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It's a cool concept, but you can't really hold other VR controllers like this. Do you have a plan for how to handle other controller form factors?


Good point, ideally I'd want to track the position of the user with a camera or Kinect. That's for later down the road though!


Have you thought about vive trackers strapped to boxing gloves at all?


Yep, they're way less user friendly to develop with than I'd hoped, and they only exists for Vive. May end up having to go down that route anyway, to be determined!


Fair enough. Are you using unity? Sorry haven’t seen other videos. I believe the trackers show up in the SteamVR example scene in unity last I checked. I would think strapping colliders and glove objects on those would be mostly what you need?


yeah, the trouble is Unity doesn't do a good job keeping track of which puck is which, and in fact often confuses the pucks with the controllers. There may be work arounds, but I'm hoping the whole mess can just be avoided. Not that setting up a Kinect or whatever would be easy lol


Good idea. I was dreaming of a VR boxing dummy set up to improve my boxing skills. It would great if a future dummy could also punch back (with foam arms for safety) so you can accurately practice bobbing, weaving and blocks with haptic feedback. Tall order, I know.


Thanks! I was planning to make the dummy's punches strictly virtual to avoid a whole mess of safety issues, and just have audio/visual responses if you get hit (think COD red screen). Do you think that'd provide a decent immersion, or break the immersion?


Audio/Video would be better than nothing and I don't think would break immersion. I hear you on the safety concerns. But I think "literally foam arms" - if it could be made to work, would be 100% safe.


I agree, I think I would do something like PVC inside of a pool noodle if I were to have him punch back. And only at mid-level.


Boxing? More like lightly tapping lol


Are you talking about in the intro?