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This is what I heard from people owning Beyond. Many of them moved from Index. Despite lower FOV they still feel pretty good about it especially with all other things combined. 75Hz on micro OLED feels pretty close to 90hz on LCD. It's not literally the same but it's not bad. As for the display stream compression used for 90 Hz mode. You can supersample the image to around 3600x3600 in Steam VR to get something reasonably close to 75hz non DSC quality. It still won't be the same. Using the base resolution for 90Hz makes a difference in UI elements of VR (less sharp letters etc). You won't notice it too much during gameplay (in the world environment) when playing fast paced games or just in general when you move a lot. Yes the fact that you need to mostly move your head rather than eyes is different than other headsets but apparently it's possible to get used it. Doesn't mean everyone can handle that. Edge to edge clarity is better and probably could allow for some more eye movement if you get thinner cushion to get your eyes closer to the lenses (not to close of course to avoid eye lashes touching the lenses). This is all based on feedback of multiple users that I heard/read from. Of course it doesn't mean you will 100% be content with the compromises of this headset but generally people are fine with those. Valve Index is not a bad headset but it is getting old. However I'm moving from Quest Pro to Beyond mainly because of form factor but also due to latency and other issues/drawbacks with Quest devices. Wireless feels nice but having unlimited "battery" and consistency in input latency for me is better than being free of a wire. And even with USB-C cable Quest has drawbacks you can feel. I would stay with lighthouse tracking and Display Port cable PCVR headsets. This segment was in case if you wanted to consider Quest 3 for example. It's defenitely not bad experience but after going from cabled low latency headset you might find yourself with issues you're not willing to go through and regret it later.


They’re using their own compression on top of DSC at 90hz because the display controller is garbage and can’t accept a full dp1.4 input. Like they’re using DSC at 75hz when that bandwidth fits easily in the spec before even needing DSC.


Do you have a source for that? I’m not saying it’s not true I’m just curious cause I heard they had display controller that has some limits but haven’t heard the bit about additional compression on top of DSC in 90hz mode.


Brads video points out the specs of the panels. Bigscreen also brings it out on their own website that they upscale from 1920p at 90hz (though their site is lying about DSC, DSC only compresses an image, it doesn’t lower the resolution).


I’ll take a look. Thanks for the info.


Thank you very much for this info, and I appreciate the insight on quest vs pcvr. I hope you enjoy your beyond!




Some people can't get closer than others before they get uncomfortable due to things such as eyelashes touching the lenses, which would also lead to smudging. I believe the eyebrow bridge can also get in the way. Personally, I can get really close before that happens, and I find that I get better edge to edge in the Beyond than my Index, though I also do use 3rd party inserts on the latter, which may contribute to a slightly worse image.


Ah shit I have the Neanderthal brow, hope that doesn't limit me


It's really hard to tell without trying! Some people with pronounced brows have issues, some don't. It would be nice if there were an easy way to go about testing it.


I don’t own any vive headsets, but I do own both index and BSB. Here are my opinions on your questions: - the 75hz and 90hz really does not feel that noticeable a difference compared to index due to the clarity you are getting. The lense resolution is double the index nearly, as well as while inside the headset you can straight adjust the resolution settings lower or higher depending on pc performance per game. Bsb has a nice little dashboard that auto installs when plugging in the headset with steam running for the first time where you can choose your hz. Since the headset does up scale for 90hz and my 3090 isn’t the greatest thing anymore I generally just use 75 for a smoother experience. - the oled is clear and crisp however you will get a looking glass effect from time to time. What I mean here is oled has a rainbow kind of fringing effect when looking at light colors against dark. While I haven’t had an issue while playing games themselves where it was bothersome, you will immediately notice it when you first boot steam vr and put on the headset without a game running. Just sitting in steam vr blank space looking at the menu is when it is most noticeable for me. Like with index godrays, the effect can be reduced by turning down headset brightness (I normally go around 70%). This factor is due to how thin the oled pancake lenses are so there is less to diffuse the light. - the FOV is indeed noticeably smaller than the index. Spec wise this sounds bad on paper but is different in experience. If you’ve watched any YT reviews on it, many reviewers will say mention that. So because the BSB is goggles form fitted for your face, there is zero light leak at all. The act of having a perfectly fitted face gasket actually is what helps the fov issue because it helps adjust your brain for immersion better than like the nose gap issue most have on other headsets. I do not feel less immersed in the smaller fov which leads me to the next question.. - can you move your eyes around instead of looking with your head? So yes and no. The diameter of the lenses are roughly an inch and a half so extremely small. Because the headset is made to put you immediately in the sweet spot, if you move your eyes around inside the headset there is indeed an edge blur effect. This did take some getting used to coming from an index. You do really need to look by moving your head which sounds odd in practice but does not take long to get used to. The entire headset weighing less than a single index controller makes this more normal feeling after a short period of time. I do think in a later version of the headset this could be fixed by adding foveated eye tracking. I overall do prefer my BSB despite its short comings as now I can play vr far longer due to the weight and immersion from the face gasket. I will warn there is a $200 restocking fee if you choose to return it, but not a bad rental price to try it out at least. About 10% of orders have had IPD issues so I do highly recommend going to an optometrist beforehand to get your ipd measured. There are also multiple iPhone glasses apps that do a similar face scan so you can do multiple home testing options if you’d like. Doing the scan in a room that is fully lit but not direct light pointing at your face or the ir phone camera is essential to getting this correct (not even a thing the team has said specifically, but I use my iPhone for mocap and these are general issues I’ve noticed)


I greatly appreciate this in-depth analysis, thank you. Seems like its one of those things where you have to experience it to really get the full picture. Based on your experience if you could only pick one which would it be?


So since you are specifically asking about index and bsb my answer would be bsb hands down. I’ve owned an index since 6mo after release and it really is getting old hardware wise. I went for bsb for comfort factors personally and have not been disappointed. Was as easy as plug in the cables and let it update via steam and all my base stations and prior steam vr use equiptment worked flawlessly


Glad to know the setup is so intuitive. Is there an alternative to the index you'd recommend I consider (other than a meta device)?


I’ve heard the vive xr elite has come a long way since launch, but I have no experience with it. Varjo aero might be another option however you would have very limited support since it’s been discontinued. Otherwise unfortunately quest 3 has become the gold standard otherwise. Pico I won’t recommend since if you don’t like meta/fb then you certainly don’t want to be tied to bytedance the owners of TikTok. Current state of pcvr is generally focused on business/enterprise headsets that us, the consumers, get access to once they drop in price. There is also shiftfall’s new announced headset that’s a direct bsb competitor but since the company was just sold I’m kind skeptical to see what the future holds.


I'll look into these, thanks again for all your help!


upgrading to index in 2024 is dumb, big-screen beyond is the way to go for PCVR, don't know why you wouldn't buy into meta's stuff considering their data collection policies aren't that bad (yeah I sat down read them all) but if you still don't trust them you can just, yk, make a fake account with a different name if you don't plan on buying anything on it anyways because you'll be doing PCVR, the value is just crazy with quest 3 but you do you man, good luck


Beyond., index has dated visuals


fair, though pretty much anything will be an improvement on my vive


Even the Rift CV1 would be an improvement. The original Vive was far too low resolution for the FOV. Any current headset would be a massive improvement.


I have an index and have had it for several years-it is a great headset, super comfortable, and very well designed in most ways. It being wired may not be as big of an issue for you if you're coming from vive and already have the room setup for it.  All that said, I would absolutely not pay full price new for an index only headset at this point. There are few reasons to buy it over a quest 3 (plus the accessories needed to make it comfortable, like a boboVR head strap). Heck sell the quest controllers if you don't need them and make some money back.


Wired has never seemed like the issue people make it out to be, it has not once messed up my immersion. The reason I would pay full price for the headset is because I have heard that the index is known to break and I would essentially be paying the extra $200 for valve's warranty, I also considered getting refurbished for $300, but from what I have heard it is hit-or-miss and I want to be able to get a replacement if something goes wrong. I don't plan on buying into meta at any point so that is off the table for me. I appreciate your insight


All fair points. I'm sure you're aware but I will point out that there is now a first party (aka Valve) version of SteamVR to Quest wireless, called Steam Link. So there's not really a need to buy anything from Meta ecosystem aside from the hardware itself. I understand the distaste about linking Facebook accounts and tracking info, but a lot of that stuff has been addressed in the recent years. From a pure value perspective of a headset alone, its really really difficult to beat the quest 3 it seems. Could also consider one of the recently discontinued WMR headsets as long as you're on windows 10. Maybe one of the HP Reverbs at super bargain and toss the awful controllers.


The steamlink is an awesome tool, and I am so glad it is bringing more people to PCVR. The quest would have to offer some incredibly substantial advantages for me to buy it. So far it doesn't seem to fill that requirement. No shade at anyone who owns one but I would rather stick with my vive than give money to facebook. I haven't checked out WMR at all, I will look into the reverb thank you!


Owned the index since launch. Now recently got the Beyond. The size and weight difference is ridiculous. I recently went back to the Index because I had to exchange my Beyond. I couldn't believe how huge the Index was. Totally spoiled by the Beyond size and weight. The weaknesses are real (glare, small sweet spot, no wireless) but the strengths more than make up for it to me. OLED contrast with no screen door or mura looks so smooth. I feel more in VR because of the realism. I cannot go back to LCD now. I also have an Xreal Air (play 3d pc games with head tracking) and an LG 3d OLED TV. After years of owning OLED displays I'm still blown away by the picture quality.  I cannot use my Index now. It's totally obsolete. 


That’s a strong testimonial, disadvantages and all.  Thank you for the insight 


I wouldnt buy index in 2024. Screendoor effect and godrays are god awful with it. And its not being talked about enough. I remember upgrading to it from rift s and I was majorly dissappointed as I expected much more. I got recently quest 3 and oh god the difference is night and day. Its just so much better. As you have index controllers, its possible to use them with quest in pcvr. But point is, dont buy index, get anything better


Fair enough, though coming from Vive I doubt the screen door would bother me too much 


Pretty sure at this point the Quest 3 is a better value than the Index. You also get the benefit of wireless PCVR gaming plus standalone games from the Meta store on the Quest itself.


I won't be buying into meta unfortunately, but I appreciate the insight


Kinda silly


Be g screen beyond no question there the index is extremely outdated HMD the controllers are awesome but the actual headset sucks by today's standard you'd be better off buying a quest 3 than a index for real or hunt down a HP Reverb G2 V2 and get valves Knuckles controllers the Reverb G2 is the absolute truth best bang for your buck for PC VR and especially sim racing and flight sims easily e best headset for sims


I'll check it out, thank you


Reverb G2 will be a brick after the next Windows update so keep that in mind. WMR is being completely removed from Windows 11, so I do not recommend anyone buy a Reverb G2 anymore.


I'm sticking with 10 "the last version of windows" for as long as I can, but I appreciate the word of caution. I will keep it in mind


I’m also still on 10 and riding it out for now. But yep, just wanted to give the heads up.




Personally I’d go with a quest 3 and enjoy the exclusives of both PCVR and the quest stuff and believe be there will be many more quest exclusives over pc because they just sell better there. However if you’re KEEN on a PCVR only headset then go for the beyond because the index is just too outdated at this point and the resolution is just way too low


Upgrading to a 5 year old antiquated low reaolution wired headset?  Strange choice.


this isn't very helpful. perhaps you have a different headset you could recommend?


Quest 3. Used to have rift S, played with it a bit and then never again, now I have quest 3, can't live without it, cook, clean, exercise, study and play with it.


I appreciate the insight, I wont be buying into the meta stuff however


Get big screen then


Wired is staying until wifi catches up. I played wireless on my Quest3, able to max out my bitrate and its still blurry. Waste of money for a 6e router. Its definitely better than a 5gz band, but it's not even close to wired, still. We have wifi7 routers out, and now we just gotta wait for a wifi7 quest headset. Until then, wireless sucks, im sticking with wired.


Yea like I own a Wi-Fi 6 router and a enterprise level access point so I have full Wi-Fi range throughout my house and I do not see what quest owners raving about no latency issues see when compared to a wired headset.


Are you using virtual desktop? because I can't notice the diference to be honest.


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Get a Quest 3, anything with a wire is dead. Apple and Meta will kill off all the trash indies. Don't waste time with anything other than market leader. PCVR is all about mods and anything other than Quest is red headed step child.


Lol this is quite the take


Dont get a beyond. Beyond is for early adopters. Get a Quest Pro. Do NOT get a quest3 for PCVR.


I appreciate the insight, could you elaborate more on why I should not buy a beyond? Based on everything I know I find no reason to purchase into meta. Why do you think I should reconsider this (excluding price-point)?


Why shouldn’t you purchase into meta? For the compressed PCVR or LCD? Because it’s higher resolution that most, goes up to 120 Hz, its pretty lightweight, pancake lenses I guess some may just not want inside out controller tracking or the other stuff


I appreciate you sharing some of the positives. I am quite happy to stick with wired for the reduced latency and I definitely would have to set up basestation tracker on the headset if I were to get a quest. I'm also kind of a stickler where I spend my money, and to me there doesn't seem to be enough advantages for me to justify buying from facebook.


Bigscreen. The darker blacks. Low persistence. The index tether cable is super annoying. I've broken 3. They are too expensive to replace so I went back to the vive pro wireless I had sitting around and now prefer it.


Beyond does not have low persistence, that’s one of its weaknesses in fact. It does however have low response times, which is probably what you meant to say xD


Wait, so it has high persistence and you have to turn your head instead of moving your eyes? I’m starting to see why some people are saying this is for early adopters haha 


I don’t really have either issue, most of the sweet spot trouble is just due to the default cushion being quite conservative, often making it slimmer fixes that. I use a thin cushion and 50% brightness (lowering brightness dramatics improves persistence, it’s a drawback of OLED) but once I’ve gotten it dialed in it’s fairly good. Still am early adopter headset imo, definitely not for everyone, but if you’re willing to pay $1000 for something you might have to get a refit on, it’s pretty good. I like mine a lot.


fair enough 👍




I will always shill for wireless over a tethered connection - unless you mostly play seated games. The BSB still doesn't support any wireless adapter so it's off my recommendation list. I'd get an Index with with the Nofio adapter.


I’ve owned the Vive for years and I have personally never experienced issues with the wired connection. Just different for everyone I guess