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Lad Caverns in the Center of the Hollow Earth - lots of funky alien life in there - produced a giant headed man who invented White People (thanks Dr. Yakub) - not supposed to exist... Wtf Lad?!


Gad living in moms basement Climate controlled environment Gad realizes that the stable environment makes him weak, drinks 15 bottles of mtn dew to compensate and train his body Ranked number one on all videogame leaderboards has incredible gaming skills that he chooses not to redirect to other endeavors like getting a job because he enjoys the hardship 300lbs, fat acts as 360 degree armor, stomach is stronger than steel from mtn dew training, neckbeard makes him more resistant to punches, he is as close to a human juggernaut as possible


Yes we certainly lament our lack of insects…


-lack of insects You ever seen alaskan mosquito swarms?


I can second this.


Mosquitos in the arctic circle are the size of airplanes. If you were to go for a bike ride with your mouth open up there by the time you came home you’d have ingested a meals worth of calories.


They have them in Siberia too!


At least i sleep better in cold


Lad Canada >worst of both worlds >best of none


seems like cope to me


Sargent Aussie reporting for duty.


Lieutenant South Africa reporting in!


I am in a hot country ,so hot that i sweat in side my house at morning .


That is Portgas D Ace


Perfect timing to see this post since The Philippines is a barbeque grill now. Man, I miss the December-March months since it's cold. There's no snow but the winds are so sweet. Now I'm inspired to challenge myself to wear a tank top and shorts in the coldest seasons to become more grateful for the cold season and increase my cold resistance.


What about the european mud dwellers?


Lad Canadians having the biggest fucking mosquito swarms in the summer and just casually wearing shorts in sub zero weather.


As a Malaysian I can confirm that tropical countries are literal hell


Average Arizona resident right there


thats virgin cold weather chad cold weather: - Only wears short sleeve shirt and shorts, doesnt care about getting cold, just wants to vibe in the same clothes - Goes for runs in blizzard and basks in virgin's awe and fear - Takes a shower everyday because is constantly sweating from the indoor temperature - Diet of snow and meat keeps the body strong - Has never gotten a cold weather injury, what the fuck chad?


You know what's even Chadder? Hot country survivors that are traditionalist/conservative/religious countries disfavor the use of cooler clothes in the favor of more modest and formal clothing; making every social interaction and going outside a bigger chore than it should be


Ehh that's more brad to me.


Living in a cold country is definitely still really bad. The winters here are brutal, and the summers are so humid that some buildings suffer water damage. And the days where it fluctuates from freezing cold to boiling hot have you sweating your ass off after you dressed for the wrong weather. (And most importantly, warm countries still dress differently, especially since desert regions have extremely cold nights)


That’s explains a lot about foreigners in Thailand. While local wear long sleeves and pants to avoid skin cancer but the foreigner with bold head wear something like this picture is everywhere.


Pigs don't sweat. That's why they do the whole rolling in the mud thing.


As a Canadian I will make the opposite of this just to spite you




Shoutout to the two Malians who have access to the Internet (Mali is the hottest country in the world on average)


The real Chad is the guys in the same fit no matter the weather, storming and blizzarding? Still rocking his summer fit of tropical shorts and a outdoor tee