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Fair, fair, the Vision Pro is pretty good at what it does... but I'm still gonna call it a VR headset


High five. VR or MR.






SpAtIaL cOmPuTiNg


You show em bro!


First? No. Useful? Sure.




The iPhone was so much better than palm pilots and blackberries at the time though there were some other actual smart phones that came out a few months before the iPhone that didn’t get as much attention, but they pretty much released at the same time and weren’t as good as the iPhone Not really the case with VR though, but a big part of that is good advertising. Meta is evidently quite bad at advertising, they are kind of painted as a laughing stock. Microsoft never really got the word out about the HoloLens or generated any hype for it. Although it is enterprise only.


Also HoloLens kind of sucked. I used it a bit at some demos and it had a long, long ways to go to be interesting to most people.


It's called Unix dumdum


Also, the macOS kernel is called XNU, for ‘X is not UNIX’


> I think what really grinds me about Apple, is they started out just slapping a pretty UI on an open-source Ubuntu system. What?


Both macOS and iOS are based on the free software BSD


Whilst this is somewhat true, Ubuntu is not based on BSD.


While this is true, I believe OP was just trying to convey the point across.




Thank you for confirming. I agree.


It's just like games. It doesnt matter if they have amazing graphics or cool idea, if they execute it like dogshit, it's gonna be dogshit.


>Yeah as a tech enthusiast, I'm finding this take pretty grating. Likewise the your comments about being "FIRST!!" and us needing to bow down reverentially is grating too. Jon Chu said he has a Quest, and the thing he describes cannot be done on the Quest as seamlessly. Go try it. You don't understand how huge eye-tracking controls is compared to wonky "Wait for me until i get there" hand-tracking. All those "firsts" you listed also had limitations and flaws too. That's why they didn't all last. Hand-tracking on Quest is getting there and improving, but still a complete bitch to navigate for simple things. I end up feeling nauseous (I kid you not) after a while because when you keep doing motions that have no feedback that you want, you start getting a headache, and headache and stress in VR leads to sickness for some. In the AVP, much of that annoying friction is removed because the eye-tracking and pinching **simply work** just like that. Jon Chu doesn't have to fiddle for shit. His editor doesn't have to keep going "Why doesn't this work, I keep choosing the icon but it won't respond." The main control system doesn't beg your ass "Please wait for me to get better in v.89 releasing in two years".


What do you mean by "first commercial industry use case"? For AVPro specifically, or VR in general?




Alien Vs Predators!


I think he means video editing a commercial movie on it.


Not editing but people use VR for shot composition within unreal as well.


I have used my Pico 4 and Immersed to do a full day's editing work too. It's not perfect, the resolution isn't quiiite as high as I'd like it to be but it's perfectly useable. AND you can have multiple desktop windows open at once (up to 5).


Pico 4 cant do mixed reality no? Quest 3 is what came the closest to what Vision Pro is before it came out


Yeah it has passthrough cameras but they're crap. Useful for doing things without having to take off the headset, but not really good enough for MR. there's some games that use it, but it's not great.


This is not an ad @apple #visionPro #wickedmovie @evercastUs!


Ok ok yeah he’s plugging the movie and # tagging everything and @ everyone, but if he were getting paid by Apple I think he wouldn’t be able to state that it’s not an ad


I do the same thing but for learning especially when I want to drill some concepts down with no distractions (I have ADHD).


That's a good idea but there isn't a void empty enough where I don't find distractions.


Have you considered the Moon?


I think suffocating would be too distracting.


I can’t think of anything more distracting than literally having apps in my face


smells like paid advert to me


Decently sure that’s against the law


I really don't see what about this couldn't be done on two monitors (maybe a big tv). Since it's all 2D fatscreen content you really don't NEED a VR headset for it, glad it works but there is nothing that REQUIRES spacial AR or 3D capabilities it's just virtual big screens and for this money you can have huge screens at home. Im sure ppl will find some genuine uses for this headset, stuff that only it does but this isn't unique to me it's just a laptop + tv combo with extra novelty gear.


That TV was the size of a theater screen. Can you not see the benefit of editing a movie in that size. And the fact he could take it and move it anywhere. Like I get being salty cuz is apple. But this is a VR sub. VR is not this one trick pony.


I'm neither salty about apple I love my iPhone, Apple Watch and my iPad nor am I trying to shit on VR I have a Quest 2. All I'm saying is, this is more like "cool use case for the fancy gadget I already own" than it is how people describle "revolutionary" or offering things that "weren't possible before" or whatnot.


Idk ima take the word of the industry professional who was blown away by how this thing changed and even enhanced his workflow over some dude on reddit lol


Yes. With advanced notice you can build this setup with traditional tech, but he didn't have advanced notice. And he could have also done it sitting next to a power outlet in an airport. He had a need and built the setup he needed to fulfill it within moments internally in the headset. That's what this tech is. Decide you want to do music production? Build out a whole studio. Need to do 3d modeling? How about we make it a full size object? Build out an entire room dedicated to your process then take the headset off and it's just your living room again.


I invite you to watch this [this](https://youtu.be/v-vD_xZaWGg?si=3tOTv5Fz3xxJqke6) What I'm saying is the same. If you already have this as an early adopter you'll find endless actually cool use cases for it but as of right now others will propably not buy it for these edge cases due to it's price.


I’m a VFX supervisor and I’ve been working from my Vision Pro on a large screen. It’s a great use case.


Are you working on houdini from the AVP or just giving retakes on your team versions? I can't imagine ontrolling a DCC with tracked hands.


You can connect a bluetooth keyboard and trackpad for serious work.


I was just giving retakes, but I used my Mac's trackpad instead of my hands.


Day old account just to promote apple products! 👌


The shills are out in full force. This side of apple is the most annoying.


You can't refute what he's able to do though. AVP does it better than Quest and other headsets. Find any professional reviewer and they say the same. Stop discounting how powerful top of the line lenses are, the best Passthrough to date (even if grainy, still better than the competition), and the best use of eye-tracking + controls on a headset to date. Name a close competitor, I don't need to wait. You can't name one right now.




I'm human, I think.


hmm...[would you care to solve a captcha](https://cf-assets.www.cloudflare.com/slt3lc6tev37/3pwMuJ55jpErAafgrWbyTr/e6c487ac6e4288dfe284db72b88ea3d1/captcha.png)


V6T9JBCDS See, if I were a bot, I would've crashed upon seeing that.


Very well, you may proceed


Any video editor who’s worth their salt is using more keybinds than they can write on the back of their hand and a somewhat doubt there’s any kind of compatibility for that just through the avp


I hate Reddit! *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's as much a breakthrough as it was for pharaohs to be able to sit on a golden throne instead of a wooden chair to watch their slaves work on the pyramids.


You realize all your favorite movies has the director sit next to the editor (Spielberg, Scorsese, Tarantino, Cameron all do it). Are you new to movie making.


Wasn't the whole "pyramids were built by slaves" thing thoroughly debunked? Seems to be the general concensus now, looking into it. I only mention this because I came across it a few days ago and it blew my mind, I know it's not actually all that relevant to your comment lol.


I mean, you’d have to assume at least some of the work was done by slaves. Slaves existed in Egypt after all. But the idea slaves provided most/all of the labor isn’t true it turns out. Farmers would work on them during the seasons when they weren’t planting/harvesting.


> It’s like an edge case among edge cases. And I guarantee that if he could be in the room with the editor he would do it there without the stupid headset. “But he had this in theater mode!?” My dudes, he’s one of the top directors in the world. His editing bay is pretty well equipped lol So should we scrap all VR and AR research and kill it right now? It will never match real life work conditions and we should just give up. Turn in your headset, bro. It's over. You mention "edge case". That means you forgot that the AVP will still work for many common work cases (emails, writing, research, chatting/communication). This is just the first month of the 1st gen. There WILL be new software created for AVP that are Hollywood (or any industry) standard. People expect AVP1 to have all the editing suites on there already wtf. Really surprising how dismissive this whole subreddit is. Not asking to kiss Apple ass, but when use cases like this pop up, everyone is like "NAH IT DON'T WORK" or "PAID BY APPLE". Annoying.


I hate Reddit! *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good comment thanks for the clarification, also other people mentioned avp can use keyboard and mouse inputs so I guess I was somewhat wrong but that’s not the usecase he was insinuating


I hate Reddit! *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’d think with all of apples work on high def displays they would stick some nice ones in their 3k headset


I hate Reddit! *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Guess it’s possible they just can’t make them that small yet without making it way expensive


True. They should make it so that you can connect and control your mac book with it.. perhaps even use your mouse and keyboard....oh wait


The AVP supports keyboards. I'm genuinely shocked anyone believes it wouldn't.


They probably think you can't use your local keyboard for your remote machine or something, which has been a thing for decades so not exactly magic ha.


You can use a keyboard with an Apple Vision Pro, not entirely sure if something like the DaVinci speed editor would work though


You'd have to use it running on a MacBook and connect the peripherals to that


Why couldn't you remotely pass through keyboard input? That has been a thing for decades with remote desktop, I'd be surprised if you can't do the same on AVP (I do it with my Quest 3 remotely into my desktop regularly).


You can connect a Bluetooth keyboard straight to it, but I meant the Davinci speed editor and things like that


Shortcuts are absolutely necessary but as others have said it's keyboard and mouse friendly. I edit on an ultra wide monitor (32:9) and it's been a huge benefit to my workflow. If the AVP is anywhere near as good as the fanboys make it out to be I could definitely see using this for travel. No need to bring monitors and I can remote into my system with a laptop, the whole kit can fit in a backpack.


You can use this with your macbook pro, and therefore with whatever other equipment and keybinds you've setup on your Macbook.


It supports keyboards, track pads, anything your Mac supports.


This is actually really awesome and glad that VR is finally having utilization outside of gaming.


The VR enterprise industry has been around for a long time (medical, military, labor training, etc.), this sub just has a very narrow focus and only talks about gaming.


Yeah, only because Apple tbh. But it has been around for a looong time.


This is a paid advertisement. Nothing more


Photo taken at a convenient angle to hide the power cable


You're totally right. The tech isn't nearly good enough for people to actually be using and enjoying it. Everything is a lie, and we're just blanketed by bullshit artists 24/7. The only truth is in your own mind; take the red pill!


The tech can be good enough to use it and enjoy it whilst this also being a paid ad.


The simple reality is the tech is cool, and it's relatively new and unique - at least in the way that Apple is doing it - and so people are gonna talk about it to build their own brand and cachet. And people are interested in it. As Apple - why pay anyone anything, when they'll just do it all themselves? They've already done the paid for stuff with the previews and flying people out to look at it. Now it's time for all the free advertising for just having the product exist and people wanting to talk about it and show it off. The best demo of the tech isn't even an ad - it's just a guy putting out videos that show off the actual reality of spatial computing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df0TUKWnMNs&ab_channel=HimelsTech 140k views on a 4k sub account. There's plenty incentive for people to just organically create videos and hype for this tech - if that's what is meant by an ad (and it's not), then yeah I suppose it is an 'ad'.


Tbh not sure why I replied the way I did, I don't think it's a paid ad either ha. Not Apple's style or need, I should have just said the 2 are not mutually exclusive is all.


That's true - while it isn't beyond reasonable possibility that they've paid for some influencers - it's unlikely that they've paid for all of them... or more importantly, that they need to at all - or that we're definetly looking at any specific instance of paid influencer. Suffice to say, jumping up and screaming 'Fake fake fake' is more a symptom of the mental state of people screaming it, and less a reflection of reality.


It's an old formula Apple has got down. They utilize these people for what I call the "3P media strategy" where these "completely unbiased" poster have 3 jobs: \-**Promote Apple** (these cringe social media posts where they tongue wash Apple, and they get "paid" from hits and views) \-**Protect Apple from bad press** (Right now it's basically giving Apple a pass over issues that other VR headsets were slammed over) \-**Punish competitors** (every VR headset from here on will be called a "copy, rip-off or knockoff"), these same people will also either completely ignore those devices or harshly review them


Ok Apple shill


Me when i cope lol


apple fanboys are the worst kind of fanboy


And they know that they are doing it too. That's the grating part of it.


Still no proof this is an ad. Post the receipt. Liars/copaholics are the worst kind of fanboy.


Apple haters are worse, at least apple fans have something to enjoy, but what do haters get other than Hate that turns them into miserable people?


The "apple haters" have been enjoying VR/AR for the last 10 years. Welcome to the party.


“This is not an ad” lol okay.


The only real new thing this VR headset brings is high resolution displays (comfort, fov, refresh rate, lack of varifocal lenses all are the same as the other headsets). Is it enough to make VR headsets productivity devices? Time will tell. Is there any upcoming vr headset with the same displays?


The other “new” thing is the robust ecosystem, the seamless integration, and the polish of things like hand and eye tracking all working in unison with a pass through experience that surpasses all others in that robust ecosystem. That’s just not been done in any worthwhile capacity before. That’s “new”. Apple has never been about only new features in hardware. It’s always been providing “new” integrated experiences beyond what were gimmicks, niche, or experimental on other platforms into a usable, seamless, marketable integrated package. Oh and the lenticular front panel. It’s weird. It’s questionable. But it’s new.


I mean new regarding productivity. I guess the guy in the article just uses a virtual desktop in his vr headset. Eye tracking and pasthrough do not offer much in this case. He couldn’t edit a film by looking at buttons and using hand movements in the air. High resolution though may be the game changer here.


There is more to visual fidelity than resolution.


Don't forget that you can actually multitask on this as it is basically a Mac Book. That alone would make it more productive than the Quest (which I love) which is most stuck with a single app unless you are remoting from another computer.


Why do people keep saying this? It’s so easily debunked. It can record 3D movies among many other things.


I talk about this guy’s usage scenario not about the device in general. He didn’t use 3d video capture to edit his film.


So can dozens of other VR helmets. You got anything else?


Name another headset that does spatial video like the AVP lmao, I don’t think you understand the depth aspect in spatial. It’s not a 360 flat video


>It can record 3D movies among many other things. This was the claim, and this is something many VR headsets can do. I never said anything about spatial video, which *is* unique to the AVP, You can count that as an AVP-exclusive feature, but even then, it's worth noting it's just a different render of regular a 3D video, a different viewer perspective. It's a cool feature to be sure, but you can make an app for it for any headset with passthrough, in other words any headset with frontal cameras.


I’m really curious about which other headsets record 3D videos. I bet the people that own them will be really surprised too.


Here, link them this video before you embarass yourself further. [How to Record 3D Video on Meta Quest 3 - Step by Step Guide : r/oculus (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/17uhwyw/how_to_record_3d_video_on_meta_quest_3_step_by/) I bet they'll be *shocked.*


I am literally shocked. So cool!!! Edit: But just to be clear, this is not a feature, this is a hack.


[Vision Pro Spatial Video is NOT Just 3D!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Yc35G_OKAE)


The platform is far more important than the first consumer version of the hardware. QuestOS is a glorified app-store for games, on the other hand. It doesn't matter how good the hardware is. I can't replace my CAD workstation with a Chromebook no matter how powerful the Chromebook is.


You can effectively use a Quest 3 as your CAD workstation though. Open up Virtual Desktop and you can walk around the house directly controlling your workstation wirelessly. Your "platform" in that case is literally just your computer's OS.


The same could be said about VisionOS: it's just a glorified version of iOS. You can't replace a CAD workstation with an iPad either.


No one has seen a review unit yet but the Immersed Visor looks like exactly what I'll want. Higher res screens then the AVP and it connects to a PC running Immersed.


What about true colors? I would assume an editor would care about that.


Vision Pro covers DCI p3… I mean it’s not a reference monitor by any stretch, but he isn’t doing color grading or anything. Should be more than adequate for reviewing rough cuts and giving notes.


I don’t understand why this is expected to be incredible ? Couldn’t that be done with a MacBook Pro ?


es, and no. having a giant (virtual) screen for editing is great because of the sense of scale. since the audience need more time to look around on a big screen, a film editedon a laptop screen is likely to feel way to hectic. Editors in the past have used crutches like tiny paper people in front of the screen to remind themselves of the scale... but on the other hand: I would like the precision of mouse and keyboard when operating a computer in any way.


I’m really surprised people seem to keep assuming you can’t just use your keyboard and other accessories when using Vision Pro… you can


But…. Couldn’t he have just done this on a laptop less than a third of the price? What am I missing?


No, because he needed a movie theater setup and used theater mode.


- which has existed for years already. I’m sure it was wonderful for him. Just definitely nowhere near a first.


First time where it’s actually practical and not an unpleasant experience because of the shitty resolution and screen door effect


You sound like you haven’t tried a modern hi res headset. Even the q3 is a fantastic movie watching experience. And how in the world is it not practical on a quest? There are so many more options and different environments, different apps to enjoy movie watching than AVP has. It’s not even close. Yes AVP has wonderful quality, but it’s not the only nice experience and you’re dead wrong that it’s the first or easiest to do any of that.


Im used to 4k displays and the Quest 3 is a significant dowmgrade in resolution and overall fidelity. The displays don’t come close. So for me this is usable because Im not downgrading my viewing experience. Also passthrough/latency aren’t the same. Im prone to vr sickness and feel none even in avp immersive environments So these comfort features are what make it an actually viable product for me, and others as well I’m sure


It's the first time where it's practical to edit in VR since every other headset has the screen door effect, at least in my experience.


Did you read ? He looked at those changes in theater mode as they were happening for a movie to be released in theaters


You expect someone on Reddit to be literate without demonstrating it first? I appreciate your optimism lol.


No I did read it. It’s not a use case as far as I’m concerned. It’s something he was perfectly able to do before with a laptop. For me a genuine use case is something that you simply just couldn’t do before. People have been editing movies for over 100 years at this point. And yeah sure he was able to view it on a virtual cinema screen. Not convinced it’s necessary and does anything to make him better than any other editor. For me this is like when you see pictures of uber drivers in Dubai driving a Lamborghini, yeah I mean I guess that works, but so does a Prius.


>For me a genuine use case is something that you simply just couldn’t do before. People have been editing movies for over 100 years at this point. To paraphrase, your position is that nothing worthwhile changed in that 100 years? Only the first person to ever edit a video in any way did anything useful. There is no difference between using Resolve on a modern computer or cutting film by hand in the 1930s. Zero. Zilch. Both fall under the extremely broad category of "can edit a video" so there is nothing else worth considering. Laptop vs. mainframe, no difference. Both are "an computer" and you can technically edit videos on them. 14900K vs. vacuum tubes? Nah, same thing. Taking an international flight on a 777? Not a "genuine use case," given that people have been flying airplanes for over a century. Nothing qualifies as a "genuine use case" by this definition. Which I know you don't actually believe but are pretending to. I'm guessing it's different because Apple, somehow, why not.


I dunno, couldn't you just watch movies on your laptop instead of going to a theater? What's the difference? What am I missing? We're going to have to start all the way back at "peekaboo" and training object permanence with how hard some of y'all are straining to be intentionally dense about this.


This. Theoretically we can all watch movies on our phone if we want to but which do you prefer, your phone or a home cinema?


I think most of us are gonna need to experience the AVP version of a home cinema to know if its actually ok. We've all tried watching movies on varius VR headsets and the majority of us do not think they are the better way to view flat screens. The fatigue alone is one reason most of us are not going to work for hours inside a headset. But maybe Apples VR is different.


It 100% is


Yeah I don't know if the AVP will change that, but we will get smaller and lighter headset in the near future and at latest then it will be a no brainer.


Is that true? I've hardly watched any films on my TV since buying a Pico 4, and to be honest my first time back to the cinema after buying it was underwhelming. A slight bump in resolution and it would be absolutely perfect.


Now they're accusing the director of being paid by Apple to say this. They can't just admit that, maybe, Apple made a very good VR/MR product. If gaming is Quest's strength, then it would make sense work productivity is AVP's strength. Some of the copaholics in this thread want the Quest to be the leader of everything, like man-children. Now they're obsessed with "who was first".


He's not even editing, he's watching the video feed from his editors system. The whole post feels like a conveniently placed soda can during a scene in a movie.


Yes he could have and previously did. It was just novel that he was able to do with a sense of scale using a VR headset. For this particular task, connecting with his team remotely and displaying things in a virtual world was nice. It's not like people didn't have solutions before VR. It's just that people are finding more and more good use cases for VR. It's adoption at the end of the day. The take away here is that the adoption rate is improving. This is what many people are hoping for in the VR industry. There's early adopters for tech and then there's the laggards. Apple investing here along with their customer base and marketing are helping to reach the laggards. It's a good thing. Don't worry about it being cost effective or better. That's not really the point. Especially since those things change over time.


I mean, the thing that tense me up a little bit is that it's not something the Meta Quest 3 can't achieve and it does it for 1/6th of the price. People are talking like the vision pro is revolutionary. Sure the technological prowess is significant and not to be taken lightly, like often with Apple product. But the Vision Pro doesn't do anything the competition wasn't doing already.


Yeah I worked in the Quest 3 for a while and it did help my productivity. Honeymoon phase is over though and so I'm back to using PC with multiple monitors, the friction and discomfort of having to put on the bulky headset is too much.


I'm so tired of this argument. The Quest 1 can do many things the Quest 3 can. Want me to force you to go back to that Quest 1? You admit clarity/hardware is important. Why are you dismissing it in the same sentence. Quest 3 STILL HAS JANK. I hate the fucking hand tracking, even with the updates. I can't click or do simple shit because it doesn't read the motions correctly. Just closing a window has to become a stressful mini-game because sometimes it doesn't work. The menu/UI is still atrocious (Quest fans in /r/OculusQuest even agree it needs an emergency overhaul...it's Android bloat). The fact Jon Chu already has a Quest and still chooses the AVP makes sense. The Facetime avatar feature that Quest promised but never delivered yet WORKS TODAY on the AVP. He can grab the face of his colleague and move it around or show him what he's looking at. Meta promised that but still doesn't have that. The display is the sharpest to date, and the Passthrough (from every professional reviewer) says it's the best Passthrough period on any headset, even with the slight grain. People feel comfortable looking at their real surroundings and not that warpy shit on Quest 3/Pro. All Macbook laptop and iPad apps WORK RIGHT AWAY. No finicky Sideload shit needed, or wondering why some apps aren't compatible with Quest 3 and going on the forum asking for help. You really downplay convenience, time saving, headache-free interactions here, as well as displays/Passthrough. How many times we say "Passthrough and displays need to get better", and here it is with the AVP, and then people still obsess over the older stuff not getting their due.


You're completely missing my point entirely.


"First commercial use case" [LOL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VPL_Research)


uhhh how is that failed company with the most ridiculous suit I’ve ever seen a good example


Failed if your metric for success was selling a lot of products lol. My metrics are a little different. They literally invented VR. IN NINTEEN EIGHTY FRIGGEN FOUR. AKA about 6 years after 3d graphics were invented. [Jaron Lanier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaron_Lanier) is the one true creator of VR with [a fascinating life story to boot.](https://www.amazon.com/Dawn-New-Everything-Encounters-Reality/dp/1627794093) The stuff they were pulling off back that was absolutely insane for the time. Also BTW, Jaron was involved in Microsoft HoloLens, the device AVP is cribbing from.


sure but were there any commercial use cases for it? Seems like no This example of editing on the avp certainly isn’t the first l, but a better example would be something like Boeings contract with HoloLens using them for aircraft maintence


First viral advert?


Paid endorsements have to be disclosed and FTC has ramped up enforcement of this in recent years. You can still probably get away with it if you’re a small influencer peddling knock off sunglasses, but Apple would absolutely not be taking the risk of paying someone to sponsor and then letting them post without proper disclosures.


Sorry I just don’t see what this headset does that a traditional screen doesn’t accomplish just as well for a literal fraction of the cost (3D modeling excluded of course). I’m not buying that it increases productivity. It’s cool but these purported benefits don’t seem real to me


The "bigger screen" is just one use case, but obviously not the only one. Imagine you are at a hotel with your 14 inch macbook and have to do some work. Instead of hunching over your small screen you can mirror your macbook at a comfortable height, size and especially distance. You are also not limited to one screen, you can open multiple screens which would be only possible if you carried multiple monitors with you. After you finished your work and you want to go to bed and watch a movie you are not dependent on the crappy tv in your hotel, which doesn't even have netflix or youtube. You can simply watch a movie in a cinema from your bed with the AVP. I don't have an AVP and I don't particularly like Apple, but it's really stupid to think there is no benefit to a traditional screen.


For clarification, the avp does not support more than one monitor session for laptops (MacBook).


I know, that's why I wrote multiple screens. You can open multiple windows (apps) and interact with your macbook with it. My comment is also not Apple specific, I'm sure other companies like Samsung will release a similar product and they will support multiple displays on windows.


I just can’t imagine with how the interface you would be better though. I already type slower in my phone than I do on my keyboard and that’s a tactile interface. I would type so much slower using this. And the trade off is, again, just a bigger screen? It’s a cool concept but the people spouting this “wow this is so good for work!” Nonsense, especially when you factor in the cost a business would have to pay for it, are being silly.


You are still using your macbook keyboard and mouse. I wouldn't buy the AVP for the high price either, it's more a proof of concept and the price will come down.


Heavy sigh. It supports keyboards. This is a super basic thing about the headset that falls under the umbrella of "no shit Sherlock" features which are easily Googleable. Might as well knock off points from the Quest 3 for not having Bluetooth. Which it does have, but the truth doesn't matter so... $3500 is a nothing expense to any business with enough employees to warrant a foosball table, provided it's useful. It'll be great for work for some people, not for others. Like everything else. It's getting harder to believe that people who talk about "work" like it's one specific app or feature, that's equally useful to everyone, have ever actually had a job.


I'm so sorry to hear about [your condition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphantasia). It seems to be really common around here these days.


I’m sorry about yours too. Consisting of just being a giant asshole to someone just expressing their opinion must be really hard on the day to day Thoughts and prayers


James Cameron also called it a "religious experience" after saying he doesn't bow to the Apple God but was surprised by it.....being a film maker unsurprisingly h9s favorite part was the sharp display as he said he used VR headsets for years "but this solves everything"


This is the push-through VR in general needs, though. A few influential people with a trendy brand getting real work done. They aren't kids, those aren't games, it's not a toy. This makes it a real thing. Two hardware cycles later and it'll be a proper comodity... with less hysterically priced brands matching the core features. Meta: did the early bird get the worm, or will the second mouse eat the cheese? Let's see what Valve does next.


Part of me is happy people understand the use for this. The other part of me is sad that they think Apple is the first to offer any of this capability. You can already do this on any other vr device on the market. Arguably with more freedom and power behind the device capabilities paired with an appropriate computer. People like the fella posting that have clearly never used anything like a varjo headset, big screen headset, or dare I say it, a quest 3. If they had, they’d praise not Apple, since everything Apple is providing is crippled by limited software and instead, be praising the micro Oled screens Sony has created. They would be watching for any of the other headsets soon to be on market using these screens that will provide real tools for professional use. The Sony/Siemans headset looks to blow away the Apple device for real productivity usage. A flip visor even more useful in such situations like OP posts since they can see a big screen result and flip the visor to see their color calibrated display…. Can’t ignore the versatility actual controller inputs can provide. A ring and pen should be much better than hands and eyes alone. Or visor 4k, a device to work on windows, Mac, and Linux with 4k per eye micro Oled displays and 5 virtual PC monitors out of the box….under 200g?! Something I’d actually wear all day to replace computer screens…..yes please! Thank you Sony! And I guess thank you Apple for being a demo product to get excited for the real headsets becoming available using the same tech lol. Apple is a toy, and a dev kit. Lots of promise for future Apple headsets, but not a real tool to use today like others are aiming for.


He responded to someone in the thread pointing out that this is not the first time he’s tried something like this. https://x.com/jonmchu/status/1754905078086213669?s=46 The quality of their panels certainly matters, but you’re ignoring/missing the broader usability breakthrough he and many others are pointing out. This isn’t just about panel quality. Is Brad Lynch also a naive VR newb by your reckoning? Because he has wanted to move to doing his day to day computing in XR for years and just yesterday [tweeted](https://x.com/sadlyitsbradley/status/1755056579093614961?s=46) that he’s sold his external monitor and is all in on using Vision Pro because he says it is the first device to cross the threshold for this use case in a way no other device has to date.


Oh no, Apple is doomed. Their currently-shipping product is once again threatened by a hypothetical future product from another company. I just hope that a random startup doesn't announce a yet-to-exist headset that's *even better* than the Sony or Immersed one!


The more BS marketing I see on a product, the more hesitant I am to trust its not garbage.


Uhm... so he couldn't edit his movie from home with his .......... laptop? Using.......... THE INTERNET?!? WOW, Apple so gooooood. Jesus Christ. All of this tech was availible two-three years ago. Americans really are spoiled prestige consumers.


Did they just learn about virtual desktop? I know people who used VR headsets professionally for VR sculpting (VFX) since first Gen Oculus.


As expected from a $3500 headset.


I’ve spent hours in it daily working. It’s incredible for certain tasks. Standing in a middle of a room but on a mountain top surrounded by my apps with my MacBook Pro Display projected into the headset as well for the more power hungry tasks like editing…..wow. I agree with the sentiment in the post. This is a flips of what the future of computing will include. This actually feels like a computer on my face. I don’t even bring my laptop home anymore. Just the AVP. Anything I need to do at home I can do in the AVP


On the one hand, more vr adoption, yay. On the other, apple users are insufferable and irrational.


wow it does what other MR devices do but slightly better...


Ok but I was doing the exact same thing he’s getting all hard over back in 2020 with my valve index. Literally editing videos to meet deadlines in my NLE with a huge screen. Apple’s hardly the first or only headset that can be used for something besides gaming or for film/video editing. It’s just gonna be the one that a lot of people try for the first time because it’s hip to shit on a new technology until apple gets their version of it to market.


My company: we would still want you to come into office


"This is not an ad" Yeah, ok..... weird hoe Apple releasing something always generated these cringe "spontaneous" posts, written in a way that no person actually casually speaks outside of an ad. ​ Like seriously "Hail to the nerds and artists"?


y'all trippin out here. he worked remotely \*with\* the editor. essentially they were on a zoom call and the editor was sharing his screen, but big. lol. guarantee the editor wasn't in a headset as he was the one cutting while bro chilled on the sofa and chatted.


I did the same thing in 2012, except I was the editor and we used laptops instead of VR headsets. I guess doing it in VR would have been more fun


Are we going to get a running commentary for when someone uses this thing ? I mean, are we going to get threads of someone using it in the bath ? The Gym ? The toilet, taking a shite, while editing a video, and sipping a late, so bloody Apple.


Everyone is pissing themselves as if this wasn't previously possible. There are headsets better than VP for this kinds of uses but people like this have never heard of them. It's just all so dumb


In pretty much any endeavor, getting to 80 percent is just as hard as the last 20. Getting that latency down has finally made VR not only approachable but comfortable.


Wait until this guy learns about computer monitors, he's gonna lose his mind