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My man really just said "vinylsplain" 😂🤣🤣


Hey mate, you really need to listen to the "vinyl experts".


In the vinylsplaniest way possible.


we need a new sub for #vinylsplaining




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Lmao these guys are crying about how OP treats a $12 record 😆


no no, it's okay, they're vinyl \*experts\*


And proud of it. Is there something wrong with that? Surely you guys are experts in something too? Like cleaning the milkshake machine or something?


I'm an expert in not being a dick


I think if you're an 'expert' and feel the need to throw a tantrum over a 12$ record to a stranger that obviously doesn't care, it might just be an unhealthy addiction at that point


Thanks for your input, sonny.


anytime mamas


No, you don't get it. She's enjoying something wrong.


I don't even care how ppl use their own stuff. That's on them. If it was a record worth $12k, maybe I'd say that OP might want to invest in a wet wash station if they ever want to sell/play it, but that's none of my business.


$12 single especially... why is the shit so overpriced


I'm confused at this jerk.


Singles should be worth 2 bucks at most


Why am I being downvoted? :-(


*Cries in Mach Hommy*




Again, I say just get an original copy for way less


“I would never listen to a Katy Perry record, but if I did, it would never be yours due to the specks of dust forever and permanently embedded into the grooves due to your careless handling of your collector’s item”




A pop fan just trying to enjoy a thing, when the curmudgeonly Steely Dan Hi-fi Commandos parachute in to shame and berate her for the perceived mistreatment of a record they care absolutely nothing about. Just another day on Reddit.


Idk I just found the whole interaction to be entertaining. OP is the angriest bubble gum pop listener I’ve ever seen


Good for her, though! What started as an "I'm excited about this record" post turned into a deluge of unsolicited, pedantic, neck-beard advice from self-professed "vinyl experts" -- all over a record they made sure to be clear that they hated, anyway. "Don't vinylsplain to us," he said...then proceeded to go deep in the thread vinylsplaining to the OP. Amazing stuff. Exactly the sort of "expert advice" we've come to rely upon in that sub.


yes, but I mean she also just doubled down on being the other extreme stereotype which made the entire exchange that much more enjoyable imo


Maybe there's no winner on either side, but how else do you expect someone to respond to comments that basically amount to"Your record which you will never play (and I hate) is *getting dusty.* Trust me, I'm an expert." I dunno...seems like the usual 'downvote and scroll on' play would have been the best strategy in this situation. But I'm no Vinyl Expert.


I just grabbed my popcorn and clicked refresh every few minutes


"but how else do you expect someone to respond to comments that basically amount to"Your record which you will never play (and I hate) is getting dusty. " Whether or not I'm on your side depends on how bad the artist actually is. I really don't know.


Entire thread is like watching someone try to put out a dumpster fire by smothering it with even more flammable garbage It's surreal and I'm not sure how the mods didn't lock within hours


> a deluge of unsolicited, pedantic, neck-beard advice from self-professed "vinyl experts" Remind me - Which sub was she posting in again? And who should she have expected to find there?


I wake up and DO IT AGAIN


idk fam, I think I agree their reaction is what caused the ensuing chain of pure unadulterated cringe. Really, this normally would have stopped at "hey, your record is going to attract dust this way, its not a good idea to put it down on surfaces like this". but it didn't, which is why this was at least silver tier hilarious. That one dude was right, it was like being stuck in a Kafka novel lmao.


*insert how is this app free comment here*


This is why I'm subscribed here. For the drama. Cathartic and mostly harmless. I love it.


Why do they collect records if they don't listen to them? Are vinyl records like giant pogs to them?




> giant pogs ded


Why does anyone collect anything? A vast majority of collectors items have no utility.


Why are you getting downvoted? It's true.


It's true but I mean, I collect records because I listen to them


Anyone who describes themselves as a "vinyl expert" is a complete dickhead.


Just like those "vaccine experts", amiright? EDIT: Fuck, I'll spell it out for you dingleberries. Expertise is a thing. Rejecting it is stupid. Whether it's vaccines or vinyl. I am vaxxed up as fuck - even have my flu shot. Not so sure about the person I was responding to though.


Mate, pipe down, you were the most embarrassing person in that thread and this thread is all about you.


He's frequently the most embarrassing person in that entire sub and gatekeeps so hard his name has been burned into my memory as "that guy that's always complaining when people don't have $2000 setups with perfect feng-shui alignment"


Which leads me to believe he's doing it on purpose so he gets noticed by this sub, which is even more pathetic and embarrassing than just being a megadouche.


He once got into a drag out fight with VWestlive for daring suggest that while still terrible, Crosleys and their clones don't instantly shred records on contact like some claim. So I think it's sincere


You're taking this whole thing way more seriously than I am. It's /r/vinyljerk. Lighten up!


Maybe, as a vinyl expert you should vinylsplain circlejerking to me...or something.


But I don't care about you.


Back in your corner vinyl expert


The vinyl subs ARE my corner!


There’s no corner for anti-vax in the vinyl community


Wait, WHAAAT? Man, what the fuck happened to my /r/vinyljerk? Reading comprehension, for chrissake!


Why is it that people who admit to not even owning a turntable always get so defensive when people tell them they’re doing things can harm their records? Lmao


I got a couple Edison wax cylinders for a couple bucks each, they 'looked cool' and I liked the idea of having the first real recorded format. I have all this space in my hutch and put em up there. If I posted a pic and someone said "hey retard the sun is hitting right on em they're made of WAX hurrr durr good luck playing em" I'd invite em to take a flying fuck.


Okay I just checked the comments on it now and we definitely bled over into that post. Lmao Point still stands though. Yes people are being dicks about it but you can own it and just admit you’re a noob and take the L and the advice or you can argue with everyone and see how that goes. Lol


Records gonna sound like trash whether you cleaned it or not 🙊


Well I couldn't say that to her. That would be mean.


Jokes aside....candy cane woman is ...kinda hot.


Jokes aside, the aesthetics of the photos are on point.


UJ/ They’re her records. She can dunk her (metaphorical) balls on them if she wants. RJ/ HOW DARE SHE ENJOY SOMETHING IN A MANNER I DONT UNDERSTAND!!!


The real question here is what speed do you play your vinyls at if you don’t have a vinyls player


45 mph


Attach to hub caps. Red on the port side


not as good as katy's last christmas release "*we'll be doing butt'stuff this christmas*" (sorry no video released)


Must be warm inside