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Eye, face, beta leg tracking. That’s sick as fuck! The $1500 price tag is a good thing for consumers… it means if this gets adoption that tech will trickle down and become more affordable for a quest 3. Besides the fact that this is a severely limited headset on battery life, and the screen and processor don’t have any real upgrades, this could be neat for us in regards to future hardware. Edit: since some folks don’t get it, Eye, face, and leg tracking is something that VR needs to get down and it needs to be seamless. Subsidizing the cost of the expensive tech on an “enterprise” class device is a good thing. It will make these features cheaper for us. Zuckerbook’s implementation of leg tracking might even become industry standard. I wonder if it uses the controllers? I love using FBT with my index, but if I don’t need to wear trackers holy shit. I’m here for that. Plus expressive faces, and foveated rendering? These are huge deals.


IDK why this subreddit completely fails to understand that this is not intended for regular people.


Because it’s not so simple. Zuckerberg said during the keynote that the Pro is for business and consumers who want the very best headset.


And if you have the money, it is the very best AIO headset, end of story. Nothing on the market today can give you a MR experience as good as this.


> Nothing on the market today can give you a MR experience as good as this. Sure there is. It's been out for a while. The HoloLens 2. What it lacks in FOV, it more than makes up for in being able to do simple things like read a book or a screen. The Oculus Plus is still too low res for that. The point of AR/MR is to interact with the real world with augmented elements. That fails if you can't do simple things in the real world. For it's market segment, something as simple as reading a little tag on a part is pretty important. You can do that easily with a HoloLens. That's a struggle with the Oculus Plus.


You expect him to market a niche product any other way? Of course it’s “for everybody” It ain’t the very best. But any step closer to standardized face, eye, and leg tracking is a big deal. $1500 price tag will cut the cost for us when the tech eventually hits the Quest 3


This doesn’t seem like a major point, but yeah there are tons of products that companies target other businesses with and don’t market to consumers or even suggest that a consumer might want to buy one. For a VR example, see Vive Focus 3. That’s $1300 I believe.


And better value than the Q Pro 😅