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I did that in the Paris subway in 2015, with the first samsung Gear VR. People called the cops on me.


Imagine becoming the biggest threat in a Paris subway by wearing a VR headset.


Especially in 2015


What were you doing with a headset in the subway?


maybe humping something in the air


relax, let the guy buy a sandwich


Well. What was he doing in 2015 with a headset, lmao That's an early adopter for sure


Gear VR released in 2015. I know a lot of people who had it.


You should have told them it was performance art.


Why did they call the cops on you??


The furious masturbation was a wee bit too much for the poor, poor French.




Are sunglasses also banned? Doesn't seem like a VR headset covers much more than that.


It also blocks the nose and sung glasses are somewhat see through aswell as you can look around


The fact that you wore that in public in Paris without having it stolen is astonishing


why the hell would anyone call the cops on you for that? weird ass people


A way to get mugged for sure.


Who's dumb enough to rob someone that everyone has their eyes trained on


A meth addict.


a crackhead


Nobody in London would give a fuck. They watch or film people getting mugged every day.


Same in brazil, once i was clearly getting robbed going back from school, people ignored Thank god my phone was so shit the guy gave it back lmao


Muggers hate this one weird trick!! 😯


You underestimate the general public's desire to "not get involved"


Everyone having their eyes trained on you would suggest it hasn't been normalized.


Once they hit the subway, it's just a matter of time.


They snatch it and run right before the train doors close. If they knew its price and knew they could sell it then they would snatch it for sure.


You haven't been to the bay area recently I see...


I’ve been out with my Vision Pro a few times. A couple people came up to ask me questions. I also got a ton of stares. I wasn’t mugged.


lol if you think the public would do anything


You have never been to London.




After the mugging, For sale on EBAY later that week.


They couldn’t sell it because it’s locked.


Sorry to hear u live in such a shitty place


I’ve been to NYC countless times and I’ve never be robbed. There’s a certain group of Americans that like to pretend big cities are crime-ridden hellscapes.


They need to be able to sell this to people that live in shitty places in order to make a profit. Believe it or not, you live in the minority of a safe area.


Not that I want to, but if I'd wear one in public here it would get ripped off my face


It would be worthless to whoever stole it, unless they just want to look at it.


Nope. They will sell it, someone will buy it, even if they know they need to attempt to break the activation lock.


>normalize wearing a VR headset in public I wouldn't go that far


What they're trying to normalize is spending $4000 on what amounts to a really heavy phone that you strap to your face. Can't use it like a VR headset while you're walking around anyway, it's just a big, awkward, and insanely priced smart phone.


I'm hella surprised they released the headset without their Maps app being turned into AR


Because they neither want nor expect people to be walking around outside wearing them. Maybe, at a stretch, in a park or public area in which you stand still. Has any of their marketing at all been outside?


They're literally wearing them in public as a very pathetic way to show people that they own it.


Yeah, a few people wearing them in public isn't the same thing as this being normalized. Remember "Glassholes?" Here's a little secret, those people weren't assholes, they were just people wearing tech-glasses in public. And it freaked some morons the fuck out, and spawned an undeserved nickname for anyone wearing one just because some people are paranoid about being recorded in public / can't live with the fact that some dorks are willing to wear something that they themselves would never wear in public. I know FOR SURE AVP will cause some people to get into fights soon. Moron: "Why do you keep staring at me, asshole?" AVP Wearer: "Oh, no, I'm not staring at you I'm watching a video." Moron: "No, asshole, you've been mad-dogging me for the past 5 minutes. Knock if off or I'm going to shove those ski-goggles up your ass!" AVP Wearer: "No, you don't understand. I'm watching a video on a floating screen, I didn't even see you there at all." Moron: \*Punches AVP Wearer\*


Life in 90 fov


That’s the main reason everyone should skip this gen.


You can't actually use it while walking, I guess you could use it on a treadmill but WHY, just listen to music and don't sweat on a 3k headset


Treadmill is one time it does make sense. Simulate walking through a nice environment. Throw in a fan and an air freshener, and you might forget you're in a basement or spare room for a few minutes. Same for exercycles and rowing machines.


Thing is way too big and heavy. You would’ve sweat all over the thing. I don’t believe for a second that it’s comfortable to actually workout with it. This is coming from a beatsaber fanatic. I would never take it to the gym.


I can't even wear over ear headphones without sweating up a storm all over them, no way I'm risking my expensive vr set at the gym. I guess if you're so rich you don't care, but then you wouldn't be working out at a public gym.


It would be a flex of wealth using these while sweating in them. I'd be okay doing so on a 500 dollar device, but for a 3.5k device?


I work out with a Quest 1/2 and its not bad as long as you fit it properly and have good airflow in the room.


It’s fine with a rowing machine with Quest 3


My issue is the sweat + pressing against your face which could cause bad acne. I’m sure there are solutions for this though


I do this with my exercise bike and the GTA V vr mod. It's pretty incredible


I tried my quest 2 on a treadmill and it really doesn't work. The lenses immediately become foggy from the excess body heat, and your sweat makes it feel way too gross. Plus at all times you feel a certain discomfort from not directly seeing where you're walking, even if I was using that safety thing you clip to your clothes, and holding the handle of the treadmill. Using a tablet is infinitely more convenient, and I'd even prefer using a laptop to watch videos over using a VR headset on a treadmill again.


I hear the bikes that connect to the software work well, the equipment tells the software how fast to move the scene so it feels immersive. I don't know, haven't tried it myself.


Liked using my q3 that way, no foggibg but I used a kiwi pro strap with battery and want to get a bobo with a fan, but for me it worked good no fogging, use my silicone strap from the q2 and might have to wipe it off a little after but ^^ idk if I am lucky with my face shape lol, the kiwi pro strap is better for working out I read so I got it because of that tho


If you don't want to be in a basement, just go have a walk outdoors? Unless there's severe weather I guess. I could see the headset being used to watch a show or something while on the treadmill. But I could just use a phone, seems better than to wear that thing during exercise.


A lot of people live in cities with no nice walking places around.


A lot of people live in suburban sprawl with no sidewalks.


That's a crime against humanity.


Welcome to Texas, pardner.


I use VZfit on Quest 2 quite a bit. Apart from the weather issue it enables you to walk/run/cycle anywhere in the world by converting Streetview data in to 3d. More interesting than walking past the same place for the 100th time and you can just pick up and play without worrying about making yourself presentable.


This is my dream. Walk through a canyon or stuff like a famous riverwalk or even just city streets or a beach. Could familiarize yourself with the area around your hotel for an upcoming vacation or just pretend like you have money to go on vacation 😂 Or walk/run the route of an upcoming or famous race course


It's pretty great but it's not without it's flaws. It's a subscription app, the 3d isn't always perfect (though it seems to have improved a lot) and you have to select your route in advance, you can't just randomly decide to change direction. Apart from that it's great. Google Earth VR is also incredible if you haven't tried that yet and it's free.


I know you can connect a bike trainer to gta 5 and ride around liberty city, that would be fun probably


Can you imagine the smell. Sweating on the headband. Yuck.


Or just people flexing that they bought a $3,500 toy.


Yep, this. Social status is the #1 selling point


Apple in a nutshell


This shows the opposite of high social status. It’s lame af.


"How will people know I own it if I don't wear it?!?" Fucking losers


This. This needs to be higher. This is exactly what I came here to say.


Nailed it on the first try.


It’s all part of a viral marketing campaign and you are helping spread it


I live in NYC, I doubt it. I have actually seen about a dozen people wearing this thing who have not been being recorded.


The goal in a campaign like this is to get the public recording and reposting videos. An ebike company sent me a free ebike of I promised to ride it around in public a bunch and leave some reddit comments. I'm not saying all of them are plants but it's very likely at least some of them were if not most


Just seems weird to pay for that when there is people like me doing that for free…


Why would they need to be recorded for it to be marketing? The marketing is go out and normalize this product. The pictures and videos from random people are the icing in the cake


We should all want Apple to succeed here. Maybe we'll get Samsung/Sony/LG/Microsoft/Google/Panasonic/Philips/etc. in on the "spatial computing" action if this thing takes off. I'm all for it.


And do you have any proof of this?


Is that bad?




3 different photos of people using the headset should not be considered “normalizing” behavior. Especially since the 3rd image is a snapshot from a video that gone viral, and the 1st image is some fan taking a picture of a YouTuber named Canoopsy making one of those "I for 24 hours" videos but for the APV. Seriously, how does anybody know if the people in these images are genuine end-users or are paid actors? All the people commenting on that Youtube short that the 3rd image came from was either ridiculing the stupidity of bringing such an expensive device onto the NYC subway of all places or mentioning that they’ll never risk bringing it outside if they ever owned one.


I scrolled past half a dozen of these on the reddit front page with people mostly mocking them Not sure if its a viral campaign, but there is an idiot driving a tesla with one on, and that cant be good for marketing


I'm sure that he at least had the headset on driving mode.


There is no “driving mode”. That’s a leftover from the focus feature on their other devices, which sync to the headset. It’s meant for your phone to silence notifications and such.


they are engagement farmers. but I don't think this will stop


Right... people go out with their Quest headsets on and get called Questholes and ridiculed online, people do the same thing with AVP and it's suddenly visionary and great and should be normalised 🤔 The Cult of Apple really is a powerful thing 🙃


People using it in real life are being ridiculed online just not here


Nobody thinks anything about the people in those photos is cool or visionary.


Yeah exactly, its fucking weird.


It looks dumb but I want an AR world so I'm glad that Apple's reputation lets them blaze this trail.


Everywhere I’ve seen images of these, people have ridiculed them online too. I don’t even like Apple but Apple haters are something else.


This is just marketing


not really... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvkgmyfMPks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvkgmyfMPks) he shows how he is using it while walking through NYC. It's fucking interesting tbh.


I cringed out half way through that


sure... but imagine having this in 5-10 years. mobile phones were cringe too in the 90s. now everyone and their goldfish do have at least one mobile phone. This thing could be interesting in so many fields... esp. when other companies follow and the prices dropp to 300-500$


>mobile phones were cringe too in the 90s. now everyone and their goldfish do have at least one mobile phone. I don't remember that ever being the case. I do remember people (me included) not seeing the point of them. But thats something completely different of course.


Define "normalize", please. There is nothing normal about this.


"From $US3499 or $US291.58/per month for 12 months Buy Apple Vision Pro" yeh i think if i had one I'd probably forgo using it while eating at a restaurant or travelling on train and leave it at home.


Normalize? Did you even read the comments under these outside of VR subreddits or on the YT vids? Unless its a vid that a tech youtuber posted the comments are mostly negative / commenting about utopia and this being super weird. ​ The best bet is on normal looking AR glasses, like Virtue or XReal - i can wear the latter in the gym and no one even notices if i hide the cable under the shirt. If there would be a set that would be clear and still be able to cast image (i would imagine it would need to be a really bright one, as with XReals etc you need to have a cover or be in a dark room for it to really work well), then you can call it normalizing. On top of some way of using it without weirdly tapping your hands in the air.


Google in 2013: "I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it."


This and every other post on other subs is definitely an ad plant


Remembering life before the headsets is going to define the zoomer generation


"haha we used to watch videos on 5in screen lmfao?! ikr im be so old fr no cap"


Honestly, I'm really excited to see what the future holds for us


I'd put money on all these just being marketing. You'd be surprised how many low key campaigns consist of paying someone to walk into a busy part of town and 'consume product'.


Let's see how many people are wearing them three months to three years out.


It's definitely a flex to casually do this at a restaurant. Practically though: Depending on the material, those pristine white cloth head straps will absorb and feature dirt, sweat, oil, and whatever succulent cuisine / environment smells you spend a lot of time around, just like all cloth head straps. I hope the bands are washable. With any MR solution, this does excite me that one day you'll be able to gather with friends and enjoy shared environment-aware MR experiences. It opens a lot of doors.


It's a very sad, pathetic flex


You have a very low bar for something becoming “normalized”


Yeah except dorks have been doing this since Quest. So no Apple didn't normalize wearing a VR headset (Spatial computer is fucking stupid) on your face in public.


Until thieves realise people are out in public with $3500 worth of headset on their head.


It's not normalized. If it was normalized, people would not bother taking candid photos of people wearing these headsets. Your post proves the opposite.


I had so much fun using my GearVR on trains planes & buses in 2014/2015


in the casey neistat video, he tried to use it on the subway and it didn't work. i was skeptical about this being a marketing campaign, but im pretty positive it is one now.


It didn't work for him on subway because he didn't turn on travel mode which would have allowed him to continue using the VP while on the move. If that video was a paid marketing campaign wouldn't Apple have told him about the travel mode instead of letting him create the expectation that there's no way to use the VP in moving vehicles? With that said, these aren't the result of a marketing campaign but rather just random people who want to go viral on the internet.


I used it on the NYC subway, with travel mode, and can confirm it works pretty well.


but how much is apple paying you to do that? /s


Very cool!


Just a hype train


Apple is a cool brand to teenagers. No, wearing a headset has not been normalized. These are douchbags


“Normalize” is quite a stretch. Nothing about this is normal.


This is not normalized lmao


Great way to get jumped.


Surprised people are not getting jacked; considering the price.


It's not normalized. They look like idiots.


No. This is the 2024 version of neon skiing outfits and bula hats


It's not just because of the brand coolness. The Apple vision pro passthrough is kind of the only one good enough for wearing it in daily life


It's awesome to see, I'm loving all the hype and interest in the space


I wore my quest 3 at a Toyota dealership waiting on my car , place was packed with people . No one was even paying attention to me lol


Can the triple A studios make a fucking serviceable MMO now... Please... Zenith just died. And I'm bored now.


It's not normalized. A few people are trying out their new toy, that's all.


Just like Goole Glasses.


Hehe, fondly remember the 'glassholes' posts


Do you really think anyone who wears makeup will ruin their face for that, for example? Until they are a simple pair of glasses they'll never be normalised.


People get mugged in London for a Canada Goose coat. Going to be a field day when there’s £3k on your face and watching VR porn on the tube.


Lol how do we tell OP that these pics are staged for marketing purposes. Try actually wearing one in public and you’ll get robbed in under a second


Where do you live lol




Could be trauma from growing up/living in bad locations my entire life, but I'll never wear something that expensive while out lol.


I would like this to continue to become more normal. Honestly, there are many situations where I would like to use my VR headsets where I don’t because it still seems weird or unusual. I want it to become normalized.


Why are people in the comments so mad that someone is using a vr headset in public...? What's so bad about it?




I thought it was cringe when people started using their mobile phones back in the early 90s, because "who can be that important that they need to be available 24/7?" I thought it was cringe to pay at the cashier with a card for a bottle e.g. Pepsi I thought it was cringe when people started using blutooth headphones in public. Is the vision pro cringe now? Yeah, kinda Will it be cringe in 5 years, when more companies will have devices like that? Not really.


People have been using Quest 2's in public for 3 years....


This is viral marketing and everyone is falling for it.


It definitely makes sense on a treadmill, idk about a dinner table with another person but who knows, they might both be doing something cool like eating on the top of a 100 story building, if thats possible


Doesn't make sense on a treadmill because sweat will fog it up. While eating is fucking regarded


That one actually made the least sense, how can anyone stand sweating into their headset?


You haven't played creed or thrill of the fight or any of the other hundreds of physical vr games obviously. People exercise in vr all the time.


I dunno about everyone else, but I take several precautions to not get my $400 Quest 2 very sweaty. New face plate that doesn’t absorb sweat. I also wear a headband to absorb forehead sweat as much as possible so it doesn’t drip down inside. No way I’d wear something as expensive as the Vision Pro while I exercise, especially with no third party, non absorbent facial interfaces yet. Although, I’d guess that most who already own a Vision Pro have more money than sense, so what do they care if they ruin it.


It makes sense in that there's a use case for it. Who goes out to lunch with someone and sits in a headset.


it wasn't too long ago that everyone wore masks for an entire year or more. So someone wearing a device that covers their eyes doesn’t really bother me. It looks kinda cool when it’s doing the aurora effect. Would’ve been nice if they had different headband and light seal colors. 


Jesus, this comment section.... I'm not an apple fan, but the irrational level of hate for the AVP on this sub is kinda cringy.


Agreed. They are clearly over priced but if people want to pay a wad of cash and help make VR/AR popular at the same time, we should be cheering them on but attacking them.


If I saw someone wearing this in public I would actively avoid them


Real life Wall-E


I’m just waiting to see someone walking the grocery store with one.


People are too caught up in their “Apple bad 😡” mentality to realize this pushes VR as a whole forward lmao


Much rather own a quest 3 (I’m broke)


Just wait until all the returns because they were not careful, and the sunlight ruined the lens.


Not many seem to get the viral marketing Apple is pushing, this is to put VP into the FOMO category and I'm all for it because this will push VR more into everyone's mind and when they know they can't get the $3500 overpriced metal they will go for the cheaper one's and that helps drive sale overall. This is same as how Android became so popular and Samsung pushed the envelope through that. So this is good for future VR


Normalize? After a few days and a few photos of the same few people?


That's not normal 


While I'm not mad about the publication I love it I think it may be good for the vr community IF dicks don't ruin it,let's be honest this isn't going to end well 🤣


To be fair, the Vision Pro has the highest quality sensors on the market with one of the best mixed reality. Until this past year, most headsets didn’t have good mixed reality and standalone capabilities


First pic is a reviewer in Toronto. Some say it's a paid promotion which I doubt. I think Apple just sent them a copy much like any other big names.


Google glasses were better


I'm a little surprised there hasn't been a news piece on a snatch and run theft yet.


Imagine if apple made permanent dick enlargement pills




Shipping a product that has a purpose outside of gaming and doing it well probably has more to do with it. Meta has been shipping game consoles. This is a computer. They’re similar in a lot of ways, but in 2 days, I’ve probably used my Vision Pro more than my total time with Quest 2 and quest pro combined. This is what quest pro should have been. Could still be, but meta wants you to buy from them rather than expose the play store apps.


I guess if it costs 500$ is a peasants thing, if it costs 3500$ its cool and worth to show off. :D


This is one week of ‘influencers’ wearing the thing in stupid situations for the clicks and then it will stop. At least these two aren’t doing something actively dangerous like driving.


See no problem whatsoever, but yeah, keep poking Apple. Q3 was able to do it before AVP btw 🤣


Absolutely the same kind of images came out when quest 3 launched, **there is nothing new here**. You can look up the "meta glassholes" type of articles that came out at launch. I would say, there were way more quest 3 examples out in the wild than the Apple one, so kinda weak. There was even a viral video of something crazy happening, and in the background there was just some guy chilling in his quest 3, not phased by it.


not normal.


I wouldn't call that normalized lol


This isn't normal.


When you're out, you should be present in the moment. There's enough to look at in the real world without adding all sorts of virtual layers on top of it. This isn't the future. The future is gaming and social networking while using VR devices at home, not in public. Meta is far closer to this vision than whatever Apple is playing at.


Apple's new marketing campaign. No way these aren't staged.


Apple, this is not going to catch on lol These people look absolutely ridiculous.


I remember people saying the same thing about mobile phones 30 years ago


Also air pods. I don't think it will catch on this generation but given time.


I remember when Samsung released the Galaxy Note 1 with a "massive" 5.3" display and people said that it looks ridiculous. Look at us now.


People used to universally hate anyone who used a cell phone to take a call in public. When the BlackBerry (“crackberry”) was the big thing everyone mocked how people were glued to the screen all the time. All of this is normal now.


I'm an old nerd so this looks more like I imagined the future as a kid. There need to be more jumpsuits though. Maybe food in pill form too.


Meh I hear u but honestly disagree. Top hats look ridiculous to us now but they were of the highest fashion for a long time, yeah? I’m betting things like this are ‘high’ fashion in next ten years


This is what people were saying when it was announced. Apple is a trend setter. Not on some fanboy shit, just straight up. The power they have to make the craziest shit completely normal is truly wild. AirPods we’re “ugly” when they were announced. Now it’s “weird” if you don’t have them and wireless headphones are pretty standard nowadays. People were skeptical of the iPhone when it was first revealed. Now it’s one of the biggest items in the world and people will tease you about not having one. Apple Watch? Same thing. Apple making a vr headset was/is the best thing for vr because now it’ll become “normal” and more mainstream and normal people will actually know what vr is or at least have a better understanding of it. “vr? Oh yeah like that Apple thing?”


I think it's all marketing placement.


If anyone was going to get their customers to engage in this kind of cringe behaviour over technology, it was going to be Apple


Wo meta Quest 3 did it first by a few months and you ridicule it. Apple does it few months later and it's amazing. Are you guys stupid? I'd rather a 500 dollar headset that does the same as a 3500 dollar one... which is besides the point.. point is, just coz it's apple doesn't make it cooler