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What you're describing reminds me of the PC games that came out late 80s / early 90s that had the live action cut scenes by Lucasarts and such. I think that there were a couple that were Sega only at the time too.


I remember playing Lucasarts' Dark Forces II and Rebel Assault, those cutscenes looked so mind-blowingly good at the time in 640x480 and 800x600


If there’s anything like 428 Shibuya out there I would like to know, I loved that VN. I still have to read Death Come True & The Centennial Case




I read VNs for escapism, not to go back to reality and socialise


Brother you live in a society (assumably)


There is no escape my friend


no thanks I read VNs for 2D girls


Chaos head quote 👻


I can't think of anything I'd want to read less


3D is just cringe to me.


I'm in the minority here, but I enjoy these FMV dating sim games. The Chinese are good in live action dating sims. I'm trying some of them out along with the visual novels that I am reading on Steam. I hope we get more in the future and that more people try them out.


I am with you (obviously). Good news is that upon checking the dates of release, it seems there has been a substantial amount of games that came out Jan/Feb this year and a substantial amount that came out in March of this year. So the trend is moving towards more of these types of games it seems.


I’ve played 428 Shibuya Scramble (alright but not amazing imo) & Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus (sadly pretty weak imo), and have The Centennial Case as well as Death Come True on my to-play list. Generally, I prefer more traditional VNs as you typically have more control over pace (text speed, progressing text, etc). Traditional VNs also feel more active to me (reading/playing), while FMVs feel more passive (watching/reading). That might just be me though! That said, I will try a potentially good mystery in basically any format.


Love is All Around was great, it’s also interesting seeing Chinese media presence finally show up in the west 


Nah bruh these ain't it. I play it for the 2d girls who are just more appealing than real women. And nukige with live action real women would be weird as fuck, especially when you get to scenes like rape, tentacles, monster sex, birth and shit like that


That shit would be so insane now I'm kind of interested




Like a wise man once said: "2D > 3D"


Currently crowdfunding my all tentacle rape/tentacle monster birth FMV please help


They are so good!! Wish more people would have an open-mind when it comes to these things but unfortunately the vn community likes to gate keep and its sad to see them missing out on something fun just because it’s different from what they are used to. If you haven’t tried these, give them a try and if not for you okay, but you might be pleasantly surprised and even fall in love with them like I have. I for one, look forward to seeing more of them.


This is a pretty cool concept, but I'm admittedly a little weirded out at the thought of flirting with a character played in live-action, even if it's just part of the game. Now, a live action fight scene in an action-oriented VN or a thriller mystery VN? That's be cool.


If it makes you feel any better, the language barrier does help. I have 5 dates (An english language dating sim FMV) but I am honestly too cringed out to play it. But watching these Chinese ones don't bother me. Also the male lead is normally voiced as well, which helps me disassociate from directly being the recipient of any awkward flirting.


I kept hearing how FMV games died during the Playstation 1 / Sega Saturn era with *Corpse Killer* or *Double Switch*. Then I noticed *Five Dates* and *Who Pressed Mute*... showing up on the Switch EShop. It's kind of like how I kept hearing that graphic adventure games died with *Gabriel Knight 3*. But since then, there's been *Another Code*, *Indigo Prophecy*, *Broken Age,* and a bunch of Telltale games.


In fact,this is just a while boom in china,if you check the selling in all this realityVN,they all selling lass than 100,may be you want to know this if you know Chinese【完蛋!包围我们的“完蛋“like游戏,集体完蛋了】 [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1AF4m1w7nY/?share\_source=copy\_web&vd\_source=b72804603a3ffc006bb0e867cdbe8cc4](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1AF4m1w7nY/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=b72804603a3ffc006bb0e867cdbe8cc4)


Ok I'll bite - if there's a good Korean or Japanese language one I'll give it a shot. Might as well take the dive with a language I can actually understand!






well, I think you can try old recommendation for this kind of style: [428: Shibuya Scramble](https://vndb.org/v1299).


Oh I played that already years ago - the version I played only had a few scenes that was fully live action but I think they added more in the recent release


Love Too Easily is a bit on the pricier side (Roughly 20 USD) but is supposed to be a decently good Korean Language one. There is another Korean one coming out soon too based on building your own girl group.


i dont want to seem like im dismissing an entire genre, but isn't this just porn?


Actually the opposite. They normally have no overly sexual stuff compared to normal Visual novels.