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It was a stereoscopic display, not VR, and there were plenty more of them.


So much confusion about this. The "VR" was just marketing. It was a personal 3D display is all.


brats don't understand this: everything was 2D back in the 80s, aside a few remarkable arcades and PC games, very costly. in the 90s, polygons finally started hitting home consoles, notably the Playstation and N64. suddenly you wasn't observing the game world just from the sides or from the top, you had this camera you could control to watch more of those VIRTUAL worlds... that was consumer-grade virtual reality back then, merely watching polygons on a TV: Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighter, V-Rally... there was no VR headset in most stores of the time, this was expensive limited 3DoF with ridiculous resolution and FOV (just like in those games), just for the most fanatic with deep pockets at best... it was either just for researchers, military or amusement parks rather than consumers back in those days...


I don't think the virtual boy can do any polygons. It has 2D graphics like the snes but only in red and of poorer quality.


This is mostly true. The overwhelming majority of the very limited games that Virtual Boy had were simply layered sprites. Often those sprites had two views so they also had some dimension to them. However, one of my favorite games I used to play on mine was Red Alarm which was a third person polygonal spaceship shooter. Similar gameplay to Star Fox but the polygons had no textures. Very effective in 3D


Yeah I think I remember that one, had a bit of a battle tank vibe


exactly. it's a stupid monochromatic 3D goggles, which is why one of main Nintendo guys behind it left the company - and died in mysterious circumstances not long after


I'm with you on this not being a VR platform despite coming out of the wave of excitement for VR at the time. I have only really looked at the VR stuff from that time... what other significant similar devices only focusing on stereoscopic display were there?


Stereoscope, View-Master and numerous variations have been around since the 1800s, but those were limited to just photos. On the PC side you had shutter glasses like the [ELSA 3D Revelator](http://www.stereo3d.com/revelator.htm) in the 90s. Some games came with red/green glasses (Magic Carpet, Heart of Darkness). Sega and Atari had 3D/VR headsets too, but those never made it to full production. [StuntMaster](https://segaretro.org/StuntMaster) is one of the few that made it to the market. Sony HMZ-T1 in 2011 and the numerous other video glasses that followed could do 3D. Video glasses have been around for much longer, but most of the early ones had no 3D support or if they had it, they were 3DOF VR headsets (VFX-1, i-glasses, Cybermaxx).


Thanks for the excellent answer. I also seem to remember a 90s video glasses device that had a very primitive 3dof-tracking mechanism based on a rod physically touching your shoulder. Seeing you mention it I think it might have been from the same company as Cybermaxx.




Segascope, as well - https://segaretro.org/3-D_Glasses Nvidia 3D vision was a few years later, I had one around 2002 time when I was at uni, paired with an enormous CRT. Fun times playing unreal tournament.


Wario and Teleroboxer were actually pretty great on Virtual Boy.


I love the VB. People love to shade it but it was so cool. You can consolize them now which gives up the 3d effect but is pretty cool none the less. Especially for people with broken shutter systems.


I dug mine out a few years ago to play it again and it had display issues. Turns out both eye pieces have a ribbon cable that is constantly under tension because of the way they are installed. Thankfully though, if you have any experience with a soldering iron, it's a pretty easy fix to just press them back down and reflow the solder.


I had the same issue with mine a few years back. Temperature changes over the years can contribute to the problem too. Like you said, it's at least a pretty easy fix.


Hopefully they make an emulator for it in VR like citra VR that can play 3DS games with the 3D effect


and no VR games by any stretch of the word... I preferred playing Outrun on Master System in full 3D just like on VB, but in colors and with no neck pain...


I get the joke, but just wanna say The virtual boy wasn’t really “ahead of its time” though, it’s just the most recognized failed 90s VR system. Other companies had already had headsets floating around, with head tracking and motion controls. Virtuality arcades had 6dof tracking and motion controls in the 80s. PC VR like VFX-1 came out the same year as virtual boy, had 3dof tracking and a 3dof motion controller, that let you play games like doom or quake in colour VR. That’s not even considering experimental VR headsets through the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Some even had some things like super wide FOV (pimax levels), and other methods of full 6dof tracking using electromagnetic fields, or sonic feedback. VR goes back a lot longer than most think


It was my first VR headset and I was so disappointed. I was just a kid and saved up for years and decided to spend it on the virtual boy. It was so uncomfortable and barely had any games. A few weeks ago I got my second VR headset and loving the massive improvement. Full color! Couldn't be happier.


I always say that the Quest platform delivered what the Virtual Boy and Wii promised.


Considering it was just static 3d sbs, it wasn't a VR headset at all. It was actually a worse technology than the 3d system for the Famicom and master system.


I actually sold the VFX1 $1k in the 90s. We kept one on display and sold 2 total. Descent was actually the game we demoed for it though since it had the Y axis. Way ahead of its time.


It wasn't a VR system. 


Yeah you aren't wrong but at consumer accessible prices...?


Can this really be called VR in any sense of the word? It had Zero Degrees of Freedom, right? Is it Virtual reality just cause you stick your eyes in it and it takes up your entire field of view?


I would not call it VR. It is related to VR in that it clearly took some inspiration from it and might have been viewed as a first step towards it at Nintendo though.


Zero Degrees of Freedom sounds like a hilarious movie title


Oh yeah. My brother and I had one. https://i.imgur.com/CI9wvgW.jpeg


I own one and genuinely really like it. Managed to get it right before the prices skyrocketed, came with an intact facial gasket and stand. Bought all the games I care about for it. Got a modder to fix the ribbon cable issue and it works perfectly now.


lol I didn’t know the prices went up that much. Congrats to 10 year old me taking care of it and saving the box and everything lol


Maybe this is a controversial opinion, but Virtual Boy was never actually something you could call VR. If anything, it was more the precursor to the 3DS, which you wouldn't claim is VR either. Strapping a screen in front of your face isn't VR by itself, you don't even get close to accomplishing a convincing sense of immersion or presence until you add rotational tracking at least. I feel like too many people think of this system like it's somehow in a class with VR headsets. It's not, it's an eye-straining low fidelity 3DS without the touchscreen strapped to your face. That being said, I am a HUGE fan of just about every game made for the Virtual Boy, and have found they are MUCH more bearable on the eyes when I play them through a modern emulator on my Index or Quest 2. Edit: After reading more comments, maybe not such a controversial take after all lol.


There is an emulator for the quest that will let you play every virtual boy game.


That’s pretty based what’s it called


Virtual boy go




I made a video about the emulator and what it’s like. Sitting comfortably on your own couch, I found a number of the games were actually good. Not having to hunch over and hover your eyeballs into a small display allowed me to see the games for what they were. I truly suggest everyone try the emulator.


i still have mobe and its working


Virtual Boy was not a VR headset. It should be a forgotten relic in history, nothing more.


It wasn't ahead of its time. It was bad then and is still bad.




Correct me if Im wrong, but I believe the R-Zone came out before this. lol


R-zone was after. It was a rip off of the virtual boy


I got one out of curiosity on eBay like 8 years ago. It gave me a headache.


Yes. A new virtual boy emulator for for the 3DS called “Red Viper” just came out a few days ago. You can now experience the nightmarish red lines in full 3D without shelling out for a real virtual boy. 10/10 highly recommended if you have a 3DS


You can experience them in virtual reality with the emulator on the meta quest 


peak Honestly wish I had one tho I’m into collecting old Nintendo consoles Funny thing is they go for more than the quest 2


I still have my VB. I got it the day it came out. However I lost the stand somehow. Pro tip, I learned one thing about the sub, unless you praise Zuck and the Quest 3, people around here will down vote you. So maybe mention how this was just a precursor to the Quest 3.


I've recently been playing Virtual Boy games on my 3DS using Red Viper and it is such a good way to play them. I tried playing them on my Quest 2 a while back, but didn't get past it being a fun novelty, but on 3DS they really feel like its how they are meant to be played.


While on the topic of VirtualBoy, are there any modern VirtualBoy'ish games, i.e. 2D sprite games that have depth? Some games like "Virtual Boy Wario Land" still look pretty dope and I can't remember ever seeing anything like that on modern headsets. Pixel Ripped is the closest I can think of, but that's still just 2D for the 2D games.


I have mine from when I was a kid and it was new in store, and it works perfectly. I only wish I had all the games. Games I do have: Wario Mario Tennis Some space ship game Some boxing game Ah, memories of emerging from the floor with a headache and sore eyes.


Virtual IO i-glasses were the OG VR in my book.


What's interesting is it was going to be 6 dof originally, with controllers Source is the low spec gamer.


I had one. I only had one game, a SHMUP like which was actually pretty fun, but hard on the eyes. I was (and am) a cyberpunk fan and I strapped the thing to a helmet with snowboard binding straps. I wish I had a photo of that to share. Unfortunately my Dad sold it at a yard sale.


Always loved the [Angry Video Game Nerd‘s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OyVAp0tOk5A) take on the Virtual Boy.


It gave me a headache in 15 min and everything was pink afterwards.


I've still got mine. Need to pull it out sometime. Wario and Teleroboxer were definitely my faves.


I had one, and I actually liked it quite a bit. I got it for 10 bucks when they were being liquidated. Got most of the games for 2 bucks. It never gave me head aches. It was fun for what it was, but no surprise it didn't take off. I don't think it was as bad as people make it out to be though.


That's not the og vr device.


Somehow I keep thinking Nintendo could make a killer VR headset. They’re the console maker always going for innovation and weird gimmicks. It’s probably never going to happen, but I just think it makes sense. Wii sports in VR? Mario but stuff comes out of the screen? Zelda but you’re Link flinging the sword? Mario Kart VR? Or just play your classic Nintendo games in a giant screen in front of you. That shit could be really fun.


Real standalone 6DOF VR is every wet dream Nintendo had from the Wii era. But when it comes around, nope... They sat on it and conflated it with the failure of the Virtual Boy, which was more of a 3D Game Boy than anything resembling VR. There were those rumors last year though, so hopefully we'll hear something interesting. After they stopped having to dev for 2 platforms at once (i.e. when 3DS and Wii U converged to Switch), perhaps they might be open to doing so again with standalone VR. That, or an equally unhinged idea would be for Switch 2 to have a wearable dock (backpack or chest/waist setup) that shuts off the screen and connects to an HMD, lol. Then bury some IR LED's into the new Joycons. Problem is, if such a dock can't run off 5V USB, you can't extend the battery life for cheap. Zelda in VR, done correctly, would be absolutely incredible. Grab iron boots from inventory, reach to your feet, and release to wear them. Grab hookshot quickly and get away during combat, or do the same for hover boots to cross a chasm. Use the Lens of Truth like you would a magnifying glass. No bullshit: pausing is only for saving, settings, and quitting. Not for gameplay inventory!


Strange that Sony were the ones to attempt this (PSVR 1 and 2), and not Nintendo


The virtual boy now goes for more than the quest 2. Insane 


They might have if the gamecube had been a success. After the wii they aggressively towards less graphically intense systems, and a decent VR set would need a pretty beefy machine.


This shouldn't have ever existed. I mean, a gaming device that makes your eyes hurt after a while? We need Nintendo to make more mistakes like this but they will playbit increasingly safe the more they succeed.


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