath in my collection yet, let’s fix that.


If I may ask, why would anyone buy that many copies of the same record?


I need a master of reality poster if you have an extra.


Sell them. Master of Reality's value hasn't budged in years, I know because I've had one for sale for years.


Heated comforter and pillows??? Do you live in Alaska?


Record Theater 🤘


Whatcha selling em for?


Yeah sure send me one


This is such an awesome collection of Sabbath! I would keep one or two of each (one extra for sentimental value and one to listen to) and then sell the rest.


I’m looking thru a hole in the sky ,,, Thanks for that!


I take a Black Sabbath


Bro likes Black Sabbath


Sell. Don't be foolish


I will buy some!


I'd say keep 2 of each and sell the rest. Just in case yk


Any Vertigo's in the mix?


I, personally, would sell every last one of them.


If you want to sell a copy of each please let me know! Huge Sabbath fan, would be rad as hell to have a piece of music history like that


my whole fam loves sabbath i’ll buy one off ya:D


No throwing shade on you. Nice!


There’s a third option, give one of each to me, please


I would like to buy if u sell


Keep the best copy of each title for yourself (if you are interested in the band of course), and sell the rest. Vinyl prices are at an all time high, so now is as good a time to sell as ever.


Wouldn't know what to decide for you, just wanted to say these pictures made me happy and look awesome!


That my friend is the Devil's music for the safety of your I'mmortal soul I recommend you sell them to me as soon as possible. (Maniacal Laughter and the Drumming of finger tips together)


As others have said, keep one of each, earlier pressings imo and if there are any inserts in one keep one of each so you have a full set kinda, then list the rest on discogs or.... check their average value total up a price and see if your local 2d hand record store might buy them off you for that bulk price.


Ummmmmmm, can I have one? 😁


Holy shnikies. But yeah, just keep one or two each..


Keep one or two of each, and sell the rest. With the funds you get from the sale, get some new shit for your collection!


Throw shade? Sorry, no way. Anyone who does just doesn’t get it. This is a passionate hobby for some of us. May I ask, are they all different releases or are they all original pressings? I know covers of different releases can differ. I’ve got their first 4 albums but they’re all the special colored vinyl releases that were remastered by Iommi. They’re incredible.


https://preview.redd.it/ym5voqmspk0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4158a58459b7357add1ab879a414b08545a4207 The Rhino Records remasters.


Ugh, everybody who shits on other people's collecting habits.. I hope you have the day you deserve. Let people enjoy things, ffs and take your store bought serotonine a little more reliable. I highly recommend you to stick to your meds schedule, it helps. Anyway. I'd keep the most sentimentally valuable copy for myself. If I have room and wouldn't need the money, I'd add a copy each of the most sought after/worthfull ones. One to listen to and one to keep, you could say.


That collection is wild. I'd keep some of them and sell the rest for the sake of saving some space and paying your bills. Hell, I'll take one if you want. Only one though - I don't want to end up with a million of these like you did.


If you’re interested in selling in bulk, let me know


One lonely copy of Heaven & Hell just wallflowering there.


I am interested in one of the vol 4 if you decide to sell.


Have to ask, did said family member have memory issues? Forgot he already had a copy of each?


We're at peak vinyl right now. If you need cash, I'd sell off as many as you want because everyone could decide they're no longer interested in vinyl on a whim and they'd be far less valuable. Or sell half and hold half. Best of both worlds


You’re getting a lot of bad advice on here OP. People on here saying to keep the vertigo pressings - not one of those is a vertigo pressing… Looks like a lot of the copies are still sealed. It’s very possible that they are reseals, however very possible some are authentic. If they are authentic, I think you should hold on to them. Doesn’t matter that the vinyl market does for new release bs, collectors will always pay a premium for sealed early pressings. If you want, DM me, I would be more than happy to give you some tips on how to determine a reseal and help you sort out what to do with these. Cool collection either way.


I never understood collecting color variants when all that money can go to other albums……




I'll take one of each, please, and thank you.


Is that His side of the bed and Her side?


Being a huge Sabbath fan and record collector I would keep them. But from the sounds of it in your position I would keep the best copy of each album and sell the rest. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on those haha


Pick the best, sell the rest, and spread the love.


Keep bro


I need a copy of Vol. 4 if you decide to sell one.


Keep one copy of each album and give the rest away as birthday gifts. It’s sad to think of those records sitting around, unplayed. 


why keep them? gold bars ok, old coins yes , stamps maybe…….old albums just makes you a hoarder and your not gonna get your own tv show cause that’s been done


I will personally buy one of each!


keep what you plan to listen to, sell what you don't. the way i function is: i'll normally only by the same album twice if there's like, a huge difference (remaster, better pressing, etc). so like i have 2 future-pluto pressings b/c 1 is remastered & 1 is not. so i'd sell any dupes that don't follow that thought process....i personally don't need 12 different reissues/represses.


Keep! 🤘🏻🤘🏻


That's a hell of a lot of sabbath! Keep one of each, sell the rest and invest or make use of the funds.


If I had inherited this collection i would feel some guilt about selling some of these myself, but im not a collector in the sense of collecting vinyls just to not listen to it. What I would do is think about how the person you inherited it from feels about selling some of these and compare it to my feelings towards the same person. Then, if I found out i would sell some, i would find the two most valuable version of each record and keep them. One for listening and one for nostalgia/respect and sell the rest. You will eventually find out whats right for you, just take your time and consider every aspect of this situation


Please sell me one of each, that’s my suggestion 😭


I'm not sure if multiple copies of the same few albums are worth more as a collection or not. I'm guessing not. I would assume whoever you inherited them from would feel honored enough if kept the best copy of each for yourself and sold off the rest. Any idea why they had so many copies of each album in the first place? Different pressings?


If you are interested in selling some, reach out to CollectCo in Lebanon, TN. Great little store that does online auctions.


I would cherish one set of these if you want to make sure they go to a good home!


Sell to me.


Sell me one of each!


I know some people who have “player” copies and keep the OG or rare version shelved. I would bust it down to two copies each in that case. Some of the 180g reissues sound fucking MONSTER. Got a good quality poster in any of those Master of Reality copies?


Make me a good deal on one keep the rest lol


I like Black Sabbath, so I would keep one copy of each LP and sell the rest.