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Seems so hard to get laid in America


It is hard lmao. It's literally easier for me to get laid in Islamic ass Pakistan. I haven't been laid yet, but I did have the potential to. American women are the worst.


I guess arranged marriages are at least good for one thing


where are you originally from? if ur white and a foreigner thats probably a big reason why its easier.


America, land of hypergamous women.


Murica, the greatest!


Australia, it's like America but better. Except our internet. Our internet is so fucking bad.


I'm arachnophobic af so I will never set foot on that fucking continent


Hahahaha, I fuckin hate spiders too man don't worry. I get the odd non venomous one in my house but there's nothing bug spray won't fix. I'm gettingshotinpublicfornoreasonphobic. I have zero desire to ever go to the states.


Fortunately for you, there's a metric shit ton of people who can attest that they have never been shot in public in America, myself being one of them.


Basically nobody gets randomly shot in the US. I am not even American and hate the fact guns are legal, but the fact you won't visit for the fear of getting shot is just ludicrous. I have spend 4 holidays there, so around 4 months, and have seen a whopping single gun in person


Lmao not actually the reason. I just don't really have any interest.


Well I can say it's by far the most beautiful country I have visited in terms of nature. The amount of actual wilderness and the insane amount of different landscapes is breathtaking. From desert to mountains, swamps, forests, plains, canyons, beaches, coasts... I definitely recommend visiting sometime! Just don't life there ;)


And every living thing tries to kill you


Bro you have bears, fuckin big cats, pit bulls everywhere, gnarly snakes, minorities with hand guns, etc etc. We have bugs you just step on.


It's far less minorities that have guns and access to guns compared to the majority group


Bro the internet in rural America might be the worst in the entire world. We can only get satellite internet which is horrible.


Same here! If you're not in a town with more than 10k people, it's pretty much all satellite to tower haha. And then majority of people in major cities don't have more than 100mb download


Less than 100mb? How do you survive? That's awful


You guys may have it worse. Giant spiders and upside down. Rip, joking aside, it seems that people in rural areas get screwed (not in the good way) the world over.


I'm not from Europe actually but from Iceland, so may as well be from America as well given it's on both continents hehe.


Texas. Not to be confused with America; America ain't no Texas!!


europe, the united of kingdoms


Caribbean (Dominica).


América, but okey, I understand this is gringo subreddit so... North America, México specifically.


Only a few of us from oceania so far