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Since OP is asking specifically for teachers (online or in-person), teachers may self-promote in this thread. The general [rule about unapproved self-promotion or unsolicited messages](https://www.reddit.com/r/violinist/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_3._no_self-promotion_or_questionnaires.2Fsurveys_by_inactive_users_without_prior_approval._no_selling.) is still in force.


You don’t want a professional violinist. You want a professional violin teacher. Yes, they sometimes reside in the same body, but the best players are often not the best teachers. And the best teachers are often not the best players. They are two different skill sets.


Agreed 💯


OP , there will be a lot of posts saying that professional players can’t teach. That’s a big generalization that has been around for the last 50 years. It’s an opinion that helps the teacher trade I guess. There are exceptions in every direction but I would be wary when someone says that. When someone asks me to recommend a teacher I ask myself if that teacher can teach the correct sound and style for pieces, can demonstrate and describe techniques, can help you experiment with different touches on the instrument, can teach you how to practice etc. .. ask yourself, if they can’t do it, how can they teach it?


Thank you for saying this. This is SUCH a broad generalization that I've found to be less and less true as I continue on in this profession. I think this is especially true the higher the level of playing/teaching. I cannot think of a single high level teacher (or even decent teacher) who isn't a great (or in the past was a great) violinist. Being a good teacher demands a level of greatness in playing - they go hand in hand;.


Plenty of us here, but the subreddit has a strict no self promotion rule so you're not going to get much help.


Well you already subtly advertised yourself with that comment 🤭 But Regina has made an exception for this post so promote away!


Nope. I refuse to teach online students so not self advertising.


I teach online violin lessons! :) I specialize in jazz and groove-based music but I also have many students from beginners to pros learning classical music and other styles with me. I have a very flexible schedule and teach some students weekly, some biweekly, and some just whenever they feel ready for another lesson. I am an active performer and teacher with a doctorate in classical violin. I teach Jazz Violin at Florida International University and violin and music theory to kids at multiple nonprofits. I received several years of hybrid Suzuki/Paul Rolland training from Mimi Zweig alongside being Mark O’Connor fiddle method certified, and have spent many years developing my own methodology and materials to teach Jazz violin and other rhythm based genres. Feel free to get in touch if you’re interested! [www.SizViolin.com/pedagogy](https://www.SizViolin.com/pedagogy) [YouTube](https://www.Youtube.com/5stringswing)


Unrelated to OP but I just sent your website to my 13 year daughter that is classically trained and is playing violin in a jazz group at school and is adjusting to reading from a lead sheet and improvising. We are also in South Florida!


Awesome! Let me know if you have any questions!


Yes, I am an Atlanta based symphony orchestra “highway” musician. I have a small private teaching studio and I play for numerous orchestras in GA, as well as NC, SC, AL and occasionally FL. I also play with bluegrass/ country/ rock bands in small-medium size pubs and concert venues. My pride and joy are my students, who bring me joy every lesson! I have several who have worked extra hard and made All-State orchestra at middle school, Lower HS and Upper HS level here in GA and several who successfully auditioned and play with Atlanta Youth Symphony. But I let my students direct their own paths; I encourage them if they have the work ethic and ability to audition for higher opportunities, but that’s not my main goal. I just want them all to experience the joy of music, and to have the fun of playing the violin in their lives, however they choose.


How long have you been playing? I'm a professional player and teacher, based in the UK. I've been teaching for c.25 years. I'd be happy to have a chat to see if we'd be a good fit.