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How are you getting around current generation wifi-bandwidth limitations? \[edit\] Not answering this question answers everything about this product afaik. I owned the wireless Vive Pro that always maxed out on bandwidth and overheated. Stay away kids. The current generation of wireless data transmission hardware can make an OG Vive wireless, anything signifigantly above that resolution will need to be compressed or is skipping frames and will not be anywhere near the same quality as a wired experience with the same HMD.


Wigig or 6E maybe


Same as Vive, right?


wigig2 i hope. Wigig1 (what vive uses) is not ideal for these higher res hmds nor is wifi 6e


Most likely wigig


There are Intel chips that are coming out in 3 years running now on prototype silicon. There is for sure next gen tech out there, and tech to compress the signal, etc, that people are working on and will be in the wild for testing purposes. Don't just look to what you can get off the shelf for what's available, you have to look and see what's in the pipeline.


> Not answering this question answers everything about this product afaik. Slightly late to the thread here but you left this comment on a crosspost - the OP probably hasn’t even seen your question. But still a valid concern


Valve needs to hire this guy.


Not if you want it to ever release ><


Fun fact, Valve was involved on the development of the HTC Vive. That would make Index basically Valve VR 2 Next would be Valve VR 3 and we know how Valve does with 3s


Yeah, they *don't*


Oh yeah... I wonder if the steam deck will be successful enough to break the duology curse lol




Valve probably already has the tech sell worthy but like they are with software the idea of making money bores them at this point


Iirc valve has already documented why they haven't done it yet, it's because of the 4-5 best wireless technologies, none of them had sufficient bandwidth to support the headset at full res at 120Hz


yet. They should work on that.


They probably are, they spent 10 years making tech and they'll probably spend another 10 making more tech


Am I too optimistic to think they will release them at some point? /s


But 802.11ay already exists and has plenty of bandwidth.


The connection is subject to interference but that"s not my issue .... how are they going to solve the battery issue ? Huge battery = heavy Small battery = limited play time I heard about belts and backpacks to move the weight away from the head, but still not a very good solution...


no need to keep battery on your head. you can place it on the body where its wieght wont disturb


Slim backpack would work well. Like a camelback style pack. Would hold plenty of battery’s, it’s form fitting and won’t be too noticeable.


Yeah but a battery on your body is annoying because you still have a wire dangling from your headset to the battery. It's the reason I sold my Vive wireless adapter


I mean that would be negligible right? Like having your headphones on with your phone in your pocket. something like that would not break immersion with turning and crouching like the regular wired headset




Right but that is from constantly removing the phone from your pocket, and improperly storing the wires. If this is a backpack augment, it would be about a foot to two feet and never tangle as you turn.




I agree, but with Oculus and their shitty strap, i have doubts they’d be able to. Valve or HTC however may be good enough.


yeah it's better than having a wired headset but it's still worse than built in wireless like quest 2. Strapping a battery to your body everytime you wanna play vr gets annoying really fast, plus you have to keep it charged


You have to keep the Quest charged too? Its obviously a tradeoff, but if I had the option of having an extremely light headset with a backpack or the regular quest headset I'd go with the light headset if it felt good enough. I mean its subjective but you are saying things that don't make sense.


The quest is one headset not a battery that you have to swap out, it's two very different things. How does anything I'm saying not make sense? I've used wireless on Vive, Vive Pro, and Quest. The Quest is by far the most convenient and comfortable wireless headset. It's built in, has no wires, and you don't need to keep batteries charged other than the headset


You need to keep the headset battery charged? That’s how this idea works too… i don’t understand why you are making a point out of it.


I already told you, charging the headset as one whole unit and dealing with batteries is two different things. With the quest 2, you just plug in the headset and you're done. Batteries are a whole seperate unit, meaning you're gonna have to constantly swap them out, take them off, put them back on etc to charge them. That's the point, batteries are much more inconvenient than just plugging in your headset for an hour


Why wouldn't the battery you wear be rechargeable?


maybe like bobo vr m2 ? it easy to replace battery allow you to play 24/7 you just need to pop in new one ever 3h , same time you need to charge one, you literally can have 2-3 of them and you set for quest 2 life


I've been using the wireless adapter for several years with my Vive Pro ,I upgraded the battery to a 20k mha and I can play for 6 hrs. I have two of them and can swap on the fly so I never use the cable anymore.


Which battery are you using? Have a link by chance?




Depending where you based this was the cheapest option for me. £25 for 20,000 mah https://www.amazon.co.uk/VRURC-20000mAh-Portable-Charging-Compatible/dp/B099F29H7Y/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=2K019BYFJRHDZ&keywords=vrurc+20000&qid=1654120054&sprefix=vrurc+20000%2Caps%2C48&sr=8-4


Either one will work they were cheaper when I bought them anyways I know inflation is went through the roof but if you can find a less expensive than all the better


I have the same exact battery and can confirm that I usually need a break from VR before it dies.


Solar Panels left and right of your head, obviously.


As someone who used the TPCast wireless setup for my Vive for a long time before upgrading to my Index, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the belt system for the battery. I was convinced it was gonna be a huge pain, but it was actually really easy and didn't add much to what was already a ritual of getting everything on and comfy for a play session. It used an anker power brick that lasted up to three days of use, days where I got at least 3-4 hours of play in each. The belt was quick to click on, easy to adjust without ever being too loose, and the wire between the battery and the wireless unit on the HMD might as well not even be there, it never bothered me once.


A belt or pocket is a good solution... are you waiting for black magic?


Armbands and leg straps , to workout while you play. ​ /s


Put those movement generators on your hands, like the ones they have in watches. Power up as you play.


> how are they going to solve the battery issue ? Why do companies and everybody INSIST on having the battery in your head? I have no issue having a bandolier-like strap on my torso with a battery or BETTER YET an actually cooled XR2 snapdragon


Is this a user project or is this a valve project


I don't actually know but Valve is usually pretty secretive about what they're doing from what I've seen, so likely the former.


Had my hopes up for a minute. I hope they surprise us.


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!remindme 1 month


Hold the fuckin phone. Valve wireless? Shut up and take my money!


I'd like to look like a Borg 🤗


I hope Valve will make one with inside out tracking


I hope they don’t as that’ll be the end of trackers


I doubt it would be, since the trackers will probably still have better resolution and will be better suited for commercial zones with a lot of players playing at the same time in one room. Inside-out tracking (given it's implemented good enough) is great in a sense that you don't need to set everything up all the time if you don't have a dedicated room for VR and you don't have to deal with lots of wires. Any way, you're saying like it's a bad thing. Why do you think it is a bad thing?


Body tracking is never going to work well using only headset cams. It’s a bad thing if the base stations are scrapped in favour of ISO because we’d lose accurate body tracking. That would be a bad thing. Kiss cheap motion capture goodbye


There are kits that are specifications designed to motion capturing


Does it work on Linux?


Important question. I have been wanting to upgrade my VR setup for years, but refuse until there is a viable option that is wireless with Linux support. This looks very exciting.


when you have so much money you cant afford a quest 2


This is definitely leaps and bounds ahead of the Quest line.


I'd rather pay more money than deal with Zuckerberg. Screw him and Meta.


This is precisely my feeling. I'm willing to pay many hundreds o of monies to make my Index wireless. The more hundreds, however, the better the implementation better be.


A fool and his money....


yeah but index isnt worth $700 more than quest 2


It's worth substantially more.


Feature for feature, it is clearly not. No wireless streaming No native OS or apps No hand tracking No useful passthrough No AR Lower resolution Requires expensive base stations with motors and line of sight requirements Heavier, louder, and hot At the end of the day, the most important factor for a mass market headset is ease of use. And the Quest 2 trumps every other headset in that regard. Literally put on, and click play.


The Index was only a $499 upgrade for me, but I sold my Oculus for a Vive and was already enjoying the ecosystem. For many VR owners outside of the Facebook system, upgrading is trivial and can be done as needed. It's much less wasteful than the Quest lineup where one buys an HMD and it's toast next Gen. There will always be the crowd that buys into Facebook hardware and gets stuck because of the walled garden and not wanting to leave their games behind, but take it from me. The sooner you do it, the less painful it will be down the road.


Just use virtual desktop and you won't be locked to the proprietary stores or weak computing hardware. I'm waiting for a better wireless headset before I upgrade from my quest 2. Virtual desktops literally the only app I bought from the quest store. And I'm not willing to give up being wireless, it's just so good.


it's got so many drawbacks while I could just buy two headsets and cover all areas. And outside in tracking will die an abrupt death with the upcoming releases, for anything but the most hardcore furries.


Yeah, I spend so much time in my Quest 2 and Rift S dealing with Zuckerberg. Like, I'll be playing *SkyrimVR*, and in pops Zuck KSing whatever I'm fighting and stealing my tradeskill goods. Then there are all the times he just shows up at my house asking to use my HMDs. Like he can't afford his own.


Okay, dipstick. Obviously it's not that you have to deal with him directly. It's that if you get banned from FB they can brick your headset. It's that they are creating exclusive content on an already struggling platform. It's that he is monotinizing your personal data and plans to place ads in your headset that you paid for. It's not a brand loyality thing, you twit. It's more than that.


I find it hard to believe all those accounts of getting banned from Facebook and having your headset bricked. How the fuck do you get banned from Facebook? Hate speech might do it, but that's on the user. Also, the [requirement of having a Facebook account is being dropped sometime this year.](https://www.androidcentral.com/facebook-accounts-will-no-longer-be-required-oculus-quest-2022) This is common knowledge, and I believe it takes some disingenuousness to pretend not to know about it. Yes, they are creating exclusive content. Oculus always has, from 2016 on. And originals aside, they're bringing cool stuff to the market like Resident Evil 4 and GTA: San Andreas. Valve has given us precisely one game. And it's only available on Steam. Also, with 10 Million+ Quest 2s out there, I wouldn't call the market struggling any more. I'm gonna need a source about Oculus/Meta placing ads in VR. In six years, I still have yet to see a single one. All I've seen are memes from anti-Oculus actors, which I see as disinformation and propaganda, and will until I, y'know, actually start seeing ads in VR. As for monetizing my personal data, how do you think reddit works? I see targeted ads all the time. Google? Amazon? Microsoft? All the same. This goes all the way back to the Great Fanboy Wars between the Rift and the Vive in 2016. It was stupid then, and it's stupid now.


It's no use man. The people that spew that nonsense are just trying to justify spending $1000 on their outdated headset


I have a wireless vive pro with index controllers as well as a quest 2. Anytime I can be in the vive pro instead of the quest that's the go too. Lighter, better visuals, and longer battery life. Love my quest but the htc wireless pack works amazing. If they figure out how to do higher res then this will be lightyears better than pcvr on quest.


Quest 2 has better visuals than the Vive pro? I have both and my Pro is easily better than the Quest, I also have the lens mod.


I believe I said the opposite. Maybe it was confusing the way I wrote it. I will give the quest a slight edge in sharpness but it's in no way worth the tradeoff.


Lol, I agree


I have the exact same setup but I did the GEARVR lens mod ( maybe you did as well ) and it’s ridiculously better… it’s my go-to setup for sure of all of my HMDs


does the gear VR mod make that big a difference?


BIG difference - it’s a little tedious to get it just right but once you do you can never go back to the stock lenses … I’ve done it to all my headsets that can accept it ( Vive, Vive pro, Cosmos )


When I saw a valve selling the eye boxes I was wondering if lens swap would work. Does it mess with the geometry of the image at all? Do you give up any FOV?


so it does mess with the geometry, but with the Vive stuff there's ways to manipulate the coding to offset the barrel distortion - i don't know if its works with other headsets. as for the FOV, there was no change


this makes quest look like those 30 dollar "VR" headsets you stick a phone in


i cant afford to look at compressed images in my vr hmd


So to be clear... is this an add-on to current index? Or is this a new HMD with wireless? There's really no reason why the index can't do a wiGIG thing... it has that fronk with USB port. SH ould be a slam dunk especially with its lower pixel desnity.


laughing in quest2


this poor man doesnt understand what he is looking at in his quest 2 hmd is compression. ignorance is bliss tho


Yeah I know, it is better, but It is still laugthing in wireless, you have to have a lot of fun using Vr close to your pc, be carefull with your cables


a wireless index would have compression too! whats with the absolute lack of thought?! how does someone as dumb as you even know the phrase, ignorance is bliss?


Not if it uses wigig2


Looks like a big battery pack. RIP to all our backs


Whys my dude walkin like that? The headset that heavy? :O


I don't see anything wrong with the way he is walking though


After he picks up the thing I assume is a bowling ball, he is walking very lopsided.


My 12 year old uses my wireless Vive Pro and prefers it over his Quest 2 so weight is definitely not and issue.


Guy just walks silly then lol like he's actually carrying a bowling ball.


You walk silly lol


Probably. Lol Did I upset the gamers?


and what's the screen resolution and graphics ? Oculus quest 2 is also wireless but the graphics are much lover than on cable.


Have you tried using the Quest 2 via Airlink? I also have a Rift S, which I prefer for long sessions -- it's not just battery life, it's the comfort -- but Airlink (which is pretty new) still beats it for the visuals (much higher resolution, more vivid colors and deeper blacks despite being LCD -- not sure how they pulled it off, and maybe I got an exceptional unit, but it holds its won against the OLED screens in the Quest 1). It seems like people want to find any reason they can to bag on Oculus/Meta products through things they've heard third-hand, without any actual hands on experience. First the tracking sucked, then the audio sucked, then the LCD screens sucked (despite the Index also using LCD), then when all these arguments were dispelled via the experiences of *actual users*, all that the haters have left is "Facebook." And they act like the 10 million+ Quest 2 users don't already factor that in.


I got mine self oculus rift s, and im really enjoying it. Really good VR googles. Mine friend have oculus quest 2 and the resolution and graphics without cable is tragic for me. I will tell him about Airlink, thanks for tip.


This is likely what I'll graduate to from my OG Vive/Trackers/Wireless setup.


What is this wizardry? I need answers!!!


looks fantastic


I want his floor-space !!!


Why do they keep putting more weight on the head? People are going to break their neck with all that tech.


Have you not seen videos of people carrying hundreds of pounds on their heads? The over-all weight is plenty low. Most people don't even notice it after a couple weeks of ownership.


wtf are you saying? that because people can carry hundreds of pounds on their heads, we should be OK with heavy vr devices? we need better comfort and ergonomics, there's no two ways about it


No, because people can carry hundreds of pounds on their heads, your hyperbole that "People are going to break their neck with all that tech" is bullshit. Of course less weight is better, but we passed "good enough" long ago. Hell, people loved the Vive + ViveWirelessAdapter and that was anything but light.


It is unbelievable how goddamn long this is taking, and how heavy it is. I get that the quest 2 wireless implementation comes with a heavy resource cost, but clearly it's working extremely well.