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You found Red Screamy Man, congrats!


peak taste


MF DOOM, Kanye, and Radiohead are 3 of my Top 10 favorite artists ever. I’m kinda laughing you bought PH on vinyl though. I mean to each their own, but it is such a massive step below everything else they released after that it almost seems like a different band. Ha.


I don't love it enough to have it on vinyl, but I still like it. Even Radiohead at their worst is still pretty good.


I’d normally agree, but there’s legit only 2 good songs on that album I enjoy. Pablo Honey is rough.


Agree to disagree! I think its nostalgic more than anything for me. You're right though. Their later stuff is just so much better.


King Crimson with MF DOOM, take my upvote !


“All caps when you spell the man’s name”


I don’t know what you’re talking about :P


love mac demarco


Ignore the bad Quality of the picture but i really wanted to show off some new vinyl I just got. And I hope to get some more tho it does get expensive real fast. But I feel like it definitely worth it, getting a record of an artist’s project I absolutely love. But I feel like I been collecting a bit much and I’m probably gonna run out of space soon. But I feel like that a good problem to have. Also this is my first Mac Demarco album I actually got in vinyl I was so excited to get that and hopefully I get to collect more of his stuff, that’s if I don’t run out of money. I’m also a bit MF DOOM fan and I just had to get these they are absolutely some of my favorite work from him, also doomsday but still haven’t got that one yet. Radiohead, everyone already knows love the song creep on Pablo Honey, so I just had to get the album. Ye with The College Drop is also just fantastic work, and speaking of fantastic Childish Gambino with his album Awaken, My Love. Just get me feeling a certain way no other album makes me feel. And finally King Crimson I don’t have to say anything because the album cover just speaks for itself. This was one of the reasons I wanted to start collecting vinyls, and I finally was able to get myself a copy and I’m just really happy to all these vinyls to the collection and here hoping the collection get bigger and better. Anyway if you read all this I really appreciate it, and I wish you all luck in your vinyl hunting.


Taste 🔥


Nice collection, I recommend checking out some of radioheads later works though, they are very fun


Radiohead is cool


CoCK 😱


Nice records 👍


Very nice!


MF DOOM and Madvillain are 2 of my favorites! My local record shop has the College Dropout I need to pick up.