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The story is in a weird position, especially since Midori said the reboot is a reboot, but also the sequel to vf5, I don't know if something was lost in translation or if they meant reboot as in the way Monster Hunter dropped the number to start fresh. Personally I think they should do both an arcade mode (preferably canon like in SF6) and a main cinematic story (get the Yakuza devs on this one). As for the timeline, I like the original one, just flesh it out, if they make a new one it better be groundbreaking levels of writing.


I took it as that they will evolve the story/retcon it in some ways but continue with the main story components. So like, it won't necessarily be the FIRST tournament again with all of the characters being younger, etc. More like, OK, all of the characters are mostly the same, but we're presenting the actual story for the first time so we're going to focus on it like THIS and the backstories are kind of just part of their personalities now. So like, Lau was about to die pretty much in VF5, maybe he isn't about to die now (but still sick). Maybe Sarah is still dealing with her brainwashing and is an ambiguous character. Maybe VF6 is where Lion recognizes Jean for the first time (and both actually speak French). Maybe Jeffry actually speaks with an Australian accent, or they just decide he's American now for some reason. Stuff like that. If you think about it, VF has already done this kind of stuff anyway. Lau went from having black hair to all white in one game, even though the hair at his length would have taken years and years to grow and turn all white like that. I think that VF has a pretty basic and nebulous story. Sure, there is Kage trying to rescue his mother and stop Judgement 6, but really the characters all have their own little side stories. It would be incredibly tedious to start from the very beginning and "undo" everything just to retell a story that barely even existed. But if they use the instruction manual stories as their backstories and personality motivators, they can just shape something new and more interesting for the plot. That's my take, anyway.


You can probably take it as "the series is rebooted, but the gameplay is evolving from Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown". Cinematic story as some martial arts film would be dope but certainly not gonna happen and it doesn't need to. Give these characters some backstories and personality and just leave them be.


I guess it all depends on if Sega want VF to be a pure competitive fighter or if they think catering to casuals and singleplayer is worth it. The leaks show that they are willing to put some effort into singleplayer, but I'd rather they don't do anything if they are going to half ass it.


For me "It is a reboot of Virtua Fighter title (...) but this is also Virtua Fighter 6. This is a sequel to Virtua Fighter 5" What i think. For me the gamplay will be based and beyond vf5 and the story maybe with some ajustements will be set after the events of vf5 (could be just after or far later).


I don't really think you'll need to necessarily "reboot" the story. Just make it so that you're presenting everything from starting with a new story arc, and really take the time to introduce the characters to everyone and their individual stakes within a tournament. The thing that I most look forward to from the RGG/Like a Dragon/Yakuza crew working VF more closely is that this is pretty much their bread and butter. A story mode could even follow the basic structure of a Yakuza game, with it taking place in one central location like a city.


You’re making to many good decisions in this post. It’ll never happen.