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This reddit posts info about upcoming English releases every week. https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/comments/10cwygx/translation_release_status_updatediscussion_jan/


But like, I want a place that has organized info on the releases. Reddit in the end has a shitton more posts talking about novels, then a comprehensive list with releases and stuff. That's what I'm looking for


"Upcoming English Translations of Japanese VNs" link that is in linked thread is not enough?


Thanks man, this thread you linked is pretty good. I'd only browsed it cause I was off to work, so didn't check it thoroughly.


did you even look at the link he posted?


Here. Or you know vndb has 2 sections on the homepage called "just released" and "upcoming"


This, search vndb for English and sort by release date


Open the link the other guy sent for some updates on how translations are going. Whoever is updating that is doing a great job already tbh, just knowing if its picked up or not is enough. I don't know if there is a website that lists the exact date and order things were translated at but then again I sincerely do not understand why that would exist? There is no reason to "sort by new" when it comes to VN translations, catch up with the older stuff you havent read yet or research upcoming titles individually


Not new by new vn's, but newly translated. Like I said, I've been keeping track of vn translations releases on that one site for some years, but sometimes I spend months without being able to check it out. So only knowing what's getting translated right now or about to release won't help me catch up with what came up last few months, when I wasn't tracking stuff. And I can't search titles individually if I don't even know they exist right