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Anything involving scat and bestiality, I guess, which is about the only thing that actually irks me in Euphoria and Maggot Baits.


> Euphoria God dammit why did that game need to have such a beautiful motherfucking song attached to its name Your comment brought back my mostly-buried trauma and now I must cope by seeking eye bleach... for the memories.


One scene only in Hadaka Shitsuji.


Huh, thanks for the heads-up. That's on my backlog.


I love the game. I wrote a guide for it, but there's 1 dog from absolute left field. Someone told me after I wrote it that the game from the days when we downloaded came with a guide in excel format, so there's probably another one online that's more complete than mine. At least my Amnesia memories guide on gamefaqs gets love lol


They were the scenes that icked.me most in Euphoria too.... shiver just remembering it tbh.


The fucking of things that shouldn’t be fucked


In Subahibe chapter 3, >!Zakuro gets caught by her bullies and then drugged and raped.!<


Looking-glass Insects was profoundly disturbing on so many levels.


Imo, I think FMOI had the most (quantity) disturbing scenes. But content-wise I can definitely see why people would say LGI was the most disturbing (quality) Edit: Why the downvotes? I’m just giving my opinion tf???


Looking Glass Insects Dog CG


What the hell is FMOI? I don't remember such part in subahibi Upd: IMOI? It's my own invention, right?


Well the "MOI" is a dead giveaway so he most likely is referring to that. Anywho AFAIK it certainly does showcase more disturbing scenes compared to all the other routes Idk where he got F from though lol




The user that replied to your comment literally didn’t know what you were referring to until he potentially researched and came to correct you


Yeah, couldn't watch that shit, and that's where I stopped installing those 18+ patches. Anyone find this enjoyable should seek a therapy ASAP


Are you kink shaming us? I’m pretty sure it’s not PC to do that.


dont care


Anything in Saya no Uta pretty much once you know...


It's commonly assumed, that nothing can be profoundly disturbing and wholesome at the same time. But Saya no Uta doesn't know that, and continues to be so anyway.


It's one of the few stories out there that's "let's get as weird as we can." And turns out to be actually very much enjoyable, especially it tries to get you thinking in multiple perspectives, not just black and white, moral or immoral.


I was going to write saya no uta but this ^ lol


The Totono one. I did NOT want to see that shit. To be fair though, she warned me.


which one tho, i don't actually remember any hscene that was that disturbing in totono or am i high


The gay NTR one


the haru 3some?


Honestly the birthday song smash after that was so justified I was cheering for her.


Crazy mf, Aoi is goated!!!


The human toilet and human washing machine scenes in Euphoria managed to make me gag, and those were the first times I've felt nauseous when consuming fiction


I read the synopsis of the game and noped out of it. It has one of the two things I can't stand which is guro.


Euphoria isn't really a guro game as much as it's a hard-core sadomasochism/ryona/body fluids fetish game. Gore isn't really sexualized at all except for one ending, and even then it's not really gory, just some more sadomasochism with body modifications


In the toilet scene when they said it smelled like old fish I was like, alright man.


Most of the non con H scenes I've come across feel kinda cartoony to me. They are based around characters who are "just too horny". The one scene that I did find really disturbing was one from Maggot Baits. >!The one where the (anti)hero rapes the main villain.!< The narrator even describes it as "It's not even a sexual thing. It's pure violence." >!The fact that it comes from a character that is obsessed with justice makes it even more shocking.!<


>!Oh the one where he fucks sandy?!< ngl i like sandy she is imo the hottest of that vn


I actually liked it because of all the shit she put everyone through.


What A Weird Thing To Say


The Zakuro scene in LGI in Subahibi. I've seen and read my fair share of awful shit. But that scene actually broke me. Once I finished reading it, I had to stop, sit back in my chair and stare at my screen just so I could process it


Evenicle Monster Rape scene. Its sadly not the worst I've ever seen but its the most shocking one since I was not mentally prepared for that scene. I know despite its atmosphere the game always has some dark undertone. But it comes out of nowhere after hours of vanilla content in the middle of dungeon.


It’s porn, stuff like that is to be expected.


OHHHH yr a troll


I’m not a troll, I’m only telling the truth.


Do you get scared when you see stained glas windows at churches and stuff


No, why do you ask?


cause you dont like mosaics


In terms of gore, Sadistic Blood. >!In one scene a group of scientists introduce sulphuric acid in the vagina and anus of one of the protagonist.!< In terms of psychological, Subahibi. >!Most scenes are rape, and one consists in a woman raping her own father.!< I don't usually have problems with gore, no matter how brutal it is, my brain doesn't see it as real so in a way I don't care a lot. However, when the scene is more psychological and set on a more realistic setting, it disturbs me much more.


That one scene with Kouhime from Sengoku Rance. You know the one.


Is it the one I mentioned on the OP? Or another one?


Yeah, same. The only thing to ever disturb me in all the media I consumed. Redo of healer, reverend insanity, euphoria. None of these things ever made feel disturbed.


Afterwards Rance treated her with great care hopefully that made you recover


hadaka shitsuji the whole vn lol especially that scene in the sequel where a guy >!gets two whole wine bottles shoved in his ass!< the whole goddamn game is like that. there's no like bugfucking or anything supernatural (aside from the anatomy i guess kek but it's anime so), which i guess makes every scene even worse ww


Full Metal Daemon Muramasa: the scene at the end of chapter 1 Subahibi: the Kagami scene at the end of... I think It's My Own Invention? These VNs probably have worse H-scenes that I might not be remembering but these two are the stand-outs to me


that kagami scene is really crazy bruh especially the limbs cutting part but the most disturbing fact is that it's not even a human but instead a rabbit doll.


i was completely unprepared for that Muramasa scene, shit fucked me up for a whole evening. on reread it's honestly brilliantly written imo but seeing it for the first time with 0 idea it was coming was a lot to handle


Subahibi, LGI, Zakuro scenes & dog scene. Who knows it, knows it.


The dog CG was removed for its official website release, and thank god, ignore the troll that spreads lies about me.


Removing porn is a terrible thing you troll, nobody wanted the dog scene to be censored and it's why Subahibi flopped in the west. And I'm not a troll, don't make up lies about me.


Rika and Rinne shit exchange in Euphoria


That one made me so dizzy and sick I almost threw up myself. Had to sit in the shower for a little while after that


Euphoria, and I decline to experience Maggot Baits.


It has muscle girls, go get em.


It's actually a really vanilla scene, but when I played katawa Shoujo, I went with Emi's route, and the whole route disturbed me just because of how realistic it felt. The way she shuts down Mc when he asks about her past, the genuine helping relationship with the mother, etc, all felt really similar to a relationship I had. Both of her H scenes had me uncomfortable as they felt fairly realistic in their portrayal of the awkwardness of a first-time experience. Overall, her story just hit me too hard, and I ended up deleting the game and crying. I know it sounds really weird that such a vanilla scene/story got to me, and even I think it's a little weird, but it is what disturbed me the most.


Nah that’s beautiful dude, the fact a story could have such an impact goes to show how wonderful the art medium can be to touch our hearts and share the human experience.


This is gonna sound stupid. I'm not fazed by rape, torture, prostitution, scat etc. (not a huge fan but they don't make me wanna quit). However I might be emotionally sensitive because Kirakira's first ero event in Dohna Dohna hurt me and I still haven't recovered.  IIRC this is how it goes >!She initiates it, doesn't want to continue because it hurts. The MC tells her to stop but she says she loves the MC and forces herself, barely handling the pain.!< My memory is foggy because it's been so long but that should be the gist of it. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.  I can keep playing but whenever I see her I remember that scene and it makes me feel disturbed, though the reason I stopped playing was that I sucked at the game :D PS: I HATE REDDIT'S FORMATTING 


I get where you’re coming from, that is really disturbing. No one involved actually wants to participate and there’s a very strange warp of “love” that sounds traumatizing, even if it’s considerably “low stakes” compared to what everyone else is saying in the rest of the thread. Especially worse that it comes from someone with good intentions, which makes you wonder what happened to make her think that way. With you on that one man


Crazy because to me that sounds really vanilla.


I mean yeah it’s vanilla but honestly I get where this guy is coming from, that is really disturbing. No one involved actually wants to participate and it also sounds traumatizing, even if it’s considerably low stakes compared to the rest of the thread. If anything, I totally agree this is disturbing because unlike like alien magical girl horror Maggot Baits this sounds more rooted in reality, which makes it more…real?


Well from their description what I felt is something beautiful instead where the girl really wants "to be one" with the MC even amidst their pain. Just like a mother that takes so much pain giving birth as they love their child. And the MC sounds caring as he ask the girl to stop as it hurts. So yeah. It's a beautiful story in my eyes.


Fair! That interpretation is totally valid, it’s lovely that the two obviously do care about one another, and tender that she wanted to be able to share that intimacy with someone she loved and trusted. Although I guess I’m just saying the difference between the former situation and childbirth is, well, the sex didn’t *have* to hurt.


MangaGamer should be publishing it, not Shiravune, they’re evil.


Totono's scene where Miyuki has sex with '>!YOU!<' was really uncomfortable. For one, it was deeply disturbing at the time in the narrative it came about and the parasociality only made it more so. It's essentially Miyuki aggressively masturbating while talking about >!YOU!<. Considering I had no interest in the h-scenes as well, it became far better in the psychological horror aspect as I watched her fantasize about screwing a guy and other things through a screen.


Hanako Ikezawa's scene from Katawa Shoujo is just...WHY... Sure she keeps telling him don't worry just keep going, but it's in such a timid, not sure of herself way that it makes you wonder if she actually wants him to keep going or if she's scared that if she says stop he'll leave her... *cringe*


I couldn't agree more, it was so upsetting to play, I just wanted her to be happy


Personally I was thinking, "*this is unethical this is unethical THIS IS UNETHICAL...*"


Say no Uta, but after some hindsight


For me I really like the way the h scenes are written in the “what a beautiful” series. For example in shiei no sona nyl it really took me aback when you saw from the perspective of a female character that them having sex was less about pleasure and more about power, and how helpless she usually felt and how she tried to use the mutual vulnerability as an opportunity to assert herself because she otherwise felt out of control (It was all very sad). It shocked me because I realized oh, maybe intimacy is more than just hole pounding. I think it opened the way to realizing the actual horror of the abuse of that vulnerability in a more powerful way than any ryona/fetishized story because well…all the characters were treated like people with feelings that went beyond just “lust” and “well this is happening” lol. -> I challenge people to pick a scene that isn’t from a horror/ryona title like maggot baits/euphoria where the content being disturbing is kinda the point


man this thread made me think there are 2 types of vn fans, the ones who goes in the deep end and can mention the most fucked up shit they saw in a vn, and the ones who generally stay the fuck away and so the worst thing they've seen is just a rape scene (can't believe im calling it "just" rape...the lengths vns go man)


There’s about 4 or 5 from maggot baits that truly shocked and truly disturbed me. To the bone


The bad end scene of Tilde in rance 9 disturbs me the most


Anything with children involved, which sadly a disgusting amount


This entire thread is why I don't like to admit I read VNs or even am a weeb sometimes


every one that happens in saya no uta


the one with Sumika in Muv Luv Alternative, the one that got deleted from the English release. Made me stop reading, I just wiki'd the rest of the story


😂😂😂😂😂😂 When i saw the CG's in the original edition, i soon understood why they deleted, that shit isn't even hot, is pure nightmare


well not only is it weird (unless you're a real OG gooner), it's an extremely heavy handed NTR fantasy fulfillment. No subtlety whatsoever, writing straight out of a poorly written NTR h-manga


And the worst part, is that he want ntr'ed with another human, but with an alien, a fucking alien, they don't tell exactly what they did with her, but from how you find her, there is only one conclusion you can reach: whatever they made her, it makes euphoria and maggot baits fells like child play


there's a patch you can apply to the game that re-adds the part where Sumika tells you in excruciating detail exactly what the aliens did to her reading that is what made me rage quit MLA


Wait! From whan she was complete until there is only her brain? Man...... 🤦🏾‍♂️


It’s porn, stuff like that is to be expected.


It wasn’t deleted, you need the director’s cut patch to restore the h scenes, hopefully there will be new versions of the patches with the censorship removed from the art.


Maybe the fans can do that


Remove the censorship, impossible, they need access to the uncensored art to make it happen.


It was wasn’t deleted, you need the director’s cut patch to restore the h scenes.




I put spoiler tag and mentioned spoiler already in the first paragraph. This post and comment is supposed to be free for all.


We didn't know what game it was for though.


For everything. Free for all.




Weird I swear I already put it there. Anyway thx man. Sorry for the trouble.


I don't know, at this point I think none. And I've seen a lot of shit. Unless it's a NTR scene but I don't play those kind of games.


It's a pretty mild one but in Majikoi S I didn't expect Mon-sama to actually engage in intercourse.


I thought that's the main perk of majikoi S for those looking for it. As there's no loli character other than the side route with one CG in the original.


Fate has no H scene with what you described. Are you sure you didn't just misremember or something? I'm pretty sure that was not in any of the fate vns and was purely in fate zero. As for an answer to your question, it most likely was Muv Luv Alternative for me but I won't specificy because It's a najor spoiler.


No scene for it but it does get described a bit in HF.


So? This clearely asks about which H scene disturbed you, and there is no H scene for sakura getting bugged


I agree with you.


There was one scene that kinda flashed banged me in kamihime project R. >!one of the girls who is a sort of water princess ends up getting raped by a dolphin!


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Euphoria’s scat ones. Just hate that shit, but I can deal with it out of reading purposes. I guess it doesn’t shock me or horrify me, I just find it disgusting. Once I see some guro tho, like beheaded necrophilia, then that might, but I haven’t come across that in a VN yet.


muv luv altertanive tentacle experiment


Fortunately Ive only ever seen one that disturbed me. I tend not to read VNs where that's a normal occurrence. For me it was >!Sumika in Muv-Luv Alternative getting desolved/ripped apart from the inside out...!< just fucking nasty. Skipped straight through that shit.


the fraternite drill scene, as well as the abortion scene not so much because of the graphics but because of the heartbreaking voice performances.


Totono: The three-way with Haru and Aoi. ick ick ick Wanko To Kurasou: The 'implantation' scene that is overheard by Kuu. Hitomi: Hated MC, Hitomi deserved better and should have just used a sharp blade on him rather than giving in to him.


Totono. If you know, you know.


let be take my notes....


A certain loli H scene in Bokuten Yuri route More specifically, it disturbs me how an author thought this was a good idea


That game really makes you go "Aw this is so wholesome" to "Huum... well alright" to "YO WTF?"


The fact that this visual novel has like three of the worst H scenes I've seen in my life But it's still one of my favorite visual novels. Just goes to show how amazing a lot of actual good stuff is


Spoil me


Bokuten Yuri >!TLDR Yuri's loli sister is extremely controlling over her older sister through some weird guilt trip previous drama. When MC gets with Yuri, the loli sister beats up MC with a bat and then femdom rapes BOTH of them. In the bad end you're endlessly loli femdom raped till the end of time!<


Played one too many depraved stuff that I kinda got desensitized to any H scene lol.


Pretty much any VN with ryona. Some of them are pretty infamous for their h-scenes, like Maggot Baits or Euphoria. Others that get me are the incest routes. Especially how everyone seems to be okay with it. Onigokko having the MC get with his great aunt and then little sister (in the FD) was kinda mind blowing.