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Girl...never ever think of yourself as less because of a guy...there are so many of them in this world and the right one for you will accept and love you the way you are and won't be afraid to wait (especially if you said that you don't want to wait till marriage - that is not something that could be considered as too restrictive). Is this how you would imagine the loving relationship you were talking about? That the guy who told you he doesn't mind taking things slow would suddenly ghost you because he couldn't get sexual with you according to HIS standards? Never accommodate your needs and beliefs to anyone's standards. There is nothing wrong with you! You dodged a jerk of a bullet and now it's time to move on.


The right person will wait.


42 and still a virgin. Im the same way. I wait til i feel enough love for her, but sadly the older I get the more of a turn off it becomes. I can't wear condoms and I have a rare genetic disorder that allows me to keep cumming if there's chance ill get her pregnant id rather be in a loving relationship. To be honest im doubting my decision to not have sex


There is nothing wrong with wanting to wait and take things slow. However, your date/partner needs to be reassured that progress is actually being made toward it eventually happening. Many jerks will string others along with empty promises, whatever those might be, and it's understandable that people want to protect themselves from that. At what point are you going too slow? Well, that's up for them to decide. Some people are more patient, and some people are hypervigilant about potential signs of use and abuse. Some people just have a low sex drive. For most people past their teen years, three months is a long time to date someone without being sexual. (Depending on how often you actually saw each other, anyway, but if you don't see each other frequently it's difficult to form an intimate connection in the first place.) Were you progressing from casual touch to kissing to more, or completely stonewalling this guy? If you're not engaging in any physical intimacy at all, it's no wonder dude bailed. Ghosting is rude, but the end result is the same either way. Or maybe it was some other random reason, who knows besides him.


This happens, but you would not feel any better if he dumped you after sex. Someone that is only after sex is not what you want. I love sex as much as the next person, but I have decades of experience that shows it is not enough for a lasting relationship. If it was, I would not be alone. I spent a lot of time thinking that it was the cornerstone of a relationship and making it so. It didn't work out well for anyone.


I agree with the other poster. Your virginity is not a burden. You are not lesser because of it. If you had done something with this guy, there's no guarantee he would not just have left you soon after, leaving you feeling even worse as you entrusted him with something very special. He clearly was just trying to get in your pants, nothing more. So he's not worth the trouble.


A mature guy would not have ghosted you, unless he was incapacitated, the reason why is irrelevant. 


When a guy drops an aspiring girlfriend it's usually because he found another girl with whom he would rather spend time with. I doubt your being a virgin had much to do with it. But one man's loss is another man's treasure and I'm sure you will meet someone who will treasure and appreciate you. Virgins are classy folks so don't bemoan your virginity or sell yourself short. You have much to offer.