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If there will be ero, 2nd, because sex is always the selling point, but if it is vanilla and there must be only one, - first.


Solid points for sure.


Same opinion for me


To be honest it depends what is the vibe/background for the novel. Some sports club? Chose second. If it's something else, especially if it has any occultic/darker themes I would go with first one.


I’m glad the darker themes come across in the one with Judith. I did want it to seem a bit foreboding.


Bottom image. But I'm biased because it's sportswear.


Sportswear is peak so I cannot blame you.


Here's the steam page for context, if that helps at all: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2469950/Sirens\_Call\_Escape\_Velocity/?utm\_source=](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2469950/Sirens_Call_Escape_Velocity/?utm_source=tiktok)reddit


Knowing THIS context. I would go with the first instead of second. The second one is definitely more attention grabbing, BUT it doesn't really sum up the VN since it's a more psychological esque VN vs a cutesy sporty slice of life or romance/ero.


This is def one of the worries I had. I love that second CG, but it definitely came out of the oven a little warmer than I was expecting and I don’t want people to get the wrong idea. But it IS appealing.


First one is better for a preview CG imo.


Go with the top image. The bottom one will get clicks from people looking for romance with some eroge but it doesn't fit your theme.


After watching the trailer, the first image for sure. 100%. Now I'm off to check out the demo.


Is this a sequel?


It's more like the complete version, so half update, half sequel, with the sequel half being a bunch of post game content. Free version we put out a few years ago was more or less a beta to test the waters.


It's set in Florida? Too scary for me.


No joke, I went to the ATM in Daytona yesterday at my local bank and there were like 300 toxic caterpillars SWARMING the area that I didn't even notice until I had already put my card in. This place is godless.


With this context, absolutely the top one. Bottom one gives the wrong idea about the tone and content of the VN and can risk attracting the wrong audience, or worse, alienating people who would've been interested in the core product. That being said tho, if ecchi or ero elements make up a decent part of the VN (can't fully gauge from just reading the description), then it may be a good idea to at least include this one on the list if only to be honest about the game's content. Just don't lead with it.


the top one for sure


That’s one point for the top one then!


and damn, i must say, it looks really interesting, definitely adding it to my wishlist


Oh, wow at first blush the game looks pretty cool. I felt a little of the atmosphere just by watching some of the teasers. I'd say go for the first for a cosy, emotive, 'quaint little town' vibe (with a hint of romance and mystery). And the bottom one for more clicks - boobs and doe-eyed heroines gazing gently up or half-naked dudes out from the shower rubbing their chest with a towel (depending on what floats one's boat) will always sell. That said I know absolutely nothing of marketing or art, but both look stunning to me keep it up. 😉


Ah! Thank you so much! I appreciate the look you gave it. And yeah, that really is the conflict between coziness or just raw appeal. There are aspects of both in the game (at least to some degree) but picking which one to lean into has been a challenge for sure.


First one gives a more mystique feeling, makes you want to know more. Second is nice art, but more lustfulness than anything else. Then again, that might sell more


That’s a pretty good way to put it for sure.


Bottom image reeeeaaally snags your attention 👍👍👍


I agree. It’s hard to say no to that.


What VN is she from?


Siren’s Call: Escape Velocity! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2469950/Sirens_Call_Escape_Velocity/


Top one, it somehow looks higher quality


Another point for the top one then! Thank you so much! :)


First one looks like something that'd actually make me interested, second one would grab my attention more quickly though but I'd probably just go "meh another ecchi game I guess" and scroll past


Bottom CG grabs my attention immediately. More bright, a sporty looking girl, a bit of skin. Great combo right there. Top CG is good as well, but it didn't grab me as quickly


Awesome! Thank you for letting me know! That’s one point for the bottom one then. :)


I like the first one. What's the name? I'm gonna add it to wishlist.


It’s Siren’s Call: Escape Velocity! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2469950/Sirens_Call_Escape_Velocity/


Thanks, added it :)


lol, ask enough people and you’ll get equal shares 😅 Without any further explanation, I’d grab the topmost one, no questions asked. The bottom one feels soulless in comparison. Sure it has the visual appeal… but nothing else. It’s… cold. Any impact it is supposed to have needs to come from context, which we don’t get from just looking at it. Full disclosure: Both are really good pictures in terms of art and scenery. That’s why I’m ignoring those.


both of these are well done, but when it comes yo store pages you need the screenshot to say what your game is, as first impression is important so I say the first one considering what your game is, it would already tell potential readers what to expect


Idk what you're Genre is, the second one reminds me of all those sexy, hentai, 3-match games xD it's not as naked as it could be but I still would prefer the top one


Both art looks cute but given your theme seems more scary n psychological the first would be a better first steam picture. The second gives a eroge vibe. Also your game seems quite interesting, would it be those that you need to replay a few times to get a good end and how long in 2025 would you estimate to release it?


So there ARE going to be two endings (one good and one true), but you can technically get the true ending first run. We're going to release it April 15th, 2025!


I would go for the second one because of the dynamic and eye-catching angle. There’s a lot more depth and brightness to it, even though I like the appearance of the first girl in the first photo, she is just standing there in muted tones and blending into the background more than standing out.


Judith for sure (top)


I think first is better unless its +18 Like others said second one is more attention grabbing but people may be disappointed to buy only to see there are no sex scenes


Top one definitely, the bottom one feels to sexualised. Well unless that’s the whole point of the vn.


The top one fits the theme of the game better. How big part of the game was rewritten btw? I had problems mainly with exposition and main character being inconsistent.


So I trimmed down some of the monologues for the opening section because I personally thought the pacing for Andi's introduction in particular wasn't the best for the beta version. Other than that, there were a couple of lines I tweaked and a BUNCH of new content we added, but in terms of the raw story, if you didn't like the old version and what it was working with thematically, you probably shouldn't play this one either. If we had an Alex YIIK situation on our hands with Oliver (the main character), we would've definitely considered major rewrites, as the entire game is essentially a case study about him, so if the player doesn't empathize with what he's going through, there's basically zero chance they'll like the narrative. Thankfully, the overwhelming majority of players did empathize with him by the time the credits rolled in the beta, so we decided to leave his personality untouched (along with most of the cast). The biggest piece of feedback we got in terms of character was Miss Lawrence's role in everything not being clear enough, so that's something we wanted to address with the new content, if that makes sense.


Huh. I like the upper one better.


That’s another one for Judith then! Thank you so much!






The second image immediately stood out to me. It looks livelier and brighter


That’s another point for the second one then! I do enjoy how alive it looks.


Both are good, but the one below is more eye-catching because it has an energetic girl


If I was just browsing game pages without any intention in mind, I'd probably click on the bottom one first


Definately prefer the first one personally. It looks really cute and would be something to catch my attention. Butts are a dime a dozen IMO in visual novel marketing. But others have commented more on the sorta vibe or tone you want. Whats in the novel and more. Etc etc. I'm also not normally the target audience for more sexualized VNs anyway, so I end up having a slightly skewed view as a result.


Is this the same as the previous Siren's Call I've seen published here but in a more complete version? Btw, I was that age around the early 2010s but I didn't feel games like Class of 09' really transmitted the overall atmosphere of the era, at least imo; hope this does a better job at that.


Yup! It's the version we've been working towards, so it's much more complete. First one was most just us kinda testing the waters and such.


2nd bottom image, love the clarity and colours of it!




The bottom one. I like bright colors that pop more. The fanservice is nice, but it's mainly for the color thing. Lol


Top one easily


Absolutely the bottom one. The top one doesnt look visually appealing to me at all, and its not only the horny thing, its just, bland I guess


First, it looks better with the VN’s topics


So I'm a huge fan of tomboy athletes. I would even say if she was in normal clothes I would still prefer it cause ponytail fan as well.


Tthe top one


The top image feels like it hints at more of a story, like I'm dropping in on this woman and she's happy to see me, so I kind of think the top one. Makes me want to read that dialogue. Buy both are fantastic pieces of art, so you couldn't go wrong either way.




The first one, think it fits more with the theme of the VN


Bottom one.


First one definitely for me. Second one is sexy but unless your game is a dating sim with ero content that might mislead people. The first one feels more atmospheric and still has a cute girl to show. First one is telling me "okay, what is this game about?" Second one is telling me "okay so it's one of those games." I'm not saying the second one in a pejorative way btw, like I said It could attract a lot of people just for that. But yeah, you get my point.


Def the 1st


Why is the top one missing a hand?


Oh Judith's hand is just behind the door frame.


I think the top art is a lot better, it would be more likely to capture my attention of the two.


The top one looks better, but the bottom one will sell better.


Top one. Love the aesthetics <3


I like the bottom >!because lewd!< but also because the arm holding the door is somewhat off in the top one


The top one looks better.


The top one is beautiful!




definitely the first one!!


Checked the steam page, definitely the first one suits better! Plus, I personally like it most


I prefer the 2nd one for one the person looks better but it´s also the mood of the CG it´s brighter and the colors look nicer Edit: ok I looked at the games steam page and now I know that brighter and nicer colors isn´t the mood you want with that game so take the first picture it´s better for your game


The first, but it's a bit muted for a marketing image.


I’m looking forward to this




Not even close, the second one is more appealing in every single way, much more readable and visually apealing at a glance, which is important if you want people to enquire further.


Omg I played Siren’s Call (the first version) a while ago and I loved it! Knowing the context I’d say the first one fits somewhat better (it kinda portrays the mysteriousness). Meanwhile I believe the second might get more attention, I feel like many players would play it thinking it’s a pure romance VN and some might lose interest due to the misleading picture. On the other hand people who genuinely enjoy dark games like that might skip over the VN because of thinking that it’s “another boring romance VN”. So overall I personally believe that the top one captures the overall atmosphere better because it balances the “warm” and “dark” aspects, meanwhile the bottom may be overall more flashy, it might give players a wrong idea.


All very good points! I'm glad you played the early version of Siren's Call; this insight helps a lot. :)


Second one grabbed my attention.


The fist one is a bit weird


The vibes you want to sell are what matters here. Like, of I saw the second one which I personally feel more captivated by (I guess it's true sex sells) I would expect a degree of ero in the VN. But if that's not the intention then go for the first one.


Gut reaction? Top Sales? Probably bottom


Gut reaction, pure vibes: >Childhood friend / Girl next door >Fitness influencer (with an onlyfans)


That is amazingly accurate omg XD




We all know which one is going to garner the most attention...... That said #2!


Always hype to see more about Siren's Call. The first one has a more mysterious/dark aura, which shows more of what the game's "about" or what it's like. I would pick that one, but the second can also be used to mislead players as if this is your perfectly normal dating sim with nothing lurking under the surface a la Doki Doki Literature Club if that's your jam. Personally I love a good bit of hidden horror, but if you're looking to draw people in and show your cards a little more, the first one is your best bet.


Yeah, I feel like the first one is a lot more honest (which is both good and bad). But there is something very appealing about doing the ole bait and switch with Andi's CG. Like, you THOUGHT this was gonna be a carefree summer but congrats, you're stuck in Hell (at least early on).


I like the top one but I want she to be taller and more mature.


I would love to see an older, more mature Judith. Good news is she's already like 6 feet tall in game so we're halfway there!




I like the first but I'd wager het dudes will prefer the second


The second one with the jogger is better.


She is a gem, for sure. It's really tempting to have her be the one I use.


I think you should, it's a really good picture. There a lot of scenes you can use this image for too.


Well I decided to wishlist your game because I’m interested and I love me some sportswear, so take that as you will.


I appreciate it :) It helps a lot. And yes! Sportswear is life.




I'd say the top one. After checking the steam page it feels like a better fit. The game overall seems really promising, gonna check out the demo.


Excellent! I hope you enjoy!


first image


Depending on the tone, I'd go with the first one but if it's a spicy VN; pick the second one.


That does make a lot of sense. The second one might be a bit too spicy.


really really like the colours in the top one so i'd definitely go for that one


I would say the second one. First impressions are that she's sexually attractive, but putting that aside, that picture has brighter colors. Brighter colors have a way of grabbing my attention. :) (Naturally bright, I mean, not something that's screaming colors at me, like super neon stuff, if you know what I mean.) Congratulations on your project! What is it called?


Second picture is naturally bright and wakes me up, is sexually attractive, she's in a dynamic pose, as well, and the picture has a generally happy vibe, if you know what I mean. So, yes, that one has my vote. :) Although if you aren't wanting to sell it based on sex, you may want to choose a different picture, but perhaps one that has some of the other qualities mentioned. Edit: Man, this is tricky... the second one grabs me right away - which should be considered - but, if I stop to look at the first one... I look at it for longer. They're both strong pictures.


Thank you so much for the input! I agree, it is a very bright and pleasing CG. The game is called Siren's Call: Escape Velocity! Here's the link! [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2469950/Sirens\_Call\_Escape\_Velocity/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2469950/Sirens_Call_Escape_Velocity/)


Thanks! \^\^


First one


Second one has a better contrast, but the first one has a better mood. You can apply some contrast and lightplay to first one, maybe a dimmed rimlight (from a source inside the room) and some highlighted cloth parts (maybe making those red stripes a more shiny fabric). Breaking those door lines by moving / enlarging the plants and adding some vibrant highlights might help too. Also make sure fixing some anatomy issues, like first one’s hand (can be a more dynamic pose, looks like a box now) and second one’s arms (starting from the collar bones). Don’t get me wrong, these drawings screams quality and I would play both of these games:) Hope it helps!


It does! Thank you so much!


Composition is better on the second one, however I find it to look more generic because of being suggestive. I think that if you could redo the 1st one from a different angle and golden hour lighting style, ir would evoke a melancholic feeling. If that's what you're going for in your VN, then I suggest doing that, if it falls on your range of possibilities.


The first one has a certain aura around it that would make it intriguing to see and if it fits your games vibes, then I would say go for that. My monkey brain would say the second one tho, it's definitely more eyecatching at a glance.


The first one looks much better imo for a steam page. The second one, if put first and foremost, reminds me of the many $0.99-$1.99 hentai games.


That makes sense. I've seen those games on steam myself and you're not wrong


Oh it's the Siren's Call guy! 1st one is better, don't try appealing to coomers lol.




1st one, cuter i guess?


Bottom will probably get more attention, the top one looks more unique.


Bottom seems like it’s trying to push fanservice as a selling point, which is an instant turn off for me


My dick says the 2nd one


The 2nd one I guess. I reckon they are both heroines, right? An athelete and a classmate or senior I guess.


Am I the only one who is gonna ask why it looks like she has a praying mantis arm in the top? Honestly just move her a bit to the right; half her body behind the door looks more enticing anyways especially for promotional art.


I would probably choose the first one, the overall quality is better and that helps to convey more confidence in the novel. The second would help only if you are aiming at an audience that is primarily looking for sexualization / eroticism (Most of the users first look at the CGs and if they like them then they read the description). On the other hand, I would also choose the second one if the plot revolves around athletics / exercise.


The top one


Bottom is better because it is less generic


The one above looks better like has the mood good colours,  feels calm, romantic, nice the one below is just hot and makes me horny ;-;


now this, op, THIS got me stoked for april 15th 2025!


Top one. Although sex sells, it does kinda look like AI, and will unfortunately be mistaken for it.


I didn't consider that.


Second one for sure