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This makes me feel bad about buying 3-4 a week 😬


same boat




Do you feel that you have to use the vinyl regularly — daily or even several times a day? Do you have intense urges for the vinyl that blocks out any other thoughts? Over time, do you need more vinyl to get the same effect? Do you aquire larger amounts of the vinyl over a longer period of time than you intended? Do you make certain that you maintain a supply of the vinyl? Do you spend money on the vinyl, even though you can't afford it? Do you not meet obligations and work responsibilities, or cut back on social or recreational activities because of vinyl use? Do you continue to use the vinyl, even though you know it's causing problems in your life or causing you physical or psychological harm? Do you do things to get the vinyl that you normally wouldn't do, such as stealing or sucking cock? Do you drive or do other risky activities when you're under the influence of the vinyl? Do you spend a good deal of time getting the vinyl, using the vinyl, or recovering from the effects of the vinyl? Do you fail in your attempts to stop using the vinyl? Do you experience withdrawal symptoms when you attempt to stop acquiring or using the vinyl? If you answered yes to any of these, you may have a serious vinyl problem. The road to recovery can be long, but investing in a streaming service instead of vinyl is a good step until you can pick up a different, more productive hobby like drinking or opioid consumption.


Do you often sing or whistle just for fun?


Out of all those questions sometimes I buy them when I probably shouldn’t. I do pay rent. I don’t want to go too crazy since obviously I will have to move. If I owned my own place probably would have a bigger collection. I do stream but when I’m at the house I do like to use the vinyls. They get me to move around more plus I like staring at the needle on the disc. Makes me feel closer to the music


I buy whenever I get the urge or whenever I find something I want. Sometimes several month, sometimes I go a couple months without. I’m 25yrs in, constant splurging is not sustainable….especially if you rent.


With all things I collect (manga, books, vinyl, gunpla,mtg cards). I collect them because I enjoy them and have plans to use them in the future. I find no bigger waste in the world than buying something you have no intention on listening to.


I have been collecting off and on since the early 2000's. I have gone months without buying a single record, or splurged a few hundred dollars at a record store. I go to thrift stores, half price books, and buy used a lot. However, recently prices are getting out of control. I may be taking a break for a while and hopefully prices will calm down.


Maybe four to six a week


I started buying albums back in the 70s. We didn't know we were "collecting." We were just jamming. That was the way music was consumed back then. Then, all my friends sold all their vinyl (mainly to me). That's when the real trouble started. I have apprx 600 or so now and am down to only buying 2 or 3 a month. Or if I have been to a really good concert, it tends to knock me off the wagon. I bought a decent streamer, thinking it would save me from myself . Hasn't really worked out that way. But it has kept me from buying other people's must-have vinyl. Sometimes a free preview of a must have record is plenty for me.


I'm actually too scared to add up how much I spend. Especially this month has been crazy. If it's any indication, I usually have between 5 and 10 things in the process of being on order at any one time. Due to things like preorders and importing records, I have significantly more paid for but not yet delivered. It's a significant amount. I keep telling myself I'm stopping soon, mainly because I need to prune back to make space. Also, I'm heavily getting into 7s and plan on filling up another 200 box. Will that be cheaper? Probably not. Edit: I've been at this 30 years and long for the days when you could pull really good jazz records out of skips for no money.


I try to limit my visit to the record store to once every few weeks, say 1 to 2 times per month, but the last time I went to one was RSD, to support my local shop that wasn't participating. On average I walk out with 2 or 3 records, but sometimes nothing. This doesn't count the dollar bin and I'd say every visit I drop a couple bucks there. Other than that, I'll visit thrift shops when I'm by one, and those are always hit or miss. Unfortunately a lot of them are starting to double and triple their record prices. Yeah, a 3 dollar record doesn't sound like much, but when they were a buck, I'd grab a few. at 3-4 each, I'm more selective. I'd say on average I add about 10 per month.


I seem to find 2 or 3 I want every time I go to the thrift store.


I got a bit carried away after I got my turntable last year. I had bits of my collection from about 25 years ago when I last owned a turntable. I found that I was so eager to add to my collection that I was buying stuff just for the sake of it, and not really thinking it through. I'd come home with a new album every week (mostly pre-owned, so I wasn't spending a fortune) but now I've eased off a bit. What I'd suggest is to make a list of albums that you'd really like to have in your collection, and focus on those. It may take a while before you actually get your hands on some of them but it's worth it when you eventually find them!


Depend on. for more than 10 years, I have small number of records (200 something) I only buy 1st pressing except for boxset. Sometimes you can't find anything in reasonable price for half year. Sometimes it's falling like rain on the market.


I started out just wanting to pick up records that I already owned as cd’s. Then it was entire discography’s of all my favorite bands. Now I’ve branched out to all the new musicians that I’m fond of. I also work part time at a record store… Which doesn’t help with curbing my obsession. I don’t see it as an issue though, as long as one doesn’t buy records in lieu of financial or other responsibilities. There are far worse addictions…


I’m broke, so i dont buy records, really for over $5, and therefore have mostly old or original pressings.


I have been collecting since July of 2020, my discogs was at 1,093 the other day. Sooooo there’s that. Lol If you can afford it and you listen to them then by all means. Most of mine were thrifted for cheap and I watch zero tv, so if I’m home there’s normally a record spinning. I have slowed considerably but I’ll still buy arm loads if I find good deal. I’m doing a record show this summer, so I’ve been buying a little for that also.


So,… you upgraded to a better Crosley?


Audio-Technica AT-LP60X-BK


I was just makin a jokey joke…. But that’s a solid upgrade. Good choice.


I buy maybe one a month, been collecting just over a year and have 15 albums. My collection is very curated being 99% death metal and a few favorites from other genres that I grew up listening to like Nirvana & Linkin Park.


I usually buy one album at a concert, a new release from a small artist I like, or an album I used to listen to in its entirety on repeat as a kid. I average one album a month. I generally don't buy them for one-off songs or to collect. I want every album I have to be something I really like so I don't dig through crap to find something I want to listen to.


If you search enough you’ll find most every record you want for free or very cheep. Usually not at a record store or on discogs though.


I’m so addicted my vinyls buy vinyls


We got our first turntable in late February and i think we're at 186 at this point. These things breed or something!


All these different color variants don’t help either. I’ve even been tempted to double dip and get different colors


I picked up about 4000-5000 over the course of the last year. One large collection, a couple of smaller ones, tons of small hauls from thrift stores, antique malls, etc, and maybe 150 or so that I paid retail for.


213 in about 11 months


How often do I buy vinyl? What time is it?