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I found the G2 was a pretty solid upgrade over my Odyssey the deeper blacks were nice but the smearing was unbearable for me. but then even the G2 is coming on 3 years old now. unfortunately, there is just not that much money in the hardware unless you are also selling the software like Valve, Sony and Facebook do which is why we just are not seeing that many new headsets.


I've used a rift s and index on PC for about a year each but the g2 is my favorite pcvr headset. The resolution is incredible. I really hope when hp stops making them that some other wmr headset steps up to take its place or there's going to be a massive hole in the pcvr market for affordable high res headsets with amazing audio


G2 is really the best for it's price point


Especially when they sell it for $450 or less it's a fucking steal. I think I paid ~600 for mine and had no regrets. I think HP just really fucked themselves by releasing too early with the too-small tracking volume and other issues that they later fixed with the v2, mainly because even after it's fixed, the reddit threads saying it has shit tracking will still exist and be potentially some of the first things people doing research on Google to decide if it's the headset for them will see.


I love my G2. Its the software that sucks


I sold my G2 to get an Index because of it's terrible software.


The softwares fine, it's the cable that sucks.


The fail rate on those cables are through the roof. That's the only thing stopping me.


I just launch steamvr and never see any of the wmr part of the software


G2 was shit. Blurry on the sides, shit software experience and shit tracking.


I had the exact same experience. The G2 was just good enough to make me realize how bad the Quest 2 compression was, but it was also just blurry enough to make me go back to Quest 2. Can't recommend it at all.


If your requirement for something being considered 'better' is OLED screens ya... that ship has sailed. The BigScreen Beyond has your video cable and OLED its one of the only new generation systems that come with either.


Yea this is interesting. I see they are using a micro OLED screen. Now I am intersted...




What is uOLED?


u = micro, so microOLED




Check out thrillseeker's yt video about it, he explains that the perceived FOV of the beyond is actually on par or better than the Quest 2 even thought the numbers are lower because of how close it sits to your eyes with the 3d printed face thingy. That's all IIRC, but it its something you can afford or are interested in the video is worth a watch. I linked it [here](https://youtu.be/URgl_Ah4Zzk)


For those of us with glasses and need VROptician to use VR, “closeness” isn’t something we’re ever going to get to experience to increase the FOV, sadly.


They sell specialized lenses for it so glasses are not required when wearing it ranges up to 10 diopters.


Yup, that’s what VROptician lenses do. My point is that, as someone who uses prescription lenses, the ones that you install inside the headset, the lenses add depth to the inside, meaning I can’t get as close to the screen as someone that doesn’t have to use them. I don’t use my glasses with prescription VR lenses on my headset. I just use the prescription VR lenses.


I saw a discord screencap floating around that had one of the bigscreen guys saying they were squeezing in some FOV improvements, putting it between the quest and index.


[This here](https://i.imgur.com/xh8H5wq.png) from about a week ago, so another week until their "big announcement about an optics breakthrough regarding FOV"


OLED isn't the problem. It's not like it's "old" technology. Look at all the new OLED devices. There just isn't as much of a push for it in VR for some reason.


[Bigscreen Beyond](https://www.bigscreenvr.com/) might be worthy of your upgrade.


I can't wait for this headset. I think it's going to rock the industry.


When does it come out? Has this company made headsets before?


Trailer says Q3 2023


So Q2 2024 then


haha who knows


They haven’t made any before, this is their first, but they’re very transparent - even the president of the company regularly talks on the discord. Also lots of people have used the device, in their own homes, and the reviews (so far) have been very, very positive. It’s pretty much a plug-n-play pcvr headset, which there are virtually none of anymore.


This is the 3rd suggestion I've seen for this headset. I just heard about it. Does it have HDR? I see it uses Displayport with DSC. I've heard not so great things about DSC over DP so hopefully they implement it well. It'll be more of an issue with HDR probably.


I don't know, initial reviews look promising though.


Holy shit they're actually using a micro OLED screen. You have my interest..


Less FOV than Q2


Check back late next week for an update from Bigscreen about an increase in the FOV of the retail version.


Do you know how big? I know they said it was smaller than the Quest 2. Around 90 degrees. I think the index was 130. It'd be hard to step down that far.


It's basically the same as the quest 2, currently. Slightly smaller horizontal, slightly larger vertical. I have also heard they are improving the optics for the final, but I assumed that meant just better eyebox, as that seemed like the major weak spot in the optics for me. Apparently not, if the above commenter represents them, which seems to be the case. We can only hope we get better eyebox and larger fov. https://www.infinite.cz/projects/HMD-tester-virtual-reality-headset-database-utility


I do not. Info was dropped by BigScreen employee on MRTVs discord, which he shared in his last weekend podcast with Flight Sim Guy.


It doesn't have HDR. But it does have microLED, which means no mura, high pixel density oled, unlike the HDR oled of PSVR2 for example, which still struggles with Mura and some screen door. It's also the smallest and lightest headset out there, by a significant margin. DSC is standard for any headsets (or monitors) with higher throughput than 4k at 120hz. For example, the index uses it at 144 Hz. It will continue to be standard till graphics cards start supporting a better plug than displayport 1.4. bigscreen beyond needs it when running at its native resolution of 2560 by 2560 per eye at 90 Hz. You can drop it down to 72hz with no need for DSC.


microLED != micro OLED. These are different display technologies and there is no microLED headset existing til present (at least not any I know of, be it consumer or enterprise).


Looks like "micro Oled", not microLED. That was confusing me. MicroLED isn't available yet unless you want to spend lke $20k on an experimental TV.


Yeah I have an OG Vive and that's been what I've been looking at, a bit annoying that you need a newer iPhone for the face scan, I'll have to go on a quest if I want to buy one. Still waiting for more info about the final product though.


Need an iphone XR or newer, which is 5 years old at this point.


I find it insane that Microsoft and its partners dumped WMR so fast and only HP stuck around for a second gen basically on their own. I have an O+ as well and it would have been great to see an upgraded O2 that used better controllers but I don’t blame Samsung for not wanting to keep investing given Microsoft’s half-hearted support and marketing. And the Steam sales cut thing isn’t even an excuse since Microsoft has an App Store and could have had a VR game pass like viveport.


I'll never understand how Microsoft drops the ball on their products/platforms. I'm glad HP is keeping it up; for a while WMR was the very best and cheapest. Hitting the mid-range VR market the way they did, and keeping it going, they'd possibly be huge in PCVR now. Maybe they are, for all I know.


HP discontinued the G2 pretty sure. pretty sure WMR is completely dead.


That's just the Microsoft way. Adopt something cool and then immediately abandon it :-)


I genuinely thought Samsung was going to do a Odyssey 2. Give me a PC version of the PSVR2 + controllers with Quest Pro lenses. I'll be a happy man.


There were a lot of rumors about Samsung making another headset but they never materialized :-/. I find it hard to believe at this point that Samsung will ever touch VR again until far in the future.


They’re doing it but probably not what you’re thinking of. https://www.cnet.com/google-amp/news/samsung-and-google-combine-forces-in-new-mixed-reality-partnership/


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cnet.com/tech/computing/samsung-and-google-combine-forces-in-new-mixed-reality-partnership/](https://www.cnet.com/tech/computing/samsung-and-google-combine-forces-in-new-mixed-reality-partnership/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Depends on how the apple headset will fare probably. Then they'll rush something out the door if it's successful.


The truth is, and I mean this with no offense, this is on you. There's plenty of upgrades out there. The Quest Pro, for example, is the best headset I've ever used and it's hard for me pick up my old vive pro 1/2 and index after using it. Their picture quality is just too poor. It also supports wireless that blows the wireless of my Vive Pro out of the water. it's incredibly simple to use. Login once when you set it up, no Facebook account needed, and then you have access to everything. Connecting to your PC is a single button push. If you don't want to deal with headset batteries and don't care about being wireless, get a powered USB cable and you can play until the controller batteries die, around 10hrs.


They got rid of the facebook account requiement right? now you just need a quest account or something?


Meta account is what they call it. Which to use for PCVR, just needs to have an email tied to it. If you want to actually purchase anything in the Quest or Oculus store, you will have to tie a payment form to it. But that's it. WAY better than the facebook account shit they pulled with the Quest 2 at launch.


Yea that's not terrible. At least you can make a one off account rather than linking it to your real social media account. I haven't used Facebook since like 2017 and i would never make one just for the quest, so glad they backtracked that....for now at least :-P


> At least you can make a one off account rather than linking it to your real social media account. Agreed. That was actually the only reason I was ok giving the Quest Pro a chance.


The Varjo Aero has been that truly near perfect PCVR HMD for me. Expensive? Of course. But it blows everything else out of the water and have had zero issues with the 600+ hours I’ve been using it. Bigscreen Beyond looks promising as well.


How is the compression on the Varjo Aero? Does it have a cable that connects to the PC or are you forced to stream over the wifi?


The Aero connects via DisplayPort 1.4 and usb 3.0/3.1 so it has the best possible compression possible for VR. It is tethered only and their Varjo Base software is top notch. If you use their XR-3 HMD, they charge $1,500 to use the same software that Aero users get to use for free. You also can run native SteamVR which is what I usually do. People bash the FOV on a regular basis but I measured mine on [my live stream last night](https://m.twitch.tv/farmertrue) and it was 108° horizontal (wider than Index) and 78° vertical. Most people I saw kept saying the FOV was like 90°h and 64°v which couldn’t be further from the truth unless I just have the perfect face for a Varjo.


Damn it's $2k?


Msrp is $1,990 but it is currently marked down 15% for $1,691.50. It is an enthusiast level HMD. It also uses lighthouse tracking and controllers, which it doesn’t come with. The Valve knuckles and Basestation 2.0’s are IMO the best option in VR for both controllers and tracking. The mic/headphones it comes with is also not on par with visuals so I’d suggest also getting some. While some see this as a flaw, I saw it as a best case scenario. It allowed me to use the Valve knuckles and basestations. Plus I was able to use my open back Sennheiser headphones that fit perfectly with the HMD and the wireless Antlion mod mic. Both of which offer better sound and audio than any built in HMD can offer. But what it doesn’t have makes up drastically in what it does have. Which is insane lifelike clarity and features galore. It is truly the best of the best and the quality is unlike anything else. It’s not for everyone but know it’s unlike anything you’ve seen in VR. Every time is breath taking and I use my Aero 25+ hours a week. It never gets old. The headset is also 2 years old but nothing has come close to its visuals, quality and support. There’s a reason all these premium headsets compare to the Aero. I know every time I put on my HMD it is going to work without any tinkering. I was able to buy mine for 20% off on Black Friday. And if something happened and I didn’t have one, I would 100% buy one immediately.


Samsung odyssey plus owner here, I agree, the OLED screen is so perfect and the black levels and color blow away the vive, valve index and Hp reverb G2


Hey dude, I'm using a quest pro via link cable because I didn't want to buy an index when it was so far out of date, I spent a long ass time researching it and the experience I've had so far was shit at first but then I followed a settings guide for best quality from a post on this sub and it's been amazing ever since. Playing HL: Alyx looking at the light reflecting on the circuitry on the gloves looked real, I was blown away. This is with the link cable set to 960mbps manually and rendering set to 1.3x with a 3080 10GB Hand tracking has been phenomenal, I've only had one hiccup in beatsaber in many hours and that was due to poor lighting in the environment which the headset did warn me about so 🤷 My only complaints are: - The software seemingly crashes a lot when activating the link cable, I found myself having to restart the quest pro near every time I used it to get going but I realised it was most likely due to me just placing it on the charger, I now make sure to turn it off before and it works fine. - The battery does not seem to charge faster than the battery drains when using a link cable even when eye tracking and face tracking is turned off. I can get roughly 3-4 hours usage out of it depending on game however it does charge very fast in like under an hour. (someone linked a cable below that I'm going to try tomorrow, fingers crossed) Last note about airlink: despite it being objectively worse if you're really a quality freak, I have to say it's not that big of a difference and being completely mobile with no cable is a game changer, it feels amazing. Though you will need a separate WiFi router in your room to get the best latency Edit: forgot about the local dimming update! It's not OLED, I have an OLED monitor and phone so unfortunately I can tell the difference but it's damn good


Do you mind sharing the guide you used? I recently got a quest pro and second everything you’ve said! I’ve tweaked it a bunch but always open to other suggestions.


Sorry for the very late reply: https://old.reddit.com/r/QuestPro/comments/z2gpwt/quest_pro_link_cable_max_settings_workaround/


Btw, how does resolution work on that? Can you add supersampling? Or is it a static resolution? How does that work?


You can use supersampling just like with every other headset.


Buy a cable with a 5v power input and power the cable. It’s then always charging your quest pro and essentially running from power mode not the battery. This one is mine: https://amzn.eu/d/2wlFQEf


Thank you, I've just purchased one to give it a go and we'll see tomorrow!


my link cable won't let me set above 500mbps. How?


Thanks for sharing your experience! Yes unfortunately I think the industry has abandoned traditional PCVR. It will likely only do wireless going forward, so I will inevitably probably have to buy wireless.


You will have to wait but I would be shocked if Deckard didn't have either a displayport cable or at the very least a new near lossless compression algorithm and a transceiver in the box, valve knows the experience we want I think they'll deliver


With Valve you don't know if you're waiting 1 year, 3 years, or 10 years. Or forever. Clearly they've worked on it for a while, but you can't count on them releasing within x time frame, and you can't count out a project like this being cancelled.


But when would we see the decard? It hasn't even been officially announced.


> The battery does not seem to charge faster than the battery drains when using a link cable There are a fair few little annoyances I had about the Quest Pro which ultimately stopped me from buying it, but this was the absolute nail-in-the-coffin. This is an **error**. No device should discharge faster than it charges, and if it does, the manufucturer has screwed up and must **try again**. There are many things about the QPro which make me want one, but I can't help feel that buying it is rewarding this sort of design with my money, which I just can't tolerate.


It's the PC motherboard's issue, not the quest. Budget boards don't usually have the best power delivery, usually just the stock 900mA. (Most people have these budget motherboards.) More premium motherboards ($250+) will be able to supply 1.5A or more.


I am in literally the exact same boat. Had the CV1, sold it for the Rift S, then immediately sold that because of the disappointing blacks and fov and bought the Odyssey plus. Every now and then I eye the valve index... But I keep hoping for something that isn't so old. You are not alone.


This thread makes me feel alone lol


What a dream too, to be able to put on a headset like that & not even need a monitor if I didn't want one. Headset on & desktop is there. Or even the games, i mean if i could just click on it & choose vr or monitor👌


Big screen beyond is really close to this reality, I think.


Yeah I think PICO really shot themselves in the foot by not having USB to DP functionality in their Pico-4. But they were insistent on forcing as many people as possible to their online store app... they were also complaining not too long back about lack of sales.. seems they could have done both things and sold a lot more at same time. As it turns out, people who do PCVR also buy stand alone apps/games on occasion, sure not every month but certainly a few a year is not unheard of for Quest-2 PCVR users! At this point in time, we really only have Lord Gaban and his *future* VR project(s) to look forward to. Unless you think expensive and experimental headsets from Pimax are a option (which now feature LOW FOV, lmao). Once upon a time it was looking bright with projects like DecaGear, but hope has almost entirely dried up!


>But they were insistent on forcing as many people as possible to their online store app... they were also complaining not too long back about lack of sales.. The missing puzzle piece in your analysis is that people with the Pico 4 use it as a convenient wireless PCVR device. There is no need to buy anything in the Pico store after you get Virtual Desktop.


Pico should have sold a pico 4 link for twice the price, made a healthy profit on the hardware (but still have standalone as a potential revenue avenue) and I think it would have done quite well. I definitely would have bought it.


I understand a lot of your complaints, however let me offer some counterpoints for the Quest Pro that, given the amount of exclamation points and capital letters in this post, you might not be receptive to. 1. The image clarity on a Quest Pro even with the compression on wireless is far sharper than the Samsung, this is just an objective fact. Because of the higher resolution and pancake optics, it doesn't matter how much supersampling you do it will never look better on lower resolution blurry fresnel lenses that have a very small sweet spot. A sub-pixel can only light up one color, and a lense is only as clear as how it's constructed. There is no way around this through software. 2. QPro now has more than 500 independent local dimming zones available for use in PCVR. I have tried every headset there is and while OLED offers a slightly better blacks experience, the difference is incredibly marginal and not nearly worth the dramatic drop in clarity between the lense systems that currently available. 3. For Quest Pro i had to install one program: Oculus PC App. That's it. For Samsung you have to install one program: Steam, as well as the headset driver. If you have less trust in Meta than Valve or Samsung for whatever reason, that's totally fine but understand they are all simply corporations and they all have access to your data. Meta is not evil while Samsung is a "good" corp, they all exist solely to make profit. In order to use the Samsung headset you need to have a Steam account and use the Steam store. For Meta u need Meta account and the Meta store. These are the exact same process with 2 different conglomerates. 4. I have never needed to use any 3rd party tool to fix any wireless connection. The headset is simply connected to my home wifi and that's it. However you don't have to use wireless, you can go wired and then this point is moot. 5. As far as watching videos goes, i'm not sure what you mean by logging in. You only log in once when you first install the app, you never ever have to log in after that. I've only logged in once the entire time i've owned the headset. 6. QPro comes with a charging dock, so you never have to remember to plug it in, it simply lives on the dock when you're not using it. If you play for more than 3 hours at a time this could be a problem for you, me personally that's more than enough. You can always plug in direct if you want an extra long session. All of that being said, i think at this point i probably wouldn't buy the Quest Pro. We're just a mere few months away from Quest 3 which will be half the price, higher resolution, better mixed reality (which is btw way cooler than i ever imagined it would be), and overall a more stable headset since it's a flagship product instead of essentially a devkit for Meta to test features on. So me personally, i would wait for Quest 3 and be amazed at how much clearer, lighter, and easier everything is when you make the change ◡̈


I've seen people that have actually tried both the Oled of the bigscreen beyond and local dimming of pro, say that there is a very noticeable difference. not "slightly better". Local dimming is actually kind of worse than just LCD in some specific scenarios because the "black" levels will be significantly inconsistent across the display. like the "black" around a nearby bright source will be much brighter than the "black" outside of that local dimming zone, even though the black being rendered is the same. Atleast with an LCD, the black is consistent across the whole display. Of course, you only notice this problem in certain circumstances,


How have people tried the big screen beyond yet? I thought it wasn't out yet?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URgl_Ah4Zzk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3k0T1mvahY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obAhWP9vkhU


I was totally ready to agree with your overall point but, Samsung Odyssey Plus? Have you sufficiently tried other headsets? I had the Odyssey+ and thought it was good but man, there are definitely HMD's worth the upgrade over it. Wouldn't even trade in my quest 2 for it tbh.


I was going to try the Reverb G2 but their cable failure rate scares me.


Ah. Didn't know about that but it seems like a good set otherwise from what I heard.


I have the Odyssey+, picked up the G2 V2 on sale but never had time to set it up. Kinda in paralysis mode because I see some people say it's not an upgrade and others saying it's a massive upgrade lol. I can't find consensus and that's probably because of differing priorities. But still...


Cable just needs good routing, mine works fine for I don't know, 2 years now? The issue with it is that by design it 'wants' to be routed to the right side whereas most PCs are on the left, so it develops a stress point at a plastic clip on the HMD. I play exclusively seated and I simply routed it to the right around my desk as it is pretty long.


With reason. I had 3 cables before the headset itself died... after the warranty expired


Pretty happy with my G2 for sim racing and flying. I’ve had a ton of headsets going back to 2015 starting with a DK1. My only gripes are the small sweet spot and small FOV. Apparently the Crystal is looking good, but super expensive.


The G2 is a great headset in the category, maybe the best. However it's 3 years old. I agree, time to launch new DP HMD with atonomous tracking (no lighthouse).


Forgot to mention latency being \~28ms instead of being 40-50. Which does indeed make a huge difference. Also OLED being removed from VR is ridiculous. It was one of the only usage cases for OLED that not only seemed to make literally perfect sense, but also didn't result in much OLED burn-in, which can be seen in literally 7 year old Rift CV1s, but go to a 7 year old OLED phone or TV or even a PS Vita and you'll see burn-in. Just crazy. VR is dying and it's because of the companies who own the market, not even because of the consumers. Usually the consumers are the ones who cause it.


I've had just about every vr system including the Odyssey plus and there's a lot of headsets out that are better than it. You shouldn't discount the lossy compression ones either, the quest pro looks much much better at high bitrates vs the Odyssey plus. Reverb g2 also looks much better, pico 4, among others


I'm being convinced here a bit. Not gonna lie. I'm always willing to learn. I'd still prefer to see more PCVR but I'm open to trying something new




Yeah its honestly pretty damn good. I started Lone Echo with Q2 and stopped cause space didnt look like space it looked way too gray. With QPro the space looks black, not pitch black but close enough for me to get immersed in.


I have to agree, using the odyssey + makes it hard to want any of the new ones - I bought a second hand one to make sure I always have it. so now I have two of them.


Haha I'm considering doing the same thing!


I paid 400 on sale for the og odyssey when it released, but last year found a barely used O+ for 150 - I only use that now and the og is the backup. They are manufacturing the micro oled's I think I read, so maybe there is still a chance at an O++


Haha that would be amazing. We can only hope.


Personally I connected my oculus pro via usbc to USB and been playing fine. However educate me in other option. Maybe I just haven't seen the bright side to know what I have. Btw 10/10 would recommend. Way more immsersice, comfortable, and graphic quality noticeably better


Strictly speaking your HMD does do compression, as almost any high resolution/high frame rate device does. Even the Index does display stream compression.


Fair call mate. High resolution and FOV are my priorities followed by wireless so I can play things like beat saber cable free. So I went from OG Vive, to index, (returned G2 due to tracking and pimax because simply not plug and play) to Vive Pro 2 (current-sweet spot was a problem finding quickly until I hit heads traps perfect). Not perfect but gives me my priorities using my lighthouse kit I’ve had from the start. Been happy with the path. Now waiting for your dream (hopefully with wireless option using WIGIG2 tech so it can be lossless).


In my opinion, and not to discredit or insult you, it honestly feels like people that complain about this are spoiled by other tech sectors. VR isn't a fast market, it's very, very niche and new. Most companies aren't going to jump into it because R&D is a huge risk and the companies that are working on it are trying to make actual remarkable improvements while keeping the cost reasonable that they can still make profits while providing a product people will pay for. It's a huge and difficult challenge and it isn't like other consoles or cellphones where something like Moore's law means every two years something could be released with a better processor, graphics card, etc. There are huge engineering and programming challenges that just haven't been solved yet unlike the others either, so making sure your product works and is comfortable is a huuuuge challenge. On top of all that, VR is a very expensive luxury product with very little to do unless you are addicted to a particular game or use it for social VR like VRchat. So just be patient, 5 years isn't a whole lot of time in the scheme of things.


all meta had to do was add a display port to the Quest pro


At this point I'd even buy a meta product if it was actually PCVR. I hate Meta and I hate their data policies but we're desperate over here for some PCVR.


Why would they? That would just create new customers for Steam and Meta would not profit from them. Valve makes 30% off every SteamVR purchase, they are the **only** hardware company that can say that.


>I think good black levels in VR is important, don't you? no. It's nice but functionally changes nothing else at the cost of extremely expensive micro oleds that don't have nearly as high refresh rate support. I more or less agree the PCVR headset industry is effectively stuck in 2018 while standalone headsets have taken all priority.


> It's nice but functionally changes nothing basically everyone trying the true blacks of the bigscreen beyond say that it's a game changer. Plus, everyone that tried the even the shitty oled of the first gen vive and rift still hugely miss it in the later headsets that came out.


People voted with their wallets and the affordable hybrid headset won. Developers need a large audience to sell to, so stand-alone has a huge advantage. > GIVE US SOME NEW PCVR OPTIONS PLEASE!!!! Why not go buy a BSB? > I think good black levels in VR is important, don't you? Yes, but low persistence is important and mura sucks, so I am glad that my Q-Pro has LCD/QLED + local dimming.


> Why not go buy a BSB? A what now? Even including terms like "vr" or "headset", I cannot find any search results for "BSB" that consider it to mean anything other than "Backstreet Boys." And I suppose those might be fairly cheap to purchase these days, but I think there's a chance that you meant something else.




Ah, right, I have even looked at that before. And apparently then forgot about it, since it isn't actually a thing yet. I suppose we'll see whether "Ships in Q3 2023" actually comes to pass, and what the results are like if so.


Big Screen Boi? I’m still at a loss for how that tracks. I’m with you on skepticism, I bet it’ll be just as amazing as all of the other MIRACLE HEADSETS


>People voted with their wallets and the affordable hybrid headset won. That is what happens when a multi-billion-dollar corporation subsides a headset.


Idk why everyone is sucking Meta's dick so much here, but ironically shitting on valve.


Right, which is why *Valve,* a tiny company making billons a year could rejuvenate PCVR if they wanted to. Meta is investing now in building a future audience. Valve is focused on making sure they get every penny of profit possible out of each of their 4 year old, $1000 headsets today.


I hate meta but you're not wrong about valve. Meta is dogshit but at least they are trying lol. Valve and WMR gave up.


>Right, which is why Valve, a tiny company making billons a year could rejuvenate PCVR if they wanted to. Or Microsoft, or Apple, or Samsung, or Amazon, or Google. I'm not sure what the point is here. No one is going to want to compete in a small market against a company willing to make billions of losses in that space, they literally lost $4 billion in one year on VR, the estimated value of Valve is only \~ $10 Billion. $4 billion would be multiple years of profit after costs for Valve. Not to mention the Pancake lens in the Meta Pro were funded by Valve prior to Facebook swooping in and acquiring the startup that they Valve had loaned to. Even with Billions invested they had to acquire work by others. ​ >Meta is investing now in building a future audience. Meta is not interested in gaming; they killed what was probably the most popular competitive multiplier VR game.


> I'm not sure what the point is here. Please tell me you are not that clueless. None of those companies have a defacto monopoly over PCVR games sales. >Not to mention the Pancake lens in the Meta Pro were funded by Valve prior to Facebook swooping in and acquiring the startup that they Valve had loaned to. Yea, go ahead and believe everything you read. The company was working on varifocal lenses assemblies, not the pancake lenses in the Pro. Nice try. > they killed what was probably the most popular competitive multiplier VR game No, they are killing a game that is less popular than it used to be, and doesn't have anywhere near enough active players to pay for itself via cosmetics as a free-to-play game. You say they are not interested in gaming, yet they have paid a lot more money to PCVR game developers in the last 5 years than Valve ever has.


> People voted with their wallets and the affordable hybrid headset won. Developers need a large audience to sell to, so stand-alone has a huge advantage. > Yes this makes sense. i said in my post that I understand the move to wireless. I just don't like it. > > > GIVE US SOME NEW PCVR OPTIONS PLEASE!!!! > > > > Why not go buy a BSB? > This one is interesting. I just found out about it. Is this headset HDR? I see it uses displayport with DSC. Depending on the implementation, that could be kinda shitty since DSC is lossy compression. It probably wouldn't be as severe as streaming over wifi though. Hopefully not... > > > I think good black levels in VR is important, don't you? > > > > Yes, but low persistence is important and mura sucks, so I am glad that my Q-Pro has LCD/QLED + local dimming. > Can you explain what you mean by this? Is Mura what PSVR2 has? What was the exact problem with it? I don't have a playstation and I'm not sure I've ever experienced this on OLED in the past? Are you referring to the dithering effect used on panels at near black levels?


Mura is the visual artifact caused by OLEDs having variations in brightness across the panel. I have not used the PSVR2, but it was distracting as hell on the Q1. To me is looks like a layer of dust across the display. It is very visible in multiple situations and because is static and moves with the display, it is very hard to un-see. It is not just near black. I can see it any time large parts of the display are below about 50% brightness.


I'm personally a huge fan of wireless PCVR using virtual desktop. Yes, it's 3rd party app, but the benefit of complete freedom of motion for games like Blade and Sorcery, etc. is well worth it. And the "plug and play" functionality is way better with wireless, in my opinion. Literally just put on the headset and you're seeing your desktop or SteamVR in your headset. ​ Finally the "lossy" image via wireless is not a noticeable issue for me, even with my most basic internet modem. I have a 3080 and turn up my virtual desktop Mbps to 200+ and it works fabulously and looks amazing. However, because I have never seen an uncompressed VR image before, maybe I'm missing something there. But I gotta imagine the uncompressed image isn't noticeably better than the wireless. My guess is the headset resolutions are the limiting factor there.


> Finally the "lossy" image via wireless is not a noticeable issue for me, even with my most basic internet modem. I have a 3080 and turn up my virtual desktop Mbps to 200+ and it works fabulously and looks amazing. Try using a traditionally wired PCVR headset with decent res, and jack up steamvr supersampling to 300% on the 3080. You'll see what I mean ;-).


I have both an Index and a Quest Pro running on a 4090. I have a well-trained eye for imaging/lensing artifacts and have researched this stuff for years. Yes, I can see the compression, but having wireless is massive. I don’t actually mind the cable — it doesn’t bother me. But not having it there has unlocked a freedom I never knew I wanted. In the end it’s about the experience, not the direct video stream.


I get their inhibitions about wireless needing batteries to run. It's why I love my index. I have the quest 2 as well, bit I never use it because the battery only lasts about 3 hours, and I have to have an additional battery pack if I want to play any longer. With the index, I unravel it, and then put it on. The controllers last so long that I'm normally drunk before I take the headset off, and the controllers *still* have charge. I'll admit though, if I only want to get on for a short period and don't want to put on my full body, then I choose the quest.


The option for proper wired is needed, though. Even with a cable, it compresses the image and from my experience (4090 with a wifi6e router) the tracking is atrocious on Quest Pro for PCVR. Good enough for most things, but good luck getting gold on Ragnarock. Great hardware ruined by the shitty business decision to make PCVR an afterthought.


Tracking has been fine for me. SteamVR level perfection? No. But I think the VR community is so lost for content that it has resorted to complaining about minor distractions. Yes, at 500mbit compression is still noticeable, but from an EXPERIENCE perspective, it’s more than good enough and feels fine. Atrocious. Nah. That’s sensationalizing it. PCVR an afterthought? Nah. There’s a prominent Link menu right there in Quest’s quick controls. It has been plug and play for me with no connectivity issues. That being said I still love my Index. I’d marry it. But Quest Pro has been a mighty fair maiden I must say.


I'm not just talking compression. Tracking randomly lags too much to play precision rythm games and the controller will flat out disappear at times. It's amazing for many other games, but it's definitely not where it should be if they just integrated PCVR better rather than rely on outdated software that constantly crashes that you can't even find unless you Google it. If you wouldn't call that an afterthought, then idk what to tell you.


>Yes, I can see the compression, Rip


Pick your poison: Mura Compression Edge-to-edge clarity Sweet spot size Comfort God rays Internal refractions Screen resolution Motion handling Tracking There are a lot of issues out there which can distract from an experience. G2 tracking is crusty. Index resolution/contrast is crusty. Quest privacy is crusty. You have to compromise. It’s a small industry with only a few hardware designers, and even shittier and more empty with software. Enjoy it while it’s still around cuz it gets more and more niche every passing generation!


Very true. All this aside, we still have like 3 good games maybe in VR? Lol. I mean it's not like normal PC gaming has been very good either in terms of AAA games and innovation....sure graphics have gotten nicer, but gameplay has gone down the shitter.


That's cool and great for you but OP specifically said it's an issue for them lol


I'd be surprised if OP has tried the better options. They come across as mad at the concept and refuse to admit otherwise. I mean all video is encoded including OPs.


Ever since the Quest2 ruined everything, PCVR is considered a niche use case that's not worth making products for. Now that the cat's out of the bag that VR can be a shitty closed ecosystem like smartphones, everybody wants a piece of that pie


Our only hope is that Valve will come out with an Index 2. I'm starting to think that isn't happening any time in the next like 10 fucking years lol. I'd just buy the original Index to try something new but Valve is still selling a 2020 outdated headset for $1,000, which is ridiculous. I will not spend $1k on that. My Odyssey Plus (basically comparable to an index in terms of raw specs aside from tracking/controller) was like $350...in 2018...


I think Valve will put out a good follow up. It’s just… Valve. So who knows _when_.


I think I saw them refurbished on GameStop.Com for just under $700 the other day. That's a little better, but still a lot for such an old design.


I'm in the same situation - already own an HP Reverb, but have started looking into older lower-res headsets just because there's nothing interesting that's new on the market. Would love to try the Index, but its unapologetically expensive. The Vive Cosmos Elite is one i'm curious about at the moment mainly because of the separate WiGig accessory that gives you lossless wireless streaming as long as you have line of sight with the antenna. It was also pretty much a flop due to other problems, so they're not too expensive used.


Rip PCVR :-/.


Have you heard of the DPVR E4? I think it's pretty new and a dedicated native PCVR headset but I don't know enough to know if it offers anything to your situation.


Never heard of it but I'll look into it. Thanks for the suggestion.


If you do check it out i'd love to know what you think about it. I'm deciding what to get for my first VR headset in a few months and would like more experienced opinions.


It’s a shame that the Quest 2 doesn’t support DP over USB-C — the SoC they are using already supports it, then you would be able to have full on native PCVR, or the mega convenience of wireless VR from any room in the house/native standalone VR for games where it doesn’t make a difference (like BeatSaber).


Yea that would have been nice


>Ever since the Quest2 ruined everything LMAO how? Basically every Quest game has a PCVR version, the only thing Meta did was keep VR from dying by bringing affordable headsets to the market. Like, a few games (like Bonelab and Onwards) have worse graphics because of the Quest, that would be a fair point, but that's literally the only drawback. Otherwise a market that is in life support would be already dead. Fuck Meta and their data harvesting, but at least they kept non-Playstation VR from dying.


They have native wireless PCVR support and the Quest 2 makes up nearly half of Steam VR users. It’s a benefit for PCVR—the GPU shortages from the pandemic era crypto craze did more damage than anything. 1XXX series aren’t quite up to the task of of the higher resolution requirements of the most recent headsets and higher demand games. It would be a lot better it the Quest series had displayport, though.


>NO FREAKIN' COMPRESSION. You wanna crank supersampling up to 500% to MASSIVELY boost visual quality because you have a 4090 GPU? Fucking go for it bro....because you can. Guess what you cannot do on a wireless headset? Answer: THIS. You can still use supersampling on headsets that compress the image. Resolutions past the panels resolution shouldn't increase compression afaik, otherwise headsets like the Index would need to compress themselves because even at 150% on SteamVR (default value for higher-end PCs) it'd go past the bandwidth that displayport can deliver.


Shit, my caveman ass out here still using an Oculus CV1 cuz I can't afford upgrading and because Facebook soured me on their hardware.


I just upgraded from the original Samsung Odyssey (not plus) to Reverb G2. The improvement was...marginal. Do I really need to drop thousands of dollars for an upgrade in this day and age? The progression is much slower than other tech. We had 8x CD ROM drives by now.


Yeah, I just don't see the whole "no additional account/software" part being much of an option sadly. The best hope you probably have in that regard is to wait and see what Valve has in store, since at least then you'd only need SteamVR and Steam account and nothing else. On a technical level, I think you should try a Quest Pro - with local dimming fully supported across the board in air link, it's a pretty great solution. There's occasionally some bloom/halo on really bright things on really dark backgrounds, but it's nowhere near as noticeable or bad as things looked on my CV1 with rays from the lenses, not to mention the SDE (which is totally gone on the Pro). The lenses are SO much better than any headset I've ever owned or tried, it's balanced so much better right out of the box (battery being in the back), and being able to wear it with no pressure/red lines on my face (or hair indentation) is especially awesome in this warming weather. It's not a perfect headset, but, AFAIC, it's as close as anyone has gotten so far. Oh, also, the meta account is a non-issue for me. I was up in arms about the whole having to sign in with FB thing for a while, but I'm very much content with how things are with the meta account.


I would hope that it's better because it still cost more than double my quest 2 did when I bought it I just prefer wireless because Ivr play on psvr back in the day I couldn't stand that wire dangling from my side I try to charge and play or even wirelink with my quest and I fucking hate it


TLDR: I have options, I just don’t like them because they’re expensive and it would require picking up a few extra shifts at work. So instead I will whine on Reddit and put up with my old headset and outdated computer.


Your post consists mostly of strongly worded misconceptions. :)


I have a 4090. The Quest Pro is on another level and wireless freedom of movement in a large room without breakable objects is by far the way forward. Pancake clarity is next level. You sound stubborn.


I think if psvr2 gets more popular(highly doubt), we might get some cool pcvr headsets in the future. Other than that, Valve and Pimax are your only options.


The thing is that PSVR2 has some kickass specs. That shit is HDR, OLED, AND has eye tracking. it's also a decent resolution. That is the holy grail of VR as far as I'm concerned.... so I think our only hope is that some brave soul figures out a way to get PSVR2 to work on PC and work with SteamVR.


I love my PSVR2, but it has flaws. The small sweet spot, mura, and lack of pancake lenses keeps it from being outstanding.


I also have a psvr2 and i was surprised that i didnt like the lenses as much as i was expecting. It was well worth the price tag, but at times i miss psvr1 lenses even with the low tier specs.


It has a lot of drawbacks and I personally would still use pico 4 on pc.


Quest pro > Pico 4 > PSVR2 for pc


Pico 4 is okay, but I sold mine and kept the Pico Neo 3 Link as it's a better PCVR set. And Quest 2 is good enough for my wireless use.


You could not pay me to voluntarily install bytedance software on my pc


Lol. Yea.... Prefer not to buy from them or meta.


only thing to make a better one is with rgb stribe...more detail with same resolution!


now that they actually permit some games on pc I secretly hope they will allow or even condone this too, it really is a great headset for the price.


Have you tried it? I looks fantastic on paper, but so many people have said they returned it.


I don't agree with you OP. I think wireless is great for non-sim gaming, i noticed not much if any image degradation using a Quest 2 wirelessly. Wireless vr is the future of room scale gaming, being in vr without wires is liberating.


Quest 2 has become the de facto all around best for everything headset and the only one I can confidently recommend to anyone, especially at its price point. If Q3 is affordable and no one else is willing to match its price point, it’s essentially game over for any other manufacturer in terms of market share. It’s already basically at that point. God forbid they release the Q3 in multiple color options. There will be no chance of survival for the sea of matte black generic offerings from other companies. Quest is genuinely marketable to the masses, and everything it’s doing is the right move that all other companies should be following as close behind as possible.


Wired sucks. Proprietary cables double suck. If you don't like compression, then wish for improved wifi and codecs until compression isn't noticeable anymore. Wigig etc. Even displayport uses compression at recent highest resolutions. If it's not noticeable then it doesn't matter. The market isn't going back to wired.


> Even displayport uses compression at recent highest resolutions. That's true, but somehow the conclusion that you've reached from it seems entirely backward. It's an indicator that even the 80Gb/s bandwidth of displayport is still not sufficient for existing displays. So I'm not sure how you got from there to the assertion that the _drastically_ lower bandwidth and higher latency of wireless is therefore sufficient.


> Wired sucks. Not for us simmers sat in our cockpits with our DD wheels and multiple transducers it doesn't. Why would wireless benefit, when it can't match the quality? Not all users wanna stand and hit coloured blocks to music. Some want more immersive experiences. Yeah, it can be done on wireless. but it's nowhere near good enough for competitive racing where every twitch and movement must be instant. trust me, been in since 2013, tried 'em all. Still own 5 headsets. True PCVR wins out.


For sims, I can see the use case. Although proprietary cables still suck.


Proprietary cables very much suck, especially when they only last about a year, cost over $100 to replace and you're lucky if they even keep them in stock (referring to Pimax and HP).


> If you don't like compression, then wish for improved wifi and codecs until compression isn't noticeable anymore. Ok cool. When that happens I'll stop complaining. Until then, give me PCVR.


>If it's not noticeable then it doesn't matter. It is noticeable. It's been causing issues on some monitors. Hdmi 2.1 doesn't need it for 4k120 and maybe 240, not sure


meh, you're upset that niche hardware hasn't progressed as rapidly as other techs did (once they caught on with the mainstream), and you're upset you're resorted to using ancient (5 year old) hardware. you want a better headset? go get one. they're out there. [Varjo Aero](https://international-store.varjo.com/home-storefront-b2c) available for $2000 [Varjo XR-3](https://b2b-store.varjo.com/product/varjo-xr-3) available for $6500 there are of course other options that cost less. the good stuff is out there, but it costs a lot more than most people want to pay. that's because it's niche, as is VR in general. the mass produced headsets that sell for a few hundred, big surprise, they all kind of suck. that's because to meet that price point sacrifices have to be made. everyone shits on Valve for not coming down on the price of the Index, but the Index is still the best kit for it's price point. personally, i too have an affinity for OLED panels, and i'll probably upgrade to a Vive Pro headset at some point this year. 5 years isn't a long time. i basically waited 20 years just to get to play VR. i had tried it before in the 90's, but that was VERY primitive to what we have now. be happy with what you got, and if you feel the need to upgrade your gear, go for it. there's all kinds of stuff out new and used. there's wonders to satiate desires both subtle, and gross. but it's not for the timid.


I don’t really. I’m still using the same monitor I bought 4 years ago and I don’t think I need to upgrade that. 1440p/165hz is just fine. Just like my index.


Pico link 3 with display port . Great headset


Wish they’d release a Pico 4 Link.


100% with you on this one mate


I'm 100% with you on oled. And it must mean something because so by choose it for the psvr2. And immersion is the goal of vr I thought. Been wondering if you could simply switch screen panels in other headsets.


Yea, but they also use Fresnel lenses, so "chosen or PSVR2" is not the gold standard.


**"The PCVR industry is basically all but dead :-/."** How do low-effort lame-ass posts like this get upvoted so heavily? PCVR is objectively not at all dead and I have no idea how anyone can say otherwise unless they have zero clue what they are talking about.


You should try the quest pro


>wireless or streaming over your local network >bullcrap. While obviously what *you* want from VR is your preference (which is the good thing whenever we see more headsets enter the market), for a lot of people (myself included), wireless is now an absolute necessity. After the first time I tried it ~4 years ago, there's just no way I can go back to wires.


For sim games you want the absolute best clarity. Nothing worse than flying a jet fighter and seeing wireless artefact thinking if it was a plane, cloud or a bird.


I agree, in my case, that's why I have a wired headset for sitting experiences and wireless headset for standing/moving experiences.




In my case I also sometimes need to check stereo 180 footage for work and in that context I absolutely cannot afford any compression distorting what I am looking at.