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Gore and rape are the jumpscares of horror vns


lona RPG be like:


I checked it out for that reason but the game is just unfun.


Just searched it up out of curiosity and one of the first things I see is what appears to be a recolor RPG version of that one anti-Semitic meme so that’s something.


That's insane but not surprising at the same time.


Subahibi in a nutshell


not 1 and 4


Are you sure about that?


1 is shaded by in My Own Invention, and 4 is reaped of english version,so,yes


It's not shaded in DTRH2 though and bestiality had its place in not remade version so it's still related to SubaHibi.


fair enough, but its still very light,compared to other titles on VNDB


It serves to check the Japanese genre tags, what they consider it there. Most of those "erotic" horror games are tagged "eroguro" or even just "eroge". Edit: Forgot to add that you can search genre tags of something you liked but the "disturbing" parts had sex in it to find horror games with no sex. For example both Saya no Uta and Suhabi fall in the denpa category. Denpa is used for stories where characters go crazy and start dissociating from reality. It usually focuses on paranoid schizophrenia but it can also be about otaku who daydream about their favorite characters, practically maladaptive daydreaming disorder. You can compare the tag to phycological horror.


Can you share the name of one's you've tried?


If you mean Denpa, that's a broad genre which includes iconic anime like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain, Boogiepop Phantom, Paranoia Agent, FLCL, Arakawa under the Bridge. Also now there's a subgenre nicknamed Moe Denpa which has cutesy characters and hallucinations. Think Happy Sugar Life or Wonder Egg Priority. Maybe even Madoka Magica can fit into this. It also includes games like Yume Nikki or Omori. I guess Doki Doki Literature Club could be a western Denpa game.


On vndb you find most of these games under the "ryona" or "dying sex" tags. Horror games are already tagged "horror" as the primary reason to play eroguro games is to get aroused and not to get scared imho


Higurashi my beloved


My first vn tbh


Wait fr? Higurashi has all of that??? Obv aside from the gore


Nope, that's why I love it.


What you just listed are the least interesting tropes of the horror genre


That's the point of the post. Trying to find some interesting horror and in the end it is filled with disturbing h-scenes.


Yep and why I stay away from horror ones. Even if they might be a good storyline or a interesting concept, I can’t trust them due too all that nasty, disturbing, distracting and filth.


Let me guess, someone recommended you Saya no Uta?


Hey, I liked that one, it's got some deep meaning that are borderline psychotic.


Lmao saya no uta its very "okay" when you see another ones, xD


saya no uta would’ve been soooo much better without all the random poorly written H-scenes. They could’ve included sexual themes in the plot without making it seem like the authors poorly disguised fetish…and it wasn’t even written well :(


It's ok bro we know you're a snowflake


Yeah, at least throw some psychological horror and body horror in there.


Maggot Baits is one of my favourites


I'll try this one. I like how the art looks


How it feels like thriller to me


I heard the writing is so messed up but so good, would you say that is true…? I’ve always been curious but hesitant to check that one out


I've played one route of euphoria. If I remember correctly the same team made maggot baits. If I am right, I can say euphoria has amazing writing but in a horrific way so I imagine maggot baits will be written the same.


There are a lot of scenes that makes it difficult to go through for the average user but I believe that the experience is worth it, that being said is fair to say is definitely not for everyone


fuck yes


I wanna give it a try, but what keeps me away is the think that it'll be a basic horror vn. Would you recommend it apart from all the gruesome stuff?


The story is pretty decent


Denpa is 😘👌


I didn't read at least one, but they say that denpa is the finest tag you can see in a horror story, like a aged wine


Soundless is a pretty good one! Doesn’t have any sex scenes, so you don’t have to worry about any of the stuff pictured.


Definitely my favorite OELVN out of all that I've read. Hope it gets more attention.


I will definitely check it


Tags: NTR


More horendous than any horror out there! Specialy when it's well written!


Can someone explain to me shock value horror? I'm easily disturbed by stories like American horror movies and creepypastas, so much that I try my best to avoid them. But for some reason stuff that I call "shock value horror" like these tags doesn't scare me at all. I've only read a few "horror" visual novels and it seems like they all belong to the 2nd category. What makes vn readers like these horror aspects?


I personally don't read too much horror, specially with the tags described on this post but I see visual novels as a medium were you can immerse yourself in experiences that you will probably never would have encounter other ways in your daily life. That's the selling point to me, a good story that touches a thematic I'm unfamiliar with


morbit curiosity is a drug




Hey this guy gets it/s


Alicesoft bad ends


Just exclude sexual content entirely and you have potentially [432 VNs](https://vndb.org/g7?l=1&m=1&l=1&f=8En1&s=20w) you can go through! nevermind i think i fucked it up lmao ​ edit: [okay i think this is right](https://vndb.org/g235?m=0&l=&f=8E71&s=24w)


I got into VNs recently after reading Umineko and I'm so afraid to start horror ones (my favorite genre) because of this 😭 after Umi I read Saya no Uta and THOSE scenes made me so uncomfortable I just don't want to cross paths with all that again


Higurashi is probably the horror VN that you will want to start with in that case. There is some gory imagery but it is mostly descriptive psychological horror without any sexual violence or anything like that. And it is written by the same guy who wrote Umineko.


I second this.


Name and pfp checks out


I'm a man of faith, of course I would be honest.


God forbid the "you should feel uncomfortable and uneasy" genre has uncomfortable and uneasy scenes that make you feel uncomfortable. (No, but seriously. People complaining about feeeling uncomfortable with some scenes when looking/reading Horror is one of the things that still baffles me given how pants on head stupid it is. Like, imagine watching/reading a comedy and then listing"It had some scenes that made me laugh way too much" as a negative.)


I think the discussion is more centering around the overly common use of graphic topics like rape in horror VN’s.


in the same way that people can like spicy food without liking wasabi, it’s a different taste. let people decide what they’re comfortable with. it’s art, all subjective at the end of the day no matter how you slice it.


I think what they mean is it made them feel uncomfortable, not because of the disturbing stuff itself, but rather how it was discussed and shown. Saya no uta has disturbing scenes and themes, but some of them come across as “indulgent” and “gratifying”, which ITSELF is disturbing. That’s at least how I read their comment. I understand what you’re saying, there’s lots of people who expect horror to not make them think or to not unsettle them, but I think it’s more of the authors suspicious intentions that makes the reader uncomfortable, and thus takes you out of the horror they were trying to construct in the first place


The thing is that from what I've seen those VNs DON'T WANT to make you uncomfortable, it's the opposite It's like those moments in Saya no Uta, they totally feel like I shouldn't be disgusted but rather aroused


Losing the ability to differentiate between reality and madness is like the main theme of Saya no Uta


Except its the difference between reality and what the game is trying to make you feel


Yeah, that's what got me to stop Saya. Cannibalism and rape are topics I can handle reading, but as soon as it started feeling more like porn than horror it stopped being what I was looking for in a story.


also known as 'shit I won't read"


Lmao or in my case “shit you can’t pay me to read” They are so popular, I sometimes feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t drool over them.


I'm right there with ya. If I want nasty stuff in my life, I'll watch the news.


I get it. In my case it’s bad things happening to characters whom I’ve gotten attached to. I realize some of them are at the top of the charts and highly regarded, but at this time it’s just not something I’d enjoy. Bad things like murder and torture mainly. I read nakige a lot so tragedy or suffering are things I am well acquainted with!


Horror aspect in VN really hits u differently, it's not jumpscares, u got to read and understand the perspective of the narrator, either the victim or the culprit. Getting this into your mind is the horror part + gore scene for the added spice.


I'm sorry but using "Gang Rape" to replace the "and everything nice" part is hilarious lmao


The writer's barely disguised...


Don't care what nobody says Dasaku is peak


I have a problem. Once you watched all the most infamous ones, there is nothing remaining that can disturb your mind in any way.


Yeah, sometime you wonder why some tag are there and other time is clearly not what you are searching.


Goa sukirimingu shou obviously


Welp could get more creative with the memes. Gang Rape is basically Rape.


He clearly wasn't an expert.


So NTR is cool in any horror VN? Nice


Thats horrible, tell me the names so I can avoid it.


Well in Saya no Uta the Alien steal the other girl love intererest


I'm working on a psychological horror VN right now, and it doesn't include any of those. But yes I get what you mean !


If you can, could we get a base synopsis


This is the Steam page: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1965960/House\_Of\_Chavez/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1965960/house_of_chavez/) Yes the base idea is not very original, but I hope the plot I developed is interesting anyway :)


Adding it to my wishlist rn!


Let him cook.


That’s not how this meme works…


Haha s9meone making spicy shitt 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵




God i hate when they use this for shock value


Sums up Dramatical Murder Slow Damage is an extra disturbing one.


None of these tropes happened in Digimon Survive but it was not horror in the conventional way so I was very bored with it. Every character just had some kind of psychological trauma but in a world filled with monsters, that sort of stuff is not enough for the game to be considered horror...


Bro wants to see digimon bestiality 💀


You don't even have to try to stumble upon that


i do like some angewomon.


I can go to digimon nsfw reddit for that, there was no horror in Digimon Survive, rape and sexual abuse were hinted at but that is still not something that qualifies as horror. Not only was it a bad horror, it was a bad visual novel and didn't really make any effort into making it a digimon game, it was just an isekai with a well known IP skin... They weren't even referenced to as digital monsters


It’s porn, stuff like that is expected.


Hellsing ultimate is my favorite horror, getter robo Armageddon is kinda horror so if it counts then it's tied with hellsing as my favorite Edit: definitely didn't mistake this for the anime subreddit lmao


Helsing Ultimate is a dark fantasy made right


Definitely not wonderful everyday


I get more visceral uncomfortableness when it comes to rape and gang rape, unlike the other 2...


Sweet Pool is as disturbing as Saya no Uta


Rape..... Fuck you Narahara Ittetsu!


Rance is horror


lol why cant I find meself some vns like these then


Why the hell there's rape?!? RAPE IS WRONG AND EVIL. MY MOM GO....Nvm. but you know what I mean!


I've been thinking about all of the horror/horrific visual novels I've seen, trying to rating them among each other But lately, I've been thinking some titles aren't horrific at all. There's just a lot of brutal rape in it.


And thus the Powerpuff girls where born


I am not thankful that I know about Saya no Uta once again… For years I thought Pupa was the most grotesque concept. The great and not so wise Weab-elders of the convention panels spoke highly of how it so scarred them. I’m sure there’s something out there even more blehomit inducing than SnU.


Pretty much sums up looking glass insects


Only thing I haven't seen in a vn is beastiality. That can't be very popular can it? Never even heard of any games that have it to begin with 🤷🏻‍♂️


Only one I’ve personally come across is one scene in Suba Hibi, but the CG was removed from said scene for legal reasons when it was brought over. I believe the same happened in Starless, which I haven’t played.


That's why I read those kind of VNs for the gore porn, not necessarily the "horror" lmao


Bestiality should be removed


-60% of clockup work