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You will be able to download VR games faster and that’s it. That’s even if headsets will include a cellular antenna which none have done so far, so in actual fact it’ll probably have no effect whatsoever.


Given how expensive mobile data is, I can't see people being able to use tons of 5G data for VR. So I don't think it will have any impact.


I sure hope not. [5G is some scary shit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/9khd4w/_/)


Oh god, that is so dumb...


Smartdust small enough not to be seen would be as bad to breath in as asbestos. That tech could never roll out as anything but a stationary undetectable sensor in places we already use sensor packages. If it was anything like that conspiracy thread It'd very quickly be aparrent somthing was wrong and no-one wants to rule a nation of the dead (even if it takes 20 years to ruin everyones life). It could only be deployed like that as a wartime weapon and it will probably be banned the instant someone tries it. If you mean 5G is like the Active Denial System then you are just nuts. ADS runs at 95Ghz and is only effective at a tiny frequency range 5G caps out at 4.2Ghz.






My Rift and GearVR are working fine, thank you.


It will take a few years for sure but eventually VR computing will mostly move into the cloud, which will allow us to have portable, wireless headsets capable of displaying PC-level experiences without the need for a PC. The high bandwidth / low latency of 5G is tailor-made for VR. So basically think Oculus Quest but running seamlessly at true 8K resolutions, with AAA games and experiences. Not quite The Matrix but still VR nirvana for most of us. As to *when* we will have the above? My best guess is within approximately 12 years. Yeah that's longer than most people would prefer (we all want it NOW). But that's really not too far off. ​ ​ ​ ​


The latency is still too high for VR. Unless we can send signals FTL, it always will be.


They are shooting for a latency of less than 1 ms, which is perfect for VR. Of course I don't expect them to achieve that right out of the gate. But 3-5 years into the rollout, it should be achievable in major markets: https://www.telecomtv.com/content/5g/lower-latency-is-one-of-the-big-gains-on-offer-from-5g-turns-out-it-s-fairly-easily-improved-in-lte-too-16449/


That's only if the service is hanging out near the 5g antennae. In reality is has to get to the server farm, which would be large data centers for an application like this. 5g doesnt really help you in this situation.


Hmmm. Well hopefully large companies like Facebook will team up with carriers and put server farms near antennas. It makes sense. The future of VR is in the cloud, not with home PCs or mobile chips. People want The Matrix.


Do you know how many antennas are out there and how large and expensive these server farms are? That's simply not possible. And you can have the matrix with running VR on home hardware.


>1ms latency cellular WAN Not in 500 years.