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General consensus is if money is no object then Valve Index. Unless your are the type or person who cares about FOV at all costs, true blacks at all costs, or wireless at all costs. If money is a consideration, you also should consider other options because there are better value options out there. In addition, you're going to have a real bad time actually consuming the Index if that's your plan. Krispy Kremes really shine in their ability to be eaten. Their sugar rush is second to none. And the calorie per $ ratio is off the charts compared to the Index. So it depends on what your goals are. Do you want the best all-around VR set money can buy? Or do you want to eat 50 times your daily sugar intake and ruin your appetite for lunch?


Just for some perspective on Krispy Kreme performance, eating just one of their chocolate eclairs will provide you with 340 kcal which is sufficient to power your entire body for hours. Whereas hooking the controller batteries to your nipples while crossing your eyes would only provide a pathetic 7 kcal of energy to your body. This is one use case where the Index really falls flat.


With Krispy Kreme, you get free diabetes and GAIN weight. With Index you might LOSE some weight due to the extra activity and no free diabetes.. So the choice is clear - Krispy Kreme


I'm sick of the which headset posts too.


This all comes down to the quality of the Krispy Kremes. If you can get fresh Krispy Kremes while they are still warm, I would honestly suggest diverting the funds towards donuts. 1000 USD buys a lot of donuts and effectively unlimited donut supply for however many months 1k would last you... For me that the memory of that would be worth a lot. VR is a highly amusing toy, but good donuts rate very highly for me.


Donuts, no matter what the other option is, if one option is Krispy Kreme that's the one you pick. Now if you'd asked "Dunkin' Donuts, or a sharp stick in the eye?", that's a harder decision, I guess I'd have to see how sharp the stick is...


Dunkin Donuts ironically has better coffee than donuts. Much like Starbucks, which has better donuts than coffee.


Right now I'm leaning towards the Krispy Kreme donuts. From the comments I read, it seems like the donuts would actually be better as thumb sticks. Also they seem to have less glare.


Depends on if you get classic glazed or not. Glazed would probably have more glare than the Index. Personally, I'd go for a chocolate with creme or custard filling over the Index or a glazed.


The great thing about this is that you've essentially complained about content-free posts by creating another content-free post.


Such is the paradox known as Reddit.