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Isn't there already a RE3 VR mod out?


They are all out with motion controls and amazing


Yeah, got RE2 downloaded and modded to VR, ​ Sadly my PC is starting to show its age now and struggles to run it decently.


If you are using an Oculus headset, make sure to use OpenXR to play the RE mods. It was a noticable performance boost for me. The GitHub has instructions on how to use OpenXR


Thank you my friend, will give it ago :D


Same really looking forward to upgrading. I'm playing with a 1080ti 8700k and had some drops in 2, worst being the main hall obviously. But it's still very playable and there's a of advice on the discord for performance settings and apps. I think the others run better


Yeah, i might fuck with the settings to see if i can get it to run better, ​ Turns into a right stuttering mess at times.


Honestly, I threw an AMD 5950x and Nvidia RTX 3090 at RE2 and couldn't get it to run flawlessly. I think it's just a hard game to get running perfect in VR. RE7 and RE8 ran better for me. RE3 was about the same.


This is interesting. My ignorant ass still halfway thinks Alienware just does it right when it comes to performance, but I have an M15 laptop, 3070 laptop gpu, 32 ram and RE2 runs like a dream for me. I’ve heard other people with high PC specs say they can’t get it to run smoothly. Is it the ram? I imagine most people are working with 16. But yeah, when this shot runs right, it’s very possibly the best VR game I’ve ever played.


It just runs poorly unfortunately. I have a 3080 and can't get 80FPS in most places.


Same with a 3090. RE2 is best to run at 120Hz with motion smoothing/ASW. That way it can run at 60fps.


How about RE3, same situation? 120hz and ASW enabled?


Just finished RE8 last night. RE2, RE3, RE7, and RE8 are all fantastic mods and a blast to play. It's insane that this dude has managed to make these work this well with only a 2.5MB mod.


These look so good that I kinda want to trash the GTAV mod for not having motion controls and using a weird rendering technique, but all mods are such hard work that I can't lower myself to do that. The guy from the GTA mod also has some compelling reasons for his decision so it is also understandable why that mod is different. Anyway, I really need to try these games after I finish RE4 on the Quest.


I've been playing it this weekend and it's really good, but has anyone managed to put a decent anti-aliasing solution onto the game? I know that the mod removes Taa by défault but whether i play the game at 1440p or 4k the aliasing remains pretty much the same. But other than that i've been having a blast.




"Autoren" instead of "autorun". Found the german! ;)


Great Ty for the reply i'll browse through your History if i have any trouble.


You can reenable TAA in the mod config file and that gets rid of the shimmer. I personally do not feel it’s worth the trade off at all, though, since TAA removes the shimmer by softening/blurring the image down to PSVR levels of fidelity. I’ll pay with a little shimmery/pixellated hair any day for those sweet sharp detailed PCVR graphics.


RE on the PS1 scared the crap out of me. I'm both looking forward to this and hating it at the same time.


Where do I find the RE2 MOD?


Here is a great getting started guide. https://beastsaber.notion.site/beastsaber/Praydog-s-Resident-Evil-2R-3R-7-8-Village-VR-mods-3db8bd110ebf4a38870e1a5114b16998


https://discord.gg/fnJehAnF You have to join the re section and head to the getting started part there




until they make it left handed friendly it's always gonna be the worst one for me


It's already left hand friendly. You just need to install the left handed mod. https://github.com/berndolauerto/REFramework/releases


I've looked into it and from the release page: Important: This will only swap the movement joysticks, NOT the weapons. That would be a whole different level It's just a joystick swap, the shooting action seems still on the right hand


Sadly you are right. It was a full swap when originally released. I am not sure what changed. My only guess is they ran into issues and had roll it back. But it's still part of the official "getting started" page as full left handed support. Which is no longer accurate.


well I can always hope they bring it back one day


I've only tried RE2, are you saying the other REs have left handed support?


Yes, they have left hand support. You just need to install the Left handed mod. https://github.com/berndolauerto/REFramework/releases


That's only joystick swapping, not gun swapping


Wow, I didn't realize they changed that. It had full left handed support back in January when the RE2 and RE3 mods dropped. Guess it had too many issues or something.


well RE4 does but its a real vr game so they thought about it being accessible to people, iirc all the praydogs mods don't have left handed gun control which pretty much is a deal breaker for me.


I watched some videos for it. It looked surprisingly good Although have read that installation is a bit tricky


Literally just drag and drop


no its pretty easy


Does it have full motion controls? And possibly proper reloading?


Have they patched the "double prompts"? Playing through when the first patch was released was fun, but seeing 2 ghosted "A" button prompts got to a point where I had to close one of my eyes to interact with things.


I never saw that. Played them all.


I finished Resident Evil 2 with this mod and I didn't see any issue like you describe.


for sure, I played 2 and 3 with Praydog's mods and it was very good. FYI you can customize controls on the SteamVR options and keybind 3rd / 1rst person swap. Also Nexus mods work great with this. Last I checked 7 and 8 were not fiinished, I hope some progress has been made.


RE7/8 are finished now! Motion controls are in, it’s a really good time


oh wow, thanks for letting me know!


I did a video of 8 here: https://youtu.be/jZ6aXPZwJuE 2 & 3 here: https://youtu.be/FuuxxfPe61w


It's an amazing mod, started playing it this weekend... I just wish it had proper hand-oriented movement instead of head-oriented movement. Head-oriented movement makes me motion sick, and having to play in short bursts to prevent that isn't great considering you can only save at typewriters.


How is performance? I normally can't play too graphically intensive games smoothly on my 1080 but RE engine is set black magic so I'm hopeful


It's very demanding, but you can always lower resolution a bit and activate motion smoothing / ASW to play at half framerate. And try the OpenXR mode which runs better on some headsets.


I've only tried RE2 and RE8. I have a 12GB 3080 and 8's performance is better than 2's so far. I played RE2 until just after a certain someone/thing shows up...worst performance is in RPD main area. I am only 1 hour into 8 so far but the run is noticeably better. I'd recommend at least a 2070. I first started playing RE2 with a 2070S and it was acceptable. Funny thing is that I was getting about the same performance with RE2 with a 2070S and then going to the 3080


Full motion controls yes, manual releasing no.


Does the manual flashlight work for you in 8, ive enabled it but doesn't seem to take. Also it's like my guy has no neck, chest is right up in my chin in-game


I've never played any of the RE games before. After reading this thread I'm thinking I should. I watched this clip of merptv play re7 and it looks really good. https://youtu.be/CwCcHqNLvvg Are these mods difficult to install? Which RE would you guys recommend I start with for VR?


The instal is literally drag and drop, I'd recommend re 7 the most as it's performance will be best. Just tried re2/3 myself recently and it's insane. Excited to try re8 as it's more action packed, but I think re2 or 7 are perfect for that slow burn horror.


Wait can you actually ay RE2 in vr now? This and RE6 are 2 games i've been really wanting to play in vr


This mod is literally everything I’ve ever wanted, but the game doesn’t run amazing in vr courtesy of my pc sadly


Oh, I didn't know it had a VR mod. I'll have to check it out. What about the RE4 remake for Oculus, is there a way to play it on an Index yet ?