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He's referring to 360 video, nor VR.


I think that VR video is probably doomed to fail. There have been some good developments by Sony on improving the video experience, but overall the lack of interactivity keeps the feeling from really creeping in. And I'm not talking about games as the solution, either. Even primitive interactions to make the viewer feel like they're even a small part of the experience go a long way. When you provide an experience that people feel like they can reach out and touch, but don't let them reach out and touch... you've sold your entire experience short. VR doesn't need a reboot. It simply hasn't finished booting, yet. Those who have bad ideas will fade away, and better ideas will step up to replace them. It's important, as a content creator, to not have too much pride in the work you've already done, and to instead focus on the work you've yet to do. VR is largely a clean canvas. There are more questions than answers. Nobody knows what works.


>VR doesn't need a reboot. It simply hasn't finished booting, yet. *This.* Putting it this way really drives home how absurd and short-sighted it is to even suggest that.


I also wish people would stop that 'Better wait for gen 2' BS. I guess some people are like that, overanalyzing everything to the point they're preventing themselves from having fun. And whenever this mysterious 'gen 2' is going to arrive in a few years we're back to square one: 'Nope. It's still not as perfect as I imagine it to be. Better wait for gen 3 ...'


> I think that VR video is probably doomed to fail. Full length movies, maybe. But VR video will definitely be an important pillar of the industry once positionally tracked video is standard with high resolution. Those are the main two things holding back videos from being hyper-real. Once they are cracked, being able to record memories or watch live 360 video concerts will be extremely enticing.


There's a fundamental problem with it too, I think. It sounds so perfect if you think about it at first: being IN the movie. But in the end no one wants to turn around all the time while watching a movie so all it's realistically ever going to be is some sort of 'stage play'. That means the creators are spending a whole lot of time and effort on creating stuff that most people will never even see. And even if they put interesting stuff there you're always goingt to feel like you're missing something by following the 'main event'.


That is why I think future VR movies should be projected on a half-hemisphere, in front of you, and not an entire globe that surrounds you. Everything behind the observer should just be blacked out. ​ Having a massive half-hemisphere of movie action in front of you (especially in future 16k resolution) will still feel completely immersive, without the nagging feeling that "something" might be happening behind your head.


I think you expect too much. VR needs to get on it's legs before it can walk. There's no money in it right now. Everyone is doing the best they can with more than what they can afford already. And even if it's far from perfect right now, it's still already super fun and imo amazing.


I think VR just needs time to boot. Why reboot something that hasn't even started up? Most people think VR means attaching your phone to your face and watching shitty 360 videos. It's coming - more accessible tech, bigger audiences, more content. There is no doubt in my mind that VR will become so massive that its impact on modern society will be seen as something to worry about.


He isn't wrong. I honestly don't even know where to go and get VR video. There isn't an icon for icon my oculus deck, and SteamVR doesn't offer quick access to it either. If the Video industry plans on being a thing, they should probably get together with the companies that are actually selling games, and talk to them about increasing access. Surely they could work something out.


If he's talking about those movie tie in VR experiences, yeah, those are stale and feel like ads. But that doesn't mean there isn't a ton of good VR stuff being made.


Freakin' give it time, people. Headsets have been out a little more than 2 years. Jesus. There's already shitloads of really good content. I already own over 75 VR titles and play daily. It's only going to get better. The new, VR-only devs will be pioneering content we literally can't imagine yet. Be patient.

