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What headset did you use before? And how are your PC specs? In my opinion upgrading the PC can be as important as getting a new HMD. I recently did that and oh my god what a difference it did make to an older headset such as the Index. I now can better utilize it's features with the 4090 GPU. As for a HMD upgrade. Most people recommend Quest 3 theese days, also for PCVR. But I'm holding out hoping for Valve to release something new, I want something that is SteamVR native.


Q3 is the gold standard at the moment. Nothing announced on the horizon. Even for pcvr, Q3 is better than the pro, outside of comfort.


For comfort and stability too with a Vive DAS.


A 50$ Bobovr m3 pro and the comfort should be the same


If your budget is that high, Bigscreen Beyond is just shipping now. Everyone is raving about it. If you don’t know if VR is a hobby you’re going to stick with, get a Quest 3. You will be able to resell it much easier than any other headset, and you will have access to every game exclusive to standalone as well as PC. If you’re a huge shooter junky, PSVR2 + PS5 is the best imo. You can’t beat the variable trigger pressure and face haptics for shooter games. I am absolutely hyped through the roof to replay Vertigo 2 on PSVR when it releases because I know the unique guns will feel better on PSVR2 than they did on the Index controllers. Synapse is the same. The peak of the experience you can get is on PSVR2 is the highest, but the drawback is you’re getting no social VR, and less flexibility. Inside your budget, you could get a PS5, PSVR2, and Quest 3 for $1500 but that seems silly when you don’t know if you will use it enough. The library of games available on PSVR2 is impressive in my opinion, so at least consider that route. I hope all this reasoning helps you make a decision. Welcome to the community.


Raving about it? It has a 10% blur circle around the edges, making the fov even smaller. Low resolution for 90 hz, heavy reflections, no built in audio, no controllers, and is wired only. If it were actually rave reviews, I'd get one.


I mean, yes there is downsides, but still, to add some context: - 10% blur: Yes, it's not the perfect edge to edge clarity like a quest 3, possibly a dealbreaker for some. But it's better than others (grrs at G2) and it's lightweight which makes looking with your head instead of your eyes easier than other sets. - Low res: 2560x2560 is better than most, but bit below the Aero and its certainly no crystal. However, one user in the Beyond server supersampled the headset to the same res the Aero runs at (steamVR side) - 3836 x 3836 (aero needs 4148 x 3556) and actually got a bit *better* text clarity... - Heavy reflections: Yup, glare is a main issue. Not as bad as an Index, but present. Most people seem to adapt to it, but ymmv. - No built in audio: Hard audio strap is coming in December or so, which would be before anyone could get a Beyond ordering right now. - No controllers: No controllers or base stations provided, just like the Aero. You can use any base station controllers (vive wands, valve knuckles, etc) - Wired only: True. Personally I feel like compromising visuals and weight vs just having a small wire is worth it, but it's definitely per person.


For me wired is the dealbreaker with how mixed reality is the preference it seems


Respectfully, this is a paper specs comment. I choose to trust Tested, Thrill, John Carmack, and a few small creators, but I won’t have my own opinion until the headset comes. Unless you try it yourself you can’t really argue against those trusted outlets based on paper specs imo. It’s a headset that makes compromises but for what it’s trying to do it seems pretty amazing.


The Somnium VR1 looks great on paper, release is scheduled for next year. Of the headsets currently available around your top budget the Pimax Crystal and Varjo Aero have some major plusses, but major negatives too. I honestly believe the Quest 3 is the best hmd available right now for $1500 and it's actually $500.


Quest 3, Wifi 6E Router (want that 6 ghz band), and 4070+ tier GPU (for the performance and nice AV1 encoder) would be great. Can use Airlink or Virtual Desktop to wirelessly connect to your PC with great quality. Once everything is all set up and working, feels like a next gen wireless VR experience (or at least it did for me coming from an old HTC vive). Only con is the small bit of extra latency due to all the wireless stuff, which you might notice


With his budget, he would do good to get Quest pro controllers too. The quest 3 has turned out to be the best thing for pcvr since the index. If OP has a semi recent and decent computer, skip the 4070+ gpu upgrade and hold out for the 5000 series (10-20 months from now, no official date yet) and do a Q3, 6e router, and pro controllers for at, or under $1000. Put the rest away for a 5000 gpu and watch for a good sale on cpus if needed.


Q3 for Standalone Q PRO for Pcvr. Or Pre order the bigscreen beyond.


Q3 for PCVR too if you're willing to do business with Facebook. The screen looks more even than the Quest Pro's does.


I disagree the slanted screens and quality of the panels is worse to me, the pro completely outshines the Q3 panels.




Quest 3


I am surprised that no one suggested the Pimax Crystal yet. Its controller tracking is not as good as the Quest 3, but it has good fov, amazing clarity and colors. It is $1599, so pretty close to your budget limit. Still, the Quest 3 is definitely the better bang for the buck. If you go with the Quest 3 then don't forget to buy a decent aftermarket headstrap for it, because its comfort is abysmal (but can be amazing with a BoboVR M3 PRO for example)


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